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Violence is on sale today - Anna for DLC! * Waiting for new stock! Bear with us here! *


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2011
Could you show us that poll? I'd like to see it if that's true. :) Not that I don't believe you, I just want to see against which other characters she was up and all.

I'm thinking of continuing Anna's other animation ideas. As well as making some fan art of her, would you guys like to see it if I did do it?
I can't find the actual page with the scores, but they announce the winners on this one too.


and there is a small preview snapped here of what the actual score page looked like

Anna wasn't 5th, my mistake, she was 6th but a lot of people said Walhart's votes were jokes.

and you can see in the comments section for the winners Walhart was barely mentioned by fans but everyone else that placed was praised.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
I can't find the actual page with the scores, but they announce the winners on this one too.


and there is a small preview snapped here of what the actual score page looked like

Anna wasn't 5th, my mistake, she was 6th but a lot of people said Walhart's votes were jokes.

and you can see in the comments section for the winners Walhart was barely mentioned by fans but everyone else that placed was praised.
Thank you for the links. I do indeed see praise for Anna there. :)

Tharja is really popular too apparently. Then again, I guess she may be sort of like Ashley really and I suppose people like these types of female characters a lot.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2012
Tharja is really popular too apparently. Then again, I guess she may be sort of like Ashley really and I suppose people like these types of female characters a lot.
Tharja is the quintessential fan-service character. Of course she's popular. I really enjoyed using her in game actually, and since this is about favourites in the game itself, I can see why she's so high.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Tharja is the quintessential fan-service character. Of course she's popular. I really enjoyed using her in game actually, and since this is about favourites in the game itself, I can see why she's so high.
That's true as well yeah.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2011
Hello I worked on possible palette swaps for Anna. Tell me what you guys think.

The first one is her default and could count for her red team.
The second is the green team and it's based off her merchant outfit.
The third would be for the blue team and it's based of Heather from Radiant Dawn.
The fourth is her yellow palette and it's based off Julian the original thief.
The fifth isn't based off anyone but every other character has a black or white palette so I thought it makes sense on her too.
The last one was hard to pick but I decided to base it off Jake and because Anna changes her hair color to purple on some Awakening DLC maps.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 7, 2012
Amazing. All of them are very good. I personally would prefer the yellow one to be more... Yellow, though. Think Roy in Melee.

Deleted member

While searching for an image of the Levin Sword on Google, I stumbled upon this. :troll:

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
While searching for an image of the Levin Sword on Google, I stumbled upon this. :troll:
I want that shirt that the guy on the right is wearing. It's awesome!

Oh and Anna' cool too.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Hello I worked on possible palette swaps for Anna. Tell me what you guys think.

The first one is her default and could count for her red team.
The second is the green team and it's based off her merchant outfit.
The third would be for the blue team and it's based of Heather from Radiant Dawn.
The fourth is her yellow palette and it's based off Julian the original thief.
The fifth isn't based off anyone but every other character has a black or white palette so I thought it makes sense on her too.
The last one was hard to pick but I decided to base it off Jake and because Anna changes her hair color to purple on some Awakening DLC maps.
Wow, these are very nicely done! This only makes me want to see Anna in smash even more. I hope she does appear...


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I keep misreading this thread title as "TIME-TRAVELING MERCHANT." Though that would explain a few things.

Anyway Anna is pretty cool.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Hello I worked on possible palette swaps for Anna. Tell me what you guys think.

The first one is her default and could count for her red team.
The second is the green team and it's based off her merchant outfit.
The third would be for the blue team and it's based of Heather from Radiant Dawn.
The fourth is her yellow palette and it's based off Julian the original thief.
The fifth isn't based off anyone but every other character has a black or white palette so I thought it makes sense on her too.
The last one was hard to pick but I decided to base it off Jake and because Anna changes her hair color to purple on some Awakening DLC maps.
Good stuff there! I'm gonna put this in the OP with credit given to you.

I keep misreading this thread title as "TIME-TRAVELING MERCHANT." Though that would explain a few things.

Anyway Anna is pretty cool.
So... you support Anna as well?

