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Would you be willing to delay Smash Ultimate for a year to add the following...

Would you be wiling to delay the game for a year to add the items listed in the first post.

  • Total voters


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
1. Series themed Platforming Stages to Spirits Mode (similar to melee adventure mode)
2. Stage Editor
3. The following popular Characters:
a. Geno
b. Isaac
c. SkullKid
d. Banjo-Kazooie
e. Tails (semi-echo)
f. Rayman
g. Dixie Kong (echo)
h. Chorus Kids
i. (Insert your favorite character not on my list)
4. 5 Stages related to the characters listed in a-h.
5. Trophies
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Deleted member

I voted no.

This game is already looking fantastic and we've been eagerly waiting with it being less than a month away now. We're confirmed to get 5 more characters, Stages and Soundtracks at minimum, so that's already potentially 9 out of your 11 proposed items. They could continue to support the game beyond this initial wave, too. Delaying 1 year for those items you listed is just not enough; especially with 2 of the characters being Echoes.

And Stage Creator? Unless the thing is essentially a secret port of Mario Maker, it's not worth it. The last one was so bare bones it was essentially worthless. A few cool things could be made and sure, some people could make epic stages, but those are the people who recreate entire gaming cities like Midgar, to scale, in Minecraft.

The Spirits thing is already themed to the character you go through it with; like an updated Classic Mode from the older Smash games. It sounds like you essentially want Spirits mode to be 70 separate, unique platforming games just for a small mode in the game. Outside what looks to be an epic story mode already included, mind you. You're either greedy, or you're looking for another game entirely; not Smash Brothers.

So essentially, you think people would want to wait for 1 year for a stage editor that's usable only to people who aren't actually focused on the core game of Smash Brothers itself, and characters/stages we may already be getting anyway.

Deleted member

Having to wait a year for meh platforming and a handful of characters I don't care about? no thanks

Stage Builder isn't worth a whole year


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
You also forgot Bandana Dee. Then I would be willing. Just saying this....pretty sure he's more popular than semi-echo tails......


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Considering there’s dlc and Sakurai needs a break after that dlc is done...hell naw to a 1 year delay


Japan Enthusiast
Dec 9, 2007
Richmond, VA
I personally have been dreaming about Banjo-Kazooie in Smash since Melee came out, so for me, to fulfill a childhood dream, I would. I know it's a selfish reason and I would feel bad for delaying it for everyone else, but I would accept the delay in a heartbeat. If we're being honest, I'd be willing to delay it multiple years. Stupid? Yeah, definitely. Don't get me wrong, I've absolutely loved every game in the series thus far and played Melee and Brawl all throughout college, played 10,000+ matches online in Smash 4, but man, Banjo-Kazooie. I'm pathetic.


Smash Lord
Apr 16, 2015
Somewhere in this Universe
Switch FC
If someone else who's confident and trustworthy is developing it rather then Sakurai, then heck yes.

If not, then no, the man needs a break.


Smash Rookie
Aug 17, 2018
I honestly don't really care about any of the characters you mention. Waiting another year for a handful of items that we're not going to play in 2 months is honestly dumb.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2018
No.. these things can be easily added with updates. I would be open to wait 1 more year if I knew the game would have a campaign with a side scrolling plataformer style (not removing Spirits, that would be the Events mode of the game, but not the main campaign). But actually... even a new game mode could be inserted with DLC.. they can do it all after the game be released on the actual state, that is already awesome enogh.
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Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
I would consider it for a Stage Builder, Rival Smash, Target Test/Board the Platforms, and Smash Run.
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Smash Champion
Nov 1, 2018
Absolutely would delay the game for that. 6 uniques, 2 Echoes, 5 stages, a stage maker, and an improved adventure mode.

I think a lot of people underestimate how much content that is. I'd wait two or three years for that.

A lot of those characters are huge fan requests and/or are not the types of characters you'd see in DLC.

When the game was first revealed, I was of the opinion that they should've waited on Smash anyway.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2008
No matter how far you push the game back, there will always, always be some vocal lot of people insisting that the game should have been delayed even further to complete their wishlists.

Thankfully, we live in the era of downloadable content, meaning Smash can simply grow into a bigger game even when it's already released. This way, everyone else can actually play the game (which you'd think would be the part that matters) instead of having to wait for god-knows-what alongside those still holding out for DLC.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
The only ones on the list I like are the echoes, so personally no. Dixie Kong and Tails are great additions, but I'm already over seeing speculation around the same six-ten characters being seen as shoe-ins.

