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Wofl Q&A/Social


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I've actually thought about dropping black for blue.

So I can play teams loool.

Plus like every other character I play it's usually the blue skin, unless there's a crazy one or white luigi.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
lol this is the dumbest thing but actually perfect. Racks up damage quickly and inescapable barring some obscene SDI on shine.


Also, happy birthday Shiro ily <3

He should be the #1 :wolf:. I don't know why he isn't already.

List of top 3:

1. MegaRobMan
2. Patmancav (PMC)
3. Pane


Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Tourney this Saturday for me guys. Wish me luck :)! I'm hoping to go all :wolf: unless I get ***** R1 or run into Coney in bracket.

I hope after the tourney Md/Va wants to go see the dark night rises. That'd be sweeeeet.



Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Guys, I'm serious, I can't aim on a different controller, everything is off 45 degrees to the right, recovering is impossible. This is terrible. I just want to have usable buttons :<

@ Csx: you should upload a match against someone who isn't getting destroyed :p
also thanks ishy ily2

Tourney this Saturday for me guys. Wish me luck :)! I'm hoping to go all :wolf: unless I get ***** R1 or run into Coney in bracket.

I hope after the tourney Md/Va wants to go see the dark night rises. That'd be sweeeeet.

Good luck! I'm seeing Batman's midnight showing with a friend lol, probably a terrible idea because I have work the next day but whatever.

Reason: Arda Aysu likes to collect strains of hair from unsuspecting individuals.

This is why Seagull gets banned.


Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Guys, I'm serious, I can't aim on a different controller, everything is off 45 degrees to the right, recovering is impossible. This is terrible. I just want to have usable buttons :<

@ Csx: you should upload a match against someone who isn't getting destroyed :p


Good luck! I'm seeing Batman's midnight showing with a friend lol, probably a terrible idea because I have work the next day but whatever.

This is why Seagull gets banned.

I get banned because Arda Aysu collects hair of unsuspecting individuals. It all makes sense :troll:.



Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Tourney this Saturday for me guys. Wish me luck :)! I'm hoping to go all :wolf: unless I get ***** R1 or run into Coney in bracket.
Good luck!
Guys, I'm serious, I can't aim on a different controller, everything is off 45 degrees to the right, recovering is impossible. This is terrible. I just want to have usable buttons :<
^This is exactly what happens to me when I use PS2, DS and classic controllers for a long time without playing Game Cube or Wii nunchuck controllers. 2 solutions:
1 buy a GC controller from Game Stop (although my control stick skin broke in 3 days:glare:) or use an old GC controller you have (I cut the peeling skin off the stick and sanded the pointy plastic down to keep using my Game Cube controllers). Wii nunchucks and GC controllers have the same thumb alignment.
2 Practice a lot until you adapt.


The Wii U 'Pro Controller' thankfully was designed to have the left stick in the same position as GC controllers and wii nunchucks.

as opposed to

so the transition away from GC controllers in SSB4 won't be too bad.

I finally got a new computer.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
It blew all these people's minds:

