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Wolf Play-Style Survey


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
I saw a thread like this in the Falcon boards, so I figured I would take it here. Answer any way you want, be it like me or quoting and bolding your answer inside the quote. I have an answer key. Anyone who scores 80% or lower gets their Brawl disk blown up. :laugh:

Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.?

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery?

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use?

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move?

Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash?

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two)

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all?

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar?

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring?

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it?

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab?

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?

Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as.

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it?

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be?

Here are my answers.

1: No, not really.

2: RARELY, I use it when my foe is vulnerable and high in damage.

3: None, really. Down Tilt doesn’t get much usage though.

4: Both, actually. I almost always either KO with Down Smash, Forward Aerial, or Back Aerial, but I use the B-Air a LOT during a match.

5: Very rarely, and only when my opponent is a CPU. Which is very often.

6: B-Air and Down Smash.

7: I suppose I abuse it, though not much. I generally just close the distance.

8: His Up Taunt is my favorite, but Side is very close. “What’s the matter? Scared?” is on par with “Show me your moves!” and “Come on! (Captain Falcon version)” when it comes to epicness, but howling? C’mon, it’s WOLF! His Down Taunt doesn’t sound like a growl at all…

9: I… Can’t Scar. Yet.

10: 100% of the time right now. XD

11: Yes and yes. But not often.

12: Generally, only when I’m playing on a walled stage. It’s much easier to use against a wall.

13: Since I’ve been using my grabs more, thanks to Falcon experimentation, I have been doing this a lot. It’s quite easy to do against someone with a less-than-excellent recovery, since it acts like a very sharp semi-spike above 110% or so. Not to mention, it’s hard to expect. Wolf’s throws generally aren’t his strong point (Correct me if I’m wrong).

14: YES. Wolf qualifies as every single one, except Second Favorite and Loneliest Character. They would be Meta Knight and Yoshi.

15: Well… Play to win can only go so far… I’m not sure if I would.

16: More range on his Forward Smash. Seriously, it would be… His small edge sweetspot. That would DEFINITELY boost his recovery.

Alright fellow Wolf players! Show me your answers!


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.? Never

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery? Maybe once every 100 matches, just for teh lulz

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use? Just fire wolf

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move? I use it for everything baby

Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash? Occasionally, again for the lulz

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two) Dsmash and second place goes to either bair or dair spike

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all? Use it for spacing

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often? "Howls"

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar? Whenever I feel it will hit or put me in an advantageous position

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring? Very rarely, usually only in extremely high lag situation

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it? I probably use my reflector as much as I use Bair

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab? To be honest, never have

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone? Wolfs down throw wont be an acceptable KO move until the mid 200 percents, and by that time, a bair would be sufficient, so, No.

Nice topic btw Patinator

Also, /subscribes


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone? Wolfs down throw wont be an acceptable KO move until the mid 200 percents, and by that time, a bair would be sufficient, so, No.

Nice topic btw Patinator

Also, /subscribes
...Really? Worked for me at about 120%. Hm.

Well, my opponent WAS Captain Falcon...

Thanks Kosk. I'm redeeming my history of failure threads XD.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Well all I'm really saying is that if your at the edge of final destination vs a captain falcon at 120%, dthrow isn't the first thing that comes to mind as far as KOing him goes.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Well all I'm really saying is that if your at the edge of final destination vs a captain falcon at 120%, dthrow isn't the first thing that comes to mind as far as KOing him goes.
Well, it could if you train yourself. :p It's actually quite effective. The knockback trajectory is much like Sheik's F-Air in Melee. It's horizontal enough that you can D-Throw a person into the mouth of the Red Bulborg on Distant Planet!

But... This isn't Wolf's Down Throw discussion... :p Eventually, who knows? Down Throw could become big if your B-Air was weakened a lot...

...Maybe... :ohwell:

Edit: Since when did you become a smashed erector Smash Director, Kosk? :o

(If you don't get that, try and say it slowly, then compare it to Smash Director. ...)


