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What if Pokemon was brought to reality?


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
You know, how would Nintendo react to this? Imagine what Miyamoto would have to say if suddenly the pocket monsters began to inhabit our would because of the event discribed in the opening. And what would the newer Pokemon games be like? And would the popularity of the pokemon series suddenly skyrocket? Would everyone be playing the Pokemon TCG rather than Magic?


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA

most obvious ones to be debunked right off the bat are 95% of the bug types (Shuckle and Anorith are excluded due to an aquatic habitat most likley) would be CRUSHED under the weight of their own exoskeletons.

why do you think the biggest bugs alive today either have epically strong armor (Beetles) or supports (arachnids have more legs to displace pressures) or live in the boyancy of water? If they grew any bigger, their exoskeletons would need to be massive to the point of where they'd be immobile just to keep from their support structure from crushing itself under it's own weight.

2nd types we see to fall immediatley are all the magically levitating types. It just doesnt work.

On this note, many flying types are too big with too small wings, or have funny proportions/etxtras (Peliper and Murkrow come to mind) to realistically fly. Farfetched is a good example of this, although it seems to be more terrestrial...(many bug pokemon have this issue but fall victim to gravity). So in the end they may as well be dead as they have no means to compete with other animals or pokemon as their entire type (sans fearow, who is actually rather well proportioned) are ground-bound.

3rd to go are the lump who disobey basic biological design. Pokemon such as onyx or metagross are lumps of minerals/rock/metal, and show no signs of actually possesing biological tissue or processes other than making sounds, moving and having eyes/mouth. These are not enough to sustain a living creature however, as they most likley lack anything other than those, and are reduced to statues when they are in our world. Other pokemon just plain have stuff that wouldnever work on an organism, such as Magcargo or Moltres' firey bodies being able to be maintained on a live animal, and other things such as cloud production, being made of liquid or being etheral in nature (sorry ghost types)

Other pokemon in this section follow the same path to a less extreme degree. Pokemon such as diglett and hitmonlee have no mouths, and cannot feed (self explanatory of why they'd fail), others just have odd anatomy such as Dodrio or Likitung, who's heads and longue tongues would get in the way of them feeding, or make them more prone to injury, thus not be able to survive outide of human care most likley just as multi-headed animals in our world are. (likitung's tongue would just be such an easy target for stuff that it'd need care from us to not die in the wild...). Pokemon such as....any grass type really would need looking into as there isnt much to compare them to in our world for a basis, but things like Vileplume and victribell just wouldnt work as both animal AND plant, seeing as they are predominantly plantlife, and would live as such.

4th type of pokemon that are more nit-picky than anything else are those who could still work, but much differently than you'd see in the games/anime. These include pokemon such as Snorlax and Electabuzz, who seem fine at a glance, but then you realize that snorlax would be too fat to do much of anything but...sit there and sleep, and pokemon build like Electabuzz are wayyy off balance when it comes to the way that they're proportioned to move around effectivley (he has tiny legs, and a tall torso with big arms...Weebles Wobble...)
Same goes for the "Chibi" Pokes who have the big heads and little bodies, balance issues, but usually not *too* big of a problem compared to other things they could have wrong with them.

Those types would still work fundamentally, but just not as well as we'd hope. Everything else would essentially work as intened, with the exeptions of the ones listed in the 4th type, and any pokemon obtained via trade, stones, events or special means that arent found elsewhere in the wild, due to the methods not being able to be reproduced here on our earth. (sorry eeveelutions... :( )

Now, onto the special abilities:

Many pokemon moves are thanfully very generic things like cut, tackle and even throwing a rock (or splash, the most powerful move in the game with a 1/9001 chance of 1HKO'ing the entire opposing side's team of pokemon). I will go through each type and discuss whether or not the moves are feasable or not:

NORMAL: Perfectly fine except for attacks such as Hyperbeam and Swift which involve FIRING MAH LAZOR or shooting magical stars. Other special moves such as snore are fine, but the other sound related ones are iffy...

FIGHTING: Same as above, everything except the special moves are fine

FLYING: same as the last two, excpet I doubt Drill peck could work unless the bird actually spins...not their beak, and all specials except chatter wont exactly work, as the pokemon cannot hover while flapping it's wings to produce such winds. Mirror move also will only work on a pokemon by pokemon basis based on how their body works (for example, if they dont have poison glands, how can they copy poison fang?)

