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Venus's Overall SSBB Thread (Warning: Lots of Pics!)

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Thanks :) I hated the Laughing Dog....yet....loved him haha It would be pretty cool if we was an assist trophy though.

I made some changes to an update #7 ( http://smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=3030117&postcount=49 ) concerning the bosses Zant and Dark Samus.

Following the pattern I see with bosses (Kirby vs Petey Pirannah...possibly Diddy Kong and Fox vs Rayquazza....DK vs Bowser), I changed them up. Originally, I had Link facing Zant and Samus facing Dark Samus. I changed it though different franchise characters fight them with.

Go check it out and comment :)


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D

I made some changes to an update #7 ( http://smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=3030117&postcount=49 ) concerning the bosses Zant and Dark Samus.

Following the pattern I see with bosses (Kirby vs Petey Pirannah...possibly Diddy Kong and Fox vs Rayquazza....DK vs Bowser), I changed them up. Originally, I had Link facing Zant and Samus facing Dark Samus. I changed it though different franchise characters fight them with.

Go check it out and comment :)
I loved it. I especially loved the part where Micaiah and Midna met up outside and started talking about Ganondorf. The changes you made to your update were really epic. There was just one think that I didn't catch on to. Who do you play as when you start fighting Dark Samus. I didn't catch that part :/

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I loved it. I especially loved the part where Micaiah and Midna met up outside and started talking about Ganondorf. The changes you made to your update were really epic. There was just one think that I didn't catch on to. Who do you play as when you start fighting Dark Samus. I didn't catch that part :/
venus of the Desert Bloom said:
As Fox crash lands, the entire area is overwhelmed by darkness and Dark Samus appears. It begins attacking you. It is able to fire Phazon energy, uses a beam to wrap you in Phazon energy, deflect projectiles, teleport, and use extremely fast dashes to dodge attacks. Dark Samus is very fast and agile because of the Phazon. Pretty soon, Dark Samus will take to much damage and the dark world will slip. Attack her a couple more times and the dark barrier falls apart. Dark Samus does one last desperate attempt to attack but it countered by a flash of red, yellow, and blue. Out of the forest steps a little man in a spacesuit with small multi-colored creatures. Captain Olimar comes to the rescue!
I tried lumping the three star misadventure's together for this one. I could be a attempt to retrieve Samus by Fox and Olimar or who knows.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Update #15 - 11/21

Happy Turkey Day to all Americans! I know that is early but I will be busy tomorrow making sushi and miso soup for my family coming over haha. Along with today's content, I also added damage percentages for Pokemon Trainer and Animal Crossing Human. As well, I also added stats and two additional taunts for WW Link, PKMN Trainer, and AC Human so please check them out!

WW Link
PKMN Trainer and AC Human

Now to the main event...

Assist Trophies

Game: Sonic the Hedgehog
Knuckles appears and starts powering up an attack. He then says "Here it comes" and releases a highly-powerful punch attack that causes Knuckles hand to catch on fire as he zips across the stage blazing fire. He then knocks the fire off and leaves the stage.

Game: Sonic the Hedgehog
Tails will appear and jumps in the air, spinning