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Well, there is a new thread that will be CONSISTENTLY UPDATED(I hope), so go there.

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Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
So, I played with Pichu for a few hours, and I gotta say: I'm loving it :)
My favorite aerial is definately her Dair. Depending on DI and percentage, you can Nair>Dair or Fair (launching hit)>Dair, and of course, there's the possible crossup combos like Dair>Usmash/Fsmash/Thunder...its pretty awesome.

I did find something strange as well: Pichu couldnt grab the edge from behind out of a Quick Attack (or should I call it Agility? :p). I'm not quite sure what caused this, and I've only tested it on Smashville. Its not too much of a problem since you can always use Skull Bash to look towards the stage at least. I'll look into it further tonight.

I do have a few questions though:

1. Will the Uair tail spike still be removed in the future? I personally dont mind keeping it, but if we're going to keep it, perhaps we could change the angle of the tail spike?

2. What is the purpose of the Base hit of Thunder spiking? I've tried finding a situation I could have used it, but when they came about, there was usually a better option than Thunder.

3. Will we be changing Pichu's throws?

4. What about making her Bair work like Melee's? (KO option at high percents, single hit throughout entire animation)


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
So, I played with Pichu for a few hours, and I gotta say: I'm loving it :)
My favorite aerial is definately her Dair. Depending on DI and percentage, you can Nair>Dair or Fair (launching hit)>Dair, and of course, there's the possible crossup combos like Dair>Usmash/Fsmash/Thunder...its pretty awesome.

I did find something strange as well: Pichu couldnt grab the edge from behind out of a Quick Attack (or should I call it Agility? :p). I'm not quite sure what caused this, and I've only tested it on Smashville. Its not too much of a problem since you can always use Skull Bash to look towards the stage at least. I'll look into it further tonight.

I do have a few questions though:

1. Will the Uair tail spike still be removed in the future? I personally dont mind keeping it, but if we're going to keep it, perhaps we could change the angle of the tail spike?

2. What is the purpose of the Base hit of Thunder spiking? I've tried finding a situation I could have used it, but when they came about, there was usually a better option than Thunder.

3. Will we be changing Pichu's throws?

4. What about making her Bair work like Melee's? (KO option at high percents, single hit throughout entire animation)

1. More than likely yes.

2. The original idea was to have the entire Thunder spike. However, we can't edit projectiles in PSA so the base spike is the best we could do. Unless There's an overwhelming demand to keep it in I'm probably changing it back to the original angle.

3. If anyone gave me some suggestions I would gladly test them out.

4. Pretty much the same as 3. If enough people want it I'll put it in. At the very least I could just make an alternate pac with that in it.

I have no idea why you can't grab the ledge if you're facing backwards with QA but I'm looking into it.



Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
Apparently I had the outdated pac on my mediafire account. It should be fixed now.

Is anyone still interested in this project? If not then I'll do a few cosmetic changes and leave it at that.

Oni K4ge

Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Apparently I had the outdated pac on my mediafire account. It should be fixed now.

Is anyone still interested in this project? If not then I'll do a few cosmetic changes and leave it at that.
well, i don't know what else to do. Until a Pichu model is inserted, I'd say leave it at that imho. good job bro.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
Apparently I had the outdated pac on my mediafire account. It should be fixed now.

Is anyone still interested in this project? If not then I'll do a few cosmetic changes and leave it at that.
Editing those projectiles would definately be an advancement...too bad we're stuck there. >_< I'll have a look at the pac and see what else I could think of. Did you find anything as to why Agility couldnt grab the ledge from behind, or was that already taken care of?


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
I have a few suggestions for Pichu's aerials to make her more unique.

Nair- make it a non-sex kick move that has varying knockback based on where she hits the opponent. At her front, the move would function as if she hit with the sweetspot of the move. At the top of her spin, it should hit upward weakly, and from her back should hit the same as the sourspot. Around the bottom of the spin, the move should act as a weak semispike.

Uair- Remove semispike (as you intended to already)

Bair- Make the move have sex-kick properties with the same values as B+ Samus currently


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
I like Pichu's current Nair-its a pretty consistant (null element) combo move. It may not set up for edgeguards at higher percents like its Melee counterpart did, but that consistancy definately keeps it as a staple aerial for Pichu.