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Well, it could if you train yourself. :p It's actually quite effective. The knockback trajectory is much like Sheik's F-Air in Melee. It's horizontal enough that you can D-Throw a person into the mouth of the Red Bulborg on Distant Planet!

But... This isn't Wolf's Down Throw discussion... :p Eventually, who knows? Down Throw could become big if your B-Air was weakened a lot...

...Maybe... :ohwell:

Edit: Since when did you become a smashed erector Smash Director, Kosk? :o

(If you don't get that, try and say it slowly, then compare it to Smash Director. ...)
Yeah, Wolfs dthrow is arguably his best throw. And lol, I became a Smashed Erector just earlier today


Smash Capitalist
Mar 28, 2008
Switch FC
Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.? No

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery? Strictly for recovery.

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use? None, really

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move? Both, and then some

Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash? Only if I know I'm going to get a hit.

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two) Down smash, F-air

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all? I use it, but not mindlessly. Maybe a little excessively, though. ;)

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often? Side taunt.

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar? Rarely, if ever any more.

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring? I used to a lot, but I kind of stopped trying in general.

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it? Yes, and I usually dodge the attack by complete accident while going for a hit.

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab? There have been times where I've gotten another grab after a down throw, but I've never really tried to chain it.

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone? Don't think so


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as. Yeah, every single one except second favorite and loneliest

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it? Hmm, it really depends. Let me put it this way. I would probably use it a bit, but I wouldn't switch mains over to Wolf just because of it.

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be? To be perfectly honest, I wish Wolf could crawl :p I mean, when he crouches, it just looks like hes ready to crawl, but then he just doesn't, /sadface


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.?

Blaster more often than anything else since I like to keep my spacing against intelligent opponents. (against noobs, i'm uber f***ing aggressive)

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery?

I've been using it more and more, but still extremely rarely. Maybe once a match

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use?

Upsmash, that way its at full strength when I use it to finish somebody off

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move?

Why can't it be both?

Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash?

Yes, as a matter of fact I do.

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two)

Fair and bair in the air
Dsmash on the ground

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all?

I never mindlessly spam anything
But I do intelligently spam his blaster

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?

I use all three actually. More often the down taunt than anything else (f*** you mainstream taunters)

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar?

Quite often, but not predictably.

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring?

Somehow I end up doing my UpB instead of my SideB sometimes and since I hold down afterwards, I do a straight down firewolf to my demise -.-'
Not often, though

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it?

Yes, and Sometimes yes. I try to dodge attacks with it, but it doesn't always work.
Sometimes I try to reflect projectiles and end up only dodging them. You can even dodge Rob's laser with it without any part of it reflecting -.-'

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab?

Any time its my first time playing against somebody, this is how I usually start the match. If they're competent enough for it not to work at 0% then I know to up my gaming tactic a little bit against this player.

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?

Not solely, but dthrow to <insert wolf flavor of edgeguard here> is absolute power

Question 14 is lame, sorry. (don't take offensively, I do like this thread)

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it?

*cough multishining* and no I don't use it. Like 3-4% with each hit and if I screw it up I can wolf flash off the edge. Not worth it in my opinion.

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be?

His bthrow should be an inverted version of his fthrow. That would make me happy face very much.

Nice thread dawg.


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2008
Question 1: Out of those 4, the ones I use most often are Blaster and Forward Smash.

Question 2: Just for Recovery.

Question 3: Hmm, I guess Nair. I'm using it more lately, but not as much as other moves.

Question 4: Both.

Question 5: Sometimes.

Question 6: Dsmash and Bair I'd say.

Question 7: I use his blaster a lot, but not mindlessly.

Question 8: Rarely I use Up or Side. I usually just spam some move or crouch repeatedly.

Question 9: Pretty often, but it depends more on the stage.

Question 10: Not very often.

Question 11: I use Wolf's Reflector a LOT. Defensively and Offensively. Definitely my favorite move of Wolf's.

Question 12: Not anymore, as I realize it doesn't work.

Question 13: Not really, more as a setup for a KO, but not to KO directly.

Question 14: None, but it's skewed cause I used MK the whole time I was unlocking characters by suiciding.