POISON: all but Smog, Acid armor and gastro acid would work. This one is just a matter of the pokemon having the tools to pull off the moves (need poison glands, etc)

GROUND / ROCK / STEEL: Im bunching these ones together because they all generally have the same problems. Ground moves generally make earthquakes and other such shenanigans, and that is self explantitory as to why it wont work, and ironically dig can work, yet it is highly impractical as an attack. Rock type moves are either just tossing a rock or two, or rolling into the opponent (OK) or using a part of your rocky body to attack (see number 3). Steel as mentioned above, either somehow warp magnetism, or use some sort of steel body to attack. Moves like metal claw and bullet punch woulndt be an issue however as they are generic (albeit sharp/fast) attacks.

BUG: Kinda lol-worthy seeing as all of them are pretty much not able to exist, all of them except Signal beam and Silver Wind would work (with the exception of some status moves not doing much of anything) as they are simply attacks involvng bug-like anatomy to work, such as bug bite (mandibles) or just needing claws (fury cutter)

GHOST / PSYCHIC: Two opposing types that share the same problems, Ghost and Psychic attacks both have one fatal flaw in common: they dont exist. Every ghost move and psychic move except Lick, Astonish, Zen headbutt and a few of the not-so magical Psychic status moves all have no explanation and cannot be acheived due to Ghost energies (Shadow force, etc) and Psionic powers able to manipulate objects (name it, it's a phsyic move) not existing in our reality.

FIRE: None of these moves should be able to exist, with the exception of a few that could be produced by a complex system involving a 3rd lung (fire breath type attacks), which I might as well explain here:

Biological fire-breathing can be made possible if an animal has the following:
-A lightable substance, either gas or liquid, most likley a gas produced by naturally occuring bacteria in their stomachs (HYDROGEN would be a good one).
-A storage sack for said gas (the 3rd lung) and a special tube going to a gland in the mouth/armpit/whatever of the pokemon.
-A method of safely lighting the expelled stream of flammable substance, such as a special tooth, rocks they chew that act like flint, or even just some really bad-*** friction as the gas comes out.
They also need a method to prevent back-draft while doing so, or else nothing stops the fire from trailing down the stream into the gas chamber and making the pokemon go BOOM. Having a flap in the gland to make only bursts of gas, more like burps from hell, could do the trick.

If you got all those, you essentially have a biological Flamethrower. Along with a big belly full of hydrogen, you got yourself some lift...

Hmn, I belive dragons of old have just became real when arceus arrived :o

:006: for top tier​

WATER: Like fire above, most animals dont have the means to produce the big jets of water to use these attacks, not is the ability to control water for moves like rain dance and Surf feasable. Moves like withdraw, octozooka and crab hammer are OK though, but dependant on who uses them.

GRASS: Much like the entire plant type, this one is kind of iffy, yet it is safe to say that 90% of the attacks wont work due to the whole animal/plant hybrid (Vinewhip =/= tentacles) or using nothing sort of magic to attack (how does plant controlling, the health leeching and solar beam attacks work again?).

That said, the powder and spore moves should have no trouble working in real life, as they are simply odd spores and such found in real world plants/fungi that do effect animal nervous systems. Poison powder could be especially scary as that cute bulbasaur is now something that makes the air you breath deadly...

ELECTRIC: Unlike the other elements, this one has alot better chance of atcually working. Unfortunatley, the only ones that could work are Spark, Volt tackle (kinda) and Thunder-wave as it paralyzes the foe with a shock. The rest are all clearly moves that involve arcing bolts of lightning across the air, and is something not even the electric eel can do.

Unfortunatly most electric types actually are devoid of the things that allow the electric eel to generate it's power. However, Pikachu and others have notably special pads that could be an outlet for those electro muscles...

ICE: See Water, but with no exceptions... (unless there happens to be an icicle just hanging there you could use to hit someone with)

DRAGON: kind of an odd one to define, the physical moves have no qualms being transfered to reality, but the extreme attacks like Spacial rend and stuff....yeah

(Dragon breath could be explained the way Charizard has his flamethrower, but itd be the same thing technically)

and finally

DARK: For the most part, dark moves are all acceptable except for Dark Pulse. They are all just moves that involve dirty tactics, cheating or being mean for the most part it seems...

so overall, many pokemon cannot survive, and if then few do it well. On top of this, it seems that ground, rock, steel, ghost, psychic, fire, water, elec, grass, ice and dragon type moves are all a bunch of fooey barring a few moves and pokemon here and there.

so yeah, except for the magical arceus, there isnt *that* much to fear from the newly introduced pokemon.