Nair(weak)>Footstool>Nair(strong) is awesome.

Uair- Remove semispike (as you intended to already)

Bair- Make the move have sex-kick properties with the same values as B+ Samus currently
I agree with these though.

I also think Pichu should get her Melee DSmash back too. I'm unsure about how strong it should be in terms of KB, but maybe at lower/mid percents, it could set up a tech chase, and at higher ones (maybe around 120/130) it could set up an edgeguard. Whether it should be as special (being in front of her and getting hit sends you behind her and vice-versa...and light armor/invincibility on startup...?) is also up for debate.

Maybe its just me, but I think USmash should also have more base and growth. At lower percents, if your opponent is trying to DI out of a Utilt "lock", it doesnt send them high enough to follow up with Uairs or other aerials. This is especially so with Fastfallers and maybe heavies. Its also takes forever to kill with it. I know Pichu is about combos and edgeguarding, but USmash was a good "last resort" if you couldnt get your opponent off of the edge (just as Sheik's USmash/FSmash could be used in that regard). Imo, it should at least kill Mario at 150% or so.

I've also been thinking about her throws lately. The first thing that had come to mind was...the Chain Grab. I know that it was one of Pichu's "saving graces" back then, but its probably unnecessary now that she's got quite a bit going for her. Although...if the emo mechanic is brought back on electric attacks, maybe Fthrow could do more damage, seeing as how she'd be hurting herself in the process. Perhaps we could also increase the pummel damage to 2 as well if she's hurting herself doing it too. I also question as to whether or not we should make her Bthrow angle a bit steeper as well, potentially reviving the Bthrow>Thunder Jolt tactic. Seeing as how Recovery in B+ is a lot better than Melee's, it may not be too harsh. Dthrow and Uthrow are pretty good at least.


Keep Nair the way it is, I agree with the Uair/Bair change Kink-Link mentioned, we should consider changing DSmash's angle (and maybe KB), consider boosting USmash's Base/Growth, and maybe make Fthrow more damaging (w/ emo mechanic), and give Bthrow a lower angle.


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
I'll start working on a new pac Monday.

Uair and Bair should be easy to do.

About what angle should I make DSmash? Purely horizontal or more of a 30-45 degree angle?

When self damaging(and hopefully an Aura like ability) are figured out I'll be reworking a lot of moves, including FThrow and pummel.

I screwed up on USmash when I gave it a new animation so I changed it back to Wander's. It'll definately have some more growth in the next pac.

I'll try lowering a Bthrow's angle a bit and see how it works out.

Thanks for the suggestions. :)


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
Thanks for the clarification. I'll get started on the next pac as soon as I can buy another SD card.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2009
Underneath FD
O.O, up to now the "her" thing still bugs me, you think you could have to .pacs at the final release? (Male and Female?) hehe. =D


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
It's mainly the texture that makes her female but sure, I could make an alternative .pac without some of the graphics I was planning on doing.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
I'll start working on a new pac Monday.
Looking forward to it! :)

I screwed up on USmash when I gave it a new animation so I changed it back to Wander's. It'll definately have some more growth in the next pac.
Cool. It just needs a tad more base (to set up for Uair combos after they DI out of Utilt) and Growth so it can kill "when all else fails".

When self damaging(and hopefully an Aura like ability) are figured out I'll be reworking a lot of moves, including FThrow and pummel.

I've been thinking about the Aura ability lately, and I have to say, I dont think it should be implemented. Imo, Pichu's disadvantages of being lighter, having (slightly) less range than Pikachu, as well as hurting herself on electric attacks, balance out her ability to rack up damage, combos and edgeguards more effectively than her evolution when she actually gets in.

Having the Aura would make the self damage less of a weakness than it should be. While you have to watch your selection of moves seeing as how the more potent ones inflict harm on yourself, the Aura would serve as a sort of incentive towards their usage, despite the problem of becoming easier to kill off in the process, as well as making her inability to kill outside of setups and edgeguards even less of a weakness. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I dont believe that she should have her weaknesses being supported by Aura.