Will be putting your username in the supporter list. If you want it removed, just tell me.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I see a teddy bear attached to her sword. That's a nice Easter Egg. Her f-smash should have the teddy bear shooting out (Like the star from the Star Rod item.)


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
So... you support Anna as well?

Of course Oasis would support Anna, she's his mom. She is known as the Strongest One. :troll:

Anna is the boss of the DLC chapter The Strongest One's Name. This Anna wields lances and has the Aether skill.


Feb 18, 2009
I actually wonder if her sprite color would be the first alternative color. Blue cape and gloves and boots, red hair, gold and red, uh, whatever that's called, purple pants, what's not to like? Oh, yeah, blue.
This thread needs more Levin Sword:


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
I actually wonder if her sprite color would be the first alternative color. Blue cape and gloves and boots, red hair, gold and red, uh, whatever that's called, purple pants, what's not to like? Oh, yeah, blue.
This thread needs more Levin Sword:
HAVETTI!! havetti for smash 4.

In all seriousness though I don't see all of the love for Anna. Sure she is in every game but she is such a minor character in every game too... It would be like adding a ratatta because its been usable in every pokemon game :/

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Gosh the more I see cool stuff about Anna the more I want her in smash. She may even dethrone Professor Layton for me sooner or later. Too bad their both probably unlikely... Needs... to make... Anna fanart...

Deleted member

In all seriousness though I don't see all of the love for Anna. Sure she is in every game but she is such a minor character in every game too... It would be like adding a ratatta because its been usable in every pokemon game :/
I agree, I feel the same way about her. I understand her merits, but I feel it's too soon. I like her character design in Awakening though.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
If we were going with the "generic species" excuse or whatever. May I turn your direction to Yoshi and the Pokemon etc. Since there multiple of them too.

And before you counter argue me that they are "THE Yoshi" or "THE Jigglypuff" (Whatever that means) then this can be "THE Anna" for us.

The only thing against Anna is that she doesn't play as big of a role. But that can change in the future. Especially if they expand her further from Awakening.

Deleted member

Yeah, but when competing with Lords she has a hard time standing out from them in regard to how important she actually is to the story. I'm not saying she doesn't have a shot. I'm saying her shot is too small now. If she gets another playable role, then yes, I can defo see her as a valid candidate for Smash 5.

EDIT: Also, is it just me, or does Anna have huge Medakadonks?

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Yeah, but when competing with Lords she has a hard time standing out from them in regard to how important she actually is to the story. I'm not saying she doesn't have a shot. I'm saying her shot is too small now. If she gets another playable role, then yes, I can defo see her as a valid candidate for Smash 5.

EDIT: Also, is it just me, or does Anna have huge Medakadonks?
Well at least she has some of these DLC chapters where she is playing a bit of a role in them apparently. I don't know how many she has but she has that "fanservice" chapter and that "Strongest one" chapter. Of course their not main chapters but IS at least gave her some role in Awakening besides being a merchant and a playable unit thanks to some of the DLC chapters. Not to mention two of the side chapters being about her (And her sister but yeah).

But yeah, she may have a hard time when competing with actual lords such as Chrom and all.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
Well at least she has some of these DLC chapters where she is playing a bit of a role in them apparently. I don't know how many she has but she has that "fanservice" chapter and that "Strongest one" chapter. Of course their not main chapters but IS at least gave her some role in Awakening besides being a merchant and a playable unit thanks to some of the DLC chapters. Not to mention two of the side chapters being about her (And her sister but yeah).

But yeah, she may have a hard time when competing with actual lords such as Chrom and all.
Not trying to prejudge or anything but I must ask: have you played any fire emblem games? I don't think people understand how minute of roles she played in all the other fire emblem games. She's about as important as nurse joy from pokemon. Awakening gave her a bigger role but still there are plenty of awakening characters that serve much bigger roles than her that aren't even though about for smash. Something just tells me that most of the people who support Anna haven't played any fire emblem games and assume she plays a major role in every game which couldn't be further from the truth.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Something just tells me that most of the people who support Anna haven't played any fire emblem games and assume she plays a major role in every game which couldn't be further from the truth.
I have played Radiant Dawn and done research on Anna before making this support thread.

That statement of yours is void.

