Woaw, I held the shift button. Go kill me. This is coming from the sandman version 2. This is coming from the same guy who said he'd be right all the time (Lucario and Ness pwned your arse), and who CONSTANTLY insults people who wanted any character that was deconfirmed like a pure hatred filled flammer. Seriously, when will you f***ing leave=???
And if Final FAntasy (I'll do that extra "A" just to continue to piss you off) VII sucked so bad, how come it sold over 10 million units worldwide=??? How come the only two series to outsell the Final FAtasy (HAHA, this is fun holding down the Shift button) series sucks so bad, how come only Pokémon and Mario outsell it=??? EXACTLY!
Whatever sells the best usually is the best.
And yae to Tingle dying (hopefully...FOREVER!!!!)!
Edit: Holding down the shift button, woaw! Just woaw! That's the dumbest thing since the "well you're gay" comeback. Go back to middle school.