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Y does every1 like pokemn/ wnt them in ssbb

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Smash Apprentice
Jul 15, 2006
The Gheetto
This thread is coming from the heart. I'm making it because I hate pokemon with such a burning passion, that I thought they deserved a thread putting them down. By the way, this is constructive criticism, I should not be ridiculed by pokemon fans for writing this. These are just a couple of reasons I hate pokemon.
First of all, this series clearly puts aside the christian belief that God created everything in its present state. Things don't just evolve! It's not natural! I mean sure, it's a cartoon... but seriously... Seeing as how America primarily has christian beliefs, alot of people from America still like pokemon!!.... WHAT THE HELL!!!
Second of all, Ash Ketchum... until just recently I didn't get the whole "ketchum" all, Ash "Ketchum" thing. The moment I recognized the similarities between the two phrases I paniced. It's like the two gay combination of words just made a baby that was even gayer!!!
It's not just about the whole Ketchum thing either, it's just the gayness of the character in general. Of course he's not going to be in brawl, but it's still terrible to have a character in a cartoon that makes the whole cartoon gay by hiself.
Third and lastly, why do the pokemon constantly use their name OVER and OVER again when they ATTACK, when they TALK, I wouldn't even be surprised if they moaned their name while having SEXUAL INTERCOURSE! Why, oh why do they have to use their names constantly? PIKACHU! PIKACHU!!! PIKKAKAACUCCHCUCHCUCHCUCHUCHUCHU!!!!!! THUNDERBOLT DAMIT!
Feel free to either agree or disagree with my CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM of the pokemon series. Maybe this thread will knock some sense into those hipocritical christians.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
Constructive criticism my ***. Just because you say it is doesn't make it true. What you are doing is ranting nonsense like a 9-year-old kid. I think it's time for a little vocabulary lesson:

Constructive Criticism:
I don't care for the Pokemon series because I find some of the elements somewhat juvenile, and for the fact that the gameplay doesn't really change between incarnations. Many of the games are essentially the same with different monsters, barring the spin-off titles, of course.
What you wrote:
OMG how can any1 like this crap these things are ghey and they only say there names WTF thees games suck everyone should hate them cuz i think so
You're welcome.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 15, 2006
The Gheetto
Constructive criticism my ***. Just because you say it is doesn't make it true. What you are doing is ranting nonsense like a 9-year-old kid. I think it's time for a little vocabulary lesson:

Constructive Criticism:

What you wrote:

You're welcome.
lololz! your just angry cuz pokemon stink XD. jk
But seoirusly, was i that blunt about it? lolz well those are just my feelings on pokemon, i dont wana fite about it but mayb you should think about it. Just think what the world would be like without pokemon... paradise....
actualy it probably wouldnt be. but stil, i dont like them. i no at least 1 or 2 of them wil b in the game, but i don't think they should be.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
I'll admit straight up that I hate pokemon, too. But I'm very well aware of how successful the games have been to Nintendo, and as much as I may not like it, I'd be willing to bet one new Pokemon character will make it in. One.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
lololz! your just angry cuz pokemon stink XD. jk
I don't like Pokemon either. What I wrote in the first quote was my actual feelings about the franchise.
but seoirusly, was i that blunt about it? l.
Dont' believe me? Take a good hard look at what you actually wrote. It came off as being quite childish.

I'll admit straight up that I hate pokemon, too. But I'm very well aware of how successful the games have been to Nintendo, and as much as I may not like it, I'd be willing to bet one new Pokemon character will make it in. One.
That's exactly how I feel. I don't like it, but I still acknowledge it's importance and popularity.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2007
Milwaukee, WI
Not constructive criticism at all. This thread is inspired by flat-out, "omg this show is gay and I hate it".

First of all, this series clearly puts aside the christian belief that God created everything in its present state. Things don't just evolve! It's not natural! I mean sure, it's a cartoon... but seriously... Seeing as how America primarily has christian beliefs, alot of people from America still like pokemon!!.... WHAT THE HELL!!!
The game is fantasy; it doesn't have to be realistic. And did you know that the Super Smash Bros. series "puts aside" that same Christian belief as well? If you want real, go play football or something.

Besides, you're clearly not a Christian, so I don't see why you have a problem with this matter.

