But seriously, gamegate is probably the single most asinine thing I've ever heard of. To this day I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to be, apparently it started as criticizing bias reviews or something.
It's the 21st century. You live in a developed country. "I don't understand this" is not a valid criticism of something, especially not when you have access to the greatest information resource ever created. You have the ability to check all the sources you want. If you want to have an opinion on something, you should have an informed opinion. No other kind is worth listening to.
All I know is that it turned into some horribly, horribly angry abomination run be people who seriously misunderstand feminism.
You haven't been paying attention to 21st century feminism. There are almost no more battles for feminism left to fight in the first world, and this really shows. Furthermore, none of them seem to be all that interested in taking the fight to places that actually could benefit from feminism, like the Middle East.
Sargon of Akkad has a great video series called "Why People Hate Feminism" to explain why a growing number people can't stand these modern-day puritans. There's another amazing video about how modern feminism opposes every principle of classical liberalism.
Not to mention the name "Gamergate" is really, really stupid. It's like someone who doesn't actually know a whole lot about history but heard that the Watergate scandal was an infamous thing that happened slapped the name together in an attempt to make it sound way more controversial and important than it actually is.
Where have you been for the entire 2000s? Every minor scandal is Whatevergate. I agree that it's a stupid name, but GG is not the start. In fact, it can be traced back to an actor that worked on Firefly. I have no idea why he injected himself into this, but at this point we had discovered enough hidden connections that "Quinnspiracy" was no longer a fitting name.
And honestly, while diversity in games is important, diversity for diversity's take is bad. Shoehorning in a minority/female/disabled (or a disabled female minority) just for the sake of having them comes off as trite at best and offensive at worst. IMO it's alright to have a diverse cast, but only if it makes sense within the context of the narrative. Don't set your work medieval China and then expect me to accept your multinational cast.
Besides, being able to relate to character has very little to do with their race or gender. If I'm unable to empathize with your protagonist it isn't because they're different from me. It's because your writing is bad.
This was part of GG. When you have people ******** that a game set in medieval Europe should be diverse and trying to get it changed, those people need to be informed that they're stupid and that nobody should take them seriously.
It also brings up an interesting question that SJWs don't often address - How can you tell the race of a fictional character, especially one that's not supposed to look realistic? Can you say for certain that Crono is white? Is he asian? Filipino? If you draw a stick figure and present it to people from around the world, then ask what race it is, you'll get about one answer per culture. Most people in America consider it strange that anime people look white, but to Japan they look Japanese. Even in works explicitly set in Japan, the style is practically identical for natives and foreigners.
They're whole "goal" revolves around stopping the corruption in video game journalism, which, I'll be honest, is a good goal (I suppose at least). But for every one time I see that, I find 5 different **** or murder threats. What does wanting/wishing Anita Sarkeesian gets ***** have to do with game journalism? What does Doxxing people to the point that they have to evacuate their homes have to do with game journalism?
How many anti-GG people have been doxxed? I know we've had a few of ours doxxed. A lot of them on our spaces, no less. So, how many of these doxxers are you guys, how many are us, and how many are trolls trying to prolong the lulz? Neither of us knows. I'd like to think that most of ours were done by Anti, and you want to believe that most of Anti were done by GG, but neither of us knows or even has a good guess. However, when there have been GamerGate
supporters doxxed on /v/ I think it's clear that at least some of these cases have no affiliation with either side. Likewise, a lot of harassment has been attributed to GG where there has been no actual link demonstrated. In some cases, it was made up. Flynt faked some of his harassment for publicity, taking screenshots mere seconds after posting them with a different account and
even forgetting to log out of his Steam account while posting fake harassment. It all showed up under his screen name, and even had the [developer] tag.
But why couldn't one of the lead roles in GTA V be Asian? Or why in MMOs males have various body types, but females have varying breast sizes? Why is every military FPS told through the eyes of a guy named Irish?
What MMOs have you played? I've played about seven at various points in my life, and I've only ever played one with a breast slider. I never stuck around long enough to make a second character, so for all I knew the male PCs had a muscle slider. All of the others either didn't allow body customization, only face, or provided a variety of body types for male and female characters.
I haven't played GTA5 and I stopped playing FPSes awhile ago, so I can't directly address those. However, I still must question why the people so concerned about equality make such a big deal about race and gender. It seems as though the only people who care about this stuff are SJWs and unashamed racists and sexists. Nobody else cares about what the characters look like, they judge them on their actions and words.
Yes and no. While the most important part is to have a well written character, the race and gender still plays a large role in how relatable they are.
So you have a hard time empathizing with someone who is a different race or gender than you. Got it. Oh, but you're not racist or sexist because SJWs have redefined the words so that only men can be sexist and only white people can be racist
See the problem here?