Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with the BBR-RC as I am not part of that committee.
Hello all, this is a thread concerning, you guessed it, Redshadow and his consistent unprofessional, yelling, controller throwing, baby kicking, raging attitude. As you all know, Redshadow has a nicknamed called Rageshadow as he is known for getting very upset when he loses. This is not safe for innocent bystanders, lamps, etc. I think he should be banned from tournaments until he seeks help or meditates for a lil bit. There is no reason for one to rage over a game with pikachu in it. Pikachu is cute and cuddly...and HAPPY!
I want to keep this short because I just got off work and I am tired. Do you think he should be banned from tournaments?
Also, please don't turn this into a flame-war...
Hello all, this is a thread concerning, you guessed it, Redshadow and his consistent unprofessional, yelling, controller throwing, baby kicking, raging attitude. As you all know, Redshadow has a nicknamed called Rageshadow as he is known for getting very upset when he loses. This is not safe for innocent bystanders, lamps, etc. I think he should be banned from tournaments until he seeks help or meditates for a lil bit. There is no reason for one to rage over a game with pikachu in it. Pikachu is cute and cuddly...and HAPPY!
I want to keep this short because I just got off work and I am tired. Do you think he should be banned from tournaments?
Also, please don't turn this into a flame-war...