I support Anna because I like her. That's reason enough for me.

Deleted member

Oh, you mean like how Jigglypuff has no role within the Pokémon series despite appearing in every version?
Yeah, that little nobody of a Pokémon will never be in Smash Bros. as a character. Wait a minute....


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
I have played Radiant Dawn and done research on Anna before making this support thread.

That statement of yours is void.

I support Anna because I like her. That's reason enough for me.
I said most not all. I just don't see it as a very realistic option. At all.
Also all you've played is radiant dawn!? Go pick up copies of PoR and one of the gba ones yesterday. Especially PoR!


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
Oh, you mean like how Jigglypuff has no role within the Pokémon series despite appearing in every version?
Yeah, that little nobody of a Pokémon will never be in Smash Bros. as a character. Wait a minute....
But jigglypuff does have a role in every version... She was a popular pokemon backin gen 1 and has really only been kept on the roster due to being a character from smash already. In most games Anna is just a shop keeper. Her biggest role is in awakening which is still not very big. Plus pokemon and fire emblem are hardly relateable like at all...

Alright you've convinced me, grimer has been in every version of pokemon so he must be a sure thing for the roster too:oneeye:

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Not trying to prejudge or anything but I must ask: have you played any fire emblem games? I don't think people understand how minute of roles she played in all the other fire emblem games. She's about as important as nurse joy from pokemon. Awakening gave her a bigger role but still there are plenty of awakening characters that serve much bigger roles than her that aren't even though about for smash. Something just tells me that most of the people who support Anna haven't played any fire emblem games and assume she plays a major role in every game which couldn't be further from the truth.
I'm very well aware of the much much smaller roles she played in previous Fire Emblem games. But at least seeing how Intelligent Systems stepped her up quite significantly in Awakening is still quite a nice feat.

Honestly. I kinda feel like Jigglypuff could be used to counter argue some of the points people make against Anna, I'm just not sure how to put it up though. It's a similar thing. Anna and Jigglypuff are let down because their minor characters (even in the anime for Jigglypuff, yes she had those episodes where she sings everyone to sleep but still) and the likes of Pikachu, Mewtwo and Meowth are vastly more iconic than Jigglypuff but yet Jigglypuff still managed to make it playable in smash 64 over Meowth and Mewtwo. I don't see why Anna couldn't make it in just because she isn't a "main character"or whatever. Else Sakurai would have kicked Jigglypuff out or not even bothered with her and we would have had Meowth instead years ago.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I said most not all. I just don't see it as a very realistic option. At all.
Also all you've played is radiant dawn!? Go pick up copies of PoR and one of the gba ones yesterday. Especially PoR!
Yes, I have only played Radiant Dawn and no, I don't have any intention of buying PoR or the GBA ones any soon.
Those are hard to find and can only find them at ridiculous prices, which is not an option when I want to save money.

I'm actually trying to buy Awakening, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
Yes, I have only played Radiant Dawn and no, I don't have any intention of buying PoR or the GBA ones any soon.
Those are hard to find and can only find them at ridiculous prices, which is not an option when I want to save money.

I'm actually trying to buy Awakening, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
I personally prefer PoR but I guess that's just preference awakening did get great reviews. So pick it up if you can find it for sure. PoR is especially worth it but I would recommend borrowing it from a friend or something because it is definetly the best fire emblem I've played and is much better then radiant dawn.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
I'm very well aware of the much much smaller roles she played in previous Fire Emblem games. But at least seeing how Intelligent Systems stepped her up quite significantly in Awakening is still quite a nice feat.

Honestly. I kinda feel like Jigglypuff could be used to counter argue some of the points people make against Anna, I'm just not sure how to put it up though. It's a similar thing. Anna and Jigglypuff are let down because their minor characters (even in the anime for Jigglypuff, yes she had those episodes where she sings everyone to sleep but still) and the likes of Pikachu, Mewtwo and Meowth are vastly more iconic than Jigglypuff but yet Jigglypuff still managed to make it playable in smash 64 over Meowth and Mewtwo. I don't see why Anna couldn't make it in just because she isn't a "main character"or whatever. Else Sakurai would have kicked Jigglypuff out or not even bothered with her and we would have had Meowth instead years ago.
It's different though because while there are a few more iconic pokemon than jigglypuff, nearly every fire emblem character is more iconic than Anna up until awakening where she became a side quest character who is still not important as most of the cast in awakening and frankly is one of the worst characters in awakening too as a pre promote (goddamned prepromos...)

