autoreti-whatsit is really slow so any player could see it from a mile away and air dodge without issue. side b doesnt go far horizontally or vertically so you'd need to jump off and even then its somewhat slow for reflecting and small for a windbox. fsmash has zero downward range and super easy to airdodge out of.she can really annoy ness's recovery with neutb/sideb/fsmash (ness recovery is cheeky with wind boxes)
her grab range is awesome giving her some the advantage in that game
since she has both the best counter and a good reflector palutena can stop allot of ness's options
ness's grab range is awesome too. not sure whose is better tho
the only reflectors that can cause ness problems are the really fast ones like spacies' and zelda's.
are you a mod?also don't double post