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What's with the invasion of flaming and spam lately?

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Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Ok, first off, I know that I am being somewhat of a hypocrite by posting what is basically spam as a rant against spam...but it needs said, and I couldn't think of a better place to post it.

Seriously, why is it that the Atlantic South is filled with idiotic threads (possibly even including this one...and for that I apologize) that have nothing to do with much of anything? Last I checked, this forum was used as a way to discuss upcoming tournaments and smashfests...as well as post power rankings and etc. to inform people in your area.

It is not a place to randomly bash other people...or to post nonsensical threads...just trying to be "cute" I guess. I'm not even going to bring up how many spam posts are made in almost every thread.

I just don't get it. I understand that a few cretins can muddy the water and make a whole community look much worse than it actually is...but we used to be better than this...and I'm really not sure what happened to that.

I also am not asking what happened....because I don't want people to come in here to point fingers and start the whole thing up again...just in this thread.

I am actually posting this to ask that we all try to clean up our board and make it actually useful again. I have seen this section of the boards deteriorate somewhat for the past month or so...and it has reached an all time low for me. I would ask all of you to make a point not to spread this.

I understand that there will always be people out there trying to gain attention by being annoying. There's no way, to my knowledge, to stop that. However, I would ask that the other people in this board just ignore them...so that every problem does not turn into a huge argument that spans several threads and makes us, as a region, look bad. Florida and Georgia have never had incredible reputations as Smash states, until recently...and I would like it if that wasn't ruined with certain members of this board making a jerk of everyone else.

no, we can't necessarily stop those who do this...but we can control how we react to it...and make a huge difference. Instead of a huge argument...there are one or two annoying posts that everybody ignores, and the mods can deal with in their own ways. I think this would be best for all of us.

i am in no way trying to offend any member of this board with this post. I also am not trying to blatantly spam here...I just needed to say that. I do hope to see an improvement in this board fairly soon...it's getting hard to deal with lately...and I really don't want to stop coming here.

Anyways...I've said my part. I hope this won't fall on deaf ears. God bless all of you, and happy new year.


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
I left town and didn't look at smashboards for a couple of days, and I come back and the entire first page of this board is all locked ****.


*Agrees with fenrir*


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
DO A BARRELROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In all seriousness, I kinda think it's due to the fact that many of us actually have nothing goin down. I'm pretty sure it was all in good fun, and watching Laijin get banned was the highlight of December for me :p


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
Darrel, posts like these are what give you the reputation of being an upstanding, intelligent, and respectable member of the smash community.

To be fair, Atl South normally has only 1 or 2 spam threads. The 65.8 spam threads we had were a little excessive.


Half Genie
Aug 24, 2005
Scuttle Town
I feel the same way. It's hard to find anything worth even reading here now. The Roy forums have less spam now and I spend more time there than here. (that's very sad)

I was actually just thinking about how the atlantic north doesn't have much (if any problem) with spam. That's probably why they're better than us. If we want our region to keep growing in the eyes of the smash community we have to get a different mind set.


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
well i cant really talk on the behalf of the flaming posts, cuz i dont make full threads to flame. but i can talk on the behalf of the "spamming" part.

when i go to smashboards, i come here to chill and communicate with all my peepz. we get to have fun and talk and joke on these boards. the atlantic south forums is where all the florida people are so thats where we're going to go. when i post, i just say whatever my response or thought to another post is. even if its meaningless, i treat it as if you just said what your post said in real life, and i was responding. this is just a big chat room to me so i treat it as such. and when i post random threads or vids, i show to 1st group of people i would want to watch it, my fellow smashers....peace

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