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What grinds your gears in For Glory mode? (THE ROLLENING)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 30, 2014
I love Tourney Mode, but I wish Nintendo would realize nobody relaly plays the alternate modes... there's only a handful of For Glory 1v1 and it's annoying that i have to wait 9-10 minutes in peak day to play. Please add more 1v1 For Glory tourneys...


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2015
Haskell, New Jersey
*The online play fails in-comparison to PS4 / Xbox One (in-terms of lag).
*The lack of ability to set and personalize your own rules.
*The lack of ability to choose who you face. People should be able to create their own games, and you should be able to see the top 3 characters they use (in-terms of play time). And you should be able to see their win percentage. This would allow people to face either REALLY GOOD opponents or just the peanut gallery if they wish.


Smash Cadet
May 31, 2015
Man I just played 3 different ppl in a row, all 3 campers. I've been trying to play more patiently for this reason but I can't.. One was pac man just charged his key and rolled till he saw an opening, one was link ofc, and one was Lucas who would just pk fire and when I would back up out of range, would literally just stare at me... 2 of them came to sudden death.. Really makes me wanna quit fg


Smash Cadet
May 31, 2015

Just Link.

Not Toon Link. In fact, Toon Link is one of my favorite characters.

But Link. ohohoho.

I know, I know, he's easy to face. But whenever I see one that has a horrible roll-B-roll-sideb attack pattern, I get all bent up with rage and lose. I hate Link. I hate Link. I hate Link.
Lol I know what u mean about the rage that's what happens to me n campers I get pissed n just fall into thier bs


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Man I just played 3 different ppl in a row, all 3 campers. I've been trying to play more patiently for this reason but I can't.. One was pac man just charged his key and rolled till he saw an opening, one was link ofc, and one was Lucas who would just pk fire and when I would back up out of range, would literally just stare at me... 2 of them came to sudden death.. Really makes me wanna quit fg
When I face campers like that I'll try my hardest to take a stock off of them, then proceed to run the entire time. If they chose to camp at that point they'll automatically lose cause it won't go to Sudden Death at that point. I know it's very cruel and I hate when people do this to me, but sometimes all it takes is to give them a taste of their own medicine.

I literally once went against a Shiek as Kirby and the whole time they were dodging, charging their needles, and keep their distance. They'd only truly attack when I came to them. Once I finally took a Stock off them I wasn't afraid to play their game. At the very end I was at 159% and gotten around 57% on their second Stock before the timer went out and I won by default since I still had both of mine. Surprisingly they wanted to stay for another match, so I chose ROB in case the same thing happened.

I ended up winning without the timer going out because of that decision. Passive/Camper players gotta get aggressive sometimes cause once someone catches on it's really not hard to put them in their place. Some even get super salty too...
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2014
Queens , New York
Switch FC
SW 1823 5909 5682
I just came back from being 3v1 in Smash For Glory, and after busting them, they should've gone back to For Fun.


Smash Cadet
May 31, 2015
When I face campers like that I'll try my hardest to take a stock off of them, then proceed to run the entire time. If they chose to camp at that point they'll automatically lose cause it won't go to Sudden Death at that point. I know it's very cruel and I hate when people do this to me, but sometimes all it takes is to give them a taste of their own medicine.

I literally once went against a Shiek as Kirby and the whole time they were dodging, charging their needles, and keep their distance. They'd only truly attack when I came to them. Once I finally took a Stock off them I wasn't afraid to play their game. At the very end I was at 159% and gotten around 57% on their second Stock before the timer went out and I won by default since I still had both of mine. Surprisingly they wanted to stay for another match, so I chose ROB in case the same thing happened.

I ended up winning without the timer going out because of that decision. Passive/Camper players gotta get aggressive sometimes cause once someone catches on it's really not hard to put them in their place. Some even get super salty too...
Yea that's a perfect way to deal w em lol I do that sometimes if I get a chance.I've been practicing pikachu and they're hard to deal w.I've been in ban land for spamming a camper trying to get em to move before so I don't do that lol. I'll just pick megaman more often, he's good for dealing w that bs


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2015
Somewhere on Bionis
Not "much" particularly makes me salty in For Glory, but there are a few examples:

1. When there's lag and you are going against a person who mindlessly spams projectiles. I don't generally get salty against Link/TLink spammers though, as my friend used to main Link, and the way you play Link is racking up damage with projectiles/tilts and going in for the kill when they get enough damage. You can't efficiently move out of the way of them doing this. Even though you know how to punish them, they still manage to beat you because of input lag or other lag.

2. When you die stupidly, due to either lag or input error. So many times as Greninja I've tried to recover with Hydro Pump, but only to fall to my death after executing Shadow Sneak on accident.

