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Who's Canonically the Strongest Character in Smash?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2014
I'd say that the top six goes something like this, and assumes a general lack of character reluctance in going all out with intent to kill:

1. Mewtwo
2. Ness
3. Lucas
4. Ganondorf
5. Pit
6. Kirby

Before anyone asks, reasoning behind the picks:

Mewtwo: Canonically the strongest Pokemon in his series; was outranked by Arceus 'til X/Y. Pretty much the entire cast has no defense against psionics. When you can feasibly mind-wipe your enemy, well, Mewtwo has the upper hand. Mega Forms essentially make Mewtwo stupid powerful. Finally, to end it, an arsenal of extremely powerful techniques allow him versatility to tackle most any genuine problem. Assuming Recover is a thing, which it should be in any serious fight, longevity puts most bad matchups firmly in his favor.

Ness: I actually had a bit of trouble figuring out who was stronger between Mewtwo and Ness, but I gave the #1 spot to Mewtwo since I'm fairly certain Mewtwo is the stronger psychic. Ness hits the #2 spot 'cause not only is he an incredibly strong psychic, but also has experience fighting inorganic enemies, like robots. Similarly, enemies like Game & Watch would prove little trouble since, well, when you've fought the embodiment of evil and won, an LED character won't cause much trouble. Also has the support and power of the Earth. Seriously. Watch what happens when you finish Magicant. Those are some ridiculous stat boosts. Like Mewtwo before him, Ness also has access to recovery and defensive techniques.

Lucas: Similar to Ness, though I feel a weaker psychic compared to #1 and #2. Also with experience fighting inorganic enemies. Contrary to popular belief (and his portrayal in Brawl), Lucas is NOT a crybaby. The whole storyline surrounds Lucas' loss and grief, and how he comes to term with that and grows up. Play the game sometime, it's great. Like Mewtwo and Ness before him, also has access to recovery and defensive techniques.

Ganondorf: This should be a no-brainer. Effectively immortal, has 33.33% of a MacGuffin called the Triforce of Power, is just a total villain through and through. Sadly, demonic villain with MacGuffin or no, I feel like if Mewtwo, Ness or Lucas wanted to, they'd have little issue with him. On the other hand, Ganondorf is still no pushover, since he could dominate anyone else on the list. Before anyone else mentions 'Well, Link could beat him!', the official timeline insists that one of the branching points of the timeline is where Ganondorf actually KILLS Link. The Goddesses have to flood Hyrule to keep Ganondorf from being the badass he really is.

Pit: Lots of versatility in his arsenal and can fight effectively at all ranges, plenty of experience fighting opponents of all kinds of crazy, effectively immortal and also has the immediate support and assistance of various Gods and Goddesses in his own world without need for preparation, typically. The only reason why Pit is here and not a certain someone else from his series that starts with an H (and he'd be #1) is simply because we're discussing current or past fighters in Smash. I just can't really see Pit overcoming the brain-melting psionics from the top three, and no matter the range advantage, I figure Ganondorf has the match up on lock.

Kirby: Takes the powers of enemies and utilizes them for himself. This all in itself makes him extremely effective as a fighter, but he also clearly has skill outside of power combat and betrays an amazing strength and resilience that isn't obvious at first glance. One could argue that Kirby would have a strong chance to topple the other five fighters, and that's why he's even on the list to begin with. Plus, it's debatable if he even has a brain but, even so, Mewtwo, Ness and Lucas shouldn't have an issue pummeling Kirby with genuine psychokinetic attacks and a versatile arsenal.
Only one Link couldn't beat Ganon in all the games so far. Even 10 year old Link on the NES could beat him while as GANON, not Ganondorf. We can't just make a list with abilities and traits to decide it, we need to see how each character does against everyone and decide from there with the most wins.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2014
On Gameboi's ranking system, at least. On my particular tier list, he's a C, as is DK.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I never really thought any Nintendo character was super powerful, okay maybe powerful but not by comic book standards. I've heard Ganondorf is invincible to anything that's not the triforce? I would feel like it may be him. Then again, Mewtwo can supposedly beat the dude who created the Pokemon universe... and Rosalina caused a big bang or something? I'm not sure about any of those.