Second of all, Ash Ketchum... until just recently I didn't get the whole "ketchum" all, Ash "Ketchum" thing. The moment I recognized the similarities between the two phrases I paniced. It's like the two gay combination of words just made a baby that was even gayer!!!
It's not just about the whole Ketchum thing either, it's just the gayness of the character in general. Of course he's not going to be in brawl, but it's still terrible to have a character in a cartoon that makes the whole cartoon gay by hiself.
Third and lastly, why do the pokemon constantly use their name OVER and OVER again when they ATTACK, when they TALK, I wouldn't even be surprised if they moaned their name while having SEXUAL INTERCOURSE! Why, oh why do they have to use their names constantly? PIKACHU! PIKACHU!!! PIKKAKAACUCCHCUCHCUCHCUCHUCHUCHU!!!!!! THUNDERBOLT DAMIT!
No one likes the show, which is the only place in which Ash Ketchum exists and Pokemon scream their name over and over. The reason Pokemon is massively popular in Japan and (to a lesser extent) America is because of the games.

Bobby Emerald

Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2006
LI, New York
These are just a couple of reasons I hate pokemon.
First of all, this series clearly puts aside the christian belief that God created everything in its present state. Things don't just evolve! It's not natural! Maybe this thread will knock some sense into those hipocritical christians.
First off,
1. Are you even Christian?
2. It's fantasy. Stop acting 8-ish.
And 3. Hypocitical Christians? Once again, are you Christian? If not, I suggest you shut your d*** mouth.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 27, 2006
Eh, I personally don't care about the franchise. I mean, I don't really like it, but I also don't dislike it. It's just another series to me.

But honestly, what the crap is up with your reasoning? I guess you hate Zelda too because it blatantly states that there are three goddesses. Oh em gee, blasphemy!
And I'd rather not use the word "gay" as a negative if I were you. It's just... not cool.

Actually, I doubt you can really call it constructive criticism because it's not like you're saying this to the makers of Pokemon right now. No, you're talking to us, Smashboarders. And we most certainly aren't the ones who can use this criticism to make the franchise better or anything. No, it's just a rant about your opinion.
And I respect it, of course, but seriously. Your reasoning kind of sucks.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2006
Central NJ, Rowan Univ. PM to play.
People love pokemon. How old are you? Nintendo doesn't just sell to mature people. Pokemon appeal to the younger crowd. I loved pokemon when i was younger. Thats why i bought SSB64. Now that im older i dont mind them but im no longer in love with them. Bottom line?

Money & Appeal.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
This thread is coming from the heart. I'm making it because I hate pokemon with such a burning passion, that I thought they deserved a thread putting them down. By the way, this is constructive criticism, I should not be ridiculed by pokemon fans for writing this. These are just a couple of reasons I hate pokemon.
Wrong room, first of all, but I'll bite.

First of all, this series clearly puts aside the christian belief that God created everything in its present state. Things don't just evolve! It's not natural! I mean sure, it's a cartoon... but seriously... Seeing as how America primarily has christian beliefs, alot of people from America still like pokemon!!.... WHAT THE HELL!!!
Oh Jesus, I never realized how sac-religous Pokemon was, this is such an eye-opener![/sarcasm] And yes, evolution has been basically taught as a scientific fact, and there is overwhelming evidence going FOR it than against it. Want to continue? Is God so strong and all-powerful, can he create a boulder so big that not even he can lift it? Or if he all-knowing, can he hide something so well even he will not find it when he goes back for it in a month? and get this, I'm a confirmed, baptised Catholic! Take the Bible with a grain of salt, it's Mythology mostly.

Second of all, Ash Ketchum... until just recently I didn't get the whole "ketchum" all, Ash "Ketchum" thing. The moment I recognized the similarities between the two phrases I paniced. It's like the two gay combination of words just made a baby that was even gayer!!!
It's not just about the whole Ketchum thing either, it's just the gayness of the character in general. Of course he's not going to be in brawl, but it's still terrible to have a character in a cartoon that makes the whole cartoon gay by hiself.
Wow, you JUST figured that out? And there better nor be anymore Gay-bashing out of you

Third and lastly, why do the pokemon constantly use their name OVER and OVER again when they ATTACK, when they TALK, I wouldn't even be surprised if they moaned their name while having SEXUAL INTERCOURSE! Why, oh why do they have to use their names constantly? PIKACHU! PIKACHU!!! PIKKAKAACUCCHCUCHCUCHCUCHUCHUCHU!!!!!! THUNDERBOLT DAMIT!
*shakes head at stupidity*

Feel free to either agree or disagree with my CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM of the pokemon series. Maybe this thread will knock some sense into those hipocritical christians.
Constructive criticism my ***. Just because you call it that doesn't mean it is.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Whew, man this thread did come from the heart. Well look at it this way Shiner, at least you get to beat the livin piss out of whatever pokemon comes on Brawl. That's always fun!


