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World of Warcraft!!! (I got my lvl 80)!!!!


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
So, i guess you can use this thread to talk about WoW. realms, pvp, pve, tips, friend finder, w/e.

i mainly made this thread to say

I GOT MY LVL 80!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYUHZ!!!!!!!!

but by just making an official atlantic south thread, it wont get closed.

by the way, my 1st 80 is my main. my female blood elf death knight, named misshiroshi.

and yes, my main, is actually called MISShiroshi. and my guild thinks i really am a girl, lol. its a roleplaying game for a reason.



Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2005
Melbourne, Fl
Jees Hiroshi... MISSHiroshi? Nothing wrong with a female character but jees you're milking that for all it's worth :lol: what happens when people need you on vent? You better have your girlfriend over to cover for you.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
Everquest was the best e ver...holla

If the people who used to play went back id be playing again, that **** was ridiculously hard...

So many ****in trains...aggro zone was unacceptable...poor Crowd control an tanks...


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2005
Melbourne, Fl
Oh hell yeah, EQ was the ****.
And I played on Rallos Zek, 1 of the 3-4 PVP servers out of like... 25 other servers or some crap. lol

WOW's got nothing on EQ PVP. It was more satisfying in EQ, fights lasted longer than 20 seconds, and to top it off, you could take all of that persons gold and one piece of armor they had on them. **** EQ was the good ol' days.


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
lol, my 1st toon in WoW was my male troll rogue, which is sitting right now at lvl 62 in outlands. Then, I made a male tauren shammy to play with my girlfriend, which is now a lvl 30. The rest of my alts are female.

LVL 80 female blood elf deathknight
LVL 15 female undead warlock
LVL 15 female blood elf paladin
LVL 10 female blood elf hunter
LVL 10 female orc warrior



Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
WoW flame WoW flame WoW flame Wow Flame WoW flame WoW flame WoW flame Wow Flame WoW flame WoW flame WoW flame Wow Flame WoW flame WoW flame WoW flame Wow Flame WoW flame WoW flame WoW flame Wow Flame WoW flame WoW flame WoW flame Wow Flame


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
well, what do you expect. everyone had like 2-3 lvl 70's from burning crusade. So when wrath came out, all they needed was 10 more lvl's to get to 80. but im still happy i got my lvl 80. so w/e

also, what exactly is it, that people get so mad at with wow?



Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
well, what do you expect. everyone had like 2-3 lvl 70's from burning crusade. So when wrath came out, all they needed was 10 more lvl's to get to 80. but im still happy i got my lvl 80. so w/e

also, what exactly is it, that people get so mad at with wow?


it's high member status i guess. People who don't play it hate how large it's become. At least i do. I like smaller rpg member bases to be honest.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
WoW is a solid MMO.
But there are a few things that turn me off about it. I'll mention a few:
1. I don't like how easy it is to level. Most other MMOs, when you reach top level it means something. You know the game inside and out, you are highly respected by most players, other players look up to you, etc etc. In WoW, you can get to top level and still not know **** about the game. Top level means almost nothing in WoW and its not all that special either since EVERY ONE ELSE IS TOP LEVEL.
2. Game play is overall very average and well..boring. Cool look I can click and point and watch my little avatar swing his sword over and over. Whoacool I got all these hot keys I can press at any moment to do special skills! Oh hay look. I'm in PvP, but this guy has better stats so hes probably gonna win. Where have I seen all these before? Oh yea. Every other MMO. What makes MOST MMOs suck are these exact reasons. They don't try to make things different. The MMOs that DO add differences are usually the ones that are truly worth playing(Atlantica Online, Air Rivals, Mabinogi Heroes, Blade & Soul).
3. Everyone plays it. Super large communities tend to well..not be so friendly. Just look at the Halo community. >__>
4. WoW is not a game. ITS A LIFESTYLE. When you play WoW, you don't play a game. It becomes PART OF YOUR LIFE. You will schedual time for yourself to make raids, etc etc. You will talk about WoW ALL the time no matter where or what situation your in. Not everyone is like this, but i'd say way over half ARE like this. Its ridiculous.


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2005
Melbourne, Fl
I like how Laijin thinks that just because he plays a game a certain way, everyone plays and thinks of the game just like him. Fail.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
I like how Laijin thinks that just because he plays a game a certain way, everyone plays and thinks of the game just like him. Fail.
its called an opinion bro.
I'm sure everyone has their preferences on what they like.
So theres no need to flame me. Your just coming off as a complete douche.


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2005
Melbourne, Fl
its called an opinion bro.
I'm sure everyone has their preferences on what they like.
So theres no need to flame me. Your just coming off as a complete douche.
I'm not flaming or being a douche... I just pointed out that (some of) what you said in your post was pretty silly. Like your point on WOW sucking up the players life.
It's called an opinion... bro.


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
The big turnoff from WoW for me was lack of actually playing with other people. For the most part when I lv'd it was by myself (a large majority of the time) cause grinding alone was the fastest way to level for the most part.

Ah well, I don't mean to crowd the thread further with WoW hate, grats dood on your lv 80 :D


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
The big turnoff from WoW for me was lack of actually playing with other people. For the most part when I lv'd it was by myself (a large majority of the time) cause grinding alone was the fastest way to level for the most part.

Ah well, I don't mean to crowd the thread further with WoW hate, grats dood on your lv 80 :D
Thats just the kind of game WoW is.
It promotes leveling by yourself and questing by yourself. Most american style mmos are like this.