Also, there is probably a difference between who's physically the strongest and who's the most powerful overall; but I'm assuming we're going by overall power here. Going by physical strength, Mario and Donkey Kong are very strong, but I'd hardly call them the most powerful characters especially with the feats others have up their sleeves.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2014
That's nice. Except when the original question was posed, the asker intended some meaning. You are saying "I don't care what you mean, I'm going to answer a totally different question, because I don't like one of the words you used." You're just arguing diction here, not making an actual argument. You don't like how he worded his question, so you're going to pretend he asked a totally different one.

Whatever your beef with the term "canon", it's clear that the original question does not mean for Smash to be part of the consideration. The point of the question is to be, at the very least, "aside from Smash, who is the most powerful?"
Not at all. If that's what GameTheory is saying about the idea, then it's being dumb.

Canon can mean different things, such as what the creator of the character/franchise/series/whatever, "official" sources say about it. Things don't all fit in neatly, because most video games and comic books are about producing lots of content, not telling one, single, coherent story. And so there is a proliferation of stories being told by different people who want to go in different directions, hence you get these multiple timelines/universes, retcons and so forth. There is Earth-616 and there's Ultimate Marvel and you can argue about what's canon in each of those universes, whatever. People argue about the cartoons vs. the comics (or the same with Pokemon and the games vs. the anime). It's not an argument, however, that your fanfic you wrote in your basement is not canon. It's not an argument that Marvel Vs. Capcom is not "Marvel canon".

You're acting like the fact that there are multiple timelines in Zelda means that anything that features Legend of Zelda characters is canon. That's just idiotic. Canon might be a messy concept, but there are still some lines that can be drawn. Or at least, lines that are recognized by 99.9% of people.
Fine then. Canon doesn't matter, so there's potentially a timeline in which Samus takes the Chaos Emeralds and blows Sonic's brains all over the floor, and then feeds them to Kirby.

Ergo Samus is more powerful than either of them.

Seriously, you're arguing with me when I said that this argument is pointless because you can make up evidence for whatever side, and you're argument is nuh-uh, there's no criteria by which to exclude certain sources, so somehow that makes things MORE resolvable? My point was that you can't decide which ultimate power is more powerful as they tend to never meet in any official capacity, and company cross-overs by law* must not take sides on such issues. So saying that Triforce or the Chaos Emeralds are more powerful is based on no real evidence.

Anyway, it's obvious Sonic is not stronger than Mega Man given that they fought to a stalemate in the comics :rolleyes:

*that's a joke
TROLLOLOL. Game Theory does screw up on a lot of the theories, but the whole point of this was to tell you or who ever argued against it that Kirby can suck up bigger characters like Bowser and Ganondorf. Anyways Kirby can suck them up whether you like it or not, even outside of smash bros. If you want to disprove this than find the facts yourself, I doubt you'll find any research documents on the wild life of dreamland.

You shouldn't take game mechanics too seriously. A pokemon can only have one ability so don't go giving them two or more. Who says a pokemon is only capable of remembering a set of four moves? A pokemon should be able to learn as many as it naturally can, no trainer influence.

The pokemon anime is a separate canon, we're just using game canon. Don't throw that terrible show into this thread.

Sonic should be S rank. He can run at the speed of sound and maybe even more. This amount of speed should be enough to completely obliterate more than half the competition. You can't hurt him if you can't catch him. I agree now that just because he is a robot, doesn't mean that he should get an automatic KO. Either way, Megaman can't catch Sonic, even if he does have plasma beans or whatevrr, that doesn't mtter if it cantt hit him. Invisible expolsions everywhere! He can run this fast, he just doesn't choose to in his most or all games because he doesn't want to destroy his surroundings or anything living. He is careful where to use his maximum speed. Sonic should be able to kill Mewtwo as I doubt that his pyscic force would be fast enough to keep up with his speed.

Stop exagerating Mewtwo and Ganondorfs abilities. Mewtwo sin't nearly as stroong as you say he is. Ganon is only evenly matched to Oot Link because thats the only "Canon" loss. Ganon and Ganondorf should be the equivelent to Sonic and Super Sonic, they are still the same person.