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
You must remember that Pokemon is the second best selling franchise in the world, second only to Mario. There is going to be at least one pokemon. It's inevitable.

The Black Cat

Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2006
The new username store.
Wow Shiner, your prety much trolling, Seth would be ashamed. Constructive critisisms? Hell no! And yes eveybody Shiner is a christian IRL (and an atheist bashing homo). But yes, I'm personally tired of "Which pokemon should be in Brawk a-dur" and "This one! Cuz he rox!". This is a game for nintendo stars, some pokemon are famous, and lets face for all of you who were 6-10 when pokemon came out and didn't like it you were considered a loser. Now I'm ok with pokemon in brawl, just as long as there aren't too many. We don't need 5+ characters that all breath fire, cause earthquakes, floods, and can summon/shoot out lightning. So sure 1 or 2 pokemon should be in, just as long as they make them fun to play/good characters/you know wat I mean.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 28, 2006
I'm Christian and I like Pokemon...

And I don't really think Ash is gay, but if you really wanted to, you could've pointed out the voice actor is a girl.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Right here with you... in your heart.
Now I'm ok with pokemon in brawl, just as long as there aren't too many. We don't need 5+ characters that all breath fire, cause earthquakes, floods, and can summon/shoot out lightning.
Are you SURE we don't need characters that can do that? Because if you were to ask me if I wanted a monster who could breath fire/ cause earthquakes/ floods/ shoot lightning etc... I'd be all for it. Face it, the ability to control earthquakes and such is awesome, end of story.

And as far as pokemon goes: I was about twelve when it first came out. I am part of the original target audience, OF COURSE I played pokemon back in it's heyday. And, truthfully, I still like pokemon, because I still enjoy battling monsters with elemental powers against each other. The show, cards, collectables, and spinoff games can all be ignored, so far as I'm concerned. It's the core pokemon games, from Blue and Red all the way to Pearl and Diamond, that rock out loud.


May 15, 2006

And as far as pokemon goes: I was about twelve when it first came out. I am part of the original target audience, OF COURSE I played pokemon back in it's heyday. And, truthfully, I still like pokemon, because I still enjoy battling monsters with elemental powers against each other. The show, cards, collectables, and spinoff games can all be ignored, so far as I'm concerned. It's the core pokemon games, from Blue and Red all the way to Pearl and Diamond, that rock out loud.
QF hardcore T, I am also a member of the Red/Blue club.

I'd almost go as far as to say the mainline Pokemon games are my favorite RPGs. Earthbound and Final Fantasy Tactics do beat it out in the long run (For humor and Battle system, respectively) but I'm still enamored with PKMN even to this day.

I can't wait for D/P to come out.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 15, 2006
The Gheetto
Eh, I personally don't care about the franchise. I mean, I don't really like it, but I also don't dislike it. It's just another series to me.

But honestly, what the crap is up with your reasoning? I guess you hate Zelda too because it blatantly states that there are three goddesses. Oh em gee, blasphemy!
And I'd rather not use the word "gay" as a negative if I were you. It's just... not cool.

Actually, I doubt you can really call it constructive criticism because it's not like you're saying this to the makers of Pokemon right now. No, you're talking to us, Smashboarders. And we most certainly aren't the ones who can use this criticism to make the franchise better or anything. No, it's just a rant about your opinion.
And I respect it, of course, but seriously. Your reasoning kind of sucks.
OK, you got me. It wasn't really constructive criticism... I just wanted to see if people actually agreed with me, and lucky me, some1 did:

Whew, man this thread did come from the heart. Well look at it this way Shiner, at least you get to beat the livin piss out of whatever pokemon comes on Brawl. That's always fun!
Yess!!! this is the kind of attitude we need on smashboards, i'm tired of all those pokemon loverz out there who will have sex with pikachu in the blink of an eye. sad... yes its very sad... but very true...

