I love Nintendo and have supported and defended some of their past decisions, such as Wii U design, but there are a few recent things that rub me the wrong way.
First off the whole Amiibo fiasco. Sure I can understand that you guys can't necessarily meet demand for the first batches or so, but at least give us some clarity on the whole situation. The PR is just handling this situation so terribly. We don't know if the sold out ones are gone for good or what since we have gotten contradictory statements. And if some of these are gone after their first shipment then screw you Nintendo. I don't understand why they wouldn't want to meet demand and keep making all of them for a while. Or why not let people buy from Nintendo directly. That way they would know exactly how much to produce. It's like they really don't care to make a bigger profit. Plus kids that would actually put these to use are getting screwed by the ebay scalpers. This is assuming they aren't making more of certain ones because communication has been terrible.
2nd annoyance: Smash 4 online. Before I rant, I have to say I absolutely love Smash 4 for Wii U. I love how all the characters play and feel, the attention to detail, the modes and the ability to change up your moves when you are just having some casual fun. But in 2014, this is one of the most abysmal online experiences I have recently played. Sure its not bad, but there are so many ways it could have been better and up to par. Firstly no regional matching does not help with cutting down on lag at all. When every tiny move counts lag can really mess up some characters.
Not only that but a matchmaking system would be extremely beneficial. I believe smash 4 could have a much bigger future in esports if they wanted. More exposure means more people buying smash. A matchmaking system would also help newer player ease into competitive play as well as allowing skilled players to challenge other skilled players. It keeps new players from getting utterly decimated without landing a hit and adds something to work at for people who are into leaderboards. Also with so many ways to customize your game, I don't see why people cannot just make their own lobbies with their own rules or custom moves. I mean people love great and varied online games. Tired of grinding at the leaderboards? Go to for fun and create a game with extra items and custom moves and just have some chaotic fun. Not this 2 minute crap.