You gotta say that Sheik is dumb though Ish. MU is easy cheese once I take away SV lol. Didn't even try that yet lmao!
It's kinda similar to Wario/Pika imo, but a few things make it easier. The best way I can lay out most of my thoughts is with comparisons:
Survivability: W>P>S
Kill power: W>P>S
Air mobility (horizontal): W>P>S
Air mobility (vertical): S>P>W
Ground speed: S>P>W
Ease/flexibility of CG: P>>W>S
Survivability is a HUGE blow to Sheik imo. I can kill you piss early compared to Wario. You also rely on the lock more because otherwise you're killing me super late, and you have a higher chance of messing up due to more inputs. I do the same thing to punish most Warios when they whiff their CG, where I mash usmash. Wario can take that 18% fairly well, Sheik can't, so there's more pressure on you to not mess the lock up :x same thing for when you hit my shield with ftilt and I continue holding shield, I'm prepared for another ftilt so if I block that you're eating another 18% (you should definitely mix that up more). Due to your weak horizontal air mobility I have an easier time exploiting you after an usmash imo. Also, thanks to the early kills, if you mess up the lock at like 60% and we kill you it's tough for you to get the game back. Personally, Wolf capitalizes on Sheik's mistakes by exploiting her weaknesses very well, and that's necessary for him to do decent in the MU because Sheik would screw Wolf up a lot harder the closer people are to "perfect play".
I think -1 is still accurate
We should've definitely tried the MU out on more stages haha, SV is pretty good for Wolf in lock/CG MUs once he has the lead but Sheik definitely has the potential to make the MU a pain in the butt.
I love Asian girls
Arda, you were doing really well against Lad! One question though, are you able to Dacus a Falcon that's trying to SHDL in that range because it looked like there missed opportunities there.
Thanks! I was being dumb and shielding when he jab cancelled all the time, and he picked up on that hard game3 X___x Lad was more clutch too, I got tense and went for risky/sloppy punishes when there was too much on the line. I was getting killed by his CQC game in general, and falling into some nice kill setups. He did pretty well against MCPe too imo. Definitely need to work on the mental aspect of this game in tournament, but overall I'm glad I can see some improvement.
I think it works unless he goes very low with the second laser, but I'm bad with DACUS and don't have experience timing it to hit Falco out of SHDL :/ that's a good thing to bring up though, I should practice that because approaching Falco is bunz and then I get jabbed and lose
They uploaded videos quick lol. Props to AtlSouth.