There's hate on Smash 4 because people take Video games way too seriously and a group of people have this extremely strong belief that laughing and being rude to other video game players will somehow advance them further in life and make them "cool" This applies to pretty much every video game franchise that has ever existed. Don't like a game? Ignore it, don't play it, but some people seem to lack the thought process that everyone has the right to their own opinions and such. The huge lack of maturity from all sides also comes into play when someone says something bad about Brawl, Brawl fanboys explode and get offended and yell and rant about how people "hate their game". I've seen this on all Smash fanbases whether it be 64, Melee, Brawl, PM, or 4. Now i reiterate: It is a VIDEO GAME. It's programming for virtual things that you pick up a controller for and play it. Why this hate campaign by all sides of these games is still going i have no idea, because it's programming. If people are going to get upset over other people's opinions on video games they need to get their priorities straight and grow up. For example: i HATE the book To Kill A Mockingbird, cannot stand it. But i don't go over to someone who DOES enjoy it and go "This book sucks, the character development sucks, the sentence structure sucks, and YOU suck for reading it" because they are WORDS IN A BOOK. If i do not enjoy something i can either ignore it or accept that it exists and deal with it. A good chunk of the Smash "community" has an issue with just dealing that something they don't like exists, so they have to try and tear everyone who enjoys what they don't like down, which is usually an Encyclopedia Dramatica-worthy series of Hypocritical statements and actions. But it's like this in almost EVERY community for ANYTHING. But my life doesn't revolve around Smash and it can't be the ever looming presence that controls my everyday functions like some people. Some people call it "Passion", but if people have passion for "their" game, then focus on your game and not rip somebody else's apart because it's not what YOU think is the perfect game. People have rights to their own opinions, and i embrace debate, but at least 90% of the time in this community there is no debate, it's just a bunch of people who spout off incoherent, toxic words that are usually misspelled. Basically, i love Smash, i have for 12 years, but this community makes me sick sometimes with their actions and such. It's as simple as saying "You play your game, i'll play mine". If someone comes over to play and asks if they can bring a PM setup, i won't be like "No, i've never played PM (true) and i might not like it, so NO, we'll play what I choose we will play, and if you don't like that, then go away" Heck, i think there was an event in Pitt where someone was playing Smash4, but the WHOLE time just talked and yelled about how he hated it. Then why play it if you don't like it? You have a choice as a human what you choose to do and what you choose not to do. So how about we all choose to play what we like and what interests us in life and focus on that, and not rip into other people's interests because people have a wildly incorrect sense of entitlement and only what THEY like should EVER be accepted by ANYBODY. Doesn't sound too complicated right? Sip some truth tea, it'll help.