Umatsu's never lead me wrong in music. "Battle on the Big Bridge" and "Dancing Mad" are among the best tracks in any games, along with the entire Baten Kaitos series soundtrack, alot of MOTHER 3's tracks, and a few tracks that stick out in other games that I can't name.
I agree, FF deserives alot of the credit it gets. FFVII gets more than it diserves. I've played most of them (XII, VIII, X are the only ones I haven't) and VII just feels like a step down in Story, true, most FFs follow a formula with the story, but VII just seemed to take those elements and mesh them realy poorly, I never managed to feel connected to any of the chareters.The graphics wern't what they could be, the chareter designs kind of sucked (I'm looking at you Tifa.) Nomura's designs don't hold the same spark that Amano's do. And don't get me started on what he did to Vivi and Setzer in KH2, I wept when I saw Setzer. Openly. The game plays not bad, you can't be bad with the same formula game to game, it's materia that bites, and I said why ealier. The musical track was kind of sucky too. There are only a few tracks I actualy like, and One Winged Angel isn't one of them. J*E*N*O*V*A is pretty much the best track from that game, and you only hear it thrice.
VII should rank ALOT Lower on lists than it should. VI, IX have the perfect FF Feel to them. II is deep, dark, and fairly interesting. III and V have the job systems I'm just a sucker for. IV, while I've never completed it (Waiting for the DS version, scince all I can get now are Roms) is amazing. Did I miss any? Meh.
Either way, FF is one of the most notable RPG series, but they've taken a giant hit in the quality department and are starting to feel more like parodies (Vaan's an andrognous pretty boy, Lul). Lots of RPG series, Persona, Baten Kaitos, and some Tales Of games (Phantasia sitcks out, never played Abyss), Fire Embelm. A bunch of series that keep sitting under the radar are amazing, I can't figure out why FF sticks out so much, realy.