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Why do the majority of people here want a Melee 2.0?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2006
To me, I just want Melee speed... I like things at a fast pace, because of the tension built between 2 players causing to think on a their feet... If they made it a little slow, I'm willing to adapt to it, the air battles that Sakurai promises better make up for that lost speed...

Anything else such as exploits and glitches can either stay or go... If it stays, less work for me to learn the game... If they go, more fun for me to adapt to the game... Either way, I see things as a win-win...


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2006
Melbourne, AUS
I think this game may get close to Melee speed. I doubt the guys pushed Brawl to its limits in just one day, it took years for the melee metagame to evolve to its current state.

In the vids, Gimpy made Bowser look fast for two reasons: Bowser is less laggy, and he knows Bowser inside out.

When people come to know the new Fox, Pit, and all other characters inside out, their play will speed up. No Stress. :)


Smash Apprentice
Sep 17, 2007
This is based on what again?

Seems like people just want an excuse to complain. My advice? Wait for the game's released and wait until people can "break" the game while seeing what comes out. Seriously, how long did it take people to discover techniques such as wave dashing in Melee?
I'm sure it took a couple years after Melee came out. Heck, I haven't found out about Wave Dashing, until 05 and I'm sure most people did. But anyway, I'm sure there will be some other new forms of tricks waiting to be discovered in the game. All people would just have to do is take the time to discover them. Just like with other games.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Something to take note of:

Just because it's a sequel doesn't mean it has to change for the sake of changing [i.e fix what's broken, refine what is not]. If you want big changes play a different game.

Yes sequels should try to avoid being too similar to their predecessors but that doesn't mean it should be 100% different.

Devs need to find a sweetspot between being too different or too similar because if it's too different it will alienate past customers and if it's too similar there won't be much sense in buying the game in the first place.

I don't know where Brawl stands on that scale right now, I'll have to wait and see.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2007
2nd cardboard box to your right
Well believe it or not its the scrubs that are so fixated on Wavedashing. They still think its what makes pros win so they like to entertain the idea of it not making it that would somehow even things out. From what I've seen, wavedashing aside, the majority of the advanced techniques will be carried over to Brawl but as I've said before its not only the techniques that make pros pros.

The players made Melee what it was and we'll be the ones to make Brawl into a deep fighter regardless of whatever advanced techniques are present in Melee. Brawl is likely going to change things up drastically but does that mean the Pros will be nerfed and scrubs and casuals will suddenly stand a better chance? Not at all.

You see, it will be the players who consider themselves pros or advanced players that will set the pace in Brawl. If someone is willing to learn whatever it takes to make their game better then they'll do so in Brawl with whatever Sakurai gives us.

On the other side if someone thinks that taking out the advanced techniques would make the game more balanced then they are the ones who are thinking Brawl will be Melee 2.0. The same game - the Wdash or whatever else scrubs/casuals/lazies find unfair. They probably wont bother pursuing whatever innovations are discovered in Brawl and in a way it will be Melee all over again but at the same time it will be a completely new game.

Thats really all there is to it. Its not the advanced techies that are thinking of a Melee 2.0. Its the people who want to do away with them or don't want to try to learn them. Like it or not the gap between skill levels will not shrink. And even if it does its only a matter of time before the people who try to discover things do and the people who refuse to learn things don't.

EDIT : Tiny font still hurts my eyes >.>
point 1: yeah, tiny font = bad.

POINT 2: Actually, read this. http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=121371

M2K (who made the thread) is the one of the best players ever, and hes fixated on wavedashing.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Stanton. CA. (Near Knott's Berry Farm)
Why have a Melee 2.0? Because Meleep pros could actually like the game. It's that simple. But in honesty who cares really? It's Nintendo's game not M2King's game. If they wanted to make another Melee. Then it would be called Super Smash Bros. Brawl: Pros only. I mean sure there need to be line between causal and hardcore. By why have more of before when we can have more that we didn't have. Which is something better than Melee. Why do we want to have a Halo 3?


