Smash Apprentice
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- Dec 8, 2014
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Oh, well nvm.@ShadowLBlue
Psychic stuff and Super Sonic:
Trick is negated by Protect, so Super Sonic would likely block it as well.
Why would other characters be immune to the user being protected by it messing with their mind?Marty's darksphere:
If I'm not mistaken, it protects the user by means of possessing their mind (presumably to mess with muscle movement and such), which some characters would be immune to.
EDIT: I saw your lower post and you misinterpreted it. Read it again:
"By itself, it possesses the power to possess an attacker's mind to protect the holder from all harm. However, if the user is attacked using its opposite, the Lightsphere, they are vulnerable. It will eventually corrupt even the noblest of men in both mind and body, noticeably quicker when the holder is experiencing negative emotions, which the sphere amplifies, making it beyond dangerous for humans to use."
The attacker and the holder are one in the same. It makes more sense that if it corrupts the mind of the holder, that the attacker and the holder are the same person because the it constantly posessing your mind corrupts you.
Yes, because they are different enough transformations.Beast Ganon:
So are you saying that he should have access to both the OoT final boss form and TP's Beast Ganon, or...?
Like I said, I don't think it's a problem for most of her fights, but it is a possibility against some characters. Of course, some of the characters who might have the strength to hurt the gunship (ex: Bowser) wouldn't actually be able to beat her regardless. Off the top of my head, and it's just a guess, some characters who can possibly beat her and could probably bang her ship up are Sonic, Mario (as Metal Mario) and Beast Ganon.Obviously that's what happened. I don't know of any character on the roster who would actually be able to damage the gunship to that extent, unless you want to start demonstrating striking strength from each character.
You didn't specify it had to be a video game. But I don't think it changes the strength of the analogy. It's not meaningless either, they are injured, it just isn't long lasting because they have a form of minor/major regeneration unless damaged fatally a certain way.Dragon Ball Z is a manga/anime, not a video game. The purpose of HP for these characters who cannot die unless by a specific way is meaningless.
He can move fast in WW but more importantly has the ability to briefly turn intangible while moving. Nonetheless I think Light Beam + Darkburst works as well.Ganondorf has never been one for quickness. Regardless, when the light beam is charged, it fires five blasts capable of homing in on the target. It sets them on fire. I've yet to see Ganondorf survive 5,000 K, but yeah. I've been saying a light beam and darkburst or sonic boom should finish him off.
Well Ganon is clearly a human powered by darkness and the Triforce of Power, thus has super natural durability. That's not questionable.It's not relevant in that Link and Ganondorf are humans, which I presented three possibilities. I don't care about the Skyrim example because as I said before, I have no counter-argument to what you presented. So you only addressed the Skyrim example, but not the fact that Link and Ganondorf are regarded as humans.
Link too is likely granted supernatural protection from the Triforce of Courage.
But what does them being human have to do with anything?
That's fine, I'm just specifying they wouldn't be combined because they're different.It's fine if he has access to both, but I'm still working with his human form and his common beasts forms, not the only one from TP.
They never stack because they're not in the same game. Magic Boomerang stacks on the regular boomerang though.But the magic boomerang is different from other boomerangs. They never stacked. Samus' suits can stack, so different varia suits would be able to stack. I've only been using one varia suit, one gravity suit, and one Phazon suit, though. Not multiple suits.
And I'm aware they can stack, but my point is you haven't specified which incarnation of the Varia Suit you're using and with this rule you don't have to even if they didn't stack.
oh ok.That's what I was saying. Telekinesis wouldn't work, but confusion would (provided the 10% chance actually works).
I'm not saying he'd necessarily only slash, just that he's not going to act as a helper. And was it stated that he actually summons THE MK rather than making a temporary clone of him through Magic? Considering it's presented as a Magic trick, I think all the evidence points to him being temporary.I don't see why Meta Knight would only be able to do that thing. Also, the reason he's temporary could be explained by the fact that he was bound to another dimension, or that he just left because his job was done.
Boxing doesn't purely measure strength though. It's also about prediction and defense.In an actual fight, DK would win. But in a boxing match, which measures strength, Mac turned out superior, so his strength would likely be on that level.
Also beating something at someone your an expert in isn't that impressive. DK's never boxed in his life. It's like Mario beating Tails in a plumbing contest. Sure it's nice you beat a genius, but you beat him doing something you've done all your life.
Well you can give commands to a Pokemon using protect so I'm not sure I buy that comparison.Protect/Super Sonic don't block the same things. Sound can still reach Super Sonic, yet not a Pokemon using Protect (demonstrated because it blocks Sonic Boom). Mental attacks have already been determined to bypass Super Sonic's invincibility.
