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Who else is nervous about Brawl potentially sucking?

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Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
LOL everytime I read one of my old quotes (expecially kramers siggy) It cracks me up. especially kramers siggy though, holy **** best post Ive ever made. I said id take his face and his parents in a money match, along with his house and car and all his money. LOLLLLL

Me and Shai are on good terms though now, he's a brother of Black Metal \m/


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2007
Man alive, I've been gone like 4 hours, and there's 4 more pages!!!!
Good call on this thread idea Dylan.

I'm not too nervous about Brawl. As of now though, Melee is THE BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!
NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!!! I hope that Brawl will be twice as good as Melee, but I'm not sure that that is even possible though.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2007
Yeah man, that was CLASSIC. I'm not sure if you're trying to say that I'm naive, but it was still nice. (I'm not, by the way)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2007
Well hello children. If it isn't the most interesting and exciting thread on SWF. What all did I miss? From the number of pages...I'm guessing a **** load.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2007
When did you last read this, and I may be able to help you.
Hah, I'm not even sure what was the last page I read. This thread goes by so quick. I've been at work since 11:30am so I'm sure a good 5 maybe 6 pages have passed.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2007
Well you could read them if you want an accurate description, but as far as I can remember, the past four pages have been calm for sure. Before that, it might have still been a little hot.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2006
I pray every night that wavedashing is TAKEN OUT OF BRAWL.

Say, what you want, it is a glitch. It causes certain characters to be able to move in situations where they shouldn't have been able to.

I understand that the physics of the game allow for the character to slide if he airdodges into the ground, but I highly doubt that the devs meant for it to be used as a means of locomotion within the game.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2006
And jesus christ Dylan Tnga.... 259 posts and you joined these forums less than TWO weeks ago???

Please go outside.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
And jesus christ Dylan Tnga.... 259 posts and you joined these forums less than TWO weeks ago???

Please go outside.
Heh I spend a lot of time on the computer everyday, I post on this forum, play Ogame, post on other forums, talk on msn.

All day I'm in school, and I also practice piano like 2 hours a day. I can make a post in like 30 secs and I enjoy posting in every thread that intrests me.

Why don't you mind your own business? Making assumptions about other people's lives based on postcount is stupid. I ensure you that I manage to do a bunch of other things in my day, but I spend a lot of time on the computer at night (who doesn't) so I browse the boards and post.

Why am I even justifying myself to you? Stop being so judgemental when you have no evidence to back up your claims aside from the number of posts I've made. K thx bye.

I pray every night that wavedashing is TAKEN OUT OF BRAWL.

Say, what you want, it is a glitch. It causes certain characters to be able to move in situations where they shouldn't have been able to.

I understand that the physics of the game allow for the character to slide if he airdodges into the ground, but I highly doubt that the devs meant for it to be used as a means of locomotion within the game.
It's not a glitch. Stop being a scrub, nice double post.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2006
I pray every night that wavedashing is TAKEN OUT OF BRAWL.

Say, what you want, it is a glitch. It causes certain characters to be able to move in situations where they shouldn't have been able to.

I understand that the physics of the game allow for the character to slide if he airdodges into the ground, but I highly doubt that the devs meant for it to be used as a means of locomotion within the game.
and i still do.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2007
Wich bOy wanna' lick on some velveeta **** and a mozzerella stick, just bought a sandwich.
Throw some cheese on that *****, throw some, throw some, throw some cheese on that *****.

Oh sorry...


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Bakemonkey either stop trying to cause arguments with your blatantly misinformed opinions or kindly take it elsewhere. Your last post was beyond useless. Ok, wavedashing is a glitch, fine, wavedashing is a bananna, wavedashing is your mom, whatever. Doesn't change the impact its had on the smash meta-game or it's many uses in smash bros melee.

Next you're going to tell me you don't wavedash because it's a glitch, right? Or could it be possible you have an ignorant opinion yet avoid scrubdom? I doubt it.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
Er...Blackshadow? Dylan's right. Wavedashing is not a glitch, and those who say it is (in my experience) don't do it because it's a glitch, making them scrubs. So, that's how it is.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Bakemonkey either stop trying to cause arguments with your blatantly misinformed opinions or kindly take it elsewhere. Your last post was beyond useless. Ok, wavedashing is a glitch, fine, wavedashing is a bananna, wavedashing is your mom, whatever. Doesn't change the impact its had on the smash meta-game or it's many uses in smash bros melee.

