That cannot be determined. Originally, Metroid Prime was going to have the speed booster, but it was scrapped. Here are the images.
I see. I think we should let her use it then, since it's an extension of running and all.
Metroid: Other M doesn't allow you to move. It's a mechanic of its own. It would have probably been possible if the nunchuk was used.
Here is Samus moving while using the scan visor, though. If you want, you can even see Samus jump very high if you continue past the part where she's using the scan visor while running.
Yeah, that does seem to be due to controller restraints and all.
Because her arm cannon would actually be available and you're able to shoot in search view (MOM's version of the scan visor).
If the game and its website make a point that the arm cannon cannot be used at the same time, we should stick to that.
I see. I'm wondering if Samus would be able to hack into, say, Mega Man. Does this require an access port of some kind, or no?
You suggested that DK was throwing weaker punches at Little Mac.
Ah yes, that.
Well, you're just disproving your own statement that Super Sonic and Protect are similar.
They're similar in what they block, but different in what happens when an attack gets through.
So Mewtwo would be trying to TK Super Sonic, which wouldn't work.
They are telekinesis. Telekinesis can stop things from moving.
Do they serve this function in the games?
Do we have a formal system now?
Yes; we keep track of rules that are voted for in formal lists (the ones kept by Shadow) and every vote has users tagged and such.
Then go check my work to see if I'm incorrect.
It's your job to prove your point, not mine.
Actually, this is the anime we're talking about.
Ah, okay. Do you have a video of its speed?
And most of these guys aren't "the best".
Correct. They're better than "the best".
Most of them can't, actually.
Really? Let's look at the characters I listed and see whether or not they have superhuman jumping or running.

: Yes

: Yes

: Yes

: Yes (see 3D World's pre-final boss cutscene for a good example)

: Yes (is rather agile in the anime and such if I'm not mistaken)

: Yes (Shadow Mario is as agile as Mario)

: No (but has fast flying instead)

: Yes

: Yes

: No (but has teleportation etc instead)

: No (but has fast flying instead)

: Yes (is rather quick if I'm not mistaken)

: Yes (especially with the Brawler Gloves)

: Yes (with Super Speed)
By shooting a plasma ball/beetle/explosive coconut/etc. at the attacker's face. They only have to do this for about a second before Kirby takes off.
And how will this prevent them from attacking straight through them and at Kirby?
Because Kirby will jump and use Sky Wheel to attack him.
Does Kirby retain his speed and increased durability during this?
Wheel Kirby doesn't have charge time, also Bowser is slow with his regular speed.
Wheel Kirby does have charge time thanks to Air Ride (which is also where we get his top speed).
As for Bowser, his jumps are rather quick (see 3D Land's final boss for a good example of this).
Didn't seem very fast to me.
The Clown Car zooms off the screen at high speeds.
I would also like to point out that Wheel Kirby can move across water. In order to do that, you'd have to travel at 67.1081 MPH. Who can catch him now?
A) Gameplay > real life physics. If Wheel Kirby isn't stated to move at that speed, then he's not.
B) That's not true even in real life; see the basilisk (a lizard that can run on water).
If a summoner summons a summon, it's more than likely than it was the summoner's intention for the summoned summon to attack. Also, the icon for Meta Knight in the roulette is a sword, meaning it was Kirby's intention for a slashing attack.
Likelihood and an icon =/= proof.
All stacked together? Kirby can melt stacks of Metal Blocks.
How thick are these stacks?
Seem just as armored as Big Metalun.
These are much more heavy-duty and combat-ready than a chunk of metal.
It's not a projectile though, so suction still works.
That's assuming that Kirby could even react to a light-speed attack.
(0:40) Sonic would be sucked in in less than a second.
Sonic is larger than that.
It's his laser once he spits it out. A Waddle Doo, for example, cannot harm another Waddle Doo until Kirby spits it back out. Same with the laser.
It would apply to both damage and knockback, Kirby was just durable enough to tank it.
And yet he is still hurt by a simple spike.
No, but I don't see why he couldn't do it now.
Because he lacks the strength to get it off the ground so he could get underneath it and thus get crushed.
Then Kirby falls in front of the attack.
And what if the attack is too quick? Or if there are two attacks, preventing Kirby from blocking both at once? Or the attack has an AOE that is larger than Kirby can block?
I see.
100,000 megatons is the force needed to destroy a planet. When Kirby whacked Marx, he transferred the force into him, then Marx crashed into NOVA and transferred the force into him, thus destroying NOVA.
Or Marx's force caused it instead. I could push a bomb off of a cliff and cause it to detonate, but I do not possess that bomb's amount of force.
I'm 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000% sure that's not a black hole.
It's a galaxy containing multiple black holes.
Actually, Fire and Sword came before Sword of Fire, they were then combined to create that ability. Galaxies that Lumas turn into are not created by combining things they could already turn into.
Sword + Fire = Sword of Fire. Black hole + everything else = a galaxy.
Lumas don't have control over what goes where in the galaxies they become. If they did, they would've put all the black holes at the top so none of them would threaten Mario.
That's because the game would be too easy. It's the same reason that you still have to pay for the items you're using to save the world and things like that.
B) Mario behaves dissimilarly to a real human (humans don't use power-ups to beat up firebreathing turtles). Mario is still a human.
Mario is different from a regular human, so we treat him differently from a regular human.
The enemy is different from a regular black hole, so we treat it differently from a regular black hole.
D) Let's take Venus, a rather small planet. It has a radius of 3760 miles. The combatants in this thread have an average radii of say, 2 feet. I think you see where I'm going with this.
The planets in Galaxy are much smaller than that.
Lumas can.
The explosion didn't do any.
And every other attack does.
I believe that's not correct.
He still does have a rather predictable pattern, though.
Daroach can teleport straight into Kirby like Sonic can at the same speed, yet Kirby can dodge it.
And yet he mostly teleports away from Kirby and fires a ranged attack. He teleports to a random location, and if he happens to hit Kirby, it's just a coincidence. Sonic, on the other hand, would actively track Kirby down.
I was trying to use it at the beginning, but Shadow (I think), you, and Dryn started bashing it and calling it inaccurate.
And it hasn't been proven.
- What would be the actual information as opposed to the misinformation? Also, Olimar wrote about the slicer in his journal. Olimar's pencil does not have faulty wiring.
- So what would Olimar see that makes him think the knife cuts through space and time, other than the knife actually cutting through space and time?
- Not a typo at all, really.
- Definition of insanity is "extreme foolishness or irrationality", smart people don't have those. Also, Olimar didn't show any insanity.
- The actual occurrence could have been anything with a faulty scanner in the analyzer.
- The knife cutting through an element in space/time, rather than space/time itself. For example, a piece of paper exists in both space and time, but it is neither.
- It could be. That or a translation error, but I dunno.
- Actually, smart people might be more likely to go insane.
No, but we don't need to, because there's a conclusion on it.
An unproven conclusion.