But Leisha didn't play it safe at all.
She came out and voted Vyse.
You're the one who is sitting there waiting for a chance to happen.
Also note that Vyse voted Leisha straight after she voted for him, and then, and I quote.
"The theory is that LeishaChu does not wish to cast a vote because she is scum and does not want to have her play scrutinised. The policy reason is that a player who is not willing to scum hunt and wishes to ride on other player's theories is a good lynch to make."
Even AFTER he realised that she had voted for him, he didn't answer questions posed to him by Summoner asking about why he voted straight after, knocking them away with cheap lines like.
"I quoted that part of your post because I thought it was a funny Freudian slip. And because I'm immature"
And then replying to Summoner's use of the word OMGUS.
"But that doesn't matter, because it's not really an OMGUS vote.
An OMGUS (Oh My God You Suck) vote refers to a vote done in direct retaliation to somebody's vote or argument against you."
When he should have been replying to Leisha's vote.
He does indeed reply to it in the same post, WITH THE SAME QUOTE HE USED.
If he had really wanted to call out Leisha for not wanting to get her votes scrutinized, he would have called out HIS OWN VOTE, and questioned it thoroughly.
Why did you dodge this Vyse? Why did you vote for Leisha straight after she voted for you?