Next you're going to tell me you don't wavedash because it's a glitch, right? Or could it be possible you have an ignorant opinion yet avoid scrubdom? I doubt it.
What's the point, man? Honestly.

Why waste your time and energy on debilitating comments directed at others? Can't you just accept an opinion, comment politely about it, and move on with your life? 'Cause opinions are just that, holmes---things that are not based in freakin' fact (you are an English major, after all; opinions and facts are all apart of the curriculum, are they not?). Your paradigm is not the one that is universally shared by all Smashers; not every motherhumpin' person out there is detail-oriented and really bloody concerned about the "precious" tournament scene (I, for one, am not. I think they're great fun, but they're not integral---I'm as casual as they come). Everyone feels differently about the game. If Bakemonkey thinks Wavedashing is a glitch, then it is. I don't agree with that, though, because "glitches" to me are serious malfunctions in a game (like the IC freeze glitch infinite, falling through the stage, etc.). Wavedashing is pretty darn important to my game, and I don't think it's a horrendous malfunction of said game's engine. But that's just my opinion, and I'm not gonna shoot him down just because that's what I believe.

And, y'know, there's the crux of the matter: "Glitches," though defined by concrete things like the Smashing community or even the Webster's freakin' Dictionary, can be interpreted in other ways. It's a malleable truth, just like perception is reality. A "glitch" can be small (like Easter eggs you find in Mario games or in Sonic games, especially the 2D ones) or huge (the previous Melee examples I listed before could go here). Gamers tend to share ample amounts of both opinions. If you can prove me wrong in this respect by citing multiple examples from your friends and members of the forum, then congratluations. I really don't care. There are billions of other bloody people in the world, and the few hundred on here are just a tiny bit of them.

There is no right or wrong in opinion, regardless of whether the opinion is packed to brim with verbiage to support the point or just a simple phrase to chalk it up with brevity. Even Bakemonkey's comment about your post count was an opinion; if you know you have a life, then why care? You know you, and he sure as hell doesn't. Let 'im keep his opinions to himself; no need to jump the gun and adamantly defend yourself against something like that.

This is definitely not cooling your heels, as you had promised on pages previous (fact or opinion? You decide). This is just an elitist with no life running off at the mouth ( or, at least, that's the impression I'm getting). I know you are capable of rationale, Dylan, somewhere and somehow. It can definitely be seen in your posts and in the way that you actually make up with some of the people that you vehemently argue with (that makes you have some balls, man).

If you are truly better than 99% of these "ignorant scrubs," then please show us you are by respecting another's opinion with something other than an insult. That would make you the bigger man in most of your arguments.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I'm not insulting him. Scrub is a gaming term, not a derrogatory term. It means a newbie who won't succeed in competitive gaming due to a number of preset mental blocks he has in his gameplay be they ''edgehogging is cheap'' or ''wavedashing is a glitch and therefore it shouldn't be used''

Just calling wavedashing a glitch but not shunning it as the useful technique that it is , is fine. But bakemonkey obviously shuns the wavedash as indicated by his strong opinions against it. And that would make him a scrub, unless of course he has super human smash abilities and can compete in smash without the wavedash like Aniki which I highly doubt.

This is definitely not cooling your heels,
I never said I was going to be less passionate in my arguments. However I promised to tone down the vulgarity, and be willing to help newbies who are not arrogant and are willing to learn ie ''I can't wavedash.. how do you do it? is it a glitch?'' I'd respond to that by explaining how to do it, and explaining to him that it is not a glitch, as the game designeners knew it was in the game. Calling it ''landfall speciall'' as Dizzy informed me, not ''super dash method'' in the debug mode.

So yes, in Bakemonky's case, scrub is just a definition.

Say, what you want, it is a glitch. It causes certain characters to be able to move in situations where they shouldn't have been able to.
Classic scrub post.


Read that article if you want to further understand the meaning of a scrub. It doesn't mean he's necesarilly bad at the game, he might even have potential, I've never seen him play.

But a scrub has mental blocks when he plays, and thus he will be prevented from playing properly, ie : playing to win, if he has opinions like ''wavedashing is a glitch'' or ''thats cheap''

Bakemonky if you just think wavedashing is a glitch as an opinion, but don't shun its use either by you, or other smashers than I appologise for the assumption, but for now I am going to assume you don't wavedash and don't care for those that do, or you would not have refered to it as a ''glitch''

I know what you are saying about not everyone plays this game as competitivly as you or I do. However, when someone who plays smash casually starts to diss the advanced techniques, he crosses the line into our world, where unfortunatly he would be 4 stocked by even the lowest skilled members of the serious competitive 1vs1 community.