3. (This might just sound like I'm not good at the game, which I acknowledge the fact that I'm not anywhere near being the best in any way, shape, or form.) Whenever they're so good you can't even move. I usually use For Glory for practice (due to not having people to play with too often), and this just ruins it. You can't practice because they just keep doing these insane combos and having these insanely fast reaction times that you just can't keep up with. Then, when you want to play them again just to try to practice as someone else, they leave after that one game.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2015
Bum****, FL (Heart forever in Massachusetts)
A Falcon told me "Screw~you" after I won. Have you ever considered that it is generally considered stupid for a character with okay at best recovery to edgeguard a guy with three midair jumps and a long-range Up-B? It's your fault when you fall to your death.


Smash Rookie
Sep 1, 2015
(Yey, I finally have the privileges to post!! On my old account I was a obliged lurker:laugh: Welcome Smashboards:bee:)

After 4000 matches I can legitimatly say what grind my gears.

People who don't approach AT ALL.
Need I say more? Typically: :4duckhunt:,:4littlemac:,:4link:,:4pacman:,:4tlink:,:4villager:

People who either 1. fake a smash personality with name, miis etc. or 2. their playstyle (typically alpharads)
It bothers me how someone can you be so unoriginal. I maybe get the lighter approach and wanting to troll people, but seriously, in a way you saw it on YT couple days ago?
:4falcon:'s dash grab release doesnt work on :4villager:, smarta**.​

People who rely entirely on combos, and therefore mostly rely on grabs.
I remember a time where fighting:4luigi:s was fun, now everybody does the same.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that there are characters who work around that, but theres much much more to a character than one idiotic combo.
:4kirby:for example: Using kirbys jumps as bait tool is a great strategy, but if d-air into various combo attacks is your ONLY approach option, it gets boring very quickly.

The typical FG :4link:'s
(rolling and spamming, sometimes laggy too). I simply cannot understand how playing like this is fun. After maining Link in Melee, I do hate Link thanks to Smash 4 with a passion now.​

Although I am able to beat these guys mentioned so far, the game suddenly becomes a chore instead of being fun when playing against them. These guys destroy my smash experience even though I can adapt to them.

People who use tags as insult options. (or basically every player who's below 14 years old)

• Last but not least: People who show no respect at all.
I think I can explain this point well by telling a short story: This guy was an all around great :4ness: player (I looked at his miiverse and a photo showed his win ratio was 91%) but everytime (I mean EVERYTIME) he used his okay taunt between stocks three times in a row. I usually laugh about taunts but this was ridicilous. I think it was the only time a taunt bugged me, ever. (So maybe he used it right?:chuckle:)
After six games (I won 2, he 4) I stopped writing gg's after matches because I was getting nothing back. He's not committed to write anything, but the combination of using taunts to the maximum and not even writing gg after insanely close matches was getting on my nerves. I simply cannot understand how someone this good can be such an a**.​

Well I think that covered everything that was saved in my head after 9 months playing on FG.

Greetings, thanks for reading
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Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
• Last but not least: People who show no respect at all.
I think I can explain this point well by telling a short story: This guy was an all around great :4ness: player (I looked at his miiverse and a photo showed his win ratio was 91%) but everytime (I mean EVERYTIME) he used his okay taunt between stocks three times in a row. I usually laugh about taunts but this was ridicilous. I think it was the only time a taunt bugged me, ever. (So maybe he used it right?:chuckle:)
After six games (I won 2, he 4) I stopped writing gg's after matches because I was getting nothing back. He's not committed to write anything, but the combination of using taunts to the maximum and not even writing gg after insanely close matches was getting on my nerves. I simply cannot understand how someone this good can be such an a**.​

Well I think that covered everything that was saved in my head after 9 months playing on FG.

Greetings, thanks for reading
Firstly, congratulations on stepping up from being a lurker! I was like that too (I didn't have an account, just literally lurked and read posts) and I have to say I don't regret becoming active. I'm usually nervous about joining forums yet I feel at home here.

Next, I can agree 100% on that. Taunts usually don't bother me either and if my opponent taunts I'll make sure I return the favor; however some really go overboard with it and when they do I can't help but get frustrated, especially if they're good. I met someone on For Glory who would taunt literally any chance they had whether they KOed me or not and even prematurely did it when they thought I was KO'ed but managed to stay alive. I can't really understand such behavior, but it is an online game...

