Smash 64:

When I was 5 or 6 years old (around the time the game came out), I was at that point in my life where I was kind of obsessed with Luigi. So anytime Luigi and the other unlockable characters were still locked, I would play through everything just so I could get to play as Luigi and the other characters as well. The biggest traits that gravitated me towards him was his model, green fireballs, up-b, and his star ko sound effect. I also used to pick

in training mode with

as the computer, have Hyrule Castle as the stage, and would play cat & mouse. What's funny about that is that Pikachu IS a mouse pokemon.

Pretty much the same reasoning as Smash 64, but to a lesser extent. When I first saw that

was in Melee, I was kind of suprised, but also excited because I really like Star Fox 64 and thought it would be cool if some of the other members of the Star Fox team were in Smash. Then

because he looked really cool, especially with the gold armor and he also kind of looked like the "unofficial" main character of Melee. Fully charged flare blade that did 50% and would always kill you buffered my reasoning. Then after that, I found playing as

to be addicting. Everytime I went to Hyrule Temple and fight against a lv. 9

, I comboed/spammed the ever living daylights out of him at the basement; the place where you hardly ever die. I would even go against a team of 3 lv. 9 Bowsers on the same stage. Real quickie, everytime I saw

do his "volcano kick"/u-tilt, I thought to myself, "How do you do that?!". That was when I discovered the existence and value of the moves known as "tilts". Thank you King of Disrespect.

Interesting note about me and Brawl. I didn't know about the game until months after it came out as I was going through a time (2007-2011?) when I wasn't interested in Nintendo. When I found out that Mega Man wasn't in Brawl, I was really disappointed and didn't even get the game until late 2011. Now I, like many of you out there thought that Ike was beyond broken when I first played as him as he had ridiculous range and kill power. It was always satisfying killing someone at 40% with a f-smash.
Smash 4:

Mega Man is my all time favorite character in any form of fiction. So when I watched the E3 2013 Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS trailer on June 11th, 2013, I got so hype. Then when I saw the "NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHING!" sign, I got even more excited and I thought that it couldn't be anyone but Mega Man. Then saw the silhouette, I was then almost 100% certain it was him. And then the helmet appeared while making a Mega Man sound effect...I couldn't believe it and thought time had completely stopped. Even to this day, I wonder if that day was all a dream, or if it really did happened. Well, it did really happen. So far, Mega Man has been my main since Day 1; back when the 3DS first launched here in the US and I do not plan to drop him.