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Why I am a Christian


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2008
Please read my post, and then you can ask me some questions at the end. Also, if you can tell me how to edit my posts to add some indents in the paragraphs to make it look neater I'd appreciate it! I ask that all parties in this thread please remain civil, and try to ask things in a fairly neutral manner.

I want to start off with a personal testimony of how I became a Christian. After that I will go into some things you guys might be a bit more interested in. I am only one person and I would guess that there are a great many eloquent athiests/deists/agnostics on this board. I ask that you do not overwhelm me with questions, and that you do not ssume that I am not an intellectual due to my belief. I may not have all of the answers, but if I do not, I assure you I will make every attempt to find someone that does have the answer. And with that, I'll begin my short testimony.

I grew up in a decidedly non-Christian home. I guess you could say that my parents were deists. They even called themselves Christian, and so did I. We didn't go to church, we didn't own a Bible, and "Jesus Christ" was a word you said when you were angry. I suppose we were 'cultural Christians'. So as I got older I went from being vaguely deist to hardcore outspoken athiest throughout much of my high school life. In fact, at the time, I hated Christians. I certainly would have hated God too if, as I thought, he actually existed. I suppose I hated the idea of God more than anything. I felt strong, I did not need a 'crutch' as I called it.

I didn't feel like I was missing anything in my life. I was fairly popular in school, I was smart, had a loving family, and I always had food on the table. I didn't understand what the big deal was with going to church. Video games sure sounded like a better proposition for sunday morning to me.

Near the end of high school I started watching a group of kids who always stuck together and were very tight knit. I knew they were Christians. In fact, the few that were in my classes earned some pretty harsh statements for being such pseudo-intellectuals. I made it my job to be mean to this one girl in my class every day, every chance I could get. She did something that made me angrier and angier every day. She was nice to me. I couldn't understand why she didn't slap me, or yell, or even report it to a teacher.

Well, my friends eventually became hardcore alcoholics. It seemed like every night they'd go out and drink. Sometimes they'd bash mailboxes and other really idiotic things. I decided not to do any of that. One morning, just on a whim, I thought I'd 'try this church thing out'. Those people I'd treated bad before seemed very excited to see me at church. The fact that my friends were so tolerant of me really made me think. I did not immediately become a Christian. It did cause me to step back and take a 2nd look at Christianity. The rest, as they say, is history.

I'd never seen anyone really live out what they say they believed like I did these people. In fact, it shocked me to see that some Christians actually do occasionally 'practice what they preach.'

Now I understand that many people have a problem with Christianity because of Christians. I believe I read a quote by Gandhi at one point saying "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians." I think it is important to note two groups within Gandhi's Christians. First, I think there is a group that imitates Christians to give them a bad name. I believe this is a small group proportionally to the other group, which are 'cultural Christians'. These are people that have been brought up to be a "Christian" because thats what mommy and daddy said they were. These people sincerely believe that they are Christians, and they do not see a need to act like a Christian in their public life. They have a face they wear 6 days a week, and then they have a sunday face. These are the big instigators of trouble inside and outside of church for Christians. For example, they may not ever tithe, but when the finance report for the church comes around they have the most questions and complaints.

Unfortunately, I cannot blame fakers for all of the problems of the Church. I make mistakes. All Christians make mistakes, and we will be the first to tell you that. My pastor goes so far as to say "Church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints." The Bible teaches that we are freed from our inability to resist sin. We are still capable of sin, but it is within our power to fight and overcome a temptation in our life. Also, if we commit a sin, we are forgiven for that sin if we repent and truly make the effort to turn from that sin. Please understand that we are human, and that at times we may make a mistake.

I will try to answer any questions you may have. Please understand that it may take time to find your answer and write it up. I may also have to go to someone more knowledgable and get the answer.

Thanks for your time!

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Bot? Anyone want to check for me? Just google parts of his post.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2008
Er..I'm not a bot. Its kind of interesting, one of my friends wrote about abortion from a Christian viewpoint. A lot of his ideas came up on Google, because a lot of phrases I use are phrases that every Christian uses. The professor told him that he plagarised and gave him a 0, even though I know for sure that he did not cheat.
So, as far as I know I am a human.