Villagers items may just be replicas. I forgot the rest of nintendo furniture, so I can confirm that starman and super mushroom are the only items that he has right now, maybe the metroid too. He grows when eating the mushroom and glows when touching a starman. Im pretty sure the are real.

The question is, which Link is being represented in smash this time. It seems prety reasonable to only use the Links that have been shown in smash so far. Melee and 64 Links are Oot, so Ganon is at the same level compared to him considering that he was killed already by him. Twilight princess Link needed Zeldas and Midnas help to defeat him so he is pretty muched doomed as OoT Link is. I'm not sure about this Link, I think he is Skywards Sword Link and I haven't played that game so I give up on him. If NES Link was in smash than Ganondorf would be dead in a second, that kid was ten and he didn't even need Zeldas help to kill him off.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2013
TROLLOLOL. Game Theory does screw up on a lot of the theories, but the whole point of this was to tell you or who ever argued against it that Kirby can suck up bigger characters like Bowser and Ganondorf. Anyways Kirby can suck them up whether you like it or not, even outside of smash bros. If you want to disprove this than find the facts yourself, I doubt you'll find any research documents on the wild life of dreamland.

You shouldn't take game mechanics too seriously. A pokemon can only have one ability so don't go giving them two or more. Who says a pokemon is only capable of remembering a set of four moves? A pokemon should be able to learn as many as it naturally can, no trainer influence.

The pokemon anime is a separate canon, we're just using game canon. Don't throw that terrible show into this thread.

Sonic should be S rank. He can run at the speed of sound and maybe even more. This amount of speed should be enough to completely obliterate more than half the competition. You can't hurt him if you can't catch him. I agree now that just because he is a robot, doesn't mean that he should get an automatic KO. Either way, Megaman can't catch Sonic, even if he does have plasma beans or whatevrr, that doesn't mtter if it cantt hit him. Invisible expolsions everywhere! He can run this fast, he just doesn't choose to in his most or all games because he doesn't want to destroy his surroundings or anything living. He is careful where to use his maximum speed. Sonic should be able to kill Mewtwo as I doubt that his pyscic force would be fast enough to keep up with his speed.

Stop exagerating Mewtwo and Ganondorfs abilities. Mewtwo sin't nearly as stroong as you say he is. Ganon is only evenly matched to Oot Link because thats the only "Canon" loss. Ganon and Ganondorf should be the equivelent to Sonic and Super Sonic, they are still the same person.

Villagers items may just be replicas. I forgot the rest of nintendo furniture, so I can confirm that starman and super mushroom are the only items that he has right now, maybe the metroid too. He grows when eating the mushroom and glows when touching a starman. Im pretty sure the are real.

The question is, which Link is being represented in smash this time. It seems prety reasonable to only use the Links that have been shown in smash so far. Melee and 64 Links are Oot, so Ganon is at the same level compared to him considering that he was killed already by him. Twilight princess Link needed Zeldas and Midnas help to defeat him so he is pretty muched doomed as OoT Link is. I'm not sure about this Link, I think he is Skywards Sword Link and I haven't played that game so I give up on him. If NES Link was in smash than Ganondorf would be dead in a second, that kid was ten and he didn't even need Zeldas help to kill him off.
Well, just because a pokémon can only have one ability does not mean we shouldn't take all of its abilities into consideration. We just work under the assumption that the pokémon can't fight anyone using more than one at once, but we could figure out which ability could be more useful in certain situations.

and yes, Pokémon games and the animé are separate canon, but they take place in the same universe, thus it's fair to say if a pokémon is capable of ____ in the animé then it should be capable of said thing in this discussion. Why? BECAUSE USING THE GAMES GIVES US ABSOLUTELY NO RELIABLE MEASURE OF POWER WHATSOEVER! and I'm pretty sure the Mewtwo vs Genesect movie gives Mewtwo more than enough feats to prove that Sonic with speed alone won't be that big of a problem. Just because it sucks doesn't mean it shouldn't be considered.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=y82JxPF9-tY here's just some stupid AMV with footage from the movie apparently. Either way, I'm pretty sure Mewtwo has really good reaction times though I can't prove it off the top of my head, so Sanic beating Mewtwo isn't what I'd call amazingly likely.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2014
The anime and the games don't take place in the same universe, though.

