Anyways, as for Brawl potentially "Sucking", I believe it couldn't be further from the truth.
Well, we wont know it comes out, hence ``potentially`` Sucking is also purely subjective whilst one person may love the game, another might hate it for something like having his favorite character turned into an assist trophy.
As for the whole "No items, Final destination, gamecube controllers, wave-dashing only" rules, I have to say that...
Stop listening to scrub propaganda plz. Whilst Final Destination is a likeable level, I prefer Green Greens, Mute City, and Pokemon stadium. Especially green greens.
No items is just standard, for obvious reasons (I didnt come up with those rules)
Wavedashing only??? yeah, Im not even going to dignify that with an explination. You`re being ignorant on purpose.
Will say this though, wavedashing probably accounts for 2 - 3 percent of my in game actions. Im actually trying to do it less in favour of spacing with other methods, whilst keeping my wavedash for quick moments.
If wavedashing / pulsewalk is your only form of spacing and mindgame youll be wrecked. You need to dash dance and utilize DI to the max.
you say that you use strategy to beat your opponents, but what you really do is force yourself into a routine, where you just pummel the other into submission.
No, Smash players constantly change approaches and switch up their mindgames and notice patterns. Beating a skilled player involves finding his patterns, and a skilled player will change his patterns if he notices you catching on.
And I`m an elitist?
(as in those who can understand the somehow complex concept of "Having Fun")
Fun is also subjective. No one would play smash if they didnt find it fun unless they were like really good, but bored with the game, but entered a tournament to win some money. Aside from those circumstances, we all pretty much have fun playing, its just a given.. its a game afterall.
I played smash for 10 hours 2 days ago with Justapnoy, I wouldnt have done so if I wasnt having fun. We also at some point did turn on some items, and did some cool stuff with em.
The only time I play full on tournament style is before a tournment when im practicing with my crew, at a bi-weekly, or at a tournament. Same goes for most smashers, just ask Nes N00b, hes FAR better than I am at melee but hes just like me in that he likes to fool around on banned stages and whatnot.
you have to be quick on your toes and be able to adapt to the new terrains and new arsenals.
That way you can devise new methods of winning, and break out of that boring little rut you've forced yourself into.
That`s pretty much exactly what pro smash is about. Except you have to do what you just advised us to do
Many times during a match. Sometimes even in a split second
Now, I may be out of practice in the game, but I bet that even without the aide of your so-called "Wave-dashing", which from what I've heard was an easily exploitable glitch in the game(like that Missingno from the first pokemon game).
Its not a glitch, or maybe it is? Thing is, you don`t have proof, its in the game, it makes sense as to why it works, and it works everytime you do ith without causing any error to the game.
So, you sir, need to get a life, and stop watching Dragon Ball Z, it rots your mind faster than One-piece will.
Famous quote? ``I`m not a dbz fan btw``
I`m not. I watched the show as a kid on TV and sometimes check out clips on youtube when im stoned. It`s a mildly amusing show, its fun to laugh at, when is the entire internet gonna get off my nutsack for having a goku avatar
Hope I helped clear up some things