Smash Cadet
All of you people that turn off items at tournaments before the game is even OUT IN AMERICA are SCRUBS.
I have seen someone quote sakurai as saying final smashes are like hammers for each character in their own way. Guess what else Sakurai said? "Real men play with items on". You can't pick and choose what doctrine he speaks about gameplay that reflects your point of view best personally, completely ignoring other things he has said. The game was designed with items, some are okay with being banned, but ALL including smash balls?
What is the most important thing for the future of competitive gaming? The entertainment of the spectator. Unfortunately for some of you elitists who have scared off the casual community with your incredibly boring to watch matches, that means you may have to have AT LEAST smash balls on. AT LEAST.
Reasons why you are scrubs. Take this quote for instance from the aforementioned article.
1. Needs to be hit multiple times, thus adding strategy, planning, timing to the acquisition of the Final Smash.
2. Can be knocked out of the player with a hard enough smash, thus upsetting the faster characters that everyone claims (after only 2-3 weeks of play) have an advantage of getting the smash ball.
3. From what I have seen of just watching each one, NONE of these are one hit kills, press a button, someone dies with no skill involved at all at 0% starting health. All of them require timing, aiming, can be baited and dodged strategically if you know when they are going to use it, and I have also seen all of them yield a kill as well, no matter how underpowered you think some are. The idea that marth is just some winning machine, or sonics is so easy to use is based on 2-3 weeks of play, whereas the whiners most likely turned off smash balls within the first week because... they are scrubs and play with their own set of intricate rules based on how "cheap" they think something is.
That all being said, it's appalling to me that the first major is set up with Melee tournament rules already. The people organizing the event haven't even had enough time to play the game to make any decision on items, to start dictating what the community should do. I'm rising up and going to start an items on tournament in the next months. A regional at first, but eventually with the hopes of making it a major.
From a spectator's standpoint the LA Pre-Release Tournament and the SF Pre-Release tournament were both amazing. One main reason? Items. Items made it really interesting and exciting to watch. Without items you are just watching street fighter with no specials, just kicks, and punches. For competitive gaming to take off, it must be interesting to watch, and you scrubs who turn off items in the first major without sufficient evidence or time played to back up any supposed reasoning are ruining chances of the competitive brawl scene making it into the spotlight.
Now some responses:
1. This situation is so incredibly rare. It really is a non-issue. If this happens anyways you are assuming someone gets knocked off, and that instant he starts flying (very far mind you because he would have to be high percentage ANYWAYS for there to be enough time for this to happen, thus partially his fault and being on the brink of death, mitigating the potential of the FS ANYWAYS) a smash ball appears. The character on land then proceeds to jump 2-3 times attacking the smash ball accurately each time (which flies pretty far away depending on the frequency of it being hit and how hard, etc...) following it perfectly. Then coming down, aiming the smash, timing it for where the person is. Also the other person is completely unable to bait, juke, dodge, or smash the smash ball out of the offending player. Yes totally unbalanced, no mitigating circumstances WHATSOEVER. I see your point scrub.
2. Yes because everyone attacks by running directly at someone in a straight line without jumping, without dodges, without anything. I mean playing against someone who is competent who realizes what your FS can do, and how it works, and what situation is favorable for you, they will just find a way to make it less favorable for you. Actually since items are long range, they can help you fight someone who has short range activatable FS'. Items on to some degree can help mitigate the "overpoweredness" of these FS'.
Items. What is so hard to understand? Just yes. You can argue, but just yes.
Wow that opinion should totally be listened to.
All of you people that turn off items at tournaments before the game is even OUT IN AMERICA are SCRUBS.
I have seen someone quote sakurai as saying final smashes are like hammers for each character in their own way. Guess what else Sakurai said? "Real men play with items on". You can't pick and choose what doctrine he speaks about gameplay that reflects your point of view best personally, completely ignoring other things he has said. The game was designed with items, some are okay with being banned, but ALL including smash balls?
What is the most important thing for the future of competitive gaming? The entertainment of the spectator. Unfortunately for some of you elitists who have scared off the casual community with your incredibly boring to watch matches, that means you may have to have AT LEAST smash balls on. AT LEAST.
Reasons why you are scrubs. Take this quote for instance from the aforementioned article.
Let's see here. Now how is that relevant to smash, we allow blocks, throws, etc... It applies because banning Final Smashes is like banning specials in Street Fighter because some are one hit kills. Let's look at mitigating factors that balance Final Smashes and allow people to earn the win with a final smash, not just luckily get it....but he is bound up by an intricate construct of fictitious rules that prevent him from ever truly competing. These made up rules vary from game to game, of course, but their character remains constant. In Street Fighter, for example, the scrub labels a wide variety of tactics and situations “cheap.” So-called “cheapness” is truly the mantra of the scrub. Performing a throw on someone often called cheap. A throw is a special kind of move that grabs an opponent and damages him, even when the opponent is defending against all other kinds of attacks. The entire purpose of the throw is to be able to damage an opponent who sits and blocks and doesn’t attack.
1. Needs to be hit multiple times, thus adding strategy, planning, timing to the acquisition of the Final Smash.
2. Can be knocked out of the player with a hard enough smash, thus upsetting the faster characters that everyone claims (after only 2-3 weeks of play) have an advantage of getting the smash ball.
3. From what I have seen of just watching each one, NONE of these are one hit kills, press a button, someone dies with no skill involved at all at 0% starting health. All of them require timing, aiming, can be baited and dodged strategically if you know when they are going to use it, and I have also seen all of them yield a kill as well, no matter how underpowered you think some are. The idea that marth is just some winning machine, or sonics is so easy to use is based on 2-3 weeks of play, whereas the whiners most likely turned off smash balls within the first week because... they are scrubs and play with their own set of intricate rules based on how "cheap" they think something is.