Maybe the feats in game aren't that special because, I dunno, Mewtwo isn't that special?


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2013
The anime and the games don't take place in the same universe, though.

Maybe the feats in game aren't that special because, I dunno, Mewtwo isn't that special?
The feats in the game aren't that special because there aren't any. If the animé is a separate canon, it's still an OFFICIAL canon, a canon that obviously heavily inspires some of the choices Sakurai made with the pokémon series representation. Limiting pokémon characters by not letting them take the animé into consideration is just going to leave important things out, and certainly changes the rankings quite a bit. The games are stats and animations that barely have any real world things to compare to other than those inconsistent dex entries, trying to fairly assess the power of a Pokémon exclusively through the use of games when we compare them to characters that are not actually in the Pokémon games is basically impossible to determine. Mega Mewtwo Y has more stats than our GOD pokémon, but how powerful IS the god pokémon? No one ****ing knows if we just use game mechanics alone. So why not take our actual determinable tool, the only way we can really see the pokémon's abilities in action and a better assessment of their abilities.

Mewtwo vs Sanic in a nutshell xP
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Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2014
Well we could look at move descriptions that use real world descriptions, such as Pikachu's electric moves (I believe some of them mention voltage), then compare the stats of said move and a Pikachu to get a rough estimate of how it might effect other fighters. Just as an example.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2013
Well we could look at move descriptions that use real world descriptions, such as Pikachu's electric moves (I believe some of them mention voltage), then compare the stats of said move and a Pikachu to get a rough estimate of how it might effect other fighters. Just as an example.
Good thing most move descriptions aren't nearly that helpful.

and if we want to scale using known feats from Pokedex entries, all pokemon above 101 base speed are capable of mach 2 or higher if we go by Pidgeot's entry >.> so no, it's not reliable.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
Good thing most move descriptions aren't nearly that helpful.

and if we want to scale using known feats from Pokedex entries, all pokemon above 101 base speed are capable of mach 2 or higher if we go by Pidgeot's entry >.> so no, it's not reliable.
Thing about a lot of Pokemon dex entries is that there's a lot of evidence suggesting that the entries are input by trainers that embellished their favorite or least favorite Pokemon. Most Pokemon are, assuming this is the case, far weaker than they're assumed to be. Then at the same time, we have a Garchomp Hyper Beam'ing blocks of Lumiose City and causing huge explosions in the anime, and you can see why you kinda have to pick one or the other. You can't really mix 'em.


Smash Lord
Mar 7, 2014
Lying about my country.
I'm seeing a straw in here, and I really, really want to grasp it.

Pokémon in both the games and animé have completely different voices.

Pokémon in Smash use the voices in the animé.

Therefore, Pokémon in Smash are the ones from the show's universe, not the game universe, otherwise, they'd use the voices they have in the games.
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Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2008
Mewtwo vs sonic. Hmmmm

I would say sonic has a strong chance at winning with chaos emeralds. Time stop is an ability sonic can use with the chaos emeralds. Time stop + super sonic = win.

No emeralds is no winning.

I like to assume sonic has the emeralds because it makes the fight more awesome..... So yeah. Go Sonic!


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
Mewtwo vs sonic. Hmmmm

I would say sonic has a strong chance at winning with chaos emeralds. Time stop is an ability sonic can use with the chaos emeralds. Time stop + super sonic = win.

No emeralds is no winning.

I like to assume sonic has the emeralds because it makes the fight more awesome..... So yeah. Go Sonic!
If we go by what Sonic has access to in Smash, then yeah, he's got Chaos Emeralds. If we're talking game/comic Sonic, well, he's SOL.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2008
I think most of the time we are talking about whatever the heck we can get away with. Lol

I've been active on this thread for a loooong while.

If any of you guys haven't read the entire thread you should. You are missing out and probably rehashing a tired argument or two.