DLC can fix possible roster issues later. Also prevents me over speculating on the roster which tends to take over my spare time.


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2016
There is about one thing I would delay the game for and even then a year is a long time.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 27, 2018
Omega Kalos Pokémon League
That's gonna be a hard no from me.

1: I don't really want there to be platforming sections in WoL.
2: No one uses the stage editor.
3a: I absolutely DESPISE of Geno. He was easily the worst part of the worst officially licensed Mario game. He had no character traits, no personality, no reason for people to care about him. He has nothing in his game that would be able to be turned into a full moveset. (And before you say anything about Duck Hunt, watch RelaxAlax's video on him. He actually had a lot to go off of, since he was a representation of the Zapper as a whole.) There are so many more fighters that would deserve to get in more than this flimsy plywood playdoll. There could not be a character that I'd want less. He doesn't deserve to be an assist trophy, a spirit or a mii costume. If he gets in the game on the Fighters Pass, I will break my Switch in half, and that is a promise.
3b: Some random kid from an FE ripoff doesn't deserve a spot on the roster. Stay in the assist trophy.
3c: Skull Kid hardly even played a role in Majora's Mask. Also, MM was probably the worst 3D LoZ game.
3d: Duck hunt.
3e: Tails is the only character on this list that I'd actually want. A few more sonic reps would be nice to see in a smash game.
3f: I don't really have an opinion on Rayman. I've never played his game, so I have no idea if he'd actually be a good character in smash, but Ubisoft and Nintendo are best friends at this point, so I would not at all be surprised if he got put on the Fighters Pass.
3g: We have the 3 DK reps that actually matter, we don't need a 4th.
3h: ...sorry who? (I do actually know who they are, they're just too irrelevant for me to want them in smash.)
4: We already have way too many stages in the game, we don't want more.

5: No one actually cared about Trophies.

In other words, I would not want any of these features in the game period. Even if it meant the game was released now, I still wouldn't want it.
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Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
There's no reason to the delay the game outside of cleaning up game-braking bugs/broken elements. Everything listed could very easily be included via DLC with 3 & 4 possibly being covered in the current DLC plan they have already announced.

As much as I want Stage Builder back, I'm fine with ponying up extra cash to get it in the future at this point.


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
Honestly, you just picked the biggest generic characters list there is. Saying you would delay it for them sounds a bit selfish.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016

Out of all those characters, Tails is the only one I actually want even a little.

The others I don't care one way or another about and Geno I actively dislike. I don't know why people keep putting him on these lists and saying they want him. I think it's mostly just because they've heard other people put him on lists and say they want him.

Dee Dude

“Never ask Dee for anything again”
Oct 25, 2015
Kidnapped by Sakurai.

The only ones on that list I actually care about are Isaac and Banjo.

DLC exists and there’s no point in waiting any longer then we already have just for a few boring/safe picks and features that easily wait till Smash 6 or something.

The game is great enough as it no matter how salty I still am over a few requests missing out.
That's gonna be a hard no from me.

1: I don't really want there to be platforming sections in WoL.
2: No one uses the stage editor.
3a: I absolutely DESPISE of Geno. He was easily the worst part of the worst officially licensed Mario game. He had no character traits, no personality, no reason for people to care about him. He has nothing in his game that would be able to be turned into a full moveset. (And before you say anything about Duck Hunt, watch RelaxAlax's video on him. He actually had a lot to go off of, since he was a representation of the Zapper as a whole.) There are so many more fighters that would deserve to get in more than this flimsy plywood playdoll. There could not be a character that I'd want less. He doesn't deserve to be an assist trophy, a spirit or a mii costume. If he gets in the game on the Fighters Pass, I will break my Switch in half, and that is a promise.
3b: Some random kid from an FE ripoff doesn't deserve a spot on the roster. Stay in the assist trophy.
3c: Skull Kid hardly even played a role in Majora's Mask. Also, MM was probably the worst 3D LoZ game.
3d: Duck hunt.
3e: Tails is the only character on this list that I'd actually want. A few more sonic reps would be nice to see in a smash game.
3f: I don't really have an opinion on Rayman. I've never played his game, so I have no idea if he'd actually be a good character in smash, but Ubisoft and Nintendo are best friends at this point, so I would not at all be surprised if he got put on the Fighters Pass.
3g: We have the 3 DK reps that actually matter, we don't need a 4th.
3h: ...sorry who? (I do actually know who they are, they're just too irrelevant for me to want them in smash.)
4: We already have way too many stages in the game, we don't want more.