Question 15: I would learn to use it at least. It depends how situational it is though. I don't see any potential for something like this though.

Question 16: His recovery. It ticks me off when I go to UpB and he doesn't come to a halt and I ram my skull into the bottom of the level and plummet to my demise.

Oi Kyon

Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2008
Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.?
~The only move I ever really try spamming is the reflector.

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery?
~Recovery, but I rarely use it.

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use?
~I use dair the least, since I'm bad at connecting it.

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move?

Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash?
~I always try.

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two)
~Dsmash, Wolf Flash.

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all?
~I rarely use it, but if I play a Metaknight I try to spam it like crazy.

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?
~Up taunt and down tauny.

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar?
~All the time.

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring?

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it?
~I use this a lot especially to dodge attacks.

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab?
~I only do it at least once a match.

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?
~Nope, but I use it as a setup to KO.

Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as.
~I think he was only the Smash Sap.

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it?
~But not abuse it.

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be?
~Nothing really. He's already good as he is, IMO.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
Woohoo its my turn to answer!

Question 1: Blaster only, in my matches I try to use all his moves(except the grabs other than down).

Question 2: IF I do use it offensively it WILL NOT be just an advancement move. If I am knocking my opponent around and the combo ends I may try to nail them with a up-right one to keep them in the air but not very often.

Question 3: Hmm I pretty much use all of his moves except F-grab and Up-grab. D-tilt is one of my least used ones but I still use it in a fight but I prefer F-tilt.

Question 4: I use it to combo AND KO its just THAT awesome. FOOT OF DOOM!!!

Question 5: The only time I would try something like this is verses a large opponent like bowser or ganondorf. And it wouldnt be spammed maybe a few times during the whole match.

Question 6: Back air, Down smash

Question 7: I do use it quite a bit im probably halfway between spam and never using it.

Question 8: Whats the matter scared?

Question 9: Not often I find it pretty dumb. Maybe on battlefield like stages I use it but usually Ill just attack or jump up when hanging from the ledge.

Question 10: I havent usually failed but sometimes with the b-left he wont grab the ledge then i would fumble and sometimes kill myself stupidly. The thing where you go down when hanging then immediately B-left is easy.

Question 11: I dont usually use this but sometimes it can catch them off guard and Id use a down smash immediately after.

Question 12: Tried and found it didnt work, usually they can move away fast enough.

Question 13: No I use Side aeriels, smash attacks(usually down) for my killing moves. I didnt even know this thing could kill someone good.

Question 14: Wolf is my favorite character but also my second best. Pit is the one im best with but wolf is the kool king.

Question 15: It would be cheap and lame just like C-stikk spam and blasta.

Question 16: Give him 5 landmasters and a free special at the start of every match. The other 4 landmasters would be AI controlled. Now THAT would be fair.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
I saw a thread like this in the Falcon boards, so I figured I would take it here. Answer any way you want, be it like me or quoting and bolding your answer inside the quote. I have an answer key. Anyone who scores 80% or lower gets their Brawl disk blown up. :laugh:

Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.?
Bair (if that counts)

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery?
I have used it defensively.

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use?
Wolf Flash

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move?
Combo move mostly

Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash?
(maybe I should; don't know how)

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two)
Fsmash, dair

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all?
I rarely use it, and fire at most two shots before moving on

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?
Yes, and down taunt.

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar?
Never in a serious match

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring?
With lag, all the time. On smashville, never. Other conditions, haven't attempted.

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it?
Yes and yes.

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab?
(I'm pretty sure it doesn't work now)

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?

Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as.
Don't know/Don't care

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it?
Hell yes.

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be?
Run speed.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008

Interesting thread. I made the Falcon playstyle survey, but it was with intention that maaybe Falcon players could see patterns in their playstyle and realize "Wow, I really don't use this move alot. Maybe it's useful in Brawl" or "Oh crap, I've seen this guy's videos, and he sucks. What?! He's trying to combo into the knee all the time?! Maybe I shouldn't do that..." or "Oh wow, I really am trying to play Brawl Falcon like I did in Melee! Crap, no wonder I'm losing!"

