I have a question. My main is Zelda/Sheik. At the time of this story, I had seldom practiced with any other characters and was more familiar with their animations than their hitboxes. So, I decided that I wanted to expand my knowledge of and skill with other characters. So I get my bro, strictly a Link only player, and begin to play him with new characters. Mario. Ganandorf. Donkey Kong. Marth. -and I'm beating him with each one. The competition between my bro and I is very tight, due to the metagame. I am proficient with advanced techs- he still struggling to learn to WDing. He prides himself on being evenly matched with someone who can use advanced techs. Or rather, prided- things have changed

. Anyway, you can imagine what this does to his ego- to be beat by characters I don't even main. His john was, "I'm not used to these characters." Now, I didn't say this, but I was thinking, "You think I'm used to them?
You at least have your main to use." So my question is, is it a legitimate excuse to lose to me playing a foreign character if your not used to playing against that character?
Consider this:
1. He is used to playing with Link
2. I however, am used to his playing style as Link.
3. I am not used to playing with (Insert New Character Here).
4. He however, is not used to countering that character.