In other words, I would not want any of these features in the game period. Even if it meant the game was released now, I still wouldn't want it.
...Is this a troll post because I can’t tell if you’re serious or not...
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Deleted member

Hell no. Its enough I gotta wait for another 28 days.

Deleted member

I'd remove a character to have it playable now.
Removing a character to have it playable now is an easy choice. Most would just sack Dark Pitt or something for that in a heartbeat. If you were to sack a character, it would have to be one you actually wanted and one that you can't just say will come back as DLC so you get to have them later (at least not immediately).

So to you, Mr. Jager, I ask: Would you sacrifice Captain Falcon today to get the game tomorrow with the knowledge that Cpt Falcon will be the last of DLC released (so you get him Jan 6th, 2020)?


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Take all the extra time you need as long as Banjo makes it in, platforming stages would also be appreciated too.


Smash Rookie
Sep 19, 2014
volbound1700 volbound1700 Absolutely not. Even if they threw Sora in (which is the only thing I really wanted. Besides Pirahna Plant which I didn't know I wanted). There's already so much. I'd even dare say there's too much, haha! Bring it down to 2-3 months and then I'm interested. But honestly, right before the Christmas season is the absolute best time it could be released. It's all planned very well.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2018
That's gonna be a hard no from me.
3f: I don't really have an opinion on Rayman. I've never played his game, so I have no idea if he'd actually be a good character in smash, but Ubisoft and Nintendo are best friends at this point, so I would not at all be surprised if he got put on the Fighters Pass.
Play Rayman Legends. I never played a Rayman game before and I dont know if they are good too, but I played Rayman Legends and I thought it was a superb game. Great plataforming, and specially music... It puts the recent Mario Bros U to the shame, and together with DK Freeze, is the best 2d style plataformer I had played on the WiiU.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Location Machine Broke
First of all, this list of additions is absolutely horrific in terms of adding a full years worth of dev time.
  • World of Light will be fine as it is, so long as they don't do anything fancy like they tried to do with Melee's Event Mode or Smash Tour. Platforming is fine, but it's not what made Subspace Emissary enjoyable for me.
  • Stage Builder is you're best offer, but it didn't take an actual entire ****ing year to develop in Brawl or Smash 4, and that's not even considering the fact that Smash 4 was a hard revamp of Brawl's builder. Such a revamp would not be necessary with Ultimate (Although they might need to go back to the Brawl stage builder if Smash 4's proves too hard to do with Inklings). Delaying this game by an entire year just to put in a mode that really exists so I (and like, five others, tops) can recreate my ****ty OC fanfic would incur the unbridled wrath of everyone who was looking forward to this game, including the six people the mode was meant to appease in the first place. Either Stage Builder is already in the game and doesn't require a delay, or it needs to be separate DLC (for free or patched in) several months down the line.
  • Literally everyone else has said this already (some less politely then others), but this roster pick is literally just the same 5-10 characters every Heartless, Unversed and Nobody here on Smashboards has parroted for the upteenth time. Look, I get it; bandwagoning helps bring obscure characters into the spotlight. However, every single one of these characters got into this post because of bandwagoning. This post is a scathing indictment of not just itself, but the entire community as a whole. We accuse Sakurai of running out of ideas in adding a Piranha Plant? GLASS HOUSES, *****--!


What I'm trying to say to OP is "maybe consider adding characters you feel the community would actually enjoy playing as in Smash, rather then characters the community can "pat itself on the back" for getting into Smash."

Second of all, the last time we let a game go "Oh, it's getting delayed? That's fine" ya'll ended up with Mighty #9 and Duke Nukem Forever. This thread is literally asking the Smash Community to make a rod for its own ****ing back, and I'm not stupid enough for fall for that crap, **** you very much. People hear delays and they think "oh, they're polishing the game more" and thus get more hyped, except that's not how it works; a delay means they found utterly gamebreaking garbage in their game and now they gotta bend-over backwards to make sure the game doesn't set people's consoles on fire. By saying yes to this poll, you are effectively saying that you don't actually care about Smash; only the hype cycle it generates beforehand. And quite frankly, the fact that 30+ people said yes to this offer is all the proof anyone should ever need that the Internet puts its own bloated ego before quality, thus removing the last shred of dignity stuff like the Smash Ballot had left.