...well, except Charizard


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Except Pokemon has basically never followed science. It never has, and never will..

Okay except gravity.

but the above WILL happen if they were somehow plopped into our world.

im not arguing about how they got here (magic), im saying that if they came out of their reality and into ours...the above would happen

unless we wanna say shennnaigans and all our natural laws get tossed out the window, which will then lead US to do things we couldnt do before...for instance, what keeps us humans from being psychic like some pokemon?

(also, see #2, they dont follow gravity either)


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
... holy crap. That was highly entertaining and interesting! You did a good job at working out what would and wouldn't work in the real world. That's pretty acurte, just so long as Arceus didn't pull a "screw science I'M GOD" thing.

Charizard would rule us all.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
... holy crap. That was highly entertaining and interesting! You did a good job at working out what would and wouldn't work in the real world. That's pretty acurte, just so long as Arceus didn't pull a "screw science I'M GOD" thing.

Charizard would rule us all.
charizard would be bad-*** no doubt, but he has a fatal flaw...

remember how he got his fire working (also how he may be able to fly?)


essentially a good rifle shot puntcuring his hydrogen sack would make him turn into the living hindenburg disaster


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona

essentially a good rifle shot puntcuring his hydrogen sack would make him turn into the living hindenburg disaster
That cracked me up! Well, it would be a fatal flaw but if a wild Charizard is trying to kill you, and you happen to have a rifle...

So would Blastoise (spelling?) just not work in real life? Just look at those cannons on its shell, are those biological or what?

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Many things wouldn't work. (I've said this a lot)

Garchomp could travel as fast as a jet...? Whismur can scream as loud as one...? Wartortle could outlive humans? Fossil Pokemon would be...interesting. It would be like dinosaurs all over again.



Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Wartortle could outlive humans, turtles have been known to exceed 100 years of age regularly, while the same feat is quite the rarity among humans.

as for Blastoise, unless those canons were installed by people (and why the hell would they shoot water of all projectiles?) they wouldnt work, and they would be nothing like you'd think of if they did. (he has no room to hold the massive amounts of water to shoots out of the things)

nevermind the facts that he would be limited to quadrapedial movement, with tiny legs compared to turtles today...

I think we need to clarify whether or not the stuff I explained actually take effect, or if "da rulez" are changed in our world?

(and would that possibly free us to do stuff too?)


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Many things wouldn't work. (I've said this a lot)

Garchomp could travel as fast as a jet...? Whismur can scream as loud as one...? Wartortle could outlive humans? Fossil Pokemon would be...interesting. It would be like dinosaurs all over again.

Whismur... can you say "broken eardums?"

I can buy Wartortle ouliving humans. After all, some real turtles can. But why would the Fossil Pokemon come back? Or, arive, or whatever. Because Arceus wills it?

I don't know, I still think that it'd bring about a whole new age of adventures and mythology with the legendary pokemon and the sudden reworking of the world. But then again, it could also be very scary. Imagine being attack by a hungry Feraligator, or an agressive Swallot.

EDIT: About the laws of science being reworked, I'm sure if Arceus really wanted this whole "real pokemon thing" to work he could easily just bend reality work with it. Or he bend the Pokemon themselves to work with our physics. If the first takes place, then it would probably be possible for humans to learn psychic abilites. After all, people in the games can.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
If Steelix went on a rampage, I say GG. If Tyranitar went on a rampage, I say GG. If a Venusaur went on a rampage, I say GG. If a good Mukking amount of Pokemon went on a rampage, I say GG.

Speaking of Muk, people would probably throw up on the spot / die should Muk appear. Not to mention the toxins Koffing and Weezing produce naturally.


Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Oh pssh. It's just like slugs, basically.

Then Finalark's comment on a Swalot wouldn't exist either, since Gulpin / Swalot are basically giant stomachs. xP



Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Wait, we're assuming these Pokemon have to make sense to exist?



Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
So long story short: unless the mons themselves were bent to our laws, or our laws to them, having real-life pokemon wouldn't be nearly as exciting as it sounds.

Well, that kind of put a damper on my evening.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
It'd be cool, but the anime is very, very idealistic.

Ten years olds mature enough to go out on their own and run around the country without any suppervision? Ha!


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Oh pssh. It's just like slugs, basically.

Then Finalark's comment on a Swalot wouldn't exist either, since Gulpin / Swalot are basically giant stomachs. xP

no, theyre described as big, living goops of sludge/pollution >.>


anyways, yeah...i thinks its safe to just go with the anime only real world ideals/places...

unless we wanna go by my post that turned charizard into a monster and everyone else into lulz


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
i luv missppelingz.

anyways, yeah...i thinks its safe to just go with the anime only real world ideals/places...

unless we wanna go by my post that turned charizard into a monster and everyone else into lulz
So let's just assume that Arceus would warp our laws to work with the pokemon.

So seriously, how would Nintendo take this?

EDIT: I just realized that if our laws were bent to work with pokemon, many, many biologists would not be happy. It would be like they landed on the "go back to start" space on the gameboard of biology.


Apr 13, 2008
@ God Pokemon - they are considered "Gods" because of their abilities, not because they're actually Gods. In the Pokemon universe, there are mythologies around them, but absolutely no proof that Arceus created all the Pokemon. If they were suddenly dumped into our world, their powers WOULD be limited to our laws of nature.

How would a lizard walk around with fire on its tail? Its tail would have to secrete an oil that can burn for very, very long amounts of time when exposed to oxygen (combustion), and because we know that a Charmander will die if its tail flame goes out, it would have to be genetically designed to stay in a certain body temperature range warmed solely by the flame so that it can stay alive. Put that fire out and it 'freezes' and dies. As such, Charmander would naturally live in very dry environments. No rain, no humidity, no snow.

So that's an example of how a Pokemon would work in our world if let loose into the wild.

But here's an important question: how would these Pokemon just "appear" in our world suddenly? Like they just, for unexplained reasons, just *ZIP* appear(!) in the wild and such?


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
most obvious ones to be debunked right off the bat are 95% of the bug types (Shuckle and Anorith are excluded due to an aquatic habitat most likley) would be CRUSHED under the weight of their own exoskeletons.

why do you think the biggest bugs alive today either have epically strong armor (Beetles) or supports (arachnids have more legs to displace pressures) or live in the boyancy of water? If they grew any bigger, their exoskeletons would need to be massive to the point of where they'd be immobile just to keep from their support structure from crushing itself under it's own weight.

If there were 4-foot Dragonflies during the dinosaur ages, I don't think these things are beyond the relm of possibility. Giant bugs of this average size HAVE existed on Earth.

2nd types we see to fall immediatley are all the magically levitating types. It just doesnt work.

As a theory, the Earth is a giant magnet. If somehow these Pokemon have some sort of anti-earth magnet in their body, they may be able to repel the force of the core in order to float. Other things like Ghastly and Weezing are just light enough to float through the air, and Flygon can, well, use wings.

On this note, many flying types are too big with too small wings, or have funny proportions/etxtras (Peliper and Murkrow come to mind) to realistically fly. Farfetched is a good example of this, although it seems to be more terrestrial...(many bug pokemon have this issue but fall victim to gravity). So in the end they may as well be dead as they have no means to compete with other animals or pokemon as their entire type (sans fearow, who is actually rather well proportioned) are ground-bound.

Possibly some of the flying types of Pokemon have Air Sacs of some sort to give them that extra oomph to fly?

3rd to go are the lump who disobey basic biological design. Pokemon such as onyx or metagross are lumps of minerals/rock/metal, and show no signs of actually possesing biological tissue or processes other than making sounds, moving and having eyes/mouth. These are not enough to sustain a living creature however, as they most likley lack anything other than those, and are reduced to statues when they are in our world. Other pokemon just plain have stuff that wouldnever work on an organism, such as Magcargo or Moltres' firey bodies being able to be maintained on a live animal, and other things such as cloud production, being made of liquid or being etheral in nature (sorry ghost types)

I personally believe that Metagross is made from a metal not of this planet. Possibly this Metal can cooperate with Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Hydrogen, and chemical reactions of a living animal can still take place below the metallic shell. For Onix, thank the anime. In one episode, I recall an Onix being cranky, and it turns out there was just a stick stuck between its rocks. Its quite possible that the Rocks are actually more like a shell, being more protection to very soft and fragile tissue below, shown by the crakyness and pain from the Onix in that Anime episode. Right now I can't see Magcargo working, but Moltres actually having feathers and a checmical on them that is hot and hurts to the touch has a good chance of working. Also, many people believe that ghosts/spirits are less fiction, and more of a fact. If this were true, Ghost Types AUTOMATICALLY exist.