This guy is a total troll. Don't feed the trolls.
Have you ever been to the zoo? people feed all of the animalz even though many signs throughout the zoo exclaim to you in big bold letters not to. It hapens.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 15, 2006
The Gheetto
I'm Christian and I like Pokemon...

And I don't really think Ash is gay, but if you really wanted to, you could've pointed out the voice actor is a girl.
Dood!!! I didn't no that his voice was playd by a girl!!! that makes it like 45.7X more gayer.
sry "stupider".

Hylian Knight

Smash Cadet
Feb 4, 2007
You must remember that Pokemon is the second best selling franchise in the world, second only to Mario. There is going to be at least one pokemon. It's inevitable.
actually, your wrong. It's the third best, zelda is the second best. If mario weren't nintendo's mascot, it would either be link or poke'mon.

Bobby Emerald

Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2006
LI, New York
Yess!!! this is the kind of attitude we need on smashboards, i'm tired of all those pokemon loverz out there who will have sex with pikachu in the blink of an eye. sad... yes its very sad... but very true...
I love pokemon, does that make me want to **** a Pokemon at all? NO.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2007
Dood!!! I didn't no that his voice was playd by a girl!!! that makes it like 45.7X more gayer.
sry "stupider".
Im sorry but you just made no ****ing sense. Seriously. Tommy, his brother Dil, and the twins from rugrats have women voice actors, and that makes them gay? Many cartoons that have males in it can have women voice actors. Your post didn't make sense. Your etiquette on the computer makes no type of sense. I used to love pokemon as a young child and now I feel the same way as the previous poster (I really don't care much because I'm not in love anymore). Pokemon's Ash Ketchum doesn't make the show gay. Also you use gay in a negative manner which isn't good.


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2004
i have never seen such a bad argument in my life...
and bringing God into this is really, really, dumb... i guess every video game is "sac-religious" since they arent real and have elements that go against natural laws...

did you honestly think that you wouldnt get flamed?


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
The Periphery of Socio-Realist Valuation
Im sorry but you just made no ****ing sense. Seriously. Tommy, his brother Dil, and the twins from rugrats have women voice actors, and that makes them gay? Many cartoons that have males in it can have women voice actors. Your post didn't make sense. Your etiquette on the computer makes no type of sense. I used to love pokemon as a young child and now I feel the same way as the previous poster (I really don't care much because I'm not in love anymore). Pokemon's Ash Ketchum doesn't make the show gay. Also you use gay in a negative manner which isn't good.
Don't forget Gohan

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
'Scuse me but, what does Pokémon has anything to do with religion? Yeah, we all hate Ash Ketchum too... But he's just from the TV show. You should jugde Pokémon at it's games, not it towels, watches and whatever... Your agruements are far from constructive critisism. ;>_>

Face it, Pokémon is Nintendo's second best selling franchise (Zelda and Donkey Kong are either 3rd or 4th), so they will not leave them out of Brawl. Sure, that doesn't mean they deserve 5+ characters though...

For myself, my Pokémon obsesion died a long time ago... Dunno if I'll buy Diamond or Pearl, but I've got good memories of the games. Instead of bashing the lame *** cartoon, why not try out one Pokémon game instead of hating it in an unhealthy way... >_<


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I never really got into Pokemon. My younger brother however caught on, had the cards games and everything.

First of all, this series clearly puts aside the christian belief that God created everything in its present state. Things don't just evolve! It's not natural! I mean sure, it's a cartoon... but seriously... Seeing as how America primarily has christian beliefs, alot of people from America still like pokemon!!.... WHAT THE HELL!!!
Not all americans are christians though, and there is that first amendment. Freedom of Speech I believe. That sadly for your sake allows Christians to speak out of turn and like certain things. It allows anyone to. Christians take way too much into protest I feel though.(but that's on another matter altogether.). Just don't get me started on christians or religion. A lot of americans also love Harry Potter books, and I know a few christians downunder who do too. So what if americans have christian beliefs, it shouldn't mean they can't enjoy a tv show.