Third of all, this thread's going to age so badly if any of those fighters you mentioned turn out to be in the Season Pass. I hope one of these characters gets confirmed for DLC just so I can laugh at the people who would so carelessly throw away the games' quality just to get a character you were going to get anyway.


No, with extreme prejudice. maximum offense intended.
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Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2013
Nah, no point in delaying when the only way the real issues I have with Ultimate can be fixed is waiting until the next Smash comes around.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2018
Anything can be added with updates, specially characters and stages. And the Switch (and Switch owners) needs this title to be released this year.
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Arymle Roseanne

Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2018
Into Sandy's City
Nope, Dixie shouldn't be listed as an echo. She has way more potential to be unique or even a semi clone would be okay but an echo would be a disgrace to her history on how she's always been different from Diddy. In fact I would be ticked off to wait a whole year just to see the see the only character I'm asking for to be butchered as an echo especially when they can spend all that time to make her unique.

Plus I've grown tired of waiting for this game so no delay for me.
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Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Don't see the point of delaying a game for characters and stages when we'll get those via DLC.

So that leaves us an outdated mode from 18 years ago remastered and the stage builder. Yeah...not really. Spirits will have as much if not more replayability as Melee's Adventure Mode for me.

Now if you meant a Forge-esque stage editor then that's interesting, but they could always add that feature in the future. It's not integral to the experience.
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Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
I actually would, and not even for any of the characters besides Dixie and Rayman.

[Side Note: Boi put Bandana Dee and Steve on that list]

All I wanted from Ultimate was an Adventure Mode, and a Stage Builder, oooof. You got me on this one. Smash Ultimate looks great content wise for Smash, but the extra modes are severely lacking. It feels like the series has regressed in all areas besides core gameplay since Brawl, so yes I’d take another year in the oven to get all that content back.

As for what Nintendo could release for christmas, they should have just waited on a ton of their big titles this year and released them with more content. Aces and Star Allies would have been fantastic titles to release during the holiday as the lack of content would have been filled by then hopefully. These games feel under cooked, so he’s I would have taken more time on all of them.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
While I may disagree with certain specifics of this concept as to what is and isn't added, I'm more than fine with waiting another year for the game. I'm only so hyped for it to be out in a month because I was told it would be released December 7th and I hype accordingly.

Is Smash Ultimate missing content to me? Not really. Would I gladly take more in the base game at the cost of a delay? Absolutely. Smash 4 is fine for the time being and Melee is never going away anyway, I have plenty to enjoy until the game releases. I don't really understand why people wouldn't be willing to wait other than, again, the specifics of what you're adding, and the fact that they were told December 7th.

Here's my amended list of fan fulfillment and personal things and how I would theoretically add to the game:

-Add the remaining stages from past games in to the base. There's 16 stages not in the base game and Metal Cavern. I would include absolutely all of those and maybe even go for changeable versions of Battlefield/Final Destination. Commit to an "Everywhere is Here!" kind of moment.
-Bring back Rival Smash and add a couple of versions with challenges to Multi Man Smash
-Bring back Home Run Contest, Basic Target Smash (We're not going to get unique for every character without some series effort unfortunately), and Board the Platforms with like three different stages. Stadium Mode is back! Good challenges for all of them.
-Flesh out the World of Light to include platforming segments and a maze segment or two. I think they can keep the structure as is, but you should also have some traditional levels thrown in there.
-Bring back Stage Builder with good options
-Add in a couple of random new stages from different games

Characters -
-Bandanna Dee
-Dixie Kong (Diddy semi-clone)
-Isaac & Venus Lighthouse Stage
-Geno & Bowser's Castle Stage from Super Mario RPG
-Banjo Kazooie & Spiral Mountain Stage
-Bomberman & Stage
-Shadow Echo fighter
-Impa Echo fighter
-Add for Costumes to existing characters

Probably way too much content for just a year (Maybe? I mean if they have the game done by now, they'd exclusively be working on all of this). But honestly, if this was everything else in the game, I'd wait another two years for it. I think most people would happily wait for this content.
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