But I guess a social survey is nice too lol

Deleted member

Last edited by a moderator:


Smash Apprentice
May 10, 2008
I saw a thread like this in the Falcon boards, so I figured I would take it here. Answer any way you want, be it like me or quoting and bolding your answer inside the quote. I have an answer key. Anyone who scores 80% or lower gets their Brawl disk blown up. :laugh:

Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.?

not particularly

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery?

once in a blue moon, if i'm sure it'll hit, and there's another attack wouldn't

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use?

up tilt, strangely. not because i don't want to, just i have tap jump on, lol

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move?

both xP

Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash?

whenever i can, i've even get kills with it every once in a while

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two)

dsmash and fair

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all?

i suppose i abuse it a little in the sense that i love breaking other's approachs.

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?

the howl of course. though the side taunt comes in a strong second

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar?

once in a while

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring?

most of the time. i've got to get some actual practice at it soon, lol

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it?

yupp to both

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab?

can't say i have >.>

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?

yea, with a healthy sprinkling of edgegaurding tactics

Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as.

he's all the good ones. kirby is all the bad ones, cause my friend only plays as kirby and rather sucks <.<

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it?

i'd use it if it was some sort of serious competition i suppose, but not in friendly matches

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be?

his down taunt would sound like a growl o.o
10 character


Smash Lord
Feb 10, 2008
Edmonton, AB
Question 1: Not really.
Question 2: Mainly recovery, barely damage.
Question 3: I try to use the attacks depending on the situation (which is why I don't use Fire Wolf for attacking too often).
Question 4: Mainly KO'ing, sometimes damage.
Question 5: Not really, I perfer to take the fight to them.
Question 6: B-air and D-smash.
Question 7: I use it to set up combo's/create opening's for combo's
Question 8: Yes. Down because it is easier for my thumb to roll down and hit.
Question 9: Not often.
Question 10: Often.
Question 11: I perfer offensively and defencively (Dodge and then hit).
Question 12: No.
Question 13: No, because I usually KO them before they get to 234%.
Question 14: All except for Champ (Ike 'cause me and my friend used to main him), Loneliest (Mr. Game & Watch) and Second Favorite (Once again Ike).
Question 15: Only for fun against my friends.
Question 16: His recovery (Specifically the Up B air control lag).

P.S. I just noticed that DK, Sonic, and Wolf all have the same amount of SD's...

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
1: I may spam a few moves, but not all the time.

2: I do use the third jump for offense every now and then. Knockback is manageable.

3: The d-tilt is rarely used for me since the d-smash moves just as fast.

4: The b-air is mainly used to KO at times.

5: Never did that. Although I may try to grab someone stupid enough to get close.

6: F-smash and d-smash are my most common killing moves on the ground.

7: Yeah I do use the Blaster a lot, but mainly when my foe is not close.

8: <> taunt and \/ taunt are my commonly used taunts. What's the matter, scared? That's priceless.

9: What's a scar?

10: Look at answer to 9.

11: I hardly ever used his Reflector since I can never seem to time it right to repel projectiles. It's more of a defensive move. At least Falco can use his offensively.

12: I can never seem to get chain grabs in since the CPUs easily escape them now. Of course, CPUs aren't the best choices to test advanced moves anyway.

13: Not at all. Whenever I'm near a ledge, I tend to either f-throw or b-throw depending on my angle.

14: Despite my name, Wolf is apparently one of my most commonly used mains. He's a smash champion in my book.

15: Probably not if it's hard to create.

16: Wolf's dash speed is barely any faster than his basic walking movement. He should at least rival Fox's dash speed (he is the fastest character in Star Fox Assault).
My Data on Wolf

Smash Attack usage: On average, 60+ in a 5 minute match. Once did over 100.

Grab attempts: Usually less than 5 in a 5 minute match.

Favorite attacks: F-smash and d-smash.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.