Deleted member

But jigglypuff does have a role in every version... She was a popular pokemon backin gen 1 and has really only been kept on the roster due to being a character from smash already. In most games Anna is just a shop keeper. Her biggest role is in awakening which is still not very big. Plus pokemon and fire emblem are hardly relateable like at all...
Being "popular" in the past is not a role. This is a red flag that shows you shouldn't be debating.
All Jigglypuff has ever been in the game versions is a minor catchable Pokémon that no one uses. Same with Pikachu, thought at the very least, Pikachu has mascot status (as well as the anime, but that was a result of mascot status, something usurped from Clefairy, the original intended mascot).
But guess what? Anna is seen as a mascot herself, not unlike Pikachu. It was a pretty big deal in Famitsu when it was revealed "Fire Emblem's mascot" would finally be a recruitable unit.

Alright you've convinced me, grimer has been in every version of pokemon so he must be a sure thing for the roster too:oneeye:
Quit while you're behind.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2011
Characters don't have to play major roles to be important to a series. Anna is already important and iconic, and for many simply being iconic is all it takes to get in.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
Being "popular" in the past is not a role. This is a red flag that shows you shouldn't be debating.
All Jigglypuff has ever been in the game versions is a minor catchable Pokémon that no one uses. Same with Pikachu, thought at the very least, Pikachu has mascot status (as well as the anime, but that was a result of mascot status, something usurped from Clefairy, the original intended mascot).
But guess what? Anna is seen as a mascot herself, not unlike Pikachu. It was a pretty big deal in Famitsu when it was revealed "Fire Emblem's mascot" would finally be a recruitable unit.

Quit while you're behind.
Even though I don't agree with you, you have the history of getting strangely riled at me so... Ok.

Deleted member

You have "the history" of saying a bunch of bull, so there is nothing "strange" about me getting riled.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
It's different though because while there are a few more iconic pokemon than jigglypuff, nearly every fire emblem character is more iconic than Anna up until awakening where she became a side quest character who is still not important as most of the cast in awakening and frankly is one of the worst characters in awakening too as a pre promote (goddamned prepromos...)
Pikachu, Meowth, Wobbufet, Mewtwo, Lucario, Eevee, Charizard, Blaziken, Magikarp, Mudkip, Squirtle, Celebi etc etc. That's more than just a "few". There are loads of Pokemon out there that many people would probably recognize much more than Jigglypuff since those either are fan favourites, have memetic status or get promoted a lot by the Pokemon company. Jigglypuff only has smash to thank for nowadays of why she's even remembered. Else she would have gone down along with the likes of other minor reoccurring pokemon in the anime such as Snubbul and Loudred etc that not many people care about nowadays.

I actually liked Anna in Awakening and I think she's one of the better characters in the game. But that's just me I guess.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2013
The pichu bouncy castle in nimbasa city
You have "the history" of saying a bunch of bull, so there is nothing "strange" about me getting riled.
Sigh... Here we go again.

First off jigglypuff since you randomly brought that up. I said it was popular during the time of gen 1. This is not a red flag this is what got jigglypuff into the first smash bros. it's popularity in pokemon faded away but they decided to keep it around in smash since it was in the first game. They simply didnt cut any for Melee and jiggly obviously got preference over mewtwo in the final cuts since jiggly was in the first game and they didn't want to cut anyone from the first game. So it's not bull it's true that is what is keeping jigglypuff alive in smash, if not barely. It's past popularity in pokemon doesn't matter now but it's history in smash does.

As for Anna I must say when she was announced for awakening I was like oh it's that random shopkeeper they must be keeping that random gimmick going a little more strongly in this game. Mascot though? It's the first I've heard of that. She's hardly iconic I mean she's just a shop keeper up until awakening. I mean for the "mascot" of a series to not even get a sticker in brawl is really pushing it.
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