It snows from time to time, sometimes heavy, usually light. theres like a 50% chance we'll get one warm yet severe stormy day. Usually around January is when it starts to get bitter cold, and lasts through february. It'll slowly start to warm up at the end of February through March. It can snow in March though, sometimes even April. (I don't think I've seen snow in May yet.. if I have I can't remmeber.
btw, a melee power ranking kinda intruges me. If we did one I'd wanna vote no more than top 5 unless we can REALLY get some tournaments going here. (Sync and I will work on that once we move to Milwaukee.)
Right now I think top 5 in no order is me, exarch, spikes, sanchaz, and vino. I didn't count Cosmo because he's kinda perma-chicago now. If everyone wanted to count him however you could throw him in there and remove me. (I dont think I could beat any of those other 4 in tourney, haha.) John is like borderline making it to top 5 IMO (maybe he is? I dunno) Sync until your thumb feels better I can't call you top 5 just YET. Sorry bro.