Interesting thread. I made the Falcon playstyle survey, but it was with intention that maaybe Falcon players could see patterns in their playstyle and realize "Wow, I really don't use this move alot. Maybe it's useful in Brawl" or "Oh crap, I've seen this guy's videos, and he sucks. What?! He's trying to combo into the knee all the time?! Maybe I shouldn't do that..." or "Oh wow, I really am trying to play Brawl Falcon like I did in Melee! Crap, no wonder I'm losing!"

But I guess a social survey is nice too lol
Oh, you're the guy who did the Falcon one, huh? Hm!

Well, I suppose that's one reason I did this, but I suppose I forgot to mention it lol. I noticed one person asked "Should I?" when it came to baiting > Wolf Flash sweetspot, so... I suppose it's kinda working.

Not to mention, I oh-so-slyly and subtly introduced my D-Throw KO idea.

@ Mario and Sonic Guy: A Scar is when you go through the stage using the Wolf Flash. There's some threads around here about it, and since I can't do it... X_x


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2008
Tuckahoe, don't say anything...lol
Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.?

I try not to spam any attacks, but his fsmash is probably the attack I use the most since I always catch my opponents offguard with its amazing range.

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery?

The most offensive way I have ever used it was catching my opponents offguard while recoverying onto the stage, and that still gets me punished.

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use?

Down tilt

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move?


Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash?

no, to risky

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two)

down smash, back air

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all?

If I do abuse it, its never mindlessly, always know what you are doing

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?

Whats the matter, scared?

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar?

what? lol

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring?


Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it?

Yes, it really catches your opponents offguard and works as a good dodge since it also stuns them.

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab?

It never works, I usually use it to lead into a attack or combo.

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?

Never, ever happened to me

Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as.

My second favorite character next to Diddy Kong, but he is my best character to fight as. He also my favorite Nintendo villain.

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it?

of course, use your character to their full potential.

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be?

How he falls straight down after a recovery move, I would allow his body to move sideways like the rest of the characters


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.? Not really, but Fsmash>Dash attack over and over against n00bs is very enjoyable.

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery? Its not strictly for recovery, but i dont use it offensively unless theres almost no other option, or for surprise.

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use? Uair, Up throw, and i don't use Bair as much as i should.

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move? It does everything, so i just squeeze one in wherever it seems appropriate.

Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash? Not often, but its definitely fun :laugh:

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two) Probably Dair spike and Fair/Dsmash.

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all? Somewhat spam in the beginning, then i dont use much, just to stop approaches.

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often? Up taunt, but its not like you can go wrong :chuckle:

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar? WAY too often.

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring? Not often, if i do its just an up B into the ledge.

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it? I use it for everything. Its my favorite move, and a good substitute for spotdodging (never really got used to it).

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab? No.

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone? No, but i've thought about it and decided there are better options.

Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as. Everything but 2nd fav and loneliest.

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it? Just to piss some people off, and only if i had to win. If it was ALMOST inescapable i'd use it more and just laugh at those who dont know how to get out of it :chuckle:

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be? Up B comes to mind, but it just takes practice. I'd say crawling, since i'm always going for a crawl and when i realize its not working a little bit of me dies inside :crying:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
A Scar is when you go through the stage using the Wolf Flash. There's some threads around here about it, and since I can't do it... X_x
Yes you can do it, you just don't know it yet. After you read this post you're going to go try it again and its going to work.

What I think you're doing: I think you're holding the edge, pressing down to come off the edge, and then forward B'ing, and dieing every time correct?

The correct way to do it: Don't press down to come off the edge. Hit backwards on the control stick and then forward B.

Merry Christmas


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2006
among the figments of your imagination
I think I'll fill out this survey, here are my answers:

1: not particularly, unless the situation favors it.

2: rarely, but I have won a sudden death round with a single Fire Wolf right at the start.

3: I can't say, I mix it up pretty well.

4: Yes

5: No, but if they give me the opening at the proper distance, I will use the F-Smash

6: D-Smash and B-air mostly

7: No, but I have killed a jiggs with a blaster spam once.

8: when appropriate, usually side taunt, sometimes up taunt.

9: Never, since I fight on FD a lot, I haven't much use for it.

