I guess I'm just in a foul mood...
I just finished reading an article at
IGN.com that featured an interview with Nintendo President Satoru Iwata. I've said it before and I'll say it again, that man will be the end of Nintendo if something isn't done quick (read the full article
here )...
In a recent article published by London's The Guardian, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata offered further hints that Revolution's controller -- like the console itself -- may be simplified in order to appeal to consumers traditionally uninterested in complex, male-dominated videogames.
"There are too many buttons and sticks on controllers for novice players, which is likely to discourage them from ever playing games at all," Iwata told The Guardian. "We want the Revolution's controller to be relevant to everybody and we really want people to feel like they want to touch and play with it."
"Nintendo is very good at creating games that can appeal to the whole family," Iwata reiterated to the London paper. "There have been a lot of games created around excessive violence in the past few years and it seems to be escalating. From the business point of view, it doesn't make sense for us to follow suit. We cherish our hardcore gamers, but we always try to attract as many people as possible and expand the existing gaming population."
It really annoys me to read this and still watch Nintendo still
try to cater to the older (read: "M" rated) crowd.
Eternal Darkness?
Metroid Prime? New "
mature" looking
Zelda game? Exclusivly (well, it was exclusive until Capcom wussed out under the pressure of lack of fanbase/sales) hosting two "this game may contain excessive voilence, blood, gore"
Resident Evil games (well, just one of 'em now

). Who is Nintendo trying to fool? They want to cash in on the older crowd market just as much as everyone else. OK. OK. Maybe I am over reacting (these games are, after all, "fantasy" violence... aliens, zombies, moblins, etc., nothing like
Manhunt with the plastic bag over the face and bashing the skull in with a slege hammer...), but you have to admit the games I listed aren't exactly targeted to younger audiences like say
Zelda: Wind Waker or
Metroid Fusion would be.
I also don't like that crack Iwata made about "novice" players. It's kinda insulting to Nintendo's fans who have stuck with them though thick and (more recently) thin. How many of you out there felt an extra fuzzy feeling of Nintendo pride when playing though
Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga whenever a classic Mario reference was made

. A wonderful Nintendo games that brings a whole buch of new elements to the table (Luigi with lightning powers? Can we see that in the new
Smash Bros. game?!) while not forgeting the classic basics (i.e. Are we
ever going to get a platforming
Metroid game ever again...? Why do they put platforms in the
Metroid Prime games?! It's a FPS! You can't see your friggin feet for chrissakes)!
So yes, Nintendo, go ahead with your more mature
Zelda and
Metroid titles, anything you make is pure gold, just don't go around talking BS, it really boils my blood.