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Who else is nervous about Brawl potentially sucking?

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Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
But I know that theres some friggin pubby out there laughing his *** off at me because he just killed me with a backthrow to forward smash edgeguard with pikachu after I comboed him for 120% and barely missed the kill, that infuriates me.

the lack of DI

and how i have to watch myself get comboed,

knowing exactly whats gonna happen and knowing I cant escape it,

knowing the guy on the other end is thinking ''Wow what a NOOB. Im owning this guy. he sooo sucks''

The worst is when you're playign someone you KNOW is worse than you but you end up in a bad situation and he ''combos'' you with


That also makes me feel like breaking things.

I dunno I think its because SSB give you the illusion you're good because of 0-death comboes, you do 1 or 2 of them and you feel like you're the best in the world. Then some LINK comes by and schools you.... Im still embarassed about that one. sigh.
Yep, I can relate to pretty much all of that. I especially hate u-tilt combos, although I guess I shouldn't talk because sometimes I use'em with Jiggs. Maybe I hate them for the same reason you do- sometimes I get a nagging feeling that my opponent thinks he's good b/c he's u-tilting me into death. I try not to let it bother me anymore though.

Look, just don't play on Kaillera every day. Take a break for a few days, come back and mess around for a few matches. Pick other characters, play on other stages (not Yoshi's Story though :p), just have fun doing whatever you can. Then go back into a serious match, and you'll be impressed at how far you've come. I used to play as often as you, and I developed the same criticisms (lack of DI, broken utilts, knowing what will happen but can't escape). My solution? I just play every once in a while, or when someone here wants to play. It keeps me focused.

Actually, it's the same thing with Melee. I only play now when one of my friends come over. And yet, because I play so infrequently, my mind is completely refreshed during each session, and my mindgames are always top-notch (for me) and getting better. I would argue...that this applies to Smash 64 as well. Hell, if you need to, switch between the two so you're not playing too much of one or the other.

Anyway...sorry for repeating myself over and over, but don't be too hard on yourself. Let your mind relax.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
I only play now when one of my friends come over. And yet, because I play so infrequently, my mind is completely refreshed during each session, and my mindgames are always top-notch (for me) and getting better. I would argue...that this applies to Smash 64 as well.
Yea, it applies to all competitive games really, it used to happen to me all the time (in Halo 2, when I was really competitive...I'm gonna start that up again in the summer :) )


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Hey Dylan, don't sweat it. I can understand being angry over a loss, but don't let that make you think you're a bad smasher, even for a second. And I think what you do with your rage, converting it into skill, is a healthy stress reliever.

After all, if you're really pissed and all you want to do is break ****, then go ape on Link's fairy butt. We'll be here cheering you on.
haha cool. Ya after sleeping last night the rage has subsided, I've got much bigger problems in my personal life at the moment anyway :laugh: :laugh:

Nothing I cant handle. Thanks for the support.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
Thanks Axem for that level editor info, it was awesome. I already am partially in the way of making a level. Now, to be able to change GFX. :)

Glad you're over your problem Dylan. I've been thrashed occasionally by Links, though this only happened really at the beginning of my Kaillera play. Now, I don't get beat by them that often. Remember, tiers don't make the character.

Your Captain Falcon is more fearsome than your Pikachu, and my Pika sucks, only my Mario is able to put up a decent fight against you. But oh well.

I'm just jealous at all of you [cept Red Exodus], since you are capable of going to tournaments. Also, I am a major supporter of treating everyone equally, I couldn't stand it when someone called someone else a Mexican cause they messed up in something or other [I'm descendant of Cubans, I'm not Mexican]. So Jew jokes piss me off, just the way I am.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
Thanks Axem for that level editor info, it was awesome. I already am partially in the way of making a level. Now, to be able to change GFX. :)
Glad to hear it Superstar, the next step is setting up ZSNES so you can record your levels and upload them. I wanna see what you've created XD. I'll prolly be uploading another of mine within the next couple of days, so check them out ^^.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I can take racist jokes, but I don't tell them to people who are offfended by it. I guess I have more tolerance. And god knows how many black jokes there are.

I remember one slightly funny one, here goes, don't read it if you're offended by black or Mexican jokes:

A black man and a Mexican are in a car. Who's driving?

