Goomba, simply because they're less popular, despite being in more games, and need the love.
You're leaving work late one Friday night all by yourself when a man comes out from behind your car and shoots you. He steals your wallet and keys and drives away but neglects to steal your cell phone. Your wound is in your mid-torso region, just below your rib cage and a bit to the right and is bleeding fairly heavily. You can see no one around to assist you, so you get out your cell phone. There are only two numbers stored in the speed dial: a priest and a doctor. You are bleeding fairly badly and only have enough time to call one of them and plead for assistance (no, you do not have time to dial 911. Speed dial consists of fewer keys and therefore takes less time, possibly saving your life.)
Do you call the priest
the doctor?
Things to consider: The priest, while deficient in medical knowledge, could administer basic first aid, and certainly pray for your healing, and probably call an ambulance. If you DO die, he could pray God to admit you to heaven. While he probably won't be able to save your earthly life, he can certainly save your spiritual life.
The doctor may not be able to save your life. You do not know whether or not the wound is fatal and don't know how much medical attention it deserves. Asking the doctor for help is a toss-up. Maybe he can help you, maybe not. And I suppose you could have him call a priest for you. While he may be able to save your earthly life, he can do nothing for your spiritual life.
It comes down to what you put your faith in: religion or science...