Smash Lord
May 10, 2007
Alexandria, Louisiana
Point by point:

1. I never complained. So the bulk of your post is irrelevant off the bat. All I did was say that people who say "advanced techs are glitches" and think they are good at Smash without advanced techs are all wrong. Not only are they wrong, but they are annoying to everyone who actually got better at the game. So re-read this a few times. No complaining here.

2. First I'd like to nit-pick: quote you, "You are indispensible." First of all, misspelled, it should be "indispensable," and second, that means that I am the most important thing ever, to be contrasted with your next point of how unimportant I am. Next time use a dictionary.

Second, again I'm going to say "Did you even READ what I wrote?" Where at all did I say anything about Brawl??? I only said that perhaps we who worked at Melee are a bit upset that everything we worked for is now more/less worthless. I think that's understandable, don't you?

3. I am one of those pros that you don't have any beef with. I really don't care that wavedashing won't be back, in fact I refuse to talk about Brawl at all because who knows what the game will be like? You just didn't read what I had to say and had a hissy fit.

4. Even if you did have an awesome ownage of a post, the minute you self-proclaim ownage it immediately turns to fail. Next time don't give yourself props.

IN SUMMARY: You really didn't get my message. I wasn't even talking about Brawl. All I want to say is that the people who are good at Melee are that way because we tried real hard. I think that everyone who will remain scrubs at Melee shouldn't tell us we are cheaters. That is all. If you tell us we cheat, we will tell you that you are awful.

So stop telling us that we cheat, or that we rely on tech instead of mindgames, or that we take the fun out of the game, or whatever other Johns you can come up with!
1: I took it as complaining as that is how it sounded to me. If that was not what you meant to imply, sorry, but you did. Scrub this and scrub that and whatnot. If you were not whining, sorry, but again, it is how I took it. No hard feelings.

2: You got me there, but you knew what I meant. :laugh: That is what happens when you live in Louisiana forever, you mix words here and there sometimes. What I really meant to say was "disposable."

and no, you did not say a word about Brawl, but being this is a thread in Brawl discussion, and the thread is about why Melee pros are so touchy about their gimmicks and wanting them in Brawl, the point stands.

That is understandable, yes, and I addressed that in my post. Life is unfair like that. Also, thanks for answering the question of the thread. It was needed. :)

3. I did read what you said, but you never addressed your stand regarding the techs. You just ranted and raved about scrubs and reasoning behind why you hate them. If anyone was throwing a hissy fit good sir, it was you.

4. I am allowed to give myself props if I want to. It does not take away from the message I was addressing. It was just a tag on.


That bolded part....

Where did you pull that out of your bum mate?

Never once did I, or anyone, (except for the choice few that was sporadically spread across the thread, but they were dealt with) make the statement that those who did those techs "cheated." You are just pulling out a point that is nonexistant here, as well as non-needed.

If that was your true point, the true point that you really wanted to address....why not make it apparent as such, instead of tagging that on now? Cause now I am forced to believe you are making stuff up, as the point of your original post had absolutely nothing to do with that.

Don't make a john mate. :laugh:

Deleted member

we have a halo 3 because there are 13 year old kids that need something to do until they are old enough to play a real game like counter strike


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
if i were a mod. i would have locked all these threads and banned some people
**** i wish i were a mod...


Smash Lord
May 10, 2007
Alexandria, Louisiana
I'd just like to make an observation.

A forum is for people speaking, expressing themselves and debating different topics openly yes?

If other people want to say (in the appropriate thread of course) that they are quite distraught over have no wavedashing or in general just want brawl to be similar to melee then who the **** are you to judge?

If you had a valid point i'd be respectful to you but you dont. You've simply made a statement and assumed everyone would bend over for you. A real discussion includes taking in peoples points, and making your own - not trying to persuade/hate them for not agreeing with you.
You are a moron, sad to say...

Everyone who plays the "LET EVERYONE HAVE AN OPINION K?" post is just a silly person. It's the truth.

How did this page get to 9 pages if no debates were taking place?

I am not trying to "persuade" anybody, I am simply looking for answers that never seemed to be answered, but rather, skirted. I think Scar is the only one who seriously answered the bulk of the question.

I don't have a valid point? This just proves what I originally said by you being a moron....

I have points out the wazoo, and you are just either blind, or too dense to accept that...