Seagull Joe 1,193
KRDsonic 1,132
Ishieymoro 1,097
Auspher 1,071
MegaRobMan 1,001
Goldenadept 817
tekkie 800
castorpollux 792
Gah777 468
vVv Choice 467
Rizen 441
Gheb_01 436
Espy Kasrani 435
rsr2 368
Luminoth64 336
-Shiro- 276
Zync 250
_Kain_ 223
-Vocal- 221
Aerodrome 210
Papa Mink 180
Laem 178
SinisterB 175
Disaster Master 162
.AC. 157
pulse131 141
Shane. 141
Chuee 135
rPSIvysaur 130
Yikarur 127
xIblisx 113
Bead 108
Apollo$ 105
Stealth Raptor 94
fromundaman 86
[oni]LoKo 85
JCav 74
Kinetic 66
MidnightAsaph 63
Technodeath 54
-Ghost- 51
Sonjicboom 50
Wolfcario 50
PaNiC! 50
SuperMetroid44 46
BluePSI 45
Gamegenie222 41
CsxMark 36
Wild ARMs 35
KassandraNova 35
Wolf McBlue 33
DeLux 32
Kuares 32
Xiivi 31
Tekk001 28
JigglyZelda003 28
Arrows 28
rvkevin 25
Turbo Ether 25
Kuro~ 24
John102 23
Abel1994 23
Player-3 22
Player-1 21
kailo34ce 21
RaphaelRobo 21
The Iron Wolf 20
Orion* 19
earla 19
Sazzy Latias 18
Browny 17
Tprime 17
Xzax Kasrani 17
tedeth 17
M.C. Pee-Pants 17
Ripple 17
Sinister Slush 16
PMC66 15
Swei 15
Excel 14
Zajice 14
AlexoftheAura 13
Yink 13
SelfPossessed 13
cMeDu 13
Gadiel_VaStar 12
Dark 3nergy 12
Monkley6 12
Ojih~Sama 12
Semifer 11
-Masquerain- 11
Dnyce 11
Red Ryu 10
Xyless 10
thegreatkazoo 10
D Who? 10
SaveMeJebus 10
Mr-R 9
Sumer 9
-Jumpman- 9
theeboredone 9
AscWolf 9
False 9
Eddy 9
Psyco 8
BPx 8
vato_break 8
phi1ny3 8
Mr. Doom 8
Red Savarin 8
ShermantheTank 7
Dark Dire Wolf 7
Zero 7
Tesh 7
Xsyven 6
Smoom77 6
Saixthewerewolf 6
jbandrew 6
Krystedez 6
WedginatorX 6
Hanzhou 6
M-Wolf 6
Dekar173 5
Maharba the Mystic 5
Destrawr 5
¿Qué? 5
xulloprotsaC 5
Zwarm 5
Steam 5
Supreme Dirt 5
dabuz 5
Red Arremer 5
♥ 5
Fuujin 5
VK-137 4
Greave 4
Rikku~ 4
Illmatic. 4
Soran 4
Gryphy 4
BetaDyne 4
Teran 4
Mister Eric 4
Juushichi 4
ShadoFiend 4
Atomsk_92 4
ErikG 4
Blank Mauser 4
MysteryTigerTeen 4
Twinkie 4
Asdioh 4
Izaw 4
Jiffyboob 4
Technical_Chase 4
Destiny Warrior 3
PrivateJoker-Brown 3
Lee Martin 3
Zigsta 3
perfectedidiot2 3
Kinzer 3
camerino1 3
Hylian 3
Asa Akira 3
Xonar 3
nocturne55 3
big bad wolf 3
Moritaka 3
JayDeth 3
Rockstar 3
Alus 3
Dre. 3
knuckles213 3
Shy Guy 86 3
isaccard 2
Jesmo 2
ccst 2
HyL! 2
Roller 2
Rickerdy-doo-da-day 2
Xatic 2
SwaggaSmirkz 2
SuSa 2
Nebraska Mega Man Power Rankings 2
fox67890 2
Kofu 2
hadesblade 2
Judo777 2
shadow1pj 2
Scar 2
KillerJawz 2
Allied 2
Fox Is Openly Deceptive 2
King Funk 2
Sunnysunny 2
Psycho Meta Knight 2
ShadowSpear 2
Xyro77 2
DarkLouis331 2
D-Rock1000 2
resTy 2
Pikabunz 2
Coney 2
Jim Morrison 2
ChocoNaner 2
NO-IDea 2
Cloudchaser 2
Sync. 2
Sosuke 1
napZzz 1
AtotheZ 1
Marcbri 1
FlyingFrenchman 1
Shadocat 1
RichBrown 1
NeeBee 1
blackanese 1
Eddie G 1
Ingulit 1
xX'Mitsurugi'Xx 1
mrconcon 1
G~P 1
shirowolf 1
~Eryth~ 1
Knight of the wind Ethil 1
aatami 1
rm88 1
jiovanni007 1
$DtJ$ Hilt #Got'em #Money 1
YOSHssb 1
Bartolon 1
~Firefly~ 1
CelestialMarauder~ 1
DtJ SquidBurrMoneyBurr 1
HotWings 1
Le vieux lapin 1
Eagle_Eyes 1
Bing 1
masegoats 1
Timotee 1
Grimwolf 1
Patinator 1
Strong Bad 1
Volcanic Doomfire 1
Attifire 1
Jason! 1
aisight 1
M@v 1
ook 1
izic 1
Tony T 1
saviorslegacy 1
Dakpo 1
Docter Luigi 1
McLevelin 1
Vinyl. 1
Degree of Fear 1
Luigi player 1
God-is-my-Rock 1
Captain Sa10 1
Yoshara 1
D0N 1
theobaldo51 1
Basil 1
Nike. 1
Legan 1
prOAPC 1
~Pink Fresh~ 1
JOE! 1
KiraFlax 1
Delta-cod 1
links24 1
MonkUnit 1
Spin 1
Ralph Cecil 1
John2k4 1
choknater 1
Count 1
ArcPoint 1
DtJ Joogl 1
Ryker 1
southpaw 1
Coolwhip 1



Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Insomnia, depression, procrastination, lack of new good challenging games and internet forums mix too well. I'm ahead of you^ :/ . How did you get that list?

Just when I started to get back in a good mood there's regional bad news. ...
I got a new computer. CPU+protection software, replacement software, data transfer, settings adjusting, etc= a ****load of money and time gone. I knew I'd need one since my old computer had XP and was very old in CPU years. Photoshop's very pricy (O.O)

There's always something to drag you down...

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
WHat happened!?!? and im going to a tourney tommorow wish me luck
Hydroplaned on an interstate into another car. Mine got wrecked. His was fine. To top it off a cop came 30 minutes later unannounced and fined me for negligent driving. Like...what the ****? He wasn't there and the weather cause it.



Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I'm glad you are safe, though.

I might leave the [FONT=&quot]universe for a runner's lap[/FONT]. (Great song expressing the feeling, listen to it from the start too)
(Rant, don't read if you're depressed)

I wasn't there^. CO's the columbine state too; I remember in high school listening to Weird Al on head phones during a study period, the song had a gunshot and I was zoning out and it freaked me out for a few minutes like there was a shooting in the school (not Columbine btw).
A person can't go to a collage party, public school, theater, etc without worrying about being gunned down, some sick SOB made targets that look like Travon Martin (look it up) that sold out. Why are we so paranoid about airport security and swine flu but can't regulate guns, etc properly?!

It's a hundred seven degrees in the summer and only getting worse, climate changes my ***; does all the pollution magically disappear into space?!

The economy went to hell when the US invaded Iraq under false info, spending billions ever singly day but Halliburton double charged the army for meals and gave the soldiers unsanitary conditions.
The goddamn news was playing McCarthyism and acting like questioning 9/11 made you a terrorist (name 1 thing besides the WTC towers that falls strait down, into it's footprint at nearly free-fall acceleration from burning and/or side impact bar-none. Nothing does! Not 1 person has EVER named 1 thing in the 4 debates I've done. Science must be reproducible; controlled demolition reproduces that exactly! http://allisbrawl.com/forum/topic.aspx?id=189613 , http://allisbrawl.com/forum/topic.aspx?pid=1903542#p1903542 . Ignoring info won't change it. Do your research America!)
Now 1/4 of the Iraq veterans are homeless.

This while big banks and companies mortgaged more than houses were worth, bet against the mortgages, let the companies fail and the worker's stock and retirement with it, and people homeless and the CEOs walked away with literally over $400 Billion! WTF was all that about?! Why are we bailing them out? Why support Bush tax breaks and these companies in this economy but not healthcare?

http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/spending_chart_1997_2014USb_13s1li011lcn_G0t (copy full link and paste it for exact chart show, I <3 that site)

I'm not against republicans, btw. I don't consider the Bush administration Republican because their total lack of supporting traditional republican ideology. Biggest government ever (military spending and lobbying ARE part of the government), no support for families, veterans or their health, 2000-2004 the debt skyrockets. Not to mention the USA PATRIOT act and allowing anonymous lobbying; North Korea could be sponsoring our congress and not have to disclose the information. Also thank you corrupt media for polarizing the public with diversionary propaganda and outright lies while encouraging hate. I hate the news media, can you tell? http://www.oldielyrics.com/lyrics/r_e_m/ignoreland.html

I'm not happy with republicans or democrats in office; I don't think they represent the voting repubs/dems (Dems do better, IMO). Playing the system is important but not a solid solution. Be sure to vote, though. I refer to the Southpark where a giant d***** runs vs a t*** sandwich.