Other pokemon in this section follow the same path to a less extreme degree. Pokemon such as diglett and hitmonlee have no mouths, and cannot feed (self explanatory of why they'd fail), others just have odd anatomy such as Dodrio or Likitung, who's heads and longue tongues would get in the way of them feeding, or make them more prone to injury, thus not be able to survive outide of human care most likley just as multi-headed animals in our world are. (likitung's tongue would just be such an easy target for stuff that it'd need care from us to not die in the wild...). Pokemon such as....any grass type really would need looking into as there isnt much to compare them to in our world for a basis, but things like Vileplume and victribell just wouldnt work as both animal AND plant, seeing as they are predominantly plantlife, and would live as such.

I totally believe that Diglett has a mouth hidden under its nose. Hitmonlee totally has mouths on its feet, it eats by roundhouse kicking its prey. In the anime, dodrio was shown as the heads bickering with eachother, but this was portrayed as a TREATABLE MENTAL DISORDER for the pokemon. Lickitung has showed in the anime many times that its tounge is used for collecteding and reaching food, and they seem to be able to swallow the food, not much chewing involved. Remember, these Pokemon are MASTERS of their adaptations, and are VERY intelligent compared to animals, Lickitung won't be tripping over their tounges every 2 seconds. Also, if Coral reefs can exist as a plant/animal connection, I'm sure any Plant-like Pokemon could survive in a similar fasion.

4th type of pokemon that are more nit-picky than anything else are those who could still work, but much differently than you'd see in the games/anime. These include pokemon such as Snorlax and Electabuzz, who seem fine at a glance, but then you realize that snorlax would be too fat to do much of anything but...sit there and sleep, and pokemon build like Electabuzz are wayyy off balance when it comes to the way that they're proportioned to move around effectivley (he has tiny legs, and a tall torso with big arms...Weebles Wobble...)
Same goes for the "Chibi" Pokes who have the big heads and little bodies, balance issues, but usually not *too* big of a problem compared to other things they could have wrong with them.

Snorlax has spurts of energy, anime proves that. Its like it stores energy for a sudden spike, where it has enough energy to move around and eat before they tire out again. Electabuzz probably has insanely good coordination, and strong, healthy leg muscles, as the additional electrical power probably means a stronger heartbeat. Only some Pokemon would truely be out of luck and wobble along, but some are MEANT to, such as spinda, with the head nearly the size of its body.

Those types would still work fundamentally, but just not as well as we'd hope. Everything else would essentially work as intened, with the exeptions of the ones listed in the 4th type, and any pokemon obtained via trade, stones, events or special means that arent found elsewhere in the wild, due to the methods not being able to be reproduced here on our earth. (sorry eeveelutions... :( )

If trade is VERY lenient, trade evolutions would still work.... The Stones could theoretically just be special metals that trigger certain chemical reations inside a Pokemon's body, but they'd be triggered by consuming rather than touch; and for the Eeveelutions: Espeon and Umbreon would DEFINATELY work. Glaceon would evolve in snowy regions, Leafeon in forest regions, heck, if anything, MORE eeveelutions would occur because of the new habitats Earth has.

Now, onto the special abilities:

Many pokemon moves are thanfully very generic things like cut, tackle and even throwing a rock (or splash, the most powerful move in the game with a 1/9001 chance of 1HKO'ing the entire opposing side's team of pokemon). I will go through each type and discuss whether or not the moves are feasable or not:

NORMAL: Perfectly fine except for attacks such as Hyperbeam and Swift which involve FIRING MAH LAZOR or shooting magical stars. Other special moves such as snore are fine, but the other sound related ones are iffy...

SOME Pokemon, like Metagross, will still have the ability to use things like Hyperbeam because of their unique structures, as well as Espeon with Swift. There move will still probably occur, but be extremely, extremely, EXTREMELY rare.