Second of all, Ash Ketchum... until just recently I didn't get the whole "ketchum" all, Ash "Ketchum" thing. The moment I recognized the similarities between the two phrases I paniced. It's like the two gay combination of words just made a baby that was even gayer!!!
It's not just about the whole Ketchum thing either, it's just the gayness of the character in general. Of course he's not going to be in brawl, but it's still terrible to have a character in a cartoon that makes the whole cartoon gay by hiself.
Oh my god I never realised that. Whoa thank you for pointing that out..... Who cares?
You really do have an immature sense of humour. And I don't even like Ash to be honest.
Nintendo do have a history of making bad names though, but the thing is they make them famous and people recognise them as sometimes even icons. Wii started off as a very bad name and got people complaining, but look at the Wii's success, and I've actually grown fond of the name Wii.
Ash Ketchum however, I see nothing wrong with name, and to me it doesn't sound that gay. I've heard worst names throughout my life, but how can I judge a person by their name.

Third and lastly, why do the pokemon constantly use their name OVER and OVER again when they ATTACK, when they TALK, I wouldn't even be surprised if they moaned their name while having SEXUAL INTERCOURSE! Why, oh why do they have to use their names constantly? PIKACHU! PIKACHU!!! PIKKAKAACUCCHCUCHCUCHCUCHUCHUCHU!!!!!! THUNDERBOLT DAMIT!
I find this part stupid too, and to be honest it's why I never caught on. Cause all through school you're taught all these things about how to make a sentence, what this word means, how does that reflect to that and so forth. Then all of a sudden you start watching a cartoon, and it's filled with all these crazy creatures that kind of have a secret language amongst themselves. Yet's it's defected through like "Pika, Pika pikachu"

I think what people enjoyed about Pokemon though is that actual card collecting, battle stuff, and to an extent understanding imagination and how far it can stretch.
If you ever watch a Pokemon episode, you'll find there are some good ideas, very creative pokemon and a good amount of info stretched to make you kind of into the series.
It's not for me however.

I understand your criticism. But I think you dwelve too far into it, and it's just blabber to me in the long run. And I hate Pokemon too. But at least I can respect it, and face the fact that's it's part of Nintendo.

Originally Posted by SmashChu View Post
You must remember that Pokemon is the second best selling franchise in the world, second only to Mario. There is going to be at least one pokemon. It's inevitable.
actually, your wrong. It's the third best, zelda is the second best. If mario weren't nintendo's mascot, it would either be link or poke'mon.
I don't think it has anything to do with Mario being Nintendo's mascot.
Super Mario Bros. still is the highest selling game to date. Soething like 40 million games sold. That's an unbelivable amount right there that nothing can replace.
And I believe this was before Mario was considered to be a mascot. Mario wasn't considered until after that game in my belief.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2006
1: Changing and evolving is a part of natural life. There's no proof that animals are exactly as they were when God first made them. There were changes, they adapted, and God probably intended for the whole thing to happen. It's quite likely he worked within nature instead of around it. And even if most of America is Christian, that's no reason to ignore the people that aren't. That's not freedom.

2: Everything else that's wrong with that post.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I'm a Christian as well & I use to like pokemon alot as well in my youth because I got caught up in the fad. Now, I just "tolerate" pokemon not really taking a liking to them & not necessaraliy hating them (Jigglypuff is an exception because I HATE Jigglypuff). Maybe you should do the same bro.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
San Diego, California.
I could quote every part of that post like everyone else has and point out the stupidity, or I could just sit here and laugh.

I choose sit here and laugh.

But just as a small fact, you don't have to take it to heart, but I suggest you do.

Nobody cares, so go away.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Another die hard christian trying to condem somthing to hell.Up with stem cell reaserch.Up with the right to abort.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2006
Drifting along
seriously man ure preaching to noone. Pokemon is **** well loved by a lot of ppl (not me personally) so y not just vent ure pseudophilosophical hatred on them in brawl? leave all those satanists alone :D


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2007
Milwaukee, WI
actually, your wrong. It's the third best, zelda is the second best. If mario weren't nintendo's mascot, it would either be link or poke'mon.
In America, maybe, but in all of the world, Pokemon is ahead of Zelda. Just look at the Diamond and Pearl statistics in Japan.

Koarin, please learn to spell "Buddhism" correctly.

And for the record, "Ketchum" is a real last name.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
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