In bakemonky's case I have yet to find out whether or not his opinions on wavedashing being a glitch stem out to his gameplay, but given the sense of anger towards wavedashing ie ''I pray every night that wavedashing is taken out of brawl'' I am led to the conclusion that he shuns the technique and those who use it. Which would make him, in every sense of the word, a scrub.

I'm sorry but I have changed my ways in the sense that I will no longer be vulgar, or downright mean, but I believe the post I just made justifies my comments on Bakemonky.

Smooth you write REALLy well, much better than I do. Infact, I might not have gotten a gay 75 % on my essay if I had your skills /jealous

I also main shiek :) Go ninja, go ninja go!

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Alright, man. Fair enough.

I would also like to make an apology about the "elitist" comment. Judging from this post, you are quite capable of being amiable.

The link you provided is a pretty interesting read, by the way. It definitely admonishes most of the negative connotations associated with the word "scrub."

Smooth Criminal


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Ya I figured as much. Kind of sucks that it takes so many paragraphs to truly express my opinions since you get no intonation on forums, so everything is taken literally as it is read directly off a computer screen and jumps out at you coldly.

It was so much easier when I could just be like ''Scrub, lol'' but meh, may aswell not get myself biz-anned. I kind of like this forum or I wouldn't be approaching 300 posts 1 week after my join date.

How is he misinformed? Just because he doesnt agree with you doesnt make him a scrub. Seriously stop insulting everyone and everything that you dont like or soon you'll probably find yourself perma banned.
If you think scrub is an insult, look up scrub please. I linked a good article.

Lol at me getting permabanned over the mildest remarks ever.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
I pray every night that wavedashing is TAKEN OUT OF BRAWL.
I pray every night that people like you are aborted at birth.

Say, what you want, it is a glitch. It causes certain characters to be able to move in situations where they shouldn't have been able to.
To correct your follious assumptions,the wavedash isn't a glitch,it is an exploit in the physics engine,the airdodge animation is canceled into a crouching animation,and since that you are moving diagonal,it affects the traction of the character,and was specifically programed to do that.

Wavedashing was intentional to beggin with,as it was not removed in the later versions.

I think the name"Bakemonkey" suits you well,because what you posted was nothing more than a bunch of **** you threw at us.Do some more research,and quit acting like it's the gap between you and victory,you most likely just cannot use it effectivly I.E. you suck.

I understand that the physics of the game allow for the character to slide if he airdodges into the ground, but I highly doubt that the devs meant for it to be used as a means of locomotion within the game.
It was an intentional technique.

And I will reiterate 2 things:

"Do some more research"

And with odiousity in mind"I think the name"Bakemonkey" suits you well,because what you posted was nothing more than a bunch of **** you threw at us."

I bid you a good day.

Stop Failing PLZ.


Another thing Bakemonkey,you obviously never seen a REAL glitch before like the Black hole,or IC's freeze glitch.A glitch is a technical problem in a game that performs a eratic or otherwise,harmful effect in a game,and can cause malfunctions within the game mechanics.Glitches are not accepted in any games.

The wavedash is a physics exploit not a glitch,and since your logic is obviously superior,why don't we remove the other exploits ,such as L-cancel and Dash Dancing,or even DJC.These are all intentional exploits that do not harm the games mechanics what-so-ever,so I can't find anything logical about the wavedash removal.

And next time,learn your terminology before you conclude what or what isn't a glitch.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
It was an intentional technique labled "Super Dash Technique".
Close, I used to think that too. But the actual false rumor was it was called ''Super Dash Method''

Also, Dizzy pointed out to me that in the debug mode there is no ''super dash method'' but the only similar term is ''landfall special ''

The point is, the game designers knew wavelanding was going to be possible, I dont think they forsaw waveDASHING as they probably never tried it out, im sure however in testing the game, someone airdodged diagonally into the ground, and did a waveland, so they labeled it, but neglected to mention it I guess thinking it wouldnt have a big impact on the game (oh how they were wrong)

