highest grossing weekend is "The Dark Night" yes_ Titanic is the highest grossing film worldwide standing at roughly 1.835 billion dollars_ Avatar is currently 1.3 billion worldwide off top of my head_ "The Dark Night" is second highest grossing film in USA but who cares about them they're not the entire world_
Also Marteh it is a grave choice judging a film without having viewed it first_ Much like believing everything IGN tells you_ For example_ I was talking to Babbs, sister's husband about Avatar_ His assumption was that 3d animation wouldn't be too crash hot, could never get it almost photrealistic, he compared the film to Star Wars and Transformers and passed it off as being bad purely through assumption_ Instead of going out to see the film in 3d they chose to hire a film called "The Ugly Truth" from a video store and highly praised it_
So i've seen both films and i can tell you that assumption is a horrible thing to do_ Some things are genuinely bad and need no proof but as for films i would leave the judgement after having viewed said film_ "The Ugly Truth" used vulgarity and pointless **** and boob jokes to make it's point, ultimately failing due to the stereotypical storyline and ending (Wow the guy bagging out women falls in love with the lead girl he is helping to score a date with? No way!?)_ It was fairly forgettable and horrendously cliche_ Gerard Butler was the only thing good about the film and it left the occasional smirk and snicker but nothing worth praising over_
That is my example of assumption_ Although i assumed "The Ugly Truth" would be bad i watched it first to prove it was_ When everyone talks highly about a particular thing and rave on about it, regardless of general stereotype and thought process, then you know that something must be working_ Avatar and The Dark Night are highly praised films by a majority of critics and viewers alike_ There is justification to watch both these films to justify your assumptions_
Alzi thanks for the confidence but this is really hard atm_ Doing Motion Graphics which is not my thing although it beats using PS, Audio zzz, Web Design zzz and Music Video Production *cheer*_ Music Video is in progress so i will have it up on Facebook end of Feb/ Mar if anyone is interested_