I actually played almost exclusively snake during the fest, and absolutely agree that he's a different character than has ever existed in smash brothers before, which is awesome.
But there are a two things which leave me scratching my head:
The fsmash knockback is severely nerfed, but the animation is still the same. I think the number one thing I complained about when playing the game initially was that jab reset to fsmash doesn't work with snake. It wouldn't kill anyway due to the knockback decrease, but it could be used to setup early edgeguards. At higher percents when it would kill, snake isn't going to have an easy time getting jab resets. If PMBR is really against speeding the move up, then it certainly wouldn't break him to make it stronger, you're getting hit with a ****ing mortar for goodness sake. It's so slow it's not difficult to avoid, unless you're recovering in which case the diminished knockback will probably kill you anyway.
The other thing which really irked me was that his dair did not "antispike" a grounded opponent, at least from what I saw. I know he can C4 grounded opponents, but that requires them to miss the tech, or to be slow about the getup. If they were antispiked in stun, he could still C4 them and potentially get combos off of it too. I think it's the only spiking move that doesn't antispike grounded opponents, which is counterintuitive to the entire series to this point. (Antispike is the perfectly vertical trajectory you take when getting hit by moves like CF or Ganon's dair on the ground.) Of course this could be due to it being a multihit move, the second to last hit antispiking and the last one putting them back on the ground... *shrug*
Anyway if you read all of that that's awesome, but I was incredibly impressed with the overall quality of the demo, shanus. Seriously immaculate job so far.