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What type of Smasher are You?


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
Great read, I would say I am all of them =P

Although, hardcore is kinda out there for me, I might leave the game if it was ruined, but if the game seems ruined I would have to check multiple times each day to make sure before I left

Then I would go back to melee.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2007
Awesome write kirbykid. Love the definitions, A LOT.

As for what I am? I would say that i'm a casual/competitive/hardcore smash player.

Casual because I just like to kick back, relax, drink a pepsi/mountain dew, and play free for alls with my friends. We always have the craziest things happen to us on games so there's never one person who wins. Its a hoot. *whisper*We always team up on one person, 3 on 1 XD *whisper*

Competitive because well...I LIKE to win haha and like it when I find a good opponent at my school or randomly in the area, it pushes my abilities to the limits and realize that half of the things that I do (shuffle and dash cancel) which shocks me after the match. I like not having to think, just going full out no matter what.

Hardcore because I rented SSB64 without having a clue on what i'm doing. I just see the box with mario smacking samus and I go "Hmm..this looks fun!" so I get it.
Hooked for the rest of my life. Well back then, I didn't play competitively, that was just for the heck of it.
I say I am hardcore due to the Brawl updates and hearing of characters getting whiffed. Hearing, repeat, HEARING Sonic being weak with power, Ike being super slow (those arguments can be saved for another time), I still tingle with excitement about Brawl.

So....yeah =D

P.S. punkomatic622, what is up with that signature?!!? LMAO!


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
lol I define my self as 50% Casual, 25% Competitive and 25% Hardcore. Weird.


Smash Lord
Nov 14, 2007
Mine is kinda confusing.

I'm a casual smasher at times because it's simply one of my favorite games. I love to play it with my friends, brother, and some other people. And I'll play as all different characters (not caring if I'm any good as them.)

But at the same time, I sorta take it seriously (in a non-stupid way.). So I'd say I'm a hardcore-casual smasher. I mean, I've been playing it since it came out. Not that I'm all that good or anything, but I ADORE the game and just love playing it (even if I lose.).

Can't wait for online play to compare myself to the rest of the "smashing world." :D


Smash Cadet
Nov 25, 2007
Virgina (The Beach)
Casual, with a hint of Hardcore.

I love smash above all other Fighting series. I love the randomcity generated by the items, and I love using icons I grew up with to beat the snot out of those same icons.
(Mario Vs. Kirby? Oh who should I choose!?) I'll stay playing Smash, but I don't wanna play competitivly. I hate competitive play cause I don't think it's anywhere near as fun as Normal play (No Items? Wake me up when it's over, plz) even though I'm good enough with out them ( I play Ice Climbers, and have obliterated my friends, both "Competitive Players", on Hyrule Temple, no items, with them as Ganondorf and Zelda).

That said, Items FTW.


Smash Lord
Mar 2, 2007
Competitive in the metagame with my two other friends.
We all know about advanced techniques, and can play very technically.
I can read them like books, but I would get destroyed by the Hardcores.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2006
You know the little sprinkles you had on your ice
... I don't know what's it's called when you're all of them at once. I think that you need items, but not all the time. Playing smash is fun, period. I don't get why people quit. There's so much to learn, and so much to get better at, so I will never truly quit playing smash. Competitions are freaking awesome, no matter if you win or lose. I go for the experience. I'm a mix of everything.


Smash Rookie
Nov 25, 2007

He makes a good point people sometimes take smash way too seriously, i play with my friends almost every day sometimes i win, sometimes i get destroyed, but other than Halo there isn't another multiplayer game that gives off that type of experience


Smash Rookie
Nov 23, 2007
I fall in the general area of casual-pro smasher (only when I'm not playing with my siblings)


Smash Rookie
Nov 24, 2007
I consider my self mostly casual leaning towards competitive

I love items and I like to just have fun. I dont know how to do those super advance techs, but when I go against a competitive...

I bring out shiek/peach/Dr M and will combo like crazy.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2006
You know the little sprinkles you had on your ice
Since when did competitive smashers take the fun out of the game? (this is addressing the first post btw) If you're complaining about the people here, then you are way off base. We come here to discuss the game, not take the fun out of it in any way. If you're aiming this at the people that are whining about items, you barely nicked the surface. These people have become so used to having no items that it's not the same experience. They've become so reliant on recieving a skill-based experience that a new player coming in with a final smash ball and winning the match is totally alien to them. They just don't expect it. And they might not like it. They don't want it to change. It's become tradition (sort of) to them, and they don't want to lose something like that. Personally, I've been playing smash for a few years now, and I haven't gone a single day (that I've played) without getting blown to bits by a bob-omb. I'm used to that kind of experience, so it won't come to me as much of a shock. The others might not be ready for it, so be patient, the reality will settle in, and the whining will eventually cease.

Sorry bout that, I tend to ramble a bit...