Oh, and Fthrow already does 12% on its own (I think), so maybe it could be chained a little like it could in be Melee, and the pummel could probably do 2-3% since its pretty fast already.

I definately appreciate the effort you've put into this project, D.B.K. Keep up the good work!


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
Having the Aura would make the self damage less of a weakness than it should be. While you have to watch your selection of moves seeing as how the more potent ones inflict harm on yourself, the Aura would serve as a sort of incentive towards their usage, despite the problem of becoming easier to kill off in the process, as well as making her inability to kill outside of setups and edgeguards even less of a weakness. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I dont believe that she should have her weaknesses being supported by Aura.

Oh, and Fthrow already does 12% on its own (I think), so maybe it could be chained a little like it could in be Melee, and the pummel could probably do 2-3% since its pretty fast already.

I definately appreciate the effort you've put into this project, D.B.K. Keep up the good work!
Yeah but its unique to pichu. Plus its more of a depth idea, as a really good pichu player will limitthemselves to using non electrical attacks unless needed for a kill or combo. Its not like all her moves are electric anyway (dsmash isnt for one), so i do think it should be implimented, no matter how hard it is to balance

having said that, i do think this'll make lucario her worst matchup ;)


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2009
Underneath FD
I wasn't able to notice much when I played the PAC, so I'ma ask you guys instead, does it have the super knockback tipper on FSmash? also checking on the strong Usmash too

EDIT: Decided to make a Sonic Pichu signature while here XD


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
FSmash does have a tipper sweetspot, although I don't know how it happened. I can try to fix it if it's too much of a problem.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
Yeah but its unique to pichu. Plus its more of a depth idea, as a really good pichu player will limitthemselves to using non electrical attacks unless needed for a kill or combo.
Thats pretty much a general strategy for Pichu players. The thing is though, that even some of her null element attacks (Jab [trip], Nair, Utilt, Dtilt [more of a mixup move], Uair and USmash [low%]) are good combo moves as well. The difference is that her electric moves have more combo (or kill) potential than her physical moves at times (Fair being an almost guaranteed grab and a decent launcher, and Dair having some amazing setups and edgeguarding capabilities). The fact that you're damaging yourself for these moves means that there's a risk-reward factor in their usage: you'll pay a small price for a more "effective" move.

However, Aura would push the risk-reward ratio from self damage more towards the latter. Its like going to a store and buying an apple, and getting a small discount on anything else you wish to buy there for your purchase: you've paid for what you wanted, but you're still gaining more from it than you normally would at a store that lacked that sort of deal. (probably not the best analogy for this...)
While it could make Pichu more unique, it could skew the balance of risk-reward that comes from her electric attacks. Time will tell when (if) we get this working though. I may not like the idea, but that doesnt mean I wont try it. ;)

Its not like all her moves are electric anyway (dsmash isnt for one), so i do think it should be implimented, no matter how hard it is to balance
For balance, maybe...:

~Aura goes up to 1.3x multiplier
~Only affects certain moves (DSmash, USmash, Bair, DTilt?)

having said that, i do think this'll make lucario her worst matchup ;)
Lucario's pretty tough since your damage output will be something he can use to his advantage, and it would be really tough to gimp him thanks to ES being quick and auto sweetspotting. His range would also be a problem, and seeing as how Pichu cant KO him off of the top as easily as other characters would, its definately going to be an uphill battle. :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
Well, the thing with the Aura is that it would force Pichu's best kill attacks to be not useful until she has high damage, which could prove to be fatal if you don't play smart, seeing how they require her to be right next to the opponent.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
Well, the thing with the Aura is that it would force Pichu's best kill attacks to be not useful until she has high damage, which could prove to be fatal if you don't play smart, seeing how they require her to be right next to the opponent.
so the general idea is that she gets aura and self harm on all electrical attacks and the rest arnt affected?