By the way, I did not post this to make anyone uncomfortable. I saw a "What is religion good for?" topic. I sort of thought discussion of religion was fair game on these boards as long as there was no flaming. This is just sort of a Q&A topic.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2006
Orlando, Florida
You can talk about religion on here, just make sure this topic stays on topic.

Nice story, btw. It's good to see that there are other Christians out there that actually try to practice their faith everyday. Cool stuff.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2006
Ping Island
You get many bots that are premies CK? :laugh:

Mind I don't you blame you, given his name and the post in general it did cross my mind.

Don't really have anything for the thread but to edit, there should be a button at the end of your post that says "edit". Personally I think there are too many similar threads hanging around the proom at the moment. Especially too many religious ones.


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2008
I guess thats inspiring.
Thanks for your words. it makes me think twice about going to church next sunday :)

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
We had a bot before that said we were all doomed to hell.

They are fun to mess with for sure.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 11, 2007
Ireland. . . anyone?
Emm, okay, nice story, really. The way I see it though these christians are genuinely nice people, wholesome, spiritually fulfilled people, while your friends - are they still your friends? - drifted in a direction unappealing to yourself. This is a natural process that occurs from time to time - granted, I have never had it happen to a whole group of friends of mine, but I have experienced it on a smaller scale many times. So, driven to explore this new way of life, you did so, and found it more appealing than expected.

What I fail to grasp though - as, if in fact you aren't a bot, you are clearly, if your command of the English language is any guide, quite an intelligent person - is why you would embrace a religion, an - lets face it - utterly groundless, unlikely, arbitrarily conceived religion, and embrace it not due to some moment of clarity, but solely to your newfound friendship with people who follow said faith through pure chance. For, and please disagree if you do, nothing would be the slighest bit different if these friends of yours happened to be not Christian, but Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.

So perhaps you can shed some light on my question, if, indeed, you are a human being, and not a horrible robot ;)



Mar 15, 2001
-Risky- Just because most religions, like christianity, are groundless doesn't mean that all religions are groundless. Some religions are based on actual events.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
-Risky- Just because most religions, like christianity, are groundless doesn't mean that all religions are groundless. Some religions are based on actual events.
Like which? Islam was somewhat based off of historical fact, and Budhism was as well, Im not a guru on Hinduism, so I have no idea, but as far as the ideas of dieties go, they are pretty groundless. Just about all of them. Apologies to those of you who embrace these religions. I have absolutely nothing against you.

Of course Budhism doesnt really embrace a diety, so I dont know if that should be included. Thats less groundless than most of the others, really.


Mar 15, 2001
Oh, I'm sure, but I'm just talking about Christianity here
What is it about christianity that you consider to make it groundless? The fact that it was written fifty to seventy five years after the supposed Jesus' death or the fact that there is no historical evidence of the existence of Jesus outside of the bible?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 11, 2007
Ireland. . . anyone?
What is it about christianity that you consider to make it groundless? The fact that it was written fifty to seventy five years after the supposed Jesus' death or the fact that there is no historical evidence of the existence of Jesus outside of the bible?
You sound pretty sarcastic and satirical here but just to be sure - I consider it groundless because there is absolutely no evidence to back it up. Although maybe "groundless" isn't the best word, as it is "grounded" in the Bible. For me though the Bible just doesn't cut it as sufficiently reliable evidence to warrant embracing an - Bible excluded - utterly groundless belief system.

It's not really about questioning Jesus' existence - I had actually been under the impression that his existence was very well documented by way of the cencus etc. and effectively proven - but more about doubting his having divine powers and the existence of a God and an afterlife and all the other metaphysical things that go hand in hand with Christianity.

That help any?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2007
What is it about christianity that you consider to make it groundless? The fact that it was written fifty to seventy five years after the supposed Jesus' death or the fact that there is no historical evidence of the existence of Jesus outside of the bible?
You're kidding, right?