A cop.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Oh boy. Let's refrain from racist jokes. Not because it offends me (really, it doesn't. I think they're on the better end of the comedy spectrum) but because it's bound to piss someone off. Or get a mod in here, possibly getting the thread closed.

Just leave it alooooooooooooone.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Meh Im not taking any risks im at 4 infraction points, 2 more and Im banned so I have to be good for a few weeks, keep to logically pointing out why scrubs are wrong rather than insult them.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 24, 2006
Toms River, NJ
And yea Link was crap in ssb. He got better for ssbm, but he's still low tier (why is that again?). So for brawl he needs even more upgrades. I say he gets quicker and <b>young link, uhh....leaves.</b>
This guy speaks heresy against my character. Young Link was the <b>original</b> link. The link you started with in the very first LoZ. To take out him, would be like ripping your own son from the family, but then again, I still find it a tad debateable if he's coming back. But that's another topic. Link is pretty balanced as it is. I mean come on, he can compete with Ken >_> While our younger hero barely experiences pro battles on that level. He's the one that needs to be buffed. Maybe a longer hookshot and an f-smash that actually kills or an up-b that kills. Either one of them would be fine.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2006
I dont like to generalize but the jewish stereotype does apply to some jews, the downright cheap underhanded backstabbing ones are the ones I dont like, but Ive met plenty of jewish guys that ive been pals with. It all comes down to the person, I hate a lot of white people too.

I just crack a LOT of racist jokes online though, they're only jokes though.

I downright hate mr saturn though, he IS a nose.

Best mr saturn moment :

My friend tyler is actually an anti semite, so his sister pulls out a mr saturn as peach and throws it at him.

He stomps it in mid air, then he knees it. Then the throws it off the edge, and edgeguards it with a knee which resulted in him getting edgeguarded by peach... we were all laughing he was soo angry at the nose.

I dont know what my problem is, I get 4 stocked in melee and i have the same attitude as you sensai, Im happy to be outclassed and watch the other player and try to learn..

but when Im on kaillera I get obsessed.. I want to win EVERY match and I get increasingly angry everytime I lose, unless I know the person, like if it was you or axem id be like gg, because I like you guys so I dont mind you beating me

But I know that theres some friggin pubby out there laughing his *** off at me because he just killed me with a backthrow to forward smash edgeguard with pikachu after I comboed him for 120% and barely missed the kill, that infuriates me.

As my rage increases so does my skill because I play cf so I become so agressive I dont give him room to breathe i just non stop attack, but when it gets really bad I just lose my concentration and freak out completly, especially if im being beaten by link.

I can not stand losing to link not in melee, not in classic smash. Till the day I die I will consider link to be a ****ty character along the lines of roy that youtube noobs idolise for his honor and lack of wavedashing neccesity. I HATE link in smash.

I love zelda games though.

I dont think I should play on kailerra, its bad for my health. Melee always leaves me in a good mood but with kaillera i have to be winning or else I get reallllly angry. I dont know why I guess its the lack of DI and how i have to watch myself get comboed, knowing exactly whats gonna happen and knowing I cant escape it, knowing the guy on the other end is thinking ''Wow what a NOOB. Im owning this guy. he sooo sucks''

The worst is when you're playign someone you KNOW is worse than you but you end up in a bad situation and he ''combos'' you with


That also makes me feel like breaking things.

I dunno I think its because SSB give you the illusion you're good because of 0-death comboes, you do 1 or 2 of them and you feel like you're the best in the world. Then some LINK comes by and schools you.... Im still embarassed about that one. sigh.
you DO get mad way too easily.
anyhoot, Young Link ,is like the one character Tera could tolerate to leave--or maybe Peach. other than that, Brawl will pwn all, wavedashing or not, Young Link or not.

Pikachu's in;
just worrying now about Falco.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
I wouldn't get your hopes up too high concerning Peach....

BTW: rumor has it that there will be a new Smash character revealed either this month...


Smash Rookie
Apr 19, 2007
Lawrence, KS
I bet the new character is The Fresh Prince.

lol, not really.
Honestly, I am not aware of any set release date for SSBB, but they should freakin' set one and then start releasing character names once every two weeks until they have revealed as many as they feel like.