FIGHTING: Same as above, everything except the special moves are fine

FLYING: same as the last two, excpet I doubt Drill peck could work unless the bird actually spins...not their beak, and all specials except chatter wont exactly work, as the pokemon cannot hover while flapping it's wings to produce such winds. Mirror move also will only work on a pokemon by pokemon basis based on how their body works (for example, if they dont have poison glands, how can they copy poison fang?)

Some special Flying-type attacks will still work, its just that they'll be much less threatening, if threatening at all. Being able to create massive winds with a Pokemon's strong wings is something most flying types are specialized in.

POISON: all but Smog, Acid armor and gastro acid would work. This one is just a matter of the pokemon having the tools to pull off the moves (need poison glands, etc)

I say Smog and Gastro Acid would work. I don't see whats stopping them. One is releasing a Poisonous gas, the other is pretty much barfing on the foe. Acid Armor would probably work for Grimer and Muk.

GROUND / ROCK / STEEL: Im bunching these ones together because they all generally have the same problems. Ground moves generally make earthquakes and other such shenanigans, and that is self explantitory as to why it wont work, and ironically dig can work, yet it is highly impractical as an attack. Rock type moves are either just tossing a rock or two, or rolling into the opponent (OK) or using a part of your rocky body to attack (see number 3). Steel as mentioned above, either somehow warp magnetism, or use some sort of steel body to attack. Moves like metal claw and bullet punch woulndt be an issue however as they are generic (albeit sharp/fast) attacks.

Ground type moves would be much less depleted than you think. Even in the Anime, moves like EQ are extremely toned down, really only moving ground far enough with the weight and power Pokemon have to reach the target. Other things like Mud Shot would obviously work. Spikes could THEORETICALLY work, but probably not. I agree with that you're saying with Rock and Steel Type moves, but I'm supried you forgot to say how Stealth Rock wouldn't work, unless it was by something like Metagross that has the Psychic Powers to keep the rocks flying aorund like in PBR.

BUG: Kinda lol-worthy seeing as all of them are pretty much not able to exist, all of them except Signal beam and Silver Wind would work (with the exception of some status moves not doing much of anything) as they are simply attacks involvng bug-like anatomy to work, such as bug bite (mandibles) or just needing claws (fury cutter)

Silver wind would work. Imagine gust with some chemicals sprayed in it. Obviously the super-stat increasing effect won't occur, but when you get some random bug toxin in your eye, don't come crying to me.

GHOST / PSYCHIC: Two opposing types that share the same problems, Ghost and Psychic attacks both have one fatal flaw in common: they dont exist. Every ghost move and psychic move except Lick, Astonish, Zen headbutt and a few of the not-so magical Psychic status moves all have no explanation and cannot be acheived due to Ghost energies (Shadow force, etc) and Psionic powers able to manipulate objects (name it, it's a phsyic move) not existing in our reality.

You're so close-minded. You call everything that is done by these absolutely impossible in our reality. Science cannot even grasp the human conscious, and the near infinate power of the human brain, imagine the Psychic types, with brains 50 times more powerful than that of humans. You cannot judge Psychic types because today's science is not advanced enough to even COMPREHEND it. Ghost EVERYTHING would work if Ghost types existed period. Either they would exist and EVERYTHING about them would work, or they wouldn't exist at all. I have a hard time believing they would exist at all accoring to the creation fo Giratina.

FIRE: None of these moves should be able to exist, with the exception of a few that could be produced by a complex system involving a 3rd lung (fire breath type attacks), which I might as well explain here:

Biological fire-breathing can be made possible if an animal has the following:
-A lightable substance, either gas or liquid, most likley a gas produced by naturally occuring bacteria in their stomachs (HYDROGEN would be a good one).
-A storage sack for said gas (the 3rd lung) and a special tube going to a gland in the mouth/armpit/whatever of the pokemon.
-A method of safely lighting the expelled stream of flammable substance, such as a special tooth, rocks they chew that act like flint, or even just some really bad-*** friction as the gas comes out.
They also need a method to prevent back-draft while doing so, or else nothing stops the fire from trailing down the stream into the gas chamber and making the pokemon go BOOM. Having a flap in the gland to make only bursts of gas, more like burps from hell, could do the trick.