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
so the general idea is that she gets aura and self harm on all electrical attacks and the rest arnt affected?
Those that probably wont need Aura boost:

~Nair (Constant combo aerial)
~Uair (Juggler)
~Fair (Launching hit may be combo-able into a Dair =3)
~Thunder Jolt

Those that may make good use of it:

~Bair (Will get the enemy offstage quicker)

~USmash (Kill somewhat earlier, probably 130% on someone like Mario)

~Dtilt (I think it pops up at higher %, so with Aura, the pop up can combo into something eariler)

~FSmash (Its already pretty powerful, but with Aura, it will probably be nothing short of terrifying)

Moves that I'm uncertain of:

Skull Bash

At least thats how I see it.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
Well, with Aura, the attacks will start weaker but get stronger the more damage you have. So, if you want to get a good kill with your Fsmash, you would have to space VERY well. Otherwise, your little butt might get sent flying, especially at higher percentages. I think the high risk high reward gameplay aura would add to Pichu's game would add depth. She really is like a hit-and-run fighter, but if you need to kill, you have to take a risk.

I'm having difficulty explaining why she would get Aura while Pika doesn't, but maybe it could be explained like as she takes damage, Pichu's electrical charge builds. I'm not sure....maybe the only thing we need to justify it(if we ever figure it out, that is) would be the depth it adds.

Also...Final Smash. I know this isn't a priority, but what would you guys like to see? I personally wouldn't mind either Zap Cannon or a version of Volt Tackle that's closer to the games.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
"Pichu are an infant form of the Pikachu species. While they do not possess the electrical control of their evolution, Pichu can release a greater deal of electricity almost unexpectedly. Though the release of small sparks from Pichu's cheeks can occur at random, Pichu tend to release an even higher voltage of electricity when frightened or hurt. This current, while being stronger than that of their evolved counterpart, also fatigues a Pichu, causing self harm from every electrical release.

While this may appear to make a Pichu even stronger than a Pikachu, one must also remember that Pichu is lighter, physically weaker, and lacks the range of a Pikachu, increasing the difficulty of defeating foes with this Pokemon substantially." (How's that for an explanation?)

Oh, and for a FS, I also vote Zap Cannon. Pichu charges up and fires a projectile that instantly paralyzes an opponent as well as dealing major damage to them. However, Pichu also takes some damage from the recoil (though it would lead to an Aura boost). Pichu may then follow up with a Smash while the enemy is stunned, possibly sending them offscreen for a KO. (Or, it could stun for a short while before rocketing them off of the screen)


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
Alright, new pac up!
Pichu v1.5​


Uair- Semi spike should be removed.

Bair- Same values and duration as Brawl+ Samus's. (Still a bit buggy.)

USmash- Base Knockback increased by 10, Knockback Growth lowered by 3 (should be able to combo into a UTilt at 0%, kills a bit earlier)

DSmash- Angle changed to 27, Base Knockback increased by 3, Knockback Growth reduced to 50. (Sets up for edge guards, kills slightly earlier)

Thunder- Base Knockback increased to 85, Knockback Growth increased to 37, angle changed to 75 (No longer punished on hit on ground)

UTaunt- Restores health by 4%

Download at the link in the OP.​

Bthrow angle change is harder to implement than I thought it would be (There are 12 different parameters) so I wasn't able to add it to this pac.

As always, feedback and suggestions are welcome. :)


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
DBK, it looks like you're sorta in charge of this now...why dont you just make your own thread?
Laziness? :laugh:

I'll probably make one tomorrow.

Have you tried out the latest pac?


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
Lol, I wouldn't mind. It would be easier to keep up with, I guess.

Good news everyone! I'm gonna go update the title now!


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
Well, I've tried it out, and while I will need more time with the new .pac, here's what I think so far:

USmash: Definately better. It still is pretty hard to kill with it, but I'm certain that it'd be better when Aura is figured out.

Uair: Pretty much perfect. I'll miss the tailspike a bit, but Uair's now a lot more consistant with juggling at least. =3

U-Taunt: At first I thought that it would be a bit strange, but its actually pretty cool. You can do it inbetween stocks, and will most likely only manage to get one in. Of course, you could do it instead of edgeguarding, but that'd be quite a waste. Well, At least we recover some percent while napping. Take that, Jigglypuff >=P

DSmash: I love it! ***** anything that doesnt sweetspot the ledge (or...umbrellas >_<) and works nicely onstage.

