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What's holding our monkey back? A discussion for weaknesses and common problems.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Hmm, Kos-Mos? How can he be this good, and I haven't heard of him till this thread. New target. I wanna see if there really is a peach out there that can beat a high level Marth.

At any rate, lulz, I love the Diddy boards now. I dropped by tonight because I'm thinking about picking up Diddy (ADHD wins, and he looks fun). I'm already pretty effective with items, and potentially want Diddy to help vs. MK (gasp, Pierce playing a non-Marth character)

I will get on topic eventually, just hold up a sec.

For those of you that don't think Marth is a positive vs Diddy . . . LULZ. You're extremely mistaken if you think Marth must approach Diddy first of all. You don't have a single, reliable, rapid-fire projectile. The peanut pop-gun is not a threat which forces me to approach, ESPECIALLY if I'm controlling the middle of the stage. Bananas are cool and all, but they don't force approaches. You throw them, I catch them, I do what I want (usually throw them away). No approach forcing here.

A grand total of TWO characters FORCE Marth to approach. Fox (his rate of fire is ridiculous), and Falco (I can perfect shield lasers pretty well, but good mix-ups into grounded laser causes me to get pinged for 2% far too often, and simple mistakes cost too many lasers). Every one else can be power-shielded pretty reliably, and projectiles are good for camping/assisting approaches, but HARDLY force approaches with the shielding system in this game. Additionally, only the Spacies have a transcended projectile (pretty broken if you ask me) and therefore Marth can simply fan most projectiles. Marth can just shield if he sees anything flying his way and then jump back fair, be it a peanut, a monkey, or even a banana peel, and he's good. Throw the banana behind him, and we're back to square one, minus a banana.

All that being said, I think Lucario is probably just as bad, if not worse. Due to the nature of Diddy's recovery, I think Lucario gimps you worse. They're too pre-occupied with their over-rated Dair though, so you don't have to worry about them for now. Lucario doesn't have Marth's UpB though . . . hmmm.

OH! I almost forgot, we were talking about increasing your Metagame, right?

A) Don't feel compelled to always use SideB to recover. Using Rocket Barrels from an unexpected distance will often save you from getting gimped. SideB is even MORE predictable and punishable than UpB.

B) Expand your option pool. I'm going to pick on ADHD here because he's simply the Diddy I have the most practice against. He ALWAYS uses the attack out of the sideB if the grab won't reach. I simply continue shielding and punish that. Mix-ups like jumping away, might be helpful. Another example is that I once faced a Diddy who would ALWAYS throw a banana if I hit his shield and landed, so I just started using UpB traps. Find your habits, and learn ways to expand your game. Your character isn't as limited as your mind.

C) Diddy can crawl. I think footstool is the most under-rated tool in the game, and then crawling. It allows you to move backwards on the ground. Against such an aerial based metagame, the ability to move slightly backwards while still facing the direction you want to is highly underused IMO. Unfortunately, I don't play any characters that can crawl except Diddy.

D) I just got done playing around in training mode a bit. Your Dash Dance/FoxTrot is pretty awesome considering the tool you have to go with it. Retreating StudderStepped Dash attack seemed to be made of delicious cake, as well as other grab tools. Combined with the dribbling you already have, I would consider using more of this in your game, especially since your grab game is pretty good. Mixing this in with crawling, and you'll find new mindgames in your arsenal.

Of course, I might just be an overly flashy player looking for new things in a nearly completed metagame. We'll just have to see.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Hmm, Kos-Mos? How can he be this good, and I haven't heard of him till this thread. New target. I wanna see if there really is a peach out there that can beat a high level Marth.

At any rate, lulz, I love the Diddy boards now. I dropped by tonight because I'm thinking about picking up Diddy (ADHD wins, and he looks fun). I'm already pretty effective with items, and potentially want Diddy to help vs. MK (gasp, Pierce playing a non-Marth character)

I will get on topic eventually, just hold up a sec.