If you got all those, you essentially have a biological Flamethrower. Along with a big belly full of hydrogen, you got yourself some lift...

Hmn, I belive dragons of old have just became real when arceus arrived :o

Hey, I remember seeing a TV program about this stuff! lololol

:006: for top tier​

WATER: Like fire above, most animals dont have the means to produce the big jets of water to use these attacks, not is the ability to control water for moves like rain dance and Surf feasable. Moves like withdraw, octozooka and crab hammer are OK though, but dependant on who uses them.

I say that if Water Pokemon truely have control of the water, anything would be possible. Many things would only work near bodies of water, but they still have Hydro Pump, which is still feasible to an extent, for the strongest and most reliable alway-from-bodies-of-water move.

GRASS: Much like the entire plant type, this one is kind of iffy, yet it is safe to say that 90% of the attacks wont work due to the whole animal/plant hybrid (Vinewhip =/= tentacles) or using nothing sort of magic to attack (how does plant controlling, the health leeching and solar beam attacks work again?).

See my other arguement on Grass Types. Also, for Vine whip, there might actually be vines of some sort stored inside the body. For Solarbeam, imagine a Laser, except the energy is used is converted energy from the sun, that is fired at the foe. Lasers have been proven that when large and powerful enough, could create massive damage, just like Solar Beam would.

That said, the powder and spore moves should have no trouble working in real life, as they are simply odd spores and such found in real world plants/fungi that do effect animal nervous systems. Poison powder could be especially scary as that cute bulbasaur is now something that makes the air you breath deadly...

ELECTRIC: Unlike the other elements, this one has alot better chance of atcually working. Unfortunatley, the only ones that could work are Spark, Volt tackle (kinda) and Thunder-wave as it paralyzes the foe with a shock. The rest are all clearly moves that involve arcing bolts of lightning across the air, and is something not even the electric eel can do.

Unfortunatly most electric types actually are devoid of the things that allow the electric eel to generate it's power. However, Pikachu and others have notably special pads that could be an outlet for those electro muscles...

I bet that Pokemon have special storage areas for creating electricity that would be much larger, and much more expansive than an electric eel could muster. Can an Electric Eel shoot 10,000 volts through the air like Raichu? I think not. You shouldn't compare Pokemon to something that they would completely outclass in every way.

ICE: See Water, but with no exceptions... (unless there happens to be an icicle just hanging there you could use to hit someone with)

Ice Types might actually have water-type like attributes, but an area in the mouth (Or wherever the Ice-type move is realeased) that freezes the move as it exists. But I imagine that Water Vapor may be used rather than actual water, and rather warm vapor to, in order to slow down the freezing process enough for the move to work, thus, getting the move out.

DRAGON: kind of an odd one to define, the physical moves have no qualms being transfered to reality, but the extreme attacks like Spacial rend and stuff....yeah

(Dragon breath could be explained the way Charizard has his flamethrower, but itd be the same thing technically)

Roar of time and Spacial Rend only work because Dialga and Palkia now command our reality. The only thing I can't see working is Draco Meteor.

and finally

DARK: For the most part, dark moves are all acceptable except for Dark Pulse. They are all just moves that involve dirty tactics, cheating or being mean for the most part it seems...

so overall, many pokemon cannot survive, and if then few do it well. On top of this, it seems that ground, rock, steel, ghost, psychic, fire, water, elec, grass, ice and dragon type moves are all a bunch of fooey barring a few moves and pokemon here and there.

so yeah, except for the magical arceus, there isnt *that* much to fear from the newly introduced pokemon.

...well, except Charizard


Also, this assumes that Between Arcues, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Mew don't completely change the physics of the universe because of their introduction. Thats another possiblity that could make everything that Joe is trying to say null and void.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA

Also, this assumes that Between Arcues, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and Mew don't completely change the physics of the universe because of their introduction. Thats another possiblity that could make everything that Joe is trying to say null and void.
1st off, dont quote a giant post in 1 block, then make responses IN THE SAME MUKING COLOR, JUST IN BOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

second, you dont know what physics are, do you?

Physicss simply means how matter and energies interact with one another, it cannot really be changed unless arceus changes EVRY SINGLE ATOM, no...EVE PROTON AND ELECTRON in the UNIVERSE


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
1st off, dont quote a giant post in 1 block, then make responses IN THE SAME MUKING COLOR, JUST IN BOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

second, you dont know what physics are, do you?

