Order Player Action Target
1 Cori Vote Nabe
2 Bard Vote Nabe
3 Maven Vote Coricus
4 Nabe Vote Bard
5 Bard Unvote
6 Bard Vote Moydow
7 Red Ryu Vote Moydow
8 Maven Vote Moydow
9 Moydow Vote Moydow
10 Praline Vote Moydow
11 Disfunk Vote Nabe
12 Praline Unvote
13 Praline Vote Nabe
14 Maven Unvote
15 Maven Vote Nabe
16 Nabe Vote Moydow
17 Nabe Vote Nabe
18 Moydow Vote Nabe
Cori, Disfunk, and Red Ryu voted once and never changed their votes. This gave two to Nabe and one to Moydow, respectively.
Barduil voted Nabe, unvoted, then voted Moydow. This was proper procedure and recorded as his final vote.
Maven voted Cori, then voted Moydow, then unvoted, then voted Nabe. Because he did not unvote the original vote on Cori, his vote for Moydow was invalid and unconsidered. However, he did unvote properly before voting for Nabe and this was recorded for his final vote.
Moydow voted for Moydow, then voted Nabe. Because they never unvoted, the newer vote was invalidated and the vote for Moydow stood.
Nabe voted for Bard, then voted Moydow, then voted Nabe. Because there were no unvotes, the latter votes were invalidated. This left their first vote active the whole way through, and his final vote should have been for Barduil. This was the source of our error.
Praline voted for Moydow, then unvoted, then voted for Nabe. This was proper procedure and recorded as their final vote.
Following this, the final recorded votes are as follows:
Cori Vote Nabe
Nabe Vote Bard
Bard Vote Moydow
Red Ryu Vote Moydow
Moydow Vote Moydow
Disfunk Vote Nabe
Praline Vote Nabe
Maven Vote Nabe
This offers the final vote tally
Nabe: Cori, Disfunk, Praline, Maven
Bard: Nabe
Moydow: Bard, Red Ryu, Moydow