For those of you that don't think Marth is a positive vs Diddy . . . LULZ. You're extremely mistaken if you think Marth must approach Diddy first of all. You don't have a single, reliable, rapid-fire projectile. The peanut pop-gun is not a threat which forces me to approach, ESPECIALLY if I'm controlling the middle of the stage. Bananas are cool and all, but they don't force approaches. You throw them, I catch them, I do what I want (usually throw them away). No approach forcing here.

A grand total of TWO characters FORCE Marth to approach. Fox (his rate of fire is ridiculous), and Falco (I can perfect shield lasers pretty well, but good mix-ups into grounded laser causes me to get pinged for 2% far too often, and simple mistakes cost too many lasers). Every one else can be power-shielded pretty reliably, and projectiles are good for camping/assisting approaches, but HARDLY force approaches with the shielding system in this game. Additionally, only the Spacies have a transcended projectile (pretty broken if you ask me) and therefore Marth can simply fan most projectiles. Marth can just shield if he sees anything flying his way and then jump back fair, be it a peanut, a monkey, or even a banana peel, and he's good. Throw the banana behind him, and we're back to square one, minus a banana.

All that being said, I think Lucario is probably just as bad, if not worse. Due to the nature of Diddy's recovery, I think Lucario gimps you worse. They're too pre-occupied with their over-rated Dair though, so you don't have to worry about them for now. Lucario doesn't have Marth's UpB though . . . hmmm.

OH! I almost forgot, we were talking about increasing your Metagame, right?

A) Don't feel compelled to always use SideB to recover. Using Rocket Barrels from an unexpected distance will often save you from getting gimped. SideB is even MORE predictable and punishable than UpB.

B) Expand your option pool. I'm going to pick on ADHD here because he's simply the Diddy I have the most practice against. He ALWAYS uses the attack out of the sideB if the grab won't reach. I simply continue shielding and punish that. Mix-ups like jumping away, might be helpful. Another example is that I once faced a Diddy who would ALWAYS throw a banana if I hit his shield and landed, so I just started using UpB traps. Find your habits, and learn ways to expand your game. Your character isn't as limited as your mind.

C) Diddy can crawl. I think footstool is the most under-rated tool in the game, and then crawling. It allows you to move backwards on the ground. Against such an aerial based metagame, the ability to move slightly backwards while still facing the direction you want to is highly underused IMO. Unfortunately, I don't play any characters that can crawl except Diddy.

D) I just got done playing around in training mode a bit. Your Dash Dance/FoxTrot is pretty awesome considering the tool you have to go with it. Retreating StudderStepped Dash attack seemed to be made of delicious cake, as well as other grab tools. Combined with the dribbling you already have, I would consider using more of this in your game, especially since your grab game is pretty good. Mixing this in with crawling, and you'll find new mindgames in your arsenal.

Of course, I might just be an overly flashy player looking for new things in a nearly completed metagame. We'll just have to see.
Some interesting stuff there, I already do A and D, sometimes I do B, but I can't seem to feel any motivation online to be able to do it unless maybe a playoff match, but offline I seem to mix up my game more judging by how i play when I rewatch my videos. I still overuse the kick as well, but I've been working on it recently, trying to perfect monkey kick cancelling, and trying to mix up things like side-b to midair, side-b to airdodge (which I've already been doing) and side-b to foostool, I side-b grab A LOT already, but I also kick A LOT too so trying to fix that, side-b grab is one of the best moves in the game when used right IMO, side-b grab helps in A LOT of matchups such as Wario, D3, Snake, DK, mainly heavy chars, but it's a great 15% damage right there and you can follow it up with a Fair and your opponent can't shield grab you because if you sweetspot the Fair then your opponent will be pushed back out of range, although you can dash grab it and numerous characters can counter it with a utilt or something of the sort. It's also a really good tech chaser.

