I'm gonna have to stop you right there friend.So they work on everyone?
Anyways, time to make a real post. After playinga little, I would say he's top 15.
has good throws (excluding up throw) that can set up combos. His frame data is good, but has some janky hitboxes. His Netural game is above average, and thanks to the number of jumps he has, his off-stage game is great. He's mostly held back by his lack of safe kill options.
While I agree that he's top 15, if not top 10, the reasons you listed aren't why.
His throws all serve a purpose, F/D-Throw for comboing, B-Throw for knocking people off stage/Damage, U-Throw on the off chance you can't get a kill until late.
A majority of his hitboxes have been fixed through patches, they were blatantly wrong at release however.
His neutral game is hot doodoo butter. He has about 5 options in neutral and only two of them consistently transition into advantage state (Dash Attack, Daah Grab). It is also entirely dependant on controlling the Midrange where Out of Dash options are the most potent.
And the main reason he's regarded as high as he is currently is because of the ability to kill with ease from basically any percent. His Edgeguarding prowess is great as well.