Melee is not Brawl and Brawl is not Melee....barebone basic point right there, the rest simply follow suit.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2006
If you can't tell the speed difference between Brawl and Melee, you obviously play at a very snnnaaaaaiillll pace.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Why do we want to have a Halo 3?

Yeah, why do we want to have a game that made over 170 million dollars in it's first day? /sarcasm

I have no idea what you are trying to say, as far as I know Halo 3 took out exploits like BxR/B, which scrubs would love to happen to Brawl, and it is still a good game at it's core.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2007
PP, FL... yes, i said pp.
Ok, you guys seem to think that pro's enjoy fighting scrubs/noobs. I don't never have and don't think not being able to L-cancel or not WD is going to change my mind about it. WD brings more depth to the game when fighting other pros and trust me the pros aren't going to be doing the "fight anyone" online mode so it's not as if it had to be taken out to attempt to balance the online play.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Stanton. CA. (Near Knott's Berry Farm)
Yeah, why do we want to have a game that made over 170 million dollars in it's first day? /sarcasm

I have no idea what you are trying to say, as far as I know Halo 3 took out exploits like BxR/B, which scrubs would love to happen to Brawl, and it is still a good game at it's core.
Why have an unoriginal game with a B-movie type of story?

Brawl should be like Bioshock something different not Halo 3 where it's the same **** game. Do we want Brawl to be like the Madden games?

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Well duh Halo 3 is going to be similar to Halo 2 and 1. Why? Because it's called a SERIES. You don't pick up a sequel and look for a whole new game that's why you buy other games.

The difference between bioshock and Halo:

Bioshock: Brand new game
Halo 3: 3rd installment of a franchise.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Stanton. CA. (Near Knott's Berry Farm)
Here is another difference.

Bioshock= better overall single player experience that doesn't need multliplayer to save itself.

Halo 3= meicore single player experience that need mutliplayer to be actually a good game.

Brawl will have both of that or it better. I don't want some crappy single player crap.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2006
I need to know...I need to know...

Tell me baby girl cause I.NEED.TO.KNOW....

[/marc anthony reference]

Seriously, tell me something: Why do you care so much about Wavedashing, as well as the other advanced techs and if they make it in or not? This is BRAWL, not MELEE...

Furthermore, do you NOT know who is handling the game? We are talking about individuals who have clocked in over 10,000 Melee matches INDIVIDUALLY....

The game will be fine regardless. If the techs are removed, then what is your damage? Is it THAT scary to not be able to slide around and cut lag? Is it that scary to believe that, IF these techs are removed, that the Brawl team will find a way to make it better for everyone?

You can still be "pro" without wavedashing and L-canceling, as the whole premise of "being pro" comes from quick thinking and mindgames, as well as knowledge over which moves are better to use then another, and against what character and what time to use them, etc....

I hate that people are doubting Sakurai's image of Brawl because of their own selfish qualms. It is a friggen move, a move that is result of Melee's less than perfect physics system. Another is to shave lag with the press of the button. Whoop de FRIGGEN do!

From the looks of things, we already have a great game shaping up here. We even have a brand new technique, PLUS the characters seem to have a slightly toned up speed when it comes to attacks and jumps.

All I am getting at is this: F*ck Melee. Harsh thing to say, but I say F*ck it. Brawl is going to be 3 times better due to more time being put in to perfect it, PLUS we already have ourselves a baskin robbins amount of plausible characters to use, (as I have no doubt now that our roster will be at least around 38-40.)

You can sit there and whine and groan about the game if it dosen't have your precious wavedashing, but I say who cares? From what we have seen, this shows that Brawl is stepping up to overshadow Melee what with cutting down helpless frames and fixing small things such as ^Bing to a ledge grab and grabbing a ledge facing the opposite direction.

and if you are THAT **** distraught about the game not having "advanced techs," well then, when you get your copy of Brawl, go ahead and slave away to find another flaw of the physics system and abuse that.

