Are you people serious? This is ridiculous.
Cort is so obviously the best peach that the thread should end right there. This is not to insult any of the other incredible Peaches out there (including Xif and Xelic), but of all the "contestants" mentioned he clearly has the best understanding of the game. You can tell, if by nothing else, by the way he's consistently effective at avoiding disadvantageous situations and by adapting to whatever strategy will work. He plays to win, not to show off (even though his technical grasp of the game is almost nonpareil). But the facts speak for themselves: look at the caliber of players he's dealt with successfully a la ShizWiz, PC, Azen, and so forth. YT some recent videos and observe how he unpredictably mixes up his approaches and his strategies more than those other peaches. Or how well he knows all the characters and stages and how well he reads opponents.
And no, I'm not some partisan Cort fanboy or anything silly like that. I just appreciate superior skill and intelligence where it's evident.
By Cort's own admission m2k has a better peach than him, though most of us can't verify that. And PC's Peach has got to be at the very top, too--search YT and you'll find videos of his Peach nearly two-stocking m2k's MARTH at 2007 MLG Long Island. Aside from that, it seems like no one gives Vidjo any credit anymore. And like Samochan said, Armada is very probably right up there, too (NOT overrated, at least in my opinion), but PAL differences make it impossible to be sure.
And yes, those are just my observations. These people are all light years ahead of where the vast majority of us will ever be.