Thats correct mic! i dont think you played anyone else.
I won against bob, mic, bringer and niv. did i play against anyone else?
It was awesome having all of you around!
Definitely holding another one soon. ill post details later today/tonight.
but yeah, everyones improved heaps! it seems its my turn to step my game up.
Seriously though, tournament placings here are waaaaay too inconsistent.
Okay, next time there wil be no jigglypuff. seriously.
bad idea to pull it out on bob

but i learnt
Samuel won! thats a given

Nobody really seemed to care about the finals this time

ah well, that will change when samuel doesnt make it to the finals.
Thats probably closer then you think.
Bob! when are you next off work?
and mic, do you reckon you could get josh to come to the next singles?
He plays a good peach.
Great work guys! youve all gotten heaps better! keep it up!
EDIT: ooh! a boozer main! dont see too many of those! to everyone interested in future tournaments, check this thread regularly. now weve got three willing TO's, there'll probably be a few more tournaments.. Perth Brawl scene is looking up!:D