But IDK why, the Diddy boards seem to have that thing that makes everyone like us =D, but they still hate the character >.>


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I don't hate Diddy at all. He's really fun to fight actually. Also, I would NEVER use three bananas even if I could.
your marth of course he's fun to fight with you, I'd use 3 bananas if I could, once they got hit by one banana they wouldn't be able to move without slipping on another =)


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
I asked JJ Wolf to name one tactic/move/strategy that Peach has over Diddy and I get a blank stare followed by "Peach can float better than Diddy, Peach looks better in pink than Diddy, Peach is better at not killing than Diddy," so until I see otherwise, statements like Peach ***** Diddy makes me scratch my head. What does Kos-Mos do that warrants Peach to be a Diddy counter?<-------
Peach is not a Diddy counter. This is the one matchup where Diddy's Peanut Gun is incredibly useful. It damages her approach quite nicely. This match is all about keeping Peach out of the air, and controlling her on the ground when you get her there.

Peach does still give Diddy some problems though, but I'd say that the matchup is pretty even. I wouldn't call her a counter.

BTW: Diddy looks WAY better in pink than Peach does.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Peach is not a Diddy counter. This is the one matchup where Diddy's Peanut Gun is incredibly useful. It damages her approach quite nicely. This match is all about keeping Peach out of the air, and controlling her on the ground when you get her there.

Peach does still give Diddy some problems though, but I'd say that the matchup is pretty even. I wouldn't call her a counter.

BTW: Diddy looks WAY better in pink than Peach does.
Peanuts or not Peach is still a bad matchup for Diddy. The popgun trick on Peach was working last year for me, but I'm playing other Peachs now and usually the aerials just **** the peanut, don't get me wrong it helps, but just not as much as used to.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2008
East Lansing, MI
Just got back from a tourney yesterday where I faced Excel_Zero's Peach on my second match. For those who don't know, Zero is the best smasher here in PR, and one of the best Peaches all around (check the peach boards & his combo vid). I lost, but I did fairly well in my match against E_Zero considering how much better he is than me.

Anyway, this is one of the matchups that Diddy needs to change his whole playing style, and not rely as much in bananas and pressure. Instead Diddy should be very defense minded. The peanuts help a lot, specially to keep Peach out of the air, where she is ****. Quick, short hopped aerials (fair and bair) out of shield seem to work really good when Peach is closing the distance with her float. Not so sure if Peach is a counter against Diddy, but definitely the matchup is in her favor, as she changes the way Diddy is usually be played.

I think I landed my fair against Peach's fair a couple of times, does Diddy's fair beat Peach's fair?


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
Just got back from a tourney yesterday where I faced Excel_Zero's Peach on my second match. For those who don't know, Zero is the best smasher here in PR, and one of the best Peaches all around (check the peach boards & his combo vid). I lost, but I did fairly well in my match against E_Zero considering how much better he is than me.

Anyway, this is one of the matchups that Diddy needs to change his whole playing style, and not rely as much in bananas and pressure. Instead Diddy should be very defense minded. The peanuts help a lot, specially to keep Peach out of the air, where she is ****. Quick, short hopped aerials (fair and bair) out of shield seem to work really good when Peach is closing the distance with her float. Not so sure if Peach is a counter against Diddy, but definitely the matchup is in her favor, as she changes the way Diddy is usually be played.

I think I landed my fair against Peach's fair a couple of times, does Diddy's fair beat Peach's fair?
I agree you should play defensively, but if you get peach on the ground and tripped make sure to turn on the aggression until she gets back into her comfort zone.

I know how good excel zero is though!


Smash Lord
May 26, 2008
East Lansing, MI
Definitely, once she's in the ground and tripped she's fair game, and the usual Diddy stuff applies. But considering how much time she spends in the air, this doesn't come often.


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
Full hop fair sometimes work
it hits at around her float's height, yet you get higher than her and it can surprise her.
Also, usmash oos.
Actually i fear her ground float more than her normal float. She's faster on the ground it seems.
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