10: N/A

11: I don't use it offensively but I do use it to stop the opponent's attack and put him on the defense.

12: once, but no more. I've found better things to follow up a D-throw with.

13: not that I can recall, maybe once.

14: Master of Disaster. When I trained with his recovery when I started playing, I died a lot.

15: yes, I use Falco's chain-grab and Fox's shine chaining against a wall, so I'd probably use something similar if Wolf had one.

16: Recovery, but that'd unbalance the game so it wouldn't be a great idea.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.?

°I try not too, although if my opponent keeps getting into possition for another F-Smash/D.smash/whatever then well, why deny it? Although even so I don't spam it because of stale moves

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery?

°In seriouse matches only for recovery, although like Kos I sometimes use it for fun.

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use?

°Not really, but like Pat I don't use D-Tilt so much.

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move?

°Everything: Spacing, KOs, Damage racker, Combo, etc.

Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash?

°Well, always wanted to end a seriouse match by spiking someone on their last stock with Wolf Flash as they are coming back from the stage, never had the balls though :bee:

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two)

°Depends on the stage, but ussually D-smash or Back Air

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all?

°To piss off my friends perhaps, but not on seriouse matches.

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?

°Well, after something epic like a spike, or a great combo KO I Howl, but for annoying my opponent..Whats the matter scared?!
Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar?

°When the stage is scar-able and when that's the safest way to return to the stage.

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring?

°Pffft with lag, I don't think I even try...

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it?

°Oh yes... dodge, counter, punish. Reflector is the bomb!

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab?

°Have tried, at 0 percent you can mash the grab button and on heavy characters you'll grab them again, but only really bad people will get chained grabed by wolf's Down throw.

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?

°Don't recall any time I've done it, but if you grab them on the edge of the stage at high % then it throws them pretty far and on a downwards angle, wich is good.

Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as.

°Wolf's my main, so yeah he's the highest played character on my records, just above Toon Link.

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it?

°Well if I'm playing on a Money match, and it isn't banned.. Yeah for sure, anything for the money:laugh:.

Seriously though I try not to be cheap on most matches, it just sucks the fun out of the game.

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be?

°Recovery. Period.

I like this topic, it's a great way to compare wolfs on diferent people and lear stuff that could make your gameplay better.

+10 respect to Patinator:)


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Yes you can do it, you just don't know it yet. After you read this post you're going to go try it again and its going to work.

What I think you're doing: I think you're holding the edge, pressing down to come off the edge, and then forward B'ing, and dieing every time correct?

The correct way to do it: Don't press down to come off the edge. Hit backwards on the control stick and then forward B.

Merry Christmas
Thanks, I'll try that.

@ ElPadrino: That last bit made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks! :)

...That sounds so Slippy-ish.

@ PK-ow: No. On aerial stages, using Wolf's Down Throw at around the same damage you could KO with his B-Air, maybe less or more, the knockback goes down at an angle even SHARPER than that of Sheik's F-Air in Melee. Wolf's Down Throw can be a very sharp semi-spike at over 110%, so I use it sometimes for a fun KO. Add to the fact you can use Wolf's Pummel about twenty times at 110%... You got something there! o_O

Jarabe 93

Smash Apprentice
May 8, 2008
New Jersey
Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.?

Occasionally I blaster spam if they refuse to get close up, but other than that, not really.

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery?

Every now and then I use it offensively. They usually don't see it coming, as long as I don't use it too much.

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use?

Down Tilt. The only times I use it is by accident.

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move?


Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash?

Never thought of this. For now, no.

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two)

Down Smash and F-air.

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all?

I use it with moderation, except on stubborn opponents that don't come up close.

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?

Yes, Up Taunt.

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar?

Never, really.

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring?

50% of the time. That's why I stopped. :dizzy:

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it?

If I'm 100% sure of an attack coming, I'll use its counter aspect.

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab?

Nope. I always follow it up with a Blaster shot, Fire Wolf, or F-Smash depending on how much damage they have.

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?


Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as.