I really don't know what it is about good players on For Glory that just have to rub it in that they're better than you. I think they've forgotten that they once played like that too and had to learn and practice to get better. Really hard to do that when someone belittles your efforts at every twist and turn. A lot of people have made threads about these experiences and feeling like they just aren't good enough because of it, and even feel like they never will be. We have to support each other instead of insult.

There's a lot of kids who will even hop on Smash online as well as new players who have never played Smash in their lives. They don't need to feel worthless right when they start. They need support. You don't know how great it feels to have a pro player (or someone better than you) actively try to help you and be respectful despite the skill difference. It really, really does.

But like I mentioned earlier it's a game that can be played online, and people feel as if they can get away with anything on the internet. Its just one of those behaviors you'll get. It sucks, but there's not really a way to avoid those players sadly.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2015
Lol. Naw, naw, naw!

Not in a bad way, WeirdJoe27! I don't know what it is about Dr. Marios, but recently, they haven't been fighting me at all. They literally just play around with me.

For instance, over the weekend, I started out as Marth and this crazy Dr. Mario guy jump over me on and off, threw out silly attacks, and caused me to SD a couple of times. When I fight these guys, I don't seem to play fluently... I'll admit one thing, the Dr. Mario I fought was kind of funny and after my fifth loss in a row, he did threw out a GG's. But, come on, my losses were really embarrassing until I finally picked Ike (He also defeated my Link and Peach) and started beating him.

It's not enough to make me mad or grind my gears, but fighting these guys, I have to play cautiously. Lol. And when they avoid my attacks, I'm literally chasing after them across the FD stage and throwing out random smash attacks. xD

And when that happens, I start to laugh and lose my concentration and get BEATEN for it!

EDIT: Next time I fight someone like that, I'll save the replay so you'll know what I'm talking about.
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Smash Rookie
Sep 1, 2015
Firstly, congratulations on stepping up from being a lurker! I was like that too (I didn't have an account, just literally lurked and read posts) and I have to say I don't regret becoming active. I'm usually nervous about joining forums yet I feel at home here.
I am grateful for the warm introduction, thank you!

I can't really understand such behavior, but it is an online game... it's a game that can be played online, and people feel as if they can get away with anything on the internet. Its just one of those behaviors you'll get. It sucks, but there's not really a way to avoid those players sadly.
^This! So many people on the internet try to act tough, its actually a nice change when someone is gentle!
IMO there are a lot of "taunt types" For exp: "Hello!", "Oops!", " "That was a nice kill!" etc. which are all
harmless and for a good laugh.
But if someone taunts after every kill (and multiple times too), thats not saying "it was a nice kill" but rather "Suck it". These people normally also start tea bagging when they reach their taunt limit, so that shows you what person this is. And don't get me started on the name tags or even private messages :p

I really don't know what it is about good players on For Glory that just have to rub it in that they're better than you. I think they've forgotten that they once played like that too and had to learn and practice to get better. Really hard to do that when someone belittles your efforts at every twist and turn. A lot of people have made threads about these experiences and feeling like they just aren't good enough because of it, and even feel like they never will be. We have to support each other instead of insult.

There's a lot of kids who will even hop on Smash online as well as new players who have never played Smash in their lives. They don't need to feel worthless right when they start. They need support. You don't know how great it feels to have a pro player (or someone better than you) actively try to help you and be respectful despite the skill difference. It really, really does
Very well said.
Unfortunately FG is the only training experience I get, so I can't even imagine how helpful it would be having a real "tutor".
Smashboards and all the amazing guides help a lot, but theory and practice are two different things.

If For Glory had a more transparent and proper match making, i believe many threads and frustrations wouldn't be here.
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Sir. Oosh

Smash Cadet
Aug 8, 2015
Don't be childish, if what they're doing is working then let them use it and learn to beat it.


I'm annoyed by people that have one match, beat me, then leave. I wanna see if I do better against you with my other mains, damn it.
I agree with this so much. If they spam and it doesn't work, they're being a bad player. If they spam and it does work, you're being a bad player. That's how I see it. My friends sometimes get mad at me for spamming Link's nair, but whenever I use it, it either hits or goes unpunished, so why shouldn't I do it? Using it less would mean intentionally doing worse, which is not how a battle should work.

Also, I too get annoyed when people immediately leave after beating me once. I don't blame them though since it could simply be that they may just want to take a break or they may have something to do.
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Smash Ace
Jan 22, 2002
Lol. Naw, naw, naw!

Not in a bad way, WeirdJoe27! I don't know what it is about Dr. Marios, but recently, they haven't been fighting me at all. They literally just play around with me.