How many characters is everyone expecting? I would be pleased with 40. 50 would be icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
This guy speaks heresy against my character. Young Link was the <b>original</b> link. The link you started with in the very first LoZ. To take out him, would be like ripping your own son from the family, but then again, I still find it a tad debateable if he's coming back. But that's another topic. Link is pretty balanced as it is. I mean come on, he can compete with Ken >_> While our younger hero barely experiences pro battles on that level. He's the one that needs to be buffed. Maybe a longer hookshot and an f-smash that actually kills or an up-b that kills. Either one of them would be fine.
That practically only happens when Aniki plays as Link. Aniki is talented in that he can play a character like Link, not wavedash, and be great [I mean awesome]. He is pretty much the only guy that can do it. Any other Link will be torn apart.

Also, I uploaded my video [torture to get the mencoder program, and I had to update my decade old ZSNES, but I have it].

But for some reason...
Uploaded (processing, please wait) [been like that for like 5min, does this happen, its my first YouTube video.]

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I suck, I really need a gamecube, I can't practice ANYTHING and it's pissing me off. I can't learn to WD consistently, I can't SHFFL with anyone other than Mario and Ganondorf, I can barely double missle with Samus and the rest of mains are still as bad as they were when I had a gamecube. I can barely beat anyone now.

Oh I never made a youtube vid, or any vid for that matter so I can't help you Sup.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
I'm glad I'm not you [no offense]. You're having it bad.

Oh, and my vid [I can't get the palette working properly for Ghost House, EVEN THOUGH I went to the headers and changed them to Ghost House and Ghost House1, so, deal with the slightly greenish levels].

Also, its kinda short, since its not complete, and its merely a first level.



Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
Nice first level, superstar. If you don't mind, I have some suggestions. First, I think the ghost ceiling works better with the second part of the level, on the third part the floor is too low for a ghost ceiling to really make a difference. But I liked the flying section, I thought that was interesting. As for the palette, did you change all the palette headers as well? And if there's a ghost house 1 setting, you could also try the ghost house 2 setting.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
In a giant bucket
I suck, I really need a gamecube, I can't practice ANYTHING and it's pissing me off. I can't learn to WD consistently, I can't SHFFL with anyone other than Mario and Ganondorf, I can barely double missle with Samus and the rest of mains are still as bad as they were when I had a gamecube. I can barely beat anyone now.
I know how that feels like, my GC got stolen with my controllers and memory cards in August last year, so now I have 9 months w/out playing Smash and counting...
Ahhhh, I couldn't want more the GC controllers now...
And Brawl, of course!!!!!!!

Expecting no more than 35 characters here.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
Nice first level, superstar. If you don't mind, I have some suggestions. First, I think the ghost ceiling works better with the second part of the level, on the third part the floor is too low for a ghost ceiling to really make a difference. But I liked the flying section, I thought that was interesting. As for the palette, did you change all the palette headers as well? And if there's a ghost house 1 setting, you could also try the ghost house 2 setting.
Good suggestion. For the second part though, I'll lower the cargo boxes, because the level is practically impossible if the boxes are as high as they are now.

How do change the palette? Also, I like the flying too.

EDIT: I used an eerie generator for the second room. Ghost ceiling would mean removing the boxes. Also, Ghost House 2 causes WEIRD things to happen...

EDIT: Also found out Palettes. I'll upload a new video of the level updates.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
Good suggestion. For the second part though, I'll lower the cargo boxes, because the level is practically impossible if the boxes are as high as they are now.

How do change the palette? Also, I like the flying too.

EDIT: I used an eerie generator for the second room. Ghost ceiling would mean removing the boxes. Also, Ghost House 2 causes WEIRD things to happen...
Good point about the boxes. Well, I'm not really that experienced yet myself, I haven't tried doing a ghost house level yet. I'll take your word for the Ghost House 2 setting, lol.

At the very least, if you can't include a ghost ceiling in the second part, make the floor higher up in the third part (maybe no vertical scroll?) to compensate.

As for the palette, there should be a star icon on the toolbar. Click on that, and change the settings to those of a regular ghost house.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I know how that feels like, my GC got stolen with my controllers and memory cards in August last year, so now I have 9 months w/out playing Smash and counting...
Ahhhh, I couldn't want more the GC controllers now...
And Brawl, of course!!!!!!!