Second favorite, beat by Meta Knight, my former main. Smash Champ. Wii's off ATM and I'm too lazy to check the rest. :ohwell:

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it?

Depends how annoying my opponent is. The more annoying, the more deserving he would be of it.

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be?

A name for his Up B that made sense.


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2007
SUNY Geneseo
Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.? Nope.

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery? Recovery only.

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use? Down tilt.

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move? Combo!

Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash? Naw.

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two) Downsmash and front smash...

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all? I don't spam, I... overuse? :bee: Jk. I use it when useful, usually only for spacing.

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?
I tend not to taunt.
Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar? Not very much.

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring? 85.6752% of the time.

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it? I use it as an approach.

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab? Eh. Sometimes.

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone? Downthrow->Fair...

Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as.
Not sure, too lazy to check! :)
Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it? But of course! If you've got it, flaunt it.

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be?hmmm. Not a big fan of the Fair lag.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.?
- Blaster, Bair, Nair...

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery?
-Recovery, it's its sole purpose.

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use?
- Dtilt doesn't get much usage...

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move?
- Both, it makes an excellent edgeguard <3

Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash?
- Rarely.

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two)
-Dsmash and Backair.

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all?
-I use it for spacing, getting up percentage... but not really "spam"

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?
-In Wifi, I just taunt to communicate, but in-person... up taunt, by far.

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar?
-Nearly everytime I'm on the ledge, it's excellent for getting the right position, but I mix it up now and then.

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring?
-I only learned to impliment it into my game...today, so about 20% of the time it doesn't work for me.

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it?
-Both, it's helpful in both situations.

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab?
-No I have not.

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?
-Nope, probably won't ever do so.

Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as.
-Nah, my main was Marth when I first got Brawl, then I played online and started maining Wolf.

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it?
-Sparingly, maybe just to annoy my friends =D

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be?

Better recovery.

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.?

-Yes...yes I do. It's called Bair

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery?

-Hell to the **** no

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use?


Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move?

Never heard of this Back aerial....lol, of course.Both.

Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash?

sometimes yes, but not often

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two)


Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all?

I Liek teh spam teh Lazzers Liek teh n00bzz....HELL NO! Abuse it? Maybe. Spam it Mindlessly? By god that would just degrade myself as a smasher in general

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?

Down taunt and of course the Howling awesomeness of Up taunt

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar?

Scarring is one of my main priorities when attempting a recovery

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring?

I have never failed a scar...ever

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it?

Yes, and No

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab?


Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?

Near the edge, yes due to the direction it sends my opponents at higher damage, making it easier to edgehog them.

Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as.

Favorite, and Smash Champ

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it?

If Multi-shining was as viable as the above combo's, then yes, I would since it would be allowing me to become even better with wolf which is apart of my main goal.

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be?

His Up-B and a bit more variability in some attacks, other then that, he's pretty much a perfect character.

Good thread Patinator. I think the other thread you have is kind of dying lol(not trying to be negative though).


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?

Near the edge, yes due to the direction it sends my opponents at higher damage, making it easier to edgehog them.
See people, THIS is kinda what I meant by Down Throw KO. At least I'm not the only person who does it. :chuckle:

Good thread Patinator. I think the other thread you have is kind of dying lol(not trying to be negative though).
[VANITY] Yeah, I know... [/VANITY]

You mean the one about walls? I didn't expect it to be popular.


Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2008
Atlanta, GA
1: Yes, bair.

2: Strictly recovery, and sideb is my primary recovery.

3: Dtilt, utilt.

4: Both.

5: Occasionally.

6: Bair, dsmash.

7: I don't spam it, but I do abuse it.

8: Yes, up taunt. ("utaunt?")

9: Whenever it is more beneficial to scar than to recover otherwise.

10: Once, I believe.

11: Yes, and I'm trying to incorporate it, so yes?

12: No.

13: No.

14: Favorite Character, Smash Champ, Smash Sap, Slug Meister, Punching Bag, KO Kingpin, No-Defense Nelly.

15: I would only use it when necessary. In example, a 1v1 that I can't afford to lose, or I just feel like annoying someone.