I'm not even going to start on non-renewable energy (what can turn a turbine better? Wind, water, steam from fossil fuels/nuclear material etc heat? What can spill over the gulf or meltdown...
Fine I started a little.)

For the most part the age group of this site didn't cause these problems but we have to deal with them.:mad: ATM, the heat and possibility of being shot at the movies is at the top of my mind:(.

/huge rant and that's the tip of the iceberg. *sigh*
@Ish delete this if you need to.

[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
I know that feel.

Today the DC input part of my phone broke. i guess one of the pins snapped and now no charger will fit in it.

Feels bad.
Phone's dead.
Girl was supposed to come over.



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
The range of depression.

We'll call a 1

Missing out on booty due to bad phone

We'll call a 10

Having your son die on his 27th birthday because of some raving lunatic.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Rizen, I feel like you fall into the government's list of "people who know too much" lol. But yes, the world is in many ways an extremely messed-up place. I won't say further, you already know how these things go I'm sure :x



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Rizen I read that, and you are a smart person, dude. I really like the "Bush administration isn't really republican" for those exact reasons, and republicans are supposed to protect us from big government agencies, not making the patriot act which destroys all rights and makes the national government that much more powerful over state government.

And yes, Ish is right, you are one of those knows too much. Watch out, or you could be next dude.

You should move to Nebraska lol, I think we'd have a smash group as a front and really be crazy activists.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Got 3rd in singles at local today. Beat Junebug, Kadaj, and K9. Lost to Lie and Llod. Got 2nd in doubles with Korn. Aw ye. Solo :wolf:.



Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
You mean you didn't lose to Olimar for once?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Good **** lol. But wait... isn't lloD a Peach main?

Lol no. I've beaten Logic before, but not with :wolf: (Least not the entire set cause I usually go :metaknight: game 2/3).

And about Llod, he NEVER JUMPED. How do I kill someone who doesn't jump?!? He's a Wi-Fi player who plays a lot of Wi-Fi. He beat Junebug, Logic, and me of PR'd players. Probably the beast :peach: in the country (He usually takes M2k/Ally to game 3 and etc...)

K9 from my region is the original K9. Not the :falco: from Az.




Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Lol no. I've beaten Logic before, but not with :wolf: (Least not the entire set cause I usually go :metaknight: game 2/3).
And yes. about Llod He NEVER JUMPED. How do I kill someone who doesn't jump?!? He's a Wi-Fi player who plays a lot of Wi-Fi. He beat Junebug, Logic, and me of PR'd players. Probably the beast :peach: in the country (He usually takes M2k/Ally to game 3 and etc...)

K9 from my region is the original K9. Not the :falco: from Az.


I meant winning with solo Wolf lol. Also, damn, I've never actually seen lloD play but that's quite impressive. Videos? And I thought K9 quit or something, haven't seen him around in forever.

Agreed btw, when people don't jump I get so sad :(



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
All I do is jump, unless I'm d-smashing.

You beat no jumping with blaster. Or grab. Or Jab. Or bait move-f-smash.

If they powersheild blaster, mix up blaster and grab. If they start spot dodging, jab wins normally if you don't anticipate the actual moment for it but anticipate the idea. Obviously if you know they are gonna spot-dodge f/d smash are the best.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
No, I mean, think about it.

You shoot blaster, they either get hit by it or shield, or PS or spot dodge or jump.

Give this person doesn't jump, we can dismiss that.

So. This person is committed to where they are at. Based on how far away they are are, I can either

A. Blaster again.
B. Stand there and look at them and wait for them to do something and punish accordingly
C. Run up and grab them.
D. Run up to them and wait for them to do something and then punish acordingly

When I play on FD, all I do is just go from corner to corner and blaster people and then grab them for thinking I'm going to blaster them.