Physicss simply means how matter and energies interact with one another, it cannot really be changed unless arceus changes EVRY SINGLE ATOM, no...EVE PROTON AND ELECTRON in the UNIVERSE
Whos fault is it that a giant post was made which I tried to find ways to contradict in every way possible? Yours.

Also, agreeing with Metal Sonic and Teywj on this one. Arceus can do whatever the muk he pleases.


Apr 13, 2008
@ Metal~Mario - If Arceus could do that, then anyone with him could just destroy and do anything with the Pokemon world. Arceus and his God children are the worst things to happen to the series.

@ UltiMario - stop holding on to your idea so tightly that no possibly more logical opinion could sway it. You think you know exactly how the world would work if Pokemon were introduced to it. No one does, really, because it's an impossible and oblong idea.


Smash Lord
Mar 7, 2007
Eggmanland, obviously.
@ Metal~Mario - If Arceus could do that, then anyone with him could just destroy and do anything with the Pokemon world. Arceus and his God children are the worst things to happen to the series.
Isn't that the point of Arceus? He is the "God" of Pokemon and therefore can do whatever he/she/it wants.

If Arceus is God, than I think it's safe to assume NO ONE could catch him and abuse his/her/its epic powers. It would use some epic godlike powers to screw with the match. (Dark/Dragon Pulse missed! WTF?!?)

I think it is safe to assume that Arceus would also behave much like our Gods, performing omnipotent acts outside our scope of understanding.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
^You know Arceus probably would, right?
why? Why would arceus change every single solitary THING in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE?

Can it even do such a thing? It is said to eb the pokemon creator, but does it have power on a UNIVERSAL scale, and on that scale, the power to change electrons and protons (and neutrons) into completley different thigns in order to change the laws of nature? I think not...

big post coming up about ulti's response...


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Isn't that the point of Arceus? He is the "God" of Pokemon and therefore can do whatever he/she/it wants.

If Arceus is God, than I think it's safe to assume NO ONE could catch him and abuse his/her/its epic powers. It would use some epic godlike powers to screw with the match. (Dark/Dragon Pulse missed! WTF?!?)

I think it is safe to assume that Arceus would also behave much like our Gods, performing omnipotent acts outside our scope of understanding.
so, if arceus is god...why are pokemon available to be used evilly?

why is he catchable?

why is he defeatable?


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Does this prove my point to an extent? At all?

so, if arceus is god...why are pokemon available to be used evilly?

why is he catchable?

why is he defeatable?
You're using Pokemon Game Logic.

Its better to use Pokemon Anime Logic, It'll be a more realistic approach to things.

@ UltiMario - stop holding on to your idea so tightly that no possibly more logical opinion could sway it. You think you know exactly how the world would work if Pokemon were introduced to it. No one does, really, because it's an impossible and oblong idea.
u mad?


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Does this prove my point to an extent? At all?


You're using Pokemon Game Logic.

Its better to use Pokemon Anime Logic, It'll be a more realistic approach to things.
Oh hey! I think I linked that Comic into the thread many pages back!

In my book, the games and the anime are two compleately different universes. So we're using the anime's way of explaining things, right? Well, it's been a long time since I've seen it but...


Smash Lord
Mar 7, 2007
Eggmanland, obviously.
why? Why would arceus change every single solitary THING in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE?

Can it even do such a thing? It is said to eb the pokemon creator, but does it have power on a UNIVERSAL scale, and on that scale, the power to change electrons and protons (and neutrons) into completley different thigns in order to change the laws of nature? I think not...

big post coming up about ulti's response...
1. That is a good question. Why? I never thought about it.

2. http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/493.shtml

Acc. to its Diamond entry, it shaped the universe (with 1000 arms that aren't shown on its sprite). That's power on a universal scale, right there.

However, you have a point as to its motives.


Smash Lord
Mar 7, 2007
Eggmanland, obviously.
so, if arceus is god...why are pokemon available to be used evilly?

why is he catchable?

why is he defeatable?
More good points I cannot answer because all of this is hypothetical. I can try though....

1. Why do evil people exist?

2&3. Why can the other legendaries be captured and defeated? If the second movie is any indicator, we could completely screw up the world if we captured the legendaries for our own purposes.
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