Dane Cook made an ice cream bit? That's pretty serendipitous.That was not funny the first time I heard this, from Dane Cook on one of his stand-up albums released a looking time ago
And it is still not funny... you did not even say/type it right. Unless you maybe thought your interpretation would be better,
OR you purposely misquoted it so no one would realize you are recycling Dane Cook's "humor"
I think I watched one of Cook's HBO specials a few years back. The only bit that I still remember is the one where the atheist is reborn as a tree and chopped down to be used as pages for the Bible. My sphere of stand-up comedy leans more to George Carlin and Steven Wright and Louis C.K..
Speaking of, Cook once appeared on CK's HBO series Louie, where Louie asks for Lady Gaga tickets for his daughter, only for Cook to bring up his resentment of popular accusations that he stole some of CK's stand-up material.
And much like Cook to CK in that show, I reject all allegations that I cribbed a very low-hanging-fruit quip from Cook's portfolio -- whose contents I've hardly browsed.
This is getting very weird and metatextual.
Which is why I'll say for thread posterity that I'm not sure in what ways Nintendo has upset or disappointed me. I just play the games. I'm a terribly vanilla gamer
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