Damn you Sandbag!
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Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
Basically, the list goes from the characters with the most fantastical powers to the most realistic:

:kirby2:Kirby (Magical, fights universe-destroying enemies)
:ganondorf:Ganondorf (Deity-level power)
:rosalina:Rosalina (Indefinite cosmic powers)
:mewtwomelee:Mewtwo (High-level psychic, strongest Pokemon)
:4zelda:Zelda (Magical powers similar to Ganon's)
:4samus::4megaman:Samus/Megaman (Robot technology with guns and laser beams)
:4sonic:Sonic (Moves faster than the speed of sound)
:fox::falco:Fox/Falco (Trained military personnel with laser guns)

Possible omissions: Pit, Metaknight/DDD (same universe as Kirby), Sonic with emeralds, Bowser (his power level varies widely)
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Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2014
Looking for those who like Mighty No 9
I think that many are forgetting one important thing about Meta Knight; like Kirby, he is also 8 in tall. While this is a detriment in Kirby's case, it is actually a huge benefit in Meta's, as he is a lot harder to hit. Also, if we go by the anime, his sword Galaxia is blessed, I think (I don't believe the game gives any other origin, so I'm running with it.) This means he is an 8 inch target zipping around at 30+ MPH slicing up opponents vastly larger than him with a holy sword. Ergo, he is quite high up in the tier, B maybe? Definitely above average.


Da Bess Pit
Feb 3, 2008
if were talking competitive Smash-wise? I honestly think Ganon is the strongest and has the most damage output but if were talking canonically?
Mewtwo baby, Mewtwo.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 27, 2014
Texas, America

Kirby can eat dark matter.


Do you even know what dark matter is?

Go ahead, look it up. I'll wait.

. . .

. . .

But if you're too impatient, I can also tell you this.

The law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Matter just is. It's just there.

But Kirby comes along and destroys matter. DARK MATTER, of all kinds.

In fact, he destroys dark matter not once, not twice, but FIVE times. FIVE TIMES he destroyed dark matter, and each time he would absorb it and make more matter out of it and make it take form as one ability or another.

Do you know what that means?

. . .

It means that Kirby...can destroy and create matter.

He can take something as is, reduce it to nothing and destroy the matter that is it, then recreate that into new matter which manifests into either a new ability that he obtains for himself through the process, or he can take that matter he just destroyed and refurbish it into a new living being in the form of a Helper.

Kirby can literally make anything out of anything.

There is nothing he can't eat nor destroy.

Hell, he even ate the embodiment of darkness itself.

He's harnessed matter into a weapon through the form of copying abilities and being able to create Helpers.

He's succeeded in harnessing the power of stars and using them to accomplish impossible feats, such as traversing the galaxy at light speed, managing to destroy both the sun and the moon, destroying dark matter and making energy from it, and even going as far as to break the laws of everything.

Kirby is strong enough to shatter a planet in half with a single punch and tough enough to survive being sucked into a black hole, blown up within it, thrown out of it into the vacuum of space, then get up and continue fighting like nothing happened. He even had an entire dimension blow up around him and survived to tell the tale of it.

He even went as far as to destroy an entire nebula composed of dark matter and dark energy, all just so he could get a slice of cake.

But you wanna know what the scary thing is...?

. . .

By the standards of his race... Kirby is still a baby.

That's right.


Kirby's not even a child yet and look at everything he's capable of.

Imagine what he'll be like when he reaches adulthood...

Too bad for us, we may not get to see it.

See, the people of Kirby's race are able to live for what seems to be hundreds of years. By the time Kirby reaches adulthood, our great, great, great grandchildren will already be on their deathbeds.

But the thing that really tops it all off...

This isn't even everything that Kirby is capable of.

He has many, many more aspects and abilities to him, such as the innate ability to adapt to any environment and instantly become the master of any weapon or power.

But this is just to give you an idea of what Kirby is truly capable of.

He may look cute and cuddly on the outside...which he is.

But there's a hell of a lot more to him than just being cute...


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I think toon force has to be taken into consideration, which probably applies to many NIntendo characters.
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Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2013

Kirby can eat dark matter.


Do you even know what dark matter is?

Go ahead, look it up. I'll wait.

. . .

. . .

But if you're too impatient, I can also tell you this.

The law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Matter just is. It's just there.