In most Korean MMOs, they promote team work. So you tend to build better relationships with friends and the community is usually a lot better because well..you actually make friends and companions. On WoW, Warhammer, Age of Conan, etc etc. You don't easily make friends because the game does not push towards partying up.

You may disagree with me, but if you compare a game like Mabinogi to WoW, the differences are there and its quite blantly obvious that what I just said is right.


Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Space Animals, Florida
Hmm would I rather have to solo and be bored and hit high level quickly.


Group, never make it to top level, grind grind grind and have few quests to do so all you really can is grind on mobs.

I think Ill stick to instant gratification. *Pops in Third Strike*


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2005
Melbourne, Fl
You may disagree with me, but if you compare a game like Mabinogi to WoW, the differences are there and its quite blantly obvious that what I just said is right.
Just a post ago you were complaining that WOW takes over peoples lives, having to plan for raids and what-not. Raids require teamwork and communicating with the people you are grouped with. And now you're saying that WOW doesn't have the friendship/teamwork aspect of the game. So you just contradicted yourself.
The thing is WOW gives you options. You wanna make friends and what-not? Great, go raid a dungeon, do a 25 man raid, join a guild, whatever. If you'd rather play by yourself, then you can do solo quests and what-not. The point is WOW gives you options. Whether you want to acknowledge those options, that's up to you. But the fact is that they're there.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Just a post ago you were complaining that WOW takes over peoples lives, having to plan for raids and what-not. Raids require teamwork and communicating with the people you are grouped with. And now you're saying that WOW doesn't have the friendship/teamwork aspect of the game. So you just contradicted yourself.
The thing is WOW gives you options. You wanna make friends and what-not? Great, go raid a dungeon, do a 25 man raid, join a guild, whatever. If you'd rather play by yourself, then you can do solo quests and what-not. The point is WOW gives you options. Whether you want to acknowledge those options, that's up to you. But the fact is that they're there.
I get the raid ****. "Cool, I'm in a massive party and im gonna go questing with this party!".
Thats cool and all. But what I was talking about still remains the same. So no im not contradicting myself

WoW does not promote making friends and teaming up with people. A lot of super casual players don't even know about raids or guilds(There are a lot of people like this in WoW). If your a super casual player in Mabinogi, then probably within the first few hours of playing your already in a party questing with new friends and you've probably already filled out guild applications as well as trying(or gaining the motivation to) to involve yourself in the community.
The different


Smash Ace
Jul 18, 2005
Melbourne, Fl
WoW is not a game. ITS A LIFESTYLE. When you play WoW, you don't play a game. It becomes PART OF YOUR LIFE. You will schedual time for yourself to make raids, etc etc.
It promotes leveling by yourself and questing by yourself.
Looks like a contradiction to me.

I would say WOW promotes doing whatever you want. I have made plenty of friends in the WOW community. I joined a guild, we did raids, and we had fun. Like I said, raids require that teamwork that you mentioned earlier. You can down-play it all you want by saying something like "Cool, I'm in a massive party and im gonna go questing with this party!" but when it comes down to it, WOW has the aspects that you're talking about, but you refuse to acknowledge it, probably because it isn't Korean :lol:
You can be hardcore WOW do raids every day, trying tog et the best gear, best PVP rank, or whatever, or you can be a casual player and play just a half hour a day or whatever. Like I said, WOW gives you the option to play the game how you want to play it. I think I would rather play a game that gives me options rather than play a game that MUST be played a certain way (MMOs that REQUIRE you to group up all the time in order to level up)

Imagine if in melee they didn't give us the option to turn off items. Wouldn't that suck? lol

But whatever, I'm pretty much done with this argument because I'm not even playing any MMOs ATM. So you can go ahead and have your last word.


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
I like WoW ^_^.

You don't have to group up for quests. You can just do them on your own and fly through them. Or if you want a more group based fun, you could always just run instances, where you HAVE to have a party to complete. In my guild, we are really close, everyone is so friendly, and we're always helping each other by grouping together and doing stuff. but, your still not gonna care, so byez now.



Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
i played wow for several years, back in 1st release. and i've been through several ****s that happened in my adventures...

was part of an endgame guild, raided every weekend, consumed my saturdays doing raids. after awhile, it gets boring (i fell asleep on a boss once, to even holding forward to walk to a boss and wipe everyone). then quit for awhile before expansion came in, i jumped back in... grinded to 70, check wat end game has to offer, got nothing... when wrath came out, grinded to 80 with death knight and did 50% of end game... money grinding is boring... pvp is stressful (i was on a pvp server), BG's were boring. server economy blows... my luck of the draw was ****ty half the time

yea my server sucks. but waht drew be back was the patches and rebalances blizzard tried to do, yet still doesn't stop a community in my server from sucking.... i wanted to enjoy my shaman and hunter classes, but it failed me at times

wowwiki has a small article of my server, dethecus. which is the slums of wow servers... so terrible, great guilds at the time like nurfed came and left immediately...

tl;dr, community blows at times. i was horde


Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2006
I started playing with a bunch of my friends, and I'll just say it's pretty fun when you're in a raiding guild with 7 people you know irl.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2008
Ocala, Fl
Rofl man...its not a RP'ing game xD All of you are taking this way out of proportion, I was getting paid to PVP for SK gaming on WoW, compare PVP to an FPS...or smash, you can play as much as YOU want, then put the controller (or in this case, keyboard) down,

PVE...(raiding) on the other hand is quite the opposite, spend 4-5 hours doing one instance with 24 other players only to see that the one loot you were going for didnt drop, and the 4-5 hours was a waste.

I thank this guy for giving me ...well my EX-job considering they dropped 80 percent of their players :[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rAtlp2dDPU
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