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
first off great article kirbykid, myself would be considered a hardcore competitive casual smasher... i lvoe all aspects of the game... its just down right fun no matter how i play, whether i'm in a serious match or lauching a plethora of pokeballs at my nephews and watch the ensuing hilarity as they devistate the field and i laugh manaically.. thats what makes this game so great it fun no matter how you choose to play it


Smash Cadet
Nov 3, 2007
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
This is a well thought out and pretty accurate article in my opinion. It gave me a chance to think about where I stand as far as how much I like Smash Bros. I'd have to say I fall into the Casual and Hardcore categories, with a pinch of competitive. :laugh: I've enjoyed Smash Bros. since it first came out on the N64 and would play it almost religiously.
Then I got Melee and was hooked on that even more. Even though I rarely had anyone else to play along with I still had a lot of fun. I would always play with items on medium with 10 stock matches in both games.
I now play Melee with 5 stock, and no items. Its fun winning on skill alone, but I enjoy any other style of play just as much. I do L cancel when I find it to be necessary and I don't hold back on anyone no matter who it may be. I always play to win and will try to do whatever is in my ability to do so. I still have have fun regardless of winning or losing though. I have also reserved Brawl at a nearby Gamestop and check these boards for any new info almost daily. I will always love the Smash Bros. games no matter how they change. The changes are part of the fun. :)


Smash Rookie
Nov 27, 2007
Stotfold, England
Well me...i'd say i'm 1 of the "i love 2 play competetive smash yet i love 2 hav fun and play wiv items and K.O the enemies sure i like 2 win...but at the cost of my fun =/...nah i'm the type who'll play 2 win just not like it's the end of the world if i dont =P", anyway i hav 2 say everything u said here was true and at the same time a gd way of not offending any1 i'm glad sum1 brought this up b4 i did [=


Smash Cadet
Nov 28, 2007
Oakville, Ontario
great article. I agree with everything you said too.. as of right now i would say i would be a competitive/ hardcore... i actually still like playin the first smash once in a while... i love watching tournament videos too... and im pretty much counting the days till brawl comes out :).. i heard they are talkin wavedashing out of brawl.... even though i do use wavedashing kind of alot i know i will still love brawl!!!! 74 more days!!!


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2007
Riverside, SoCal
I guess I would say I'm casual-hardcore. I've played pros and did pretty good but they usually beat by a life or two. Still, that was a some time ago and I'm better now.


Smash Rookie
Feb 28, 2007
According to this scale, I'd probably fall under the casual smasher. I play the game when time permits and when I'm in the mood, but school generally takes priority and that means I have little free time as it is. lol Even so, I've been playing since the early 64 days, and got into Melee around 2003. It's by far my game of choice for social multiplayer, and there are usually plenty of friends to play with. Within my casual smash group, though, it can get pretty intense, up to hardcore status playing really competitively for hours at a time to compete for the top spot. We're not pros at the game or anything, but I'd say we have a lot of experience.


Smash Rookie
Dec 2, 2007
Casual-Pro player

...and think i haven't a gamecube at home!
Even if i only can train at house of a friend of mine,i still rule our group:laugh:

Anyway SSB64 is a good training field,expecially for a Kirby player!

Once thing more...
FinalDestination no items are pro? I can only say "LOL" reading that...


Smash Rookie
Dec 3, 2007
I'm somewhere between casual and hardcore. Not a HUGE fan of the series (it's not like I play 5 hours a day or anything) but I do play Melee a lot and I have Smash Bros. Brawl preordered.

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
the stereotype that pros only play on fd is getting old and annoying.. there are 6 yes SIX nuetral stages... they include.. FD, Battlefield, Dreamland, Fountain of Dreams, Yoshi's Story, Poke' Stadium... and no items is to cut the randomness out of play, if it cant be controled then it shouldn't be in competitive play... that being said enough with the stereotypes they help no one.


Smash Rookie
Aug 24, 2006
Im more of a casual smasher, I can't do any of that waveshining and I don't play it everyday.

to me im pretty good at it, but not like a hardcore pro at it.

I don't have the time to practice and become a pro and I don't really attend at tournaments and I've seen how a pro smasher looks like they're a lot better than me

but im not a beginner at smash bros neither


Smash Rookie
Dec 8, 2007
New to the form but ......

i dont know what i would be i play with 3 of my friend but i pick 1 stage the temple.
but i always win and i sometimes get very serious on the matches even though i win 90%
of the matches

The Mediator

Smash Journeyman
Dec 4, 2007
Where I feel like...
Hmm... I'd have to say somewhere between casual and competitive. I try really hard to get better, but a lot of the time I just screw around... i.e., play a character I'm no good with, and spam their special moves =D


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
I'm a all around smasher...

I use all resources around me... And I like to play with all around characters like Mario, Ice Climbers and Link.


Smash Rookie
Nov 28, 2007
Competitive/hardcore I suppose. I play to have fun, but we all know that winning is fun. :O

Corax The Cold

Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2007
im serious about being good at the game, and improving my skills. But i dont compete in tournaments. I play with items on (but on low) and just recently switched to using only the 6 tournament stages, before that i played with all stages except icicle mountain. I dont wavedash, its not that useful really, ill use an advanced technique if its fairly useful and not too hard to do (i have yet to get used to l-canceling and as a sheik player its not that nececary, if i played link i would use it tho).

When brawl comes out i will start with all the stage and all the items on medium. If i find the items to be to crasy i might turn off individual items or set items to low. I will turn certain stages off after afew months if its agreed that me and my friends dont like them.


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2007
New York city
I was a competitive player until i ran out of money. I know most of the advance techs and i am really good at it. I am adamant about improving my skills, i have rarely been beat and when i did i would rematch them and become way better. I dont brag, people started to avoid me or lock me out of matches because they couldnt beat me( I am superfriendly and my friend told me thats why they dont play me). I am counter-active so that means make a mistake and thats your ***. When i play proactive thats the worst becaure i am relentless but honorable, you will be able to get back onstage. I am also highly adaptive to situations. If i had the resources and the knowledge i would put vids up but i am broke so thats what took me out of competitive play.
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