But Super Sonic and Protect don't necessarily block the same things.
Tell, me do you think Iridium could be crushed by an 4 foot mouse constantly hitting on it? Because the same metal you speculate is Iridium takes damage normally from the squeaks, and anything stronger than a normal enemy. It gives special protection against environmental hazards and pushovers. That's it. That's the simpler conclusion rather than basing it off of a real metal just because it shares similar properties.Seems like everyone underestimatesnowadays. Real shame.
The largest enemy crash can defeat in Kirby Triple Deluxe seems to be Mr. Frosty, Supernova takes him in one hit. More impressive though are metallic enemies such as Metaluns who die in one hit to the normal Crash. Kirby bosses do, believe it or not, have some otherworldly durability (when was the last time you saw a metal covered knight survive prolonged exposure to fire or lightning?)
Metaluns give Kirby the metal ability which can walk unharmed on boiling magma. Metal Kirby and the Metaluns seems to be made of the same material so we can find the melting temperature of the metal and compare it to other metals to find a match.
Magma ranges from 700-1300 C, though there are some outliers here and there. Given that this magma is bright orange and yellow, it would be on the high end of heat so let's just roll with 1300 C.
Whatever metal Kirby is made out of, it doesn't melt at 1300 degrees C leaving us with an incredibly broad selection of metals. We can limit this again by color, which throws some brighter metals (Titanium namely) out the window, and it doesn't seem to be magnetic (and there goes iron).
However there are still several metals to choose from, and I don't have a great way of narrowing it down, so I'll look at how Metal enemies form. Given their angular design, taken in with all the other findings, I feel that these metals most closely resemble Iridium
Being the second densest element in existence, it explains Metal Kirby's incredible weight. It's hardness also explains Metal Kirby's resistance to most enemies. Now to revise Crash's power in based on this new information (because 564 kJ·mol^-1 is a lot more than 40.65 kJ•mol^-1).
Before I get too far into this I want to clear up two mistakes I made
For one, 2,260 J/g is actually 2,260 kJ kg making my first calculation radically different than it actually is.
Two, the standard unit for heat of vaporization is kJ mol, which I learned the hard way
Well, a sphere Kirby's size made of iridium would weigh 99.11 kilograms or 99,110 grams.
Now to make our calculation correct I need to convert kJ per mole to kJ per kg. This'll get a little complicated.
There are 5.20245347706 moles in one gram of iridium, and it takes 564 kJ to vaporize one mole of iridium. By multiplying 564 kJ by 5.20245347706 gives us 2934.18376 kJ per kg.
99.11 kg • 2,934.18376 kJ per kg results in 290,806,952 J to vaporize a Kirby sized object made of Iridium. Keep in mind that Metaluns are larger than Kirby. That's about 291 megajoules or 291 sticks of dynamite! No one is just going to shrug that off, heck most of the cast would be reduced to a pile of ashes!
Again, keep in mind that metaluns are larger than this and that this is the basic level of crash.
Another flaw with this: if metaluns are made of the same metal as metal Kirby, why can metalun's be harmed by Fire Kirby, who by all accounts does NOT breathe magma?
LIke Bagan said, trying to apply real world physics to Kirby is a wasted effort.
K.Putting the Monado in his inventory would rob him of his Monado Arts during that period of time and it wouldn’t be practical against people like Palutena and Ganondorf. He would still get his visions though.
Agreed.I’d hate to be up against Robin and Lucina when they start their long-range Mire bombardment from Pegasus back.
It was just a theory.We should probably get second opinions on that.
The only known ways to pierce Mechon armor with physical attacks are:
Use Monado Enchant to spread special ether particles onto weapons that enable them to bite through their armor.
Topple them to presumably hit at weak points on their frames or use superior leverage to inflict damage Ex: at 3:31-3:44 (@Dryn can you give me your input on how those soldiers destroyed that Mechon?).
Use anti-Mechon weaponry forged from Mechon armor (like cuts like).
Marth wouldn't have to put it inside the Shield of Seals.Wouldn’t the Lightsphere being nearby inside the Shield of Seals negate the Darksphere’s effect? The completed Shield of Seals only seems to keep the Starsphere’s effect and the other four spheres (including the Darksphere) no longer give their bonuses.
YesDo Pokemon other than ones raised by Pokemon Trainer and Mewtwo get TM or HM moves?
It's type changes every move, what's the issue?How are we going to handle Greninja’s Protean ability
Unless they are shown/stated to be otherwise vulnerable, I think all invincibility's should have the same protections.
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