That all being said, it's appalling to me that the first major is set up with Melee tournament rules already. The people organizing the event haven't even had enough time to play the game to make any decision on items, to start dictating what the community should do. I'm rising up and going to start an items on tournament in the next months. A regional at first, but eventually with the hopes of making it a major.
From a spectator's standpoint the LA Pre-Release Tournament and the SF Pre-Release tournament were both amazing. One main reason? Items. Items made it really interesting and exciting to watch. Without items you are just watching street fighter with no specials, just kicks, and punches. For competitive gaming to take off, it must be interesting to watch, and you scrubs who turn off items in the first major without sufficient evidence or time played to back up any supposed reasoning are ruining chances of the competitive brawl scene making it into the spotlight.
Now some responses:
This is the most inaccurate thing I have read. In the LA Tournament and SF Tournament you could MAYBE see 3 smash balls appear. They were not obtusely often in appearance or anything. This is setting items to medium. At most I saw 3 in a match. Everytime it was usually 1 or 2 though. I think maybe 2 matches I saw 3 smash balls fall down out of the about 15-20 I watched. Watch videos online and time 3 lives/4 minutes with people playing with items on medium. Anyone who attended the pre-release tourneys will disagree with your 3-6 statement.The annoying thing is how often they appear. In a 3 stock match the smashball showed up somewhere between 3 and 6 times at least. I love using them but its literally a 0 skill kill item.
Allow me to refute every arguement you made.
1.Smash balls take at most 3 hits to break. Most characters can pull that off in two jumps. No imagine that you are knocked off the stage and a smash ball appears. The other player is guaranteed to get this OHKO item, and there's nothing you can do about it? Sucks for you.
2. Considering that FSes make you invincible after activating them, getting in close is not going to be a problem. All they have to do is press B when you try to attack them.
1. This situation is so incredibly rare. It really is a non-issue. If this happens anyways you are assuming someone gets knocked off, and that instant he starts flying (very far mind you because he would have to be high percentage ANYWAYS for there to be enough time for this to happen, thus partially his fault and being on the brink of death, mitigating the potential of the FS ANYWAYS) a smash ball appears. The character on land then proceeds to jump 2-3 times attacking the smash ball accurately each time (which flies pretty far away depending on the frequency of it being hit and how hard, etc...) following it perfectly. Then coming down, aiming the smash, timing it for where the person is. Also the other person is completely unable to bait, juke, dodge, or smash the smash ball out of the offending player. Yes totally unbalanced, no mitigating circumstances WHATSOEVER. I see your point scrub.
2. Yes because everyone attacks by running directly at someone in a straight line without jumping, without dodges, without anything. I mean playing against someone who is competent who realizes what your FS can do, and how it works, and what situation is favorable for you, they will just find a way to make it less favorable for you. Actually since items are long range, they can help you fight someone who has short range activatable FS'. Items on to some degree can help mitigate the "overpoweredness" of these FS'.
This is the most stupid, unbacked up opinion out of this whole thread. Nice way to +1 your 4700 posts. Most of the people opposed to items and smashes usually offer opinions of these caliber from what I have seen in this thread. Here I have a reply.No items. What is so hard to understand? Just no. You can argue but just no.
Items. What is so hard to understand? Just yes. You can argue, but just yes.
Wow that opinion should totally be listened to.
Yes, because when you are on Falco/Fox/Wolf's FS-tank you totally can't MOVE OFF OF IT, RUN, DODGE IT, HIT THEM WHEN THEY GET THE SMASH BALL OR KEEP THEM FROM GETTING THE BALL.Have you seen what falco's fs can do?
Yeah its broken no it won't see the tournament play
Good job singling out people that disagree with your opinion for trolling, and missing the guy with 4700 posts who completely was unable to contribute anything to the argument but "no".Learn to read.
Good job trolling.
I like how the majority of your posts are useless one-liners that contribute very little to the actual topic.
The only scrubs I see are the ones saying it's broken because everything is undodgable, and every situation with Smash balls are extreme .001% occurances that will upset all tournaments. And if you want to be considered a sport, or a competitive event, all sports and competitive events have upsets, unlikely wins, lucky and unlucky outcomes, long shots. In the sports world it's considered a conversation piece, adds spectators, gives them sports news, etc... 3/4 court 3 pointers for the win thrown blindly, star QB falling improperly and hurting something messing up his throw, a gust of wind in golf, etc...Man scrubs are dumb
That might sound elitist, but at least the people that give reasons for banning it make sense and have played competitive before
man scrubs are dumb
Yes you press one button and multiple stock falls off. Wait, did they really say that? With every FS except Fox/Wolf/Falco this is impossible (with the exception of the person dying instantly and jumping off and SD'ing after reviving). Even with Fox/Wolf/Falco's you would have to be braindead to die the 2nd time personally.The main problem is that once you get the smash ball, all you have to press one button, and your opponent may die multiple times.
Considering there will at most be 4 stocks per match, that's imbalanced.
Yes because KDJ and PC Chris are long time proven Brawl tournament winners/champions. Wait, they aren't. The game is new. It's new to the Melee pros. Melee pros aren't instantly brawl pros? Melee rules aren't instantly brawl rules then? I remember seeing the best Zelda player struggling in Brawl at the pre-release tournament. Must have been because items were on and smash balls were on huh. Items on smash balls on is just letting non-melee pros win all the pre-release tournaments, totally not a trend of how melee pros are so spoiled by the way they play they can't even play with items on anymore.I beat KDJ and PC Chris at Mass Madness with Final Smashes so obviously I think they should be in the game.
If they're taken out of the competitive scene I'm going back to Starcraft.