But Kirby comes along and destroys matter. DARK MATTER, of all kinds.

In fact, he destroys dark matter not once, not twice, but FIVE times. FIVE TIMES he destroyed dark matter, and each time he would absorb it and make more matter out of it and make it take form as one ability or another.

Do you know what that means?

. . .

It means that Kirby...can destroy and create matter.

He can take something as is, reduce it to nothing and destroy the matter that is it, then recreate that into new matter which manifests into either a new ability that he obtains for himself through the process, or he can take that matter he just destroyed and refurbish it into a new living being in the form of a Helper.

Kirby can literally make anything out of anything.

There is nothing he can't eat nor destroy.

Hell, he even ate the embodiment of darkness itself.

He's harnessed matter into a weapon through the form of copying abilities and being able to create Helpers.

He's succeeded in harnessing the power of stars and using them to accomplish impossible feats, such as traversing the galaxy at light speed, managing to destroy both the sun and the moon, destroying dark matter and making energy from it, and even going as far as to break the laws of everything.

Kirby is strong enough to shatter a planet in half with a single punch and tough enough to survive being sucked into a black hole, blown up within it, thrown out of it into the vacuum of space, then get up and continue fighting like nothing happened. He even had an entire dimension blow up around him and survived to tell the tale of it.

He even went as far as to destroy an entire nebula composed of dark matter and dark energy, all just so he could get a slice of cake.

But you wanna know what the scary thing is...?

. . .

By the standards of his race... Kirby is still a baby.

That's right.


Kirby's not even a child yet and look at everything he's capable of.

Imagine what he'll be like when he reaches adulthood...

Too bad for us, we may not get to see it.

See, the people of Kirby's race are able to live for what seems to be hundreds of years. By the time Kirby reaches adulthood, our great, great, great grandchildren will already be on their deathbeds.

But the thing that really tops it all off...

This isn't even everything that Kirby is capable of.

He has many, many more aspects and abilities to him, such as the innate ability to adapt to any environment and instantly become the master of any weapon or power.

But this is just to give you an idea of what Kirby is truly capable of.

He may look cute and cuddly on the outside...which he is.

But there's a hell of a lot more to him than just being cute...
Somehow, I'm randomly reminded that some people think Kirby vs Majin Buu is a completely fair and reasonable idea for a DEATH BATTLE, I'm not sure if going that far is completely reasonable http://www.screwattack.com/news/death-analysis-pink-abyss-horrific-might your conclusion might be a bit of a stretch (I honestly wouldn't know), but it's still worth considering xD


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2014

Kirby can eat dark matter.


Do you even know what dark matter is?

Go ahead, look it up. I'll wait.

. . .

. . .

But if you're too impatient, I can also tell you this.

The law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Matter just is. It's just there.

But Kirby comes along and destroys matter. DARK MATTER, of all kinds.

In fact, he destroys dark matter not once, not twice, but FIVE times. FIVE TIMES he destroyed dark matter, and each time he would absorb it and make more matter out of it and make it take form as one ability or another.

Do you know what that means?

. . .

It means that Kirby...can destroy and create matter.

He can take something as is, reduce it to nothing and destroy the matter that is it, then recreate that into new matter which manifests into either a new ability that he obtains for himself through the process, or he can take that matter he just destroyed and refurbish it into a new living being in the form of a Helper.

Kirby can literally make anything out of anything.

There is nothing he can't eat nor destroy.

Hell, he even ate the embodiment of darkness itself.

He's harnessed matter into a weapon through the form of copying abilities and being able to create Helpers.

He's succeeded in harnessing the power of stars and using them to accomplish impossible feats, such as traversing the galaxy at light speed, managing to destroy both the sun and the moon, destroying dark matter and making energy from it, and even going as far as to break the laws of everything.

Kirby is strong enough to shatter a planet in half with a single punch and tough enough to survive being sucked into a black hole, blown up within it, thrown out of it into the vacuum of space, then get up and continue fighting like nothing happened. He even had an entire dimension blow up around him and survived to tell the tale of it.

He even went as far as to destroy an entire nebula composed of dark matter and dark energy, all just so he could get a slice of cake.

But you wanna know what the scary thing is...?

