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What tier do you think Sheik deserves?


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
i must be a noob but i sue sheik to counter pick falco haha

chain grabbing is gay on her but if u were in my situation, u would understand haha. It's either sheik or I use falcon, link, or fox. I don't think I wanna use falcon for falco >_<


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
Ankoku's not exactly a dual mainer. Ryoko is tho. But i haven't heard much out of him. And he plays the game all over the place, i've heard he plays all sorts of characters.

Is Tristan_win really good?


Ok, i have a master plan guys. We just have to combine things. First we find out where Choknater lives. He only plays Sheik and it's good. We suck away all his Sheik skills! Have you ever seen space jam, where they drain all of MJ's skills into a basketball? Well that should totally work with a Gamecube controller! Not a Wavebird though. Wired. And it has to be a cool color.
Then, we fly to Hawaii and kidnap DM, and we drain his Zelda skills into the controller. This is awesome stuff right? He's one of the best Zeldas ever. So then we have this awesome controller brimming with Zelda and Sheik skills and power. (It doesn't know how to actually use down-special though. We can just use some dual noob for that). Ok, this is where it gets good. We go to Southern California. We get a wiimote+nunchuk. Why wiimote+nunchuk? The void and emptiness and room for improvement in the wiimote + nunchuck is biggest. We hunt down Azen. We suck ALL the characters he can play into the wiimote+nunchuck, then we throw it in the ocean. We don't suck out any of his general awesomeness though. Then we give him our friggin awesome dual-mainer controller. And then Azen rules the world with Zelda/Sheik!!! And people are like "Ah, this sucks even more. Now he doesn't have to wait between matches to pick what to kill me with!!!" "What the crap, Azen hit me with Din's Fire during my needle hitstun!!!" "How on earth did he use Sheik's DACUS to do a Zelda upsmash?!?!!?"

And then.... the white ball of light shall be feared, even to the children in small African communities cut off from the world. They will just know. They will see several firefliies on the same stump and suddenly be full of fear.... nameless, amorphous white fear.


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
Ankoku's not exactly a dual mainer. Ryoko is tho. But i haven't heard much out of him. And he plays the game all over the place, i've heard he plays all sorts of characters.

Is Tristan_win really good?


Ok, i have a master plan guys. We just have to combine things. First we find out where Choknater lives. He only plays Sheik and it's good. We suck away all his Sheik skills! Have you ever seen space jam, where they drain all of MJ's skills into a basketball? Well that should totally work with a Gamecube controller! Not a Wavebird though. Wired. And it has to be a cool color.
Then, we fly to Hawaii and kidnap DM, and we drain his Zelda skills into the controller. This is awesome stuff right? He's one of the best Zeldas ever. So then we have this awesome controller brimming with Zelda and Sheik skills and power. (It doesn't know how to actually use down-special though. We can just use some dual noob for that). Ok, this is where it gets good. We go to Southern California. We get a wiimote+nunchuk. Why wiimote+nunchuk? The void and emptiness and room for improvement in the wiimote + nunchuck is biggest. We hunt down Azen. We suck ALL the characters he can play into the wiimote+nunchuck, then we throw it in the ocean. We don't suck out any of his general awesomeness though. Then we give him our friggin awesome dual-mainer controller. And then Azen rules the world with Zelda/Sheik!!! And people are like "Ah, this sucks even more. Now he doesn't have to wait between matches to pick what to kill me with!!!" "What the crap, Azen hit me with Din's Fire during my needle hitstun!!!" "How on earth did he use Sheik's DACUS to do a Zelda upsmash?!?!!?"

And then.... the white ball of light shall be feared, even to the children in small African communities cut off from the world. They will just know. They will see several firefliies on the same stump and suddenly be full of fear.... nameless, amorphous white fear.
Lol @ this post.

Anyways I'm alright with Sheik/Zelda but I don't consider myself "good" I just play this game a lot and take it pretty seriously.


Smash Champion
Aug 16, 2004
Ankoku's not exactly a dual mainer. Ryoko is tho. But i haven't heard much out of him. And he plays the game all over the place, i've heard he plays all sorts of characters.

Is Tristan_win really good?


Ok, i have a master plan guys. We just have to combine things. First we find out where Choknater lives. He only plays Sheik and it's good. We suck away all his Sheik skills! Have you ever seen space jam, where they drain all of MJ's skills into a basketball? Well that should totally work with a Gamecube controller! Not a Wavebird though. Wired. And it has to be a cool color.
Then, we fly to Hawaii and kidnap DM, and we drain his Zelda skills into the controller. This is awesome stuff right? He's one of the best Zeldas ever. So then we have this awesome controller brimming with Zelda and Sheik skills and power. (It doesn't know how to actually use down-special though. We can just use some dual noob for that). Ok, this is where it gets good. We go to Southern California. We get a wiimote+nunchuk. Why wiimote+nunchuk? The void and emptiness and room for improvement in the wiimote + nunchuck is biggest. We hunt down Azen. We suck ALL the characters he can play into the wiimote+nunchuck, then we throw it in the ocean. We don't suck out any of his general awesomeness though. Then we give him our friggin awesome dual-mainer controller. And then Azen rules the world with Zelda/Sheik!!! And people are like "Ah, this sucks even more. Now he doesn't have to wait between matches to pick what to kill me with!!!" "What the crap, Azen hit me with Din's Fire during my needle hitstun!!!" "How on earth did he use Sheik's DACUS to do a Zelda upsmash?!?!!?"

And then.... the white ball of light shall be feared, even to the children in small African communities cut off from the world. They will just know. They will see several firefliies on the same stump and suddenly be full of fear.... nameless, amorphous white fear.
i like this plan because I already live in socal. no plane trip for me

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
Then we give him our friggin awesome dual-mainer controller. And then Azen rules the world with Zelda/Sheik!!! And people are like "Ah, this sucks even more. Now he doesn't have to wait between matches to pick what to kill me with!!!" "What the crap, Azen hit me with Din's Fire during my needle hitstun!!!" "How on earth did he use Sheik's DACUS to do a Zelda upsmash?!?!!?"
Lmao!! I'm guessing Azen can already do this it just hasn't come up yet.


Heaven Piercer
May 4, 2008
Westwood, NJ
Low mid, because of her inabiltiy to kill well. But I've killed with Usmash at 126% once. Well, Usmash got my opponent up to 126% and I think they DI'd. :p No charge, of course. Those hitbox's right above Sheik are extremely powerful.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
I'm pretty sure it's just one hitbox. It's called the tipper. You can hit someone with both the tipper and the second hit, and do more damage and less knockback.

Upsmash tippers are on par with all the other kill moves in the game. Vanish can kill, it's only slightly behind most smashes.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Upsmash tippers are strong but I definitely wouldn't say on par with other KOing moves, and the fact it MUST be tippered doesn't make the move that solid of KOing move in general.

Vanish can kill, enough said.


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2008
illinois peoria area
in all seriousness low high i think her potential is rediculous shes fast enough that not only can she dodge attacks well but she can punish opponents to no end


Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Meh...low high is pushing it. Definitely.

But I think she's mid tier for sure. Her ftilt lock is awesome, and ending it with an Utilt is even better. Her jumping speed is crazy useful for a follow up into an Uair. She has an "ok" recovery, but also a tether. Her sex kick is still fairly good. She doesn't have that many bad matchups....none, actually....that i can think of off the top of my head....

I'll say middle tier.
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