Absolute Trash
Yeeeeah, it's a little ridiculous to be honest. I don't live in the East side, so our events do actually have Miis legal with all special moves available. A lot of people in the East, though, and some of our own West players seem to have this huge disdain for customs in general, which unfortunately applied to Miis as a whole. Although it is nice some people have constantly been making new threads there in the hopes of getting 1111 legal, as it is the TOs have been very quiet regarding any change for that and are painfully behind.I'm sorry about your situation. It sounds like people in your area must really dislike Miis.
To put things into perspective on how they got banned in East tournaments; most of the TOs their strangely have been under the mindset that it's all or nothing. If I recall when they did a poll regarding the legality of Miis, voters had the option of either allowing all customs for every character or ban Miis entirely, which is as silly as it sounds. Of course, the poll was skewed against Miis from the getgo, because while the East players never wanted a customs meta given their hate for them (with a few exceptions), they also didn't want them banned outright. There wasn't just an option for 1111 or even a preset special set. So they got banned, and I constantly see threads pointing out the wrongs of the poll and how they never had the choice. But the damage seems to be done and pushed under a rug, and we'll probably never see Miis there again.
Which sucks for some of our players like @Epok if he ever wanted to travel a few hours to compete in their events and out of state players, and there's nothing that is being done about it despite the outcry. We, on the other hand, will continue doing what is right for the community, and can't see the Miis specials ever going anywhere. We do default sizes (for simplicity sake), Miis legal, all specials.
Sometimes I feel like people are full of crap, lol. They state all of this stuff that isn't true and their "cheap" kill setups with Mii Brawler, yet when they attempt to do it to me in tournament, I bop them in the face in-game for them thinking they can cheese me out or something. What a joke honestly. Respect to the loyal Mii Fighters who play true to the character.