. . .

By the standards of his race... Kirby is still a baby.

That's right.


Kirby's not even a child yet and look at everything he's capable of.

Imagine what he'll be like when he reaches adulthood...

Too bad for us, we may not get to see it.

See, the people of Kirby's race are able to live for what seems to be hundreds of years. By the time Kirby reaches adulthood, our great, great, great grandchildren will already be on their deathbeds.

But the thing that really tops it all off...

This isn't even everything that Kirby is capable of.

He has many, many more aspects and abilities to him, such as the innate ability to adapt to any environment and instantly become the master of any weapon or power.

But this is just to give you an idea of what Kirby is truly capable of.

He may look cute and cuddly on the outside...which he is.

But there's a hell of a lot more to him than just being cute...
I just named this bag of Lay's potato chips Space and this chip Dark Matter. Now I ate Dark Matter.

What's in a name?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2014
Meta Knight canonically beat the strongest warrior in theKirby universe.

Therefore, Meta Knight is the strongest warrior in theKirby universe.

Therefore, Meta Knight > Kirby


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
Meta Knight canonically beat the strongest warrior in theKirby universe.

Therefore, Meta Knight is the strongest warrior in theKirby universe.

Therefore, Meta Knight > Kirby
Kirby can fight and defeat Galacta Knight in The True Arena. And in Return to Dreamland.

Therefore, Kirby = Meta Knight, at the very least. Though I'd still give the honors of 'Strongest In His Universe' to Kirby, of course.

Not to mention, there's sufficient evidence that Marx/Marx Soul are both stronger than Galacta Knight, both of whom Kirby defeats canonically, as well.

EDIT: Well, Galacta Knight is the strongest in the galaxy at the time, but Marx and Marx Soul both have fairly limited timespans. Even so, both Marx and Marx Soul can create black holes. That means that he can manipulate his own mass (or even simply create it) to generate a temporary black hole. Marx essentially creates a minimum of 3.2 solar masses (or, the mass equivalent to almost three and a quarter suns to ours) in order to collapse space and generate a black hole.

Though the fact that the black hole rapidly evaporates is probably attributed to the way it's created, or maybe even from Marx's own power. And if I may be so bold, something that can create and abolish black holes > Meta Knight's ancestor.
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Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2014
Looking for those who like Mighty No 9
I'm pretty sure Meta Knight is not nearly that fast.
Kirby Air Ride begs to differ. His average top speed is about 26.40 MPH, about 30 if he's flying above the surface, and accelerates to top speed in less than 1.5 seconds. While he would be arguably slower turning, he would mainly need to dash in straight lines, maximizing his velocity.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2014
Kirby Air Ride begs to differ. His average top speed is about 26.40 MPH, about 30 if he's flying above the surface, and accelerates to top speed in less than 1.5 seconds. While he would be arguably slower turning, he would mainly need to dash in straight lines, maximizing his velocity.
But in the time it takes to stop, turn around, and get ready for another attack the other fighter would easily have enough time to retaliate or brace themselves. Plus if he is only eight inches tall and he attacks at regular intervals or speeds you could easily just grab him and rip his wings off.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2014
Switch FC
wouldent link be strongest since he has gottent the full triforce at times


The Demon King
Dec 3, 2013
I read thorough this entire thread! Good stuff.

I think the top 3 would be;


But I think people are underestimating Ganondorf a little.

As shown in TP he gets stabbed through the chest by the sages sword and not only survived but completely obliterates one of the sages (who are a kind-of Demi-gods) with a single punch. So I don't think holy weapons do much to him only the Master sword can kill him.

Also in TP he takes over Zelda's mind and than posses her, which shows Ganon has some strong psychic abilities of his own (remember Zelda has also a part of the Triforce, of wisdom in fact! so I believe her mind must be powerful)

In A link to the Past he creates his own parallel dimension and his own minions (pretty much every game he is in he creates minions) powerful ones in fact. proving he has power of creation.

In TP he shows his ability to teleport, an become a mass of pure energy that can withstand very powerful artifacts that rival the gods powers that are wielded by Midna, and than he survives a whole castle crashing on him.