Expecting no more than 35 characters here.
I'm raising the bar expecting at least 40 characters. Some people say I'm crazy, but I think 41 or 42, maybe even 43 will be the total number of characters. Let us just hope we get a ton of awsome characters, probably most of them heavily reconizable, with awsome attacks, and wavedashing!

That plus sweet courses and features is what we should expect to see. So ya more awsome characters, balanced tiers much like Melee's, everyone (or near everyone, Peach=okay without WD) can wavedash (can I emphisize this enough with Link=have to use soooo many alternatives!=:mad:), and good courses are all I want.

Needless to say SSB, Melee, and Twilight Princess gave me high expectations for Nintendo, and I bet basically everyone's expectations will be broken, and Sakurai will take it to the next level. Sakurai clearly knows what he's doing, and with the team Miyamoto formed, HAL, Game Freak (I think, not sure), Miyamoto himself, and probably more staff members of Nintendo working and helping on the biggest title to probably ever hit the Wii, I think 41 or 40 characters isn't too crazy. :) :laugh: ;)

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
But the question is, are HAL and Nintendo aware of what it takes to make a game competitive and still good enough for casual players? I highly doubt they know about us and if they do they probably don't care.

Starcraft and Unreal tournament know there's a competitive scene, it's what made those 2 games. Bungie is also aware of Halo's competitive scene, I remember them asking some of the top players, including a 7-8 year old champ, the OGRE twins and a girl from the PSM clan, what they'd like to see including in Halo 3, including stages, customizations, and interface. I wish HAL or 'The Studio' was like that. But it can't be helped...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
YOu realise that's an old mock up of what became the classic controller right? IT's not real...

The formula for Brawl might change a little from Melee, but it's not going to suck. The changes implemented to the physics engine might make certain techs, like WDing, less effective but there's still going to be a clear line between the casual player, and the competative one.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
classic-black said:
The formula for Brawl might change a little from Melee, but it's not going to suck. The changes implemented to the physics engine might make certain techs, like WDing, less effective but there's still going to be a clear line between the casual player, and the competative one.
Yeah for sure. Theres no way no matter if theres no wavedashing, no way to turn off items, no shffling, even if brawl is a smashers worst nightmare, there will still be a line between nubs and pros. They wont take out shffling or dash dancing or any of that I dont think though.

The major concern is the wavedash, I personally could never hope to rise above people without such a usesful mindgame/spacing tool as the wavedash so I wouldnt put the hours and hours that I put into melee into brawl, but would rather play it as the scrubs like to say ''just for fun'' I hate that term so I would rather say that I'll play ''casually''

Off topic time ----------

I kicked *** on Kaillera yesterday... lost like 3 matches out of maybe 50-60 played.. It takes a really good player to beat me I guess... I wanna play some of you guys specifically axem and superstar again :)


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
I'll play now. :) haven't played since the last we played though. :) I lose almost all the time, I don't really care though [I'm human however, I get bored faster if I win/lose all the time, but I'd rather the person tried their hardest].

So let's have a go then, I still need to improve my drill to Up-smash. I got drll to grab almost down.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
I'll play now. :) haven't played since the last we played though. :) I lose almost all the time, I don't really care though [I'm human however, I get bored faster if I win/lose all the time, but I'd rather the person tried their hardest].

So let's have a go then, I still need to improve my drill to Up-smash. I got drll to grab almost down.
Wow, how do I end up logging off mere minutes beforehand almost every time this happens? X_X

Well, I'll be on later tonight (10:00 EST?) if either of you want to play. Or just send a PM my way, whenever, you already know that.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
I can't play tonight, oh, and I beat Dylan [don't remember my second match]. My brother lost to him though. Ah well, did you see my updated level, Axem?

Oh yeah, I've recently had a scrub problem with a friend of mine, although this happened in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. In SSBM he is a also scrub, saying that the way I play isn't fun. He also blamed his loss of interest in the game [which obviously affects wins] to my variety of characters, saying that I "bored" him.

Well, in Pokemon he is EVEN worse. He said I won because "I always switched out". I only switched out 3 times, and 2 of them benefited him. He called me a coward for it. Its just a strategy. In fact, the real reason he lost was because his Pokemon weren't fully evolved and well trained yet [He got the game recently]. We were playing lvl 100 singles. Not just that he switches too. I'm going to introduce three of the scenarios.