For instance, over the weekend, I started out as Marth and this crazy Dr. Mario guy jump over me on and off, threw out silly attacks, and caused me to SD a couple of times. When I fight these guys, I don't seem to play fluently... I'll admit one thing, the Dr. Mario I fought was kind of funny and after my fifth loss in a row, he did threw out a GG's. But, come on, my losses were really embarrassing until I finally picked Ike (He also defeated my Link and Peach) and started beating him.

It's not enough to make me mad or grind my gears, but fighting these guys, I have to play cautiously. Lol. And when they avoid my attacks, I'm literally chasing after them across the FD stage and throwing out random smash attacks. xD

And when that happens, I start to laugh and lose my concentration and get BEATEN for it!

EDIT: Next time I fight someone like that, I'll save the replay so you'll know what I'm talking about.
It's cool, I know what you're saying. I tend to dislike certain characters due to the way they're often played on For Glory. For example, I like Samus, but almost everyone on For Glory simply runs to one side, spams projectiles, rolls to the other side, rinse and repeat. She has some decent tools, and I've come across some amazing Samus players, but For Glory scrubs only know how to play her one way. Link is very similar. Lots of options, but played pretty much the same way on For Glory. And don't get me started on Captain Falcons, Little Macs and Sonics.....:facepalm:

Is it too much to ask that people actually try in For Glory? Can they take some time to maybe learn a character and not just mimic what what they've seen on YouTube? Can trolls find some other way to justify their self-worth?

Pegasus Knight

Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2007
As the use of the "Training" tag has come up a few times (in a negative way), I'd like to point out something in its defense: Not everyone has a thriving local community. For Glory mode might be their best way to face a variety of opponents quickly, in the hopes they can some day go to a real tournament without being a complete joke in their debut.

EDIT: Also the person might be trying to use it as shorthand for "I'm trying a new character or strategy, don't mind me if I do something dumb, I'm trying to learn. Please play serious instead of mocking me and running off after one win."
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Pegasus Knight

Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2007
That might be a good idea.

I've begun using pre-made tags to communicate my expectations. Something like quickly cycling through "Learning a" "new char" "pls play" "2+ games" can help.

Some people just respond by teabagging you and leaving after 1 game anyway, but at least SOME will listen.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 8, 2015
Bum****, FL (Heart forever in Massachusetts)
As the use of the "Training" tag has come up a few times (in a negative way), I'd like to point out something in its defense: Not everyone has a thriving local community. For Glory mode might be their best way to face a variety of opponents quickly, in the hopes they can some day go to a real tournament without being a complete joke in their debut.

EDIT: Also the person might be trying to use it as shorthand for "I'm trying a new character or strategy, don't mind me if I do something dumb, I'm trying to learn. Please play serious instead of mocking me and running off after one win."
Maybe "Testing" might be a better alternative for "Training"?

Pegasus Knight

Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2007
Sure, however you want to go about it. I'm just thinking we might benefit from implementing some pre-made tags to communicate our expectations.

Lag Chan

Fastfall Nair Everyday
Oct 12, 2014
North East England
Just saw the dirtiest thing ever on FG. Going up again as Mac player, it was the derpiest match ever. Had to be seen to be believed, and they end up winning through equally hilarious circumstance.
Naturally as a Mac secondary I'm like "Cool, I'm up for a Mac ditto" Then when the next match starts up, they've picked Ness and I get beaten horribly, taunting and teabagging included.
That crafty ******* knew I was going to pick Mac and went with the worst possible match up for Mac. I can't decide if I'm impressed or disgusted.

Also as a side note, Falcon players please stop running and then backrolling. I'm just sitting here at the edge of the stage while you just run up to me and roll back as soon as you get close. It's like dash dancing for idiots, with the bonus of not being tricky at all since you know that every Falcon player is going to go for the dash grab no matter what.
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
I hate on 2v2 For Glory when someone taunts even if they didn't get the kill. One time I had crappy Sonic on my team, and whenever one of the opponents got killed, he would roll away and do that obnoxious "tsk tsk" taunt. He would do this even if he had nothing to do with the opponents death (which happened a lot). A similar incident happened where a Palutena broke my Samus partner's shield which resulted in her faling off the ledge. The other opponent (who was also a Sonic and didn't even hit Samus) then does the "sonic speed!" taunt.

Yes random player: taunt after you have contributed nothing to your team!


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2013
I'm still hating :4falcon:'s who think that they are too cool to respect the opponent who kindly salute their beginning taunt.


Smash Ace
Jan 22, 2002
No one should start a match off with a taunt. I just don't understand this practice. I always run up and punish someone that does this. I don't see it as a sign of disrespect, I see it simply as a free hit. Don't give me that opportunity if you don't want me to take it.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
So today I went against someone who I thought I was having a good time with, but turns out as the matches progressed that fun began to drain away more and more. Basically, the more matches I won the more passive he'd become. He'd even start picking long distance characters, standing near the edges, and just having your basic camper/passive player play-style.

