lol that was a funny day cause i was doing really well.
that was the devry tourney and i had beaten 4 guys and lost to jtb.
i know what i did wrong and i'm pretty sure if we watched the matches you could see it too, i was moving around too much without a reason. like it's good to have mobility, but i was wasting a lot of it doing flashy **** and didn't even try to make an attempt at reading/spacing/crouchcanceling/playing right against a jiggly pufff.
i don't lose to jigglys anymore though, the match is just pathetic and too easy for sheik if played right.
earlier that day i beat psychomidget, (get ***** psycho, 10%-death on you with sheik in 1 combo.)
and i was pretty confident in my jiggs match up, johns aside, i lost to jtb.
if you want the truth fabian, the only reason why i asked you/even talked to you was cause i knew nobody in the smash community outside of replicate,tipZ,and festizzio.
i had remembered talking to you at shuffle and cut, and so i felt comfortable approaching and without having anything to say and having just lost a match. i decided i should pick "asking a question" as a conversation starter between you and me.
choose to believe it or not, it's the truth. the whole reason i approached you was to be less of a random and more apart of the community.
i hope someone understands this logic.