I have Luxray [Electric]
He has Graveler [Rock/Ground]

I switch to Staraptor [flying with close combat, a fighting move] knowing that he is going to use Magnitude [ground, strong against electrics]. Ground does not work on Flying, but Rock moves, his other kind, are gastly.

He calls me a coward, saying that I switched because "I knew he was going to use a good move" [like he said it]. DUH! Also, he didn't know about my fighting move, so it looked like it should have benefited.

..then he switches out to Empolean [water/steel], and my fighting move hits him for super effective.
My Infernape [Fighting/Fire] versus his Graveler [again].

I could destroy his Graveler in one hit with my Infernape's fighting moves, but I decided to have some fun with my legendary [which is super effective anyways]. Because of the switch, he got a free hit, and since he would have to fight my legendary sooner or later, it actually benefited him to get a free hit.
My Palkia [Legendary Water/Dragon] versus his Ponyta.

I switch to Torterra [Grass/Ground] , forgetting that fire is normal against ground. I hoped to use Earthquake, but I could destroy him with my Palkia anyways. I wanted to show him more of my Pokemon.

He KO's me with FireBlast, super effective.
He called me a coward at every switch. Oh, and the two roars I used as well [but he didn't use it as a loss reason]. Not just that, he was yelling into the mic [He couldn't visit that day]. And when I was beating his argument, he said he didn't want to argue because he was "in a public place [McDonalds]".


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Wow, how do I end up logging off mere minutes beforehand almost every time this happens? X_X

Well, I'll be on later tonight (10:00 EST?) if either of you want to play. Or just send a PM my way, whenever, you already know that.
I got pwnd a bunch after superstar.. GG's superstar I wasnt warmed up though, not saying you didnt play well but I probably dont give anyone a challenge in my first few matches. That last dash attack combo stuff was cool with mario though :)

I played this dude Captain Blowjob, and he 4-6 stocked me most of the matches, then he told me my problem was I played ''cheap'' as in too defensive, waiting for my opponent, but it turned out he was joking.. or something..

Anyway I did catch one of my errors where I stand still a bit too much, when I started moving around and spamming some z cancelled moves inches from his face and retreating and baiting him then I managed to get a few stocks off but he was one of those falcon combo masters.

Axem Ill play you tonight for sure :) I just learned about DIing into the wall when you get hit, captain BJ taught me how to do it... its neat!


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
Heh heh, I wasn't warmed up either. :) I play bad when I'm not warmed not as well, but that time was an exception. Also, I was thinking about my scrub issue during the first match, so I didn't play as well as I could. My brother was destroyed though.

Also Axem, now I'm making an ICE level. Now if only that Solar Soundtrack was EVER finished. I'll deal with the current songs.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
That was good, I could NEVER do that. I like the flying into Koopas part. That guy is really good. :)

And about Wavedashing being less effective, I don't care so long as there IS a wavedash. I know Brawl will be good with or without it, but it would be better with. :) [I know the wavedash being less effective is due to other moves taking its spotlight a bit, but meh].

Dylan, you're really good in SSB [maybe not ladder material, never faced one, unless Axem is one, and was doing bad that day]. You might be good in Brawl with or without the wavedash, although much better with, I can tell you that.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Dylan, you're really good in SSB [maybe not ladder material, never faced one, unless Axem is one, and was doing bad that day]. You might be good in Brawl with or without the wavedash, although much better with, I can tell you that.
Nah, Im not I have little to no mindgames, bad DI... and terrible combos. Im better than the average kaillera player but thats not saying much. And you're about on par with me, and you use a keyboard :)

Did you know the 2nd best player in canada (one of the top in the world) uses a keyboard? Forgot his name.

I'm not bad though I just have high standards, its either you're really good or ya suck with smash, essentially. And noobs can : go die.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
Heh true, and I don't practice in the original smash anyways. Yeah, I tihnk anyone above me is pretty good, its just something weird in the way I think. Also, there is practically no DI in the original smash, so you can't blame yourself for that. About the combos you use, is that why its difficult for you to 0-death me? Also, mindgames come with experience. My mindgames are terrible, but they are improving.

The only bad things about a Keyboard are worse reaction [keyboard buttons take SLIGHTLY more time to push that controller buttons], no tilts, and time to get adjusted. That's it.

My Ice level is going really well. I thank Techokami DEEPLY for ripping the tiles. :)
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