Mar 15, 2001
It's not really about questioning Jesus' existence - I had actually been under the impression that his existence was very well documented by way of the cencus etc. and effectively proven - but more about doubting his having divine powers and the existence of a God and an afterlife and all the other metaphysical things that go hand in hand with Christianity.
Nope, no records of Jesus have been found. Not even the imaginary census spoken of in the bible.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 11, 2007
Ireland. . . anyone?
hmmm, who knew? Well it's not all that relevant anyway. I mean, Jesus may well have existed, claimed to be the son of God, obtained a following, and been crucified, or he may just be a mere fabrication. But either way, that's not really what this debate is about, is it?


Mar 15, 2001
What debate, we both know that christianity is a religion based on fabrication (either of the abilities of a character or the character in its entirety) and that anyone who believes in it is obviously deluding themselves. Now that doesn't make it a bad thing unless christianity causes them to be a disruption of society(ies).


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
Christianity and the catholic church are evil. Christians have killed more people by far than any other group overtime. Organized religion is oppressing our country, holding us back from progression. Stem cell research for example. Back in the medieval times, people would kill and do whatever they wanted. There was a need for more civilized behavior. The bible is a result of chaos in the middle ages. Now that we live in a much more controlled society, there is no need for it. My personal belief is that everyone is in control of their own life and can pursue their own destiny, its not controlled by some god. I believe that deep down Christians are weak. They need something in their lives to validate their existence on this earth. They feel like things are out of their control. This is the same reason why people go to alcoholics anonymous. They are weak. They cant accept the fact that they are in control of their own lives. There are thousands of religions, how can you know that yours is right? The fact that there are thousands of religions disproves religion. how can you devote your life to something so senseless? They have been degrading women and gays for centuries. If there is a god, it sure isnt one that we know of. Born again christians use their rebirth to somehow excuse and make up for past behaviors. Its also funny how when preists **** little boys in church it goes unreported. They don't go to jail, they go another parish where its "hello fresh meat!" Has anyone heard of Ted Haggard? Look, evoution is a scientific fact. And it means just that, scientific fact. It has been proven, there are no dabates.period. Now Im not saying this proves there isnt a god. But it does prove that there is no Christian god. Oh and also why do Christians feel like they are so much better than others? If your not Christian your going to hell?HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Okay.
All I know is that you should try to live a truthful, ethical life, and I don't need a made up god in my head for that. I just don't subscribe to that kind of tribal superstitious nonsense. People need to unite, not divide. I feel sorry for you man. Your living a lie.
Oh and by the way, Jesus was a real person. Its too bad that he had to be born, considering what he spawned, intolerance of others.
I was born and raised in Texas. I love the state. But the vast majority of people their should be classified as clinically ********. Open up your mind. There is a whole world outside of Texas, you should get outta there at some point and realize that. The ratio of Christians to non Christians in that state is way out of wack.
Christianity is for simple minded people, and there are many in Texas.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
People who hate religion are the same as Jerry Falwell. Go gush with Pat Robertson and leave the normal people alone


Banned via Administration
Jul 12, 2001
Soviet Russia
So the case for Christianity according to DtS is that you'll be part of a group that loves you unconditionally and isn't alcoholically abusive. Quite a compelling case to convert staunch atheists who are jerks to people who have faith! And since Christianity has the highest potential for people who aren't hypocritical--hey, wait a minute! I know people of other faiths and ideological camps who aren't hypocritical or alcoholics. I'm so confused now! My God, logic makes my head hurt!

Why must we choose sides? Can't we all just agree that everyone and everything is full of **** and unite under that?

EDIT: Actually, let's unite under Mattology. I don't get nearly enough worship here and it's starting to make me feel non-special. Well, what are you waiting for? Start worshiping!


Banned via Administration
Jul 12, 2001
Soviet Russia
In case my point was too veiled:

In your particular scope of reality, your friends (who are of non-faith) are into abusive vices. Therefore, this must be true of all people of non-faith. Since you met some folks who are self-respecting and who happen to be into the whole "God" thing, well, what more evidence do you need that Christianity is the answer*?