Even the match before the last one I wished him a "Good Game" since it resulted in Sudden Death and was very close. To think he'd be a good sport after that, but nope. Turns out he responds with picking Palutena and literally doing nothing but dodging and teleporting the entire time while producing no effort to attack. Once I caught onto it I started baiting him, and once he fell for all the bait I took a stock off of him. Then he finally chooses to get aggressive. Once that failed, he immediately SD'd by teleport.

Back at the Selection Screen he was immediately ready for another round, but I chose not to stick around after that.

I'm not going to play Cat & Mouse, and I'm certainly not going to play against someone who SD's just because their tactic backfired on them horribly. Maybe if he actually tried like when we first started he would of actually beaten me again like the first match.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
I hate on 2v2 For Glory when someone taunts even if they didn't get the kill. One time I had crappy Sonic on my team, and whenever one of the opponents got killed, he would roll away and do that obnoxious "tsk tsk" taunt. He would do this even if he had nothing to do with the opponents death (which happened a lot). A similar incident happened where a Palutena broke my Samus partner's shield which resulted in her faling off the ledge. The other opponent (who was also a Sonic and didn't even hit Samus) then does the "sonic speed!" taunt.

Yes random player: taunt after you have contributed nothing to your team!
Yeah I've had situations like that as well like if I land a kill that gets both opponents killed, my partner taunts while I'm just running around the field and attacking to keep momentum.

Sometimes it's kind of cute in a partner congratulating me type of way, other times especially when my partners percentage is really high it's like, dude come on. They died at the side, they'll respawn back in two seconds and get a free hit and kill you.

I've also actually had this happen to a partner of mine who was Sonic. I cleared the stage and he went, 'Sonic Speed!' and before the animation was over, he got killed in the middle of it.

And I was so annoyed. Thinking perfect example why I don't taunt after quick kills like that and just opt to keep momentum instead. In a two minute team battle, sometimes there's no time to even respawn taunt or whatever cause I usually still end up getting hit by the end of the animation or put into a position to get grabbed just because it's a face paced fight in general and no one really expects you to suddenly bust out a taunt lol. Star KOs give plenty of time though.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
The least people could do is not share replays or taunt when you have to leave a match for a phone call, or to answer the door. :/

Lag Chan

Fastfall Nair Everyday
Oct 12, 2014
North East England
I'm starting to think Roy has dethroned Captain Falcon as the definitive easy mode character of For Glory. I'm almost starting to miss the waves and waves of sub-par Marth and Lucina players from the 3DS days.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
I'm starting to think Roy has dethroned Captain Falcon as the definitive easy mode character of For Glory. I'm almost starting to miss the waves and waves of sub-par Marth and Lucina players from the 3DS days.
Oh I still see those Marth/Lucina players, possibly because they can't get the hang of Roy maybe? I've always struggled against Falcons myself, which only makes it worse because they're everywhere. ;( Oddly I seldom see any Little Macs anymore.
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Smash Cadet
Apr 8, 2015
I'm starting to think Roy has dethroned Captain Falcon as the definitive easy mode character of For Glory. I'm almost starting to miss the waves and waves of sub-par Marth and Lucina players from the 3DS days.
yep i'm a firm believer all the falcon "mains" jumped to roy since all the roys i've fought are mad disrespectful. they usually clutch out fsmash wins on me and taunt then leave and that burns me up (literally)


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
yep i'm a firm believer all the falcon "mains" jumped to roy since all the roys i've fought are mad disrespectful. they usually clutch out fsmash wins on me and taunt then leave and that burns me up (literally)
Why am I not running into all these Roys! I'm still stuck in hordes of dash grabbing Captain Falcons or combo for days Marios.

Going back to FGs weird match making system, do I have to go in with someone light like Jigglypuff or something for the game to go, 'Hm... lets pair you up with someone heavy and hard hitting!'

I watch my bro play and I see him fight Pits and Peaches. And it's like how are you fighting those characters! I literally never see them when I play!


Smash Cadet
Sep 5, 2015
Scared players who stay in the center of the stage and never come near the edge, who don't jump, who don't try to combo, who shield too much and who keep waiting for you to attack. Worst are the players that keep running away, Don't be scared homey


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
No one should start a match off with a taunt. I just don't understand this practice. I always run up and punish someone that does this. I don't see it as a sign of disrespect, I see it simply as a free hit. Don't give me that opportunity if you don't want me to take it.
You must be fun at parties.
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