He also shows he can revive from the dead. Stalfos, the "skeleton dragon boss" and he summons spirits on horseback to attack link.

He is also shown to corrupt whole areas and to corrupt and turn things, creatures and people evil that would other wise be good or passive. Goron Master, Baboon Boss etc.

In TP he is 7 feet and 6 inches (which by assumption means he probably weighes at least 400+ pounds) quite huge! And still moves massively fast while fighting Link. And let's not forget his Ganon/beast form which gives him massive amounts of power.

Also without the scar/wound the sages gave him (convenient for Zelda game mechanics) right before he received the Triforce of power. Link would probably had a much more difficult time fighting him.

All in all, Ganondorf is not a "person" anyone should mess around with.
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Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
You bring up some good points.

Also in TP he takes over Zelda's mind and than posses her, which shows Ganon has some strong psychic abilities of his own (remember Zelda has also a part of the Triforce, of wisdom in fact! so I believe her mind must be powerful)
I'm pretty sure that's more like a demonic possession than a psionic one.

In A link to the Past he creates his own parallel dimension and his own minions, powerful ones in fact. proving he has power of creation.
But he uses all three pieces of a larger MacGuffin to do it. Anyone who touches the Triforce can technically create parallel dimensions with their own minions if they wanted.

In TP he shows his ability to teleport, an become a mass of pure energy that can withstand very powerful artifacts that rival the gods powers that are wielded by Midna, and than he survives a whole castle crashing on him.
Can't argue there. Just another good example of how much of a badass G-Dawg is.

He also shows he can revive from the dead. Stalfos, the "skeleton dragon boss" and he summons spirits on horseback to attack link.
I'm sure a lot of other undead occurrences can be attributed to Ganondorf, as well.

He is also shown to corrupt whole areas and to corrupt/make evil things and creatures/people that would other wise be good or passive. Goron Master, Baboon Boss etc.
A lot of the possessions in Twilight Princess are attributed to Shadow Insects, which are essentially mind controlling parasites? Again, I'd say that if Ganondorf personally possesses someone, it's closer to intimidation/seduction/genuine demonic possession. Let's not all forget his roots.

In TP he is 7 feet and 6 inches (which by assumption means he probably weighes at least 400+ pounds) quite huge! And still moves massively fast while fighting Link. And let's not forget his Ganon/beast form which gives him massive amounts of power.
No argument here.

All in all, Ganondorf is not a "person" anyone should mess around with.
I don't think any of us were really arguing that Ganondorf should top this list. In fact, if a certain someone whose name starts with an H from Kid Icarus: Uprising were playable in Smash, I'd still give a top spot to G-Dawg.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2014
Side note: Hyrule Historia lists him as 7.5, but Link is 5"3 and in comparison, Ganondorf is 9 feet tall.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2014
I am going to repeat this until my voice is heard and someone takes this into consideration. There is no strongest. One person may seem extremely powerful but most likely there will be at least one or a couple people that can beat him. OoT Link needed the help of the sages and Zelda to beat Ganon, but he couldn't kill him, he had to imprison him in the sacred realm. Without the help of Zelda or the sages, NES Link as a kid beat Ganon. Toon Link needed the help of Zelda to beat Ganondorf. It depends on the Link, we have OoT, WW, TP, and SS Links in smash so we can only put them into battles.

The strongest character may not be able to beat everyone, each character has a weakness that other characters may specialize in. Ganondorf, Sonic, Mewtwo, and Kirby can beat most people but they will still lose to some. Besides the abilities of Mewtwo, Lucas, and Ness are being exagerated to much, STAHP IT! Sonic is extremely powerful, so don't throw him down the list. I don't like Sonic, but I'm pretty sure that even without the chaos emeralds he can kill almost everyone. With the chaos emeralds he could probably go faster than the speed of sound and beat his normal sanics top speed.

As I said before, we should decide who is the strongest after we list ever characters canonical matchups. Who ever can beat the most characters should be crowned the title.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
The only reason Ness and Lucas aren't at the top of every list is that people haven't played their games. Basically, Ness, Lucas, and Kirby are powerful enough to fight universe-destroying foes; while Ganondorf is strong he's on a much more terrestrial level.
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