16: Recovery.


Smash Cadet
Mar 22, 2008
Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.?

I only "spam" the blaster when my opponent is in the right range, forcing his hand and limiting his approach options. I won't go out of my way to use it or use it stupidly however. No to any other attack.

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery?

I'll actually throw it in once a game to catch opponents off guard; they normally misdodge and land right into it.

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use?

Down tilt. I don't even know what it is

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move?


Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash?

Yes, especially on battlefield. Hello sweetspot from main stage to middle platform

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two)

Down smash, up bAir

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all?

See question 1

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?

Howl ftw. And yes, after every stock.

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar?


Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring?

Happened once or twice.

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it?

Yes, it is what my wolf game revolves around.

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab?

No. I much prefer Dthrow to jump spike near the ledge thank you very much.

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?

See above.

Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as.

I think every single record is held by wolf or olimar (other main) (other than stuff like less used etc)

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it?

Yes. As a player, you use whatever will make you win. Anyone saying otherwise is just upset their character doesn't have such options


Smash Lord
May 28, 2007
Homewood, IL
I try to play a defensive wolf, with lots of lasers. F-smashing can get predictable, so I try not to spam it too much.


Smash Cadet
Dec 20, 2006
Better add my opinion... BTW, I am back from perfeting my Wolf for two weeks (and getting caught up in the EOY school stuff bleah).

Question 1: Do you like to abuse/spam some of Wolf's attacks? IE, his Forward Smash, Blaster, Down Smash, Up Smash, etc.?

Very rarely do I ever. When someone 5-0's me 10 games in a row, I will end up spamming....

Question 2: Do you ever use Fire Wolf offensively? Or is it strictly for recovery?

Eh... Niether really. Definitely the least used move in my arsonal.

Question 3: What move, aside from Fire Wolf if you answered that you never use it above, do you rarely, if ever, use?

Dair. So little hitbox... so little usefulness...

Question 4: Is Wolf’s Back Aerial your combo move, or your KO’ing move?


Question 5: Do you try to bait someone into jumping far away, then nail them with a Wolf Flash?

Bait? Hell. I Flash them some, but Flash Cancel others... really messes them up.

Question 6: What is/are your main KO move(s)? (Maximum of two)

Only two??? DSmash and Bair... but I use Bair as an edgeguard move more than a strict KO move.

Question 7: Do you abuse or mindlessly spam Wolf’s Blaster? Do you use it at all?

Mindlessly spam? no. Abuse? If your name is Meta Knight, Marth, or Luigi (okay, I just stuck that last one in there for no reason), maybe a little (maybe a lot). But I do use it as a follow up and/or spacer.

Question 8: Do you taunt with Wolf? If yes, which of Wolf’s three taunts do you use most often?

If you don't... start. UTaunt ftw. STaunt to laugh at a 5-0 game.

Question 9: How often do you attempt a Scar?

50% of the time on the appropriate stages. Otherwise, 0.01% of the time (accident...);

Question 10: How often do you fail at Scarring?

Only when I don't succeed.

Question 11: Do you use Wolf’s Reflector offensively? Do you dodge attacks with it?

Yes, yes, and yes.

Question 12: Have you ever attempted to use Wolf’s Down Throw as a chain grab?

Against noobs and my little brother, yes.

Question 13: have you ever used Wolf’s Down Throw to KO someone?

Why didn't you use Dsmash?

Question 14: Is Wolf in any of your Records? In other words, is he your Favorite/Second Favorite/Loneliest character? Smash Champ/Sap? Answer with every one Wolf qualifies as.

All of them... except least played. (Even most falls and SD's...)

Question 15: If Wolf had some kind of inescapable or almost inescapable combo of some sort, be it on all or on a few characters, like the Ice Climbers’ Down Throw chain grab or Dedede’s Down Throw chain grab, would you use it?

Do we consider DDD or IC broken because of it? (rhetorical question btw)

Question 16: If you could choose ONE thing about Wolf and make it better, what would it be?

UpB longer... better DI... Not so cruddy Dair... Wait a minute...
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