Anyways, I'm going to repeat one of my previous analogies on SSBM's Metagame evolution : Formalist artists in the 20th century believed that once something was created, it was independant from its maker, much like a child is independent from its parents. But rather once a work of art , or in this instance video game was created the intentions of the people who made it DONT MATTER. It is a new entity and lives as such sepperate from the world in which it exists, in an almost organic existence. It is as if the game itself is alive, evolving and changing endlessly as new techniques are discovered , implemented, and countered.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Close, I used to think that too. But the actual false rumor was it was called ''Super Dash Method''

Also, Dizzy pointed out to me that in the debug mode there is no ''super dash method'' but the only similar term is ''landfall special ''

The point is, the game designers knew wavelanding was going to be possible, I dont think they forsaw waveDASHING as they probably never tried it out, im sure however in testing the game, someone airdodged diagonally into the ground, and did a waveland, so they labeled it, but neglected to mention it I guess thinking it wouldnt have a big impact on the game (oh how they were wrong)

Anyways, I'm going to repeat one of my previous analogies on SSBM's Metagame evolution : Formalist artists in the 20th century believed that once something was created, it was independant from its maker, much like a child is independent from its parents. But rather once a work of art , or in this instance video game was created the intentions of the people who made it DONT MATTER. It is a new entity and lives as such sepperate from the world in which it exists, in an almost organic existence. It is as if the game itself is alive, evolving and changing endlessly as new techniques are discovered , implemented, and countered.
Strange,I did some search over the net,and i guess it was false.

Oh well,i still believe that it was intentional.


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Adelaide, Australia. Along with my Mad Duck.
I DO believe wavedashing isnt a glitch, and I know that most people that say they want it out are scrubs. But I've seen plenty of people being called scrub JUST because they disagree, when these are people that arent necessarily scrubs. Does that clarify a bit?

And yeah, saying Dylan would get permabanned for that was a bit stupid on my part :)

I have seen that article before, but the way you say (type?) it makes it come off like an insult, or at least in my eyes it does.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I DO believe wavedashing isnt a glitch, and I know that most people that say they want it out are scrubs. But I've seen plenty of people being called scrub JUST because they disagree, when these are people that arent necessarily scrubs. Does that clarify a bit?

And yeah, saying Dylan would get permabanned for that was a bit stupid on my part :)

I have seen that article before, but the way you say (type?) it makes it come off like an insult, or at least in my eyes it does.
I could understand why. I wouldnt wanna get on your badside, I've been lurking these forums for wayyyy longer than I've been posting on em, and your posts were always enjoyable, and your siggyr is funny :laugh: despite me not understanding it.

But yeah I did mean scrub in the literal definition, someone with a bunch of made up preset rules in his head that stop him from ever truly competing, not as an insult.

Unless once again, bake is strongly against wavedashing but realizes it's uses in melee, then he wouldn't be a scrub.

His definition of WDing as a glitch matters not, all that matters is if it stems into his melee playing, or his opinions on how other people should play the game, and judging by his STRONG reactions against the technique I am guessing he is against it and those that use it, not that WDing being a glitch is meerly his opinion.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
But I still don't get something. Before wavedahsing was discovered, no one thought Melee sucked. How will removing wavedashing make Brawl suck?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2007
But I still don't get something. Before wavedahsing was discovered, no one thought Melee sucked. How will removing wavedashing make Brawl suck?
When wavedashing was discovered a lot of people just got used to it and it became a big part of competitive play and they just couldn't imagine going back to playing smash without wavedashing.

They seen how drastically it could change their gameplay and their mind got stuck to thinking they need WD'ing to perform at their best. It's true in some cases for certain people, but definately not all.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Thunderslf said:
Like Caturday.

Dylan, if you enjoy Super Wavedashing, look at Phanna Mint's combo videos. They are INSANE, and will make you wanna play Samus.

/mumbles about how he's too lazy to read all the posts and pages thoroughly


Smash Cadet
Jan 7, 2007
Sensai, could you post some videos with him/her? I want to see them. I do believe they exist, but I'm still practicing the Super Wavedash and would like to find the timing.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
You could just search for that name on YouTube; all the results that come up are part of the video. Finally a combo video with decent music. :/

Also, while I do believe wavedashing was unintentional (but left in because, since they found it so late in development, they couldn't get the physics engine to work without it [or, at least {kinda ironically} not get it to glitch without it] but let's leave that alone) the specifics about the super wavedash make it seem almost intentional...Maybe, in tribute to Mr. Yokoi, they decided to make his character do a whole bunch of crazy **** to make her unique. Or something.
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