Blank, the guy who I got into the giant fake internet arguement, was pissed because that's literally all I did the entire first set vs him was force him into his shield and I would grab him until he was at killing %.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
I meant winning with solo Wolf lol. Also, damn, I've never actually seen lloD play but that's quite impressive. Videos? And I thought K9 quit or something, haven't seen him around in forever.

Agreed btw, when people don't jump I get so sad :(

Whenever I go solo :wolf: vs Logic I always take it to game 3 last hit last stock and lose to bull****.
All I do is jump, unless I'm d-smashing.

You beat no jumping with blaster. Or grab. Or Jab. Or bait move-f-smash.

If they powersheild blaster, mix up blaster and grab. If they start spot dodging, jab wins normally if you don't anticipate the actual moment for it but anticipate the idea. Obviously if you know they are gonna spot-dodge f/d smash are the best.
I... I'm going to wait for you to realize how silly it is to mention mixing up blaster with grab/jab etc.

This is why he's the #1 :wolf:. Why don't people believe me :c?
No, I mean, think about it.

You shoot blaster, they either get hit by it or shield, or PS or spot dodge or jump.

Give this person doesn't jump, we can dismiss that.

So. This person is committed to where they are at. Based on how far away they are are, I can either

A. Blaster again.
B. Stand there and look at them and wait for them to do something and punish accordingly
C. Run up and grab them.
D. Run up to them and wait for them to do something and then punish acordingly

When I play on FD, all I do is just go from corner to corner and blaster people and then grab them for thinking I'm going to blaster them.

Blank, the guy who I got into the giant fake internet arguement, was pissed because that's literally all I did the entire first set vs him was force him into his shield and I would grab him until he was at killing %.
Too bad :wolf:'s blaster has like a billion frames of cool down to make it impossible to actually spam outside of Wi-Fi. You keep doing whatchu do though #1.



Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
No, I mean, think about it.

You shoot blaster, they either get hit by it or shield, or PS or spot dodge or jump.

Give this person doesn't jump, we can dismiss that.

So. This person is committed to where they are at. Based on how far away they are are, I can either

A. Blaster again.
B. Stand there and look at them and wait for them to do something and punish accordingly
C. Run up and grab them.
D. Run up to them and wait for them to do something and then punish acordingly

When I play on FD, all I do is just go from corner to corner and blaster people and then grab them for thinking I'm going to blaster them.

Blank, the guy who I got into the giant fake internet arguement, was pissed because that's literally all I did the entire first set vs him was force him into his shield and I would grab him until he was at killing %.
I'm trying to say that, the inherent ranges where blaster and jab/grab are effective tools are nowhere NEAR the same. When you include this whole "run up" thing it makes some more sense, except running limits your options and it's usually a really bad idea to run at someone from blaster range (unless it's a crap character or something) because their options tend to be superior by virtue of being at a neutral position (and not a crap character).

The rest of this banks on your opponent doing something. I mean, just, skvnskdjfnvsdkfjnv it doesn't really work that way in practice. Blaster and jab/grab do not both effectively pressure at the same range. When blaster is a threat jab/grab are not, and vice versa; that's basically the point I'm trying to make.



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Basically, what I'm saying is that if you play like a scrub, people will think you are just going to stand there and blaster them and while they are like "lol" you can be like "lol".

Olimar/D3/IC's this obviously doesn't work vs most the time, but this is assuming that this person does not jump. Given proper placement on the map, I don't see how it doesn't work, if they are so close to that they can hit you with a move that isn't a projectile.

I mean, I'm imagining this vs peach, and I guess peach has a counter, and if she has a turnip in her hand blaster isn't as good of an idea if she has the slidetoss, but peach has major lag on the get turnip move to the point where she doesn't always get one.

I didn't say it had to be the same range, I would figure that people would assume I was describing options to use in between said blaster usage to mix up stuff, given range. I forgot about Dacus, which is what I use vs peach when she grabs turnips.

I mean, when I type stuff I don't remind people to breathe while reading it.

Also I never-rarely play wifi. You just got to remember my competition is that bad. Except the people I lose to, most of those people are really good.


Smash Cadet
Nov 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
Who are the younger wolf mains? Am I the youngest?
/Randomness ftw :D

I'm 16 btw turn 17 next April

10 bucks says I tower over all of you =D
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