@Bthrow change: Its cool. Take your time with it. ;)

Keep up the good work!


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
Will do. :)

Are there any other ideas for the moveset until self damage and aura are figured out?

If not then I'll probably just add some cosmetic stuff and the BThrow change to the next pac.

Any ideas for cosmetic stuff guys?


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
Will do. :)

Are there any other ideas for the moveset until self damage and aura are figured out?

If not then I'll probably just add some cosmetic stuff and the BThrow change to the next pac.

Any ideas for cosmetic stuff guys?

How about Skull Bash having an explosive effect on full charge if it makes contact with someone? The effect for hitting without it being fully charged could be Electric (like Melee's) or Fire.

Maybe DSmash and USmash could have an Aura effect.

...Ah, I forgot. I was also testing her Bair, and I dont really know what to make of it. If it really has Samus' values, it's absurdly weak lol. It didnt really knock characters far, even at the 200+%. Also, the hitbox isnt present through the entire animation either. I think it needs more base, but shouldnt have too much growth. It could be an aerial to end combos should you be out of reach to perform a strong Nair.


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
I could have all of that knocked out in an hour lol. If that's all then I'll have a new pac up tomorrow.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
I've managed to finally download and play the PAC; very nice work, but I only have a few rants:
  • Thunder had 4 hitboxes, all with weak knockback. This enabled Pichu to use Thunder as a combo starter, juggler, etc.
  • The low knockback on Dtilt isn't needed imo. Utilt, chaingrabs and Uair are all great combostarters. Pichu's 'old' Dtilt made a nice edgegaurd becuase of its knockback and trajectory- why not just bring that move back?
  • Fsmash is way too big :/


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
one of pichu's thunder hitboxes was a spike though, wasn't it?
Only on the base hit (where it hits her body). It was still pretty weak and was sometimes punishable on hit too.


Thunder had 4 hitboxes, all with weak knockback. This enabled Pichu to use Thunder as a combo starter, juggler, etc.
Only the base hit is editable at the moment. <=/

The low knockback on Dtilt isn't needed imo. Utilt, chaingrabs and Uair are all great combostarters. Pichu's 'old' Dtilt made a nice edgegaurd becuase of its knockback and trajectory- why not just bring that move back?
I wouldnt mind this, really. I normally used the slight popup at high percents to try to land a smash, but that could be useful.

Fsmash is way too big :/
How's it too big? You already have to be pretty close to land it to begin with. I think its current range is fine...unless you're speaking about the overall size of the hitbox instead of the range.

Also, did you know that it may be possible to shield the last hit of the FSmash? I saw a CPU do it to me on several occasions.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
How's it too big? You already have to be pretty close to land it to begin with. I think its current range is fine.:005:
Pichu's Fsmash wasn't far away from his body at all, limiting its viability as an actual kill move onstage. It has to spaced for the smash to even hit now imo.

Only the base hit is editable at the moment. <=/
The knockback of the base hit could be nerfed a bit more; Pichu's Thunder didn't kill, the cloud and the top of Thunder killed off the ceiling >_>

Also, did you know that it may be possible to shield the last hit of the FSmash? I saw a CPU do it to me on several occasions.
It's supposed to be shieldable lmao. SDIing out of it is really a better option, though.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
It's supposed to be shieldable lmao. SDIing out of it is really a better option, though.
I knew it was possible to SDI out of the multi hit before the final one connected, but I never knew that you could shield while being shocked by the multi hits and have a chance to block the strongest one with a Powershield. =/

Anyways, I've been messing with Bair some more, and its actually pretty interesting. At low percents, you could use both of the hits to lead into a grab against bigger characters, (I'm unsure about the much lighter ones) and possibly a Utilt if you're really close. At higher ones, you could FF to possibly use the single hit for the same thing. Since it has 2 hitboxes, its almost as though its a Nair that doesnt gain much KB: it could be really good for crossups on shields and combos on contact, Nair, Fair, and Dair are in the same boat, but Bair wouldnt hurt yourself like Fair and Dair will, and it's KB doesnt increase as much as Nair (plus it could hit twice). I'm going to look into Bair some more, but I think it's pretty good after all. =3
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