Smash Rookie
So let's see here... Myself, Roy, Falco, Little Mac, Solid Snake, Cloud, Ganondorf, Ike, and Marth are all in the same house (I decided to include secondaries and more than Smash 4 mains)
Here we go...
We just finish moving all the boxes and everyone is inside. Roy tries to cook a large ass feast for the celebration, but burns it. Ganondorf gets really pissed off and accidentally hits Little Mac. Little Mac becomes equally pissed off and K.O. punches Ganondorf through the roof of the house. Solid Snake is waving his tranquilizer around and accidentally shoots Falco, who reflects it, hitting Marth in accidentally. All while Ike is trying to keep the peace. Cloud and Roy are hitting it off, talking like crazy in the living room while watching some TV while Falco sits on a recliner nearby trying to comprehend what they're saying. Falco and I begin to make fun of Little Mac's recovery while he is gone.
And by the end of the day, the house is burned down. (I forgot to put Fox ._.)
Alternate and simpler version
- Is extremely sarcastic toward everybody, and seems to "not be interested" in any group gatherings. Blasts edgy music in his room so loud that the entire house can hear it.
- The peacemaker, he fights for his friends when something goes wrong in the household. Really good at holding the neutral feeling in the home.
- The guy who accidentally burns everything. He tends to get mistaken for Marth a lot and it pisses him off a bunch. One of the few guys Cloud gets along with.
- The grumpy roommate, always at someone else's neck. Always trying to pick a fight, and boasts about his magic powers.
- The one guy everybody is secretly afraid of. A short man with a short fuse, he doesn't appreciate taking planes on vacations, or anything that involves flying... or air...
- A master of hide and seek, even though he always hides in a cardboard box. Is the best at making his roommates "go to sleep"
- That really annoying guy in the house who claims he was and still is the best, constantly saying "I'll have you know I was voted best in Melee"
- The smartass in the household (makes Cloud look bad), constantly making jokes about Little Mac's stature and lack of jump height, saying stuff like "Personally, I prefer the air."
- The one person in the home who is on exchange from Japan, kinda stole Roy's spotlight after he came.
Here we go...
We just finish moving all the boxes and everyone is inside. Roy tries to cook a large ass feast for the celebration, but burns it. Ganondorf gets really pissed off and accidentally hits Little Mac. Little Mac becomes equally pissed off and K.O. punches Ganondorf through the roof of the house. Solid Snake is waving his tranquilizer around and accidentally shoots Falco, who reflects it, hitting Marth in accidentally. All while Ike is trying to keep the peace. Cloud and Roy are hitting it off, talking like crazy in the living room while watching some TV while Falco sits on a recliner nearby trying to comprehend what they're saying. Falco and I begin to make fun of Little Mac's recovery while he is gone.
And by the end of the day, the house is burned down. (I forgot to put Fox ._.)
Alternate and simpler version
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