This has been my rant regarding the matter, I don't give a crap if you heard this before, I really don't, because at this point of time, it needs to be stressed:

easy answer

people on the boards, much like the republicans, are afraid of change


Smash Apprentice
May 21, 2007
Gosh... I HATE Icicle mountain. My stance on this is Neutral, though I won't lie I did enjoy attempting to learn to wavedash and the like. And I won't quit Melee when Brawl come out, I'll just play both. ^_^ So WD not being in Brawl doesn't bother me. I have fun playing casual AND tournament. However, I HATE HATE HATE Icicle mountain. X_X I am worried about the changes to air dodging though. Only slightly, but still.

The only thing is, is that my boyfriend is a strict casual player and tends to make rather mean remarks about the tournament scene. I defend it, though I play casual, but he tends to be rather mean in purposely choosing Icicle mountain cause he knows I hate it. Also, Whenever I team with him, he just fights and doesn't work with me to implement any sort of strategy at all. *sigh* I want to get better, but have no one to play against to do so. D: Minus one person I don't see all that often.
:( Poor Darkfur. I want to get better, too, but I don't have anyone to play against. >_<

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Halo isn't a single player game, Halo didn't 'save itself' with multiplayer, if it did then the same could be said for Melee and SSB64.

Some games are geared towards single player, some games are geared towards multiplayer. You can't expect different games to put the same focus on the same areas.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
I have seena lot of potential in the game.

Even when im still cursing the ne who decided to take out WD and L cancellng... im still open nded with the new gameplay....

Ill go for brawl.. i dont wanna get stuck with melee....

Melee is the past...


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2007
Stealing Many Burritos and Miscellaneous Beverages
Ok I want it to be Melee 2.0 for the fact that I am a technical player. And I kind of rely on my immense combing skill and a lot of very difficult techniques that don't matter that much but they all add up, to be as good as I am. I love multishining and taking a whole stock from one hit at 0. And I absolutely LOVE showing off my beautiful flashy things at tourneys. And now they are stripping me of about 50% of my skill, basically, because I rely on techskill so greatly, so now what? I'm sure ill master all the new techs. But WDing is so good too. And ill miss it. And Melee is a very good game, very well made it didn't have to be changed. :(


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
I'm going to have to go with Testament on this one.

The pro's don't like change because then they won't be declared on top. Clearly the pro's will be better than the noobs at Brawl too, but they will actually have to adapt, and with adapting, the fear of not being able to adapt as well as those around him/her.

It disgusts me really, and I'm actually a conservative person, especially when the easy answer is to just STAY WITH MELEE. No one is forcing you to snap your Melee disc in 2 and throw it in the garbage.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2007
change is good. Melee 2.0 would be a huge failure. Melee was a fantastic game, but Brawl takes a new twist to Melee's formula and by the looks of it so far, there's not a single thing wrong with what Sakurai has done to this franchise. I think the only thing that's really caught my eye that has changed the battle style at all for smash bros is the smash ball and i find nothing wrong with that. every now and then your in an intense match, and a smash ball appears. It's humerous how it will change people's strategies so quickly for only a short period of time, and i love that. change is very very good.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
They want wavedash in Brawl cause they suck without it, plain simple.
I have to admit that i suck without it.

About the firts post..well Melee was a big succes and was enjoyable as hell. The big drawback of melee... is that we exploited it to the max..playing the game in a very cool but crazy as hell style, which was like a zombie from the original way of playing it.

Add to it the vheavy umbalance of the roster and well... thats just enough to feel that melee was kind of incomplete. Just like 5 or 7 characters had real fun dominating the whole 26... while the others allmost always had an uphill task against those 7. No fun at all.

If Brawls meets melee standards in its own way... ill be more than happy.. everyone will be.

Im open minded to the change,.... jst lets hope it will be for good..


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
They want wavedash in Brawl cause they suck without it, plain simple.
I want to flame you so badly right now. I'm not going to, though. I'm just going to say that you are wrong. 'Cause I play Falcon and he doesn't wavedash THAT much in high level play. And I will **** everyone you know.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
They want wavedash in Brawl cause they suck without it, plain simple.

I would have loved wavedash to come back but I am a Link/CF main in Melee. <_<

I swear where to these people come from?

Darn necromancers also brought this topic back from the dead. They are using dark magic. . . .they are WITCHES. . . . . . BURN THEM!!!!

Edit: LOL Scar.
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