C-c-c-c-connotations! They're formed from bias? Yes, bias!

My brother's girlfriend dated an atheist for several years who turned out to be a flaky self-interested abusive antagonistic jerk. She assumes all of these traits are true of me as someone who also isn't spiritual. FOOL! only half are true (can you guess which??).

C-c-c-c-connotations! They're formed from bias? Yes, bias!

My boss's son is my age, and he's dangerously invested into the nightlife and in wasting away all of his father's college money on hating the world and being completely unmotivated. Therefore, my boss is extra wary of me because, like his son, I take no stock in pop religions. Incidentally, I'm nothing like his son.

C-c-c-c-connotations! They're formed from bias? Yes, bias!

I really ought to make a dance out of this. Aw yah! It's just like, it's just like, it's just like a mini maaaaaall.

Anyway, keep your bias to yourself, can ya? You may think that your preaching is subtle, but you can't sneak one by Matt the mean ole moderator!

I'm in way too good of a mood to keep posting in this thread. I'm off! ZOOOOM

*The question, of course, is "What do I do about this whole loneliness thing??" That's always the question.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Not only do you have no idea what you're talking about, you have no idea what you're talking about LOL

Never in my life would I see myself defending Christianity and the bible again but you have no concept on how Christianity or hell religion even began..-_-

Back in the medieval times, people would kill and do whatever they wanted. There was a need for more civilized behavior. The bible is a result of chaos in the middle ages.
Christianity's roots begin with Jewish beliefs, with some pagan influences especially in the gospels.

So no it didn't start with the middle ages, try centuries before the middle ages began.

You really need to learn more about the history of the religion if you're going to bash it. Forming your own opinions without backing them up doesn't make you smart it makes you look stupid and frankly you look more hateful then the people you're bashing.

Oh and by the way, Jesus was a real person. Its too bad that he had to be born, considering what he spawned, intolerance of others.
virtually no evidence which suggests that, there might have been many "prophets at the time who went around bring a message of being the Son Of God.

and over the years these prophets became Jesus, or Jesus is just completely made up. but the odds he was an actual real historical figure as very unlikely.

If you think that being normal is being religious you are extremely confused.
Normal people odn't blindly attack something they know nothing about.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
Okay im sorry the bible isn't a result of the middle ages. The reason why it is popular and followed by millions is due to the middle ages. Oh and I didn't attack anyone, Im just stating my opinions.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
I believe that deep down Christians are weak
So you just called over half the us population mentally weak right? Yeah you're not attacking anyone at all.

I was born and raised in Texas. I love the state. But the vast majority of people their should be classified as clinically ********. Open up your mind. There is a whole world outside of Texas, you should get outta there at some point and realize that. The ratio of Christians to non Christians in that state is way out of wack.
Christianity is for simple minded people, and there are many in Texas.
Yeah not attacking anyone at all.

Btw I've converted to mattology..... nothing has ever made more sense then this man.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
I will criticize christianity all I want. If you want to call it attacking then fine. I don't care what you think. I do think they are weak, just like every other person in an organized faith. And yes, over half of the American population is mentally weak, isn't that obvious? George Bush is the president. Not to mention the levels of depression and obesity in this country.


Mar 15, 2001
Please do NOT feed the troll. In fact I suggest that you put it on your ignore list.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2001
Being normal has to do with how your brain functions, habits you have developed, and the environment you were brought up in. Not your religious orientation.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
I will criticize christianity all I want. If you want to call it attacking then fine. I don't care what you think. I do think they are weak, just like every other person in an organized faith. And yes, over half of the American population is mentally weak, isn't that obvious? George Bush is the president. Not to mention the levels of depression and obesity in this country.
See you're not criticizing it in a constructive manner you're blindly attacking it. Which makes you look like the dumb one, it's clear you know nothing about the faith at all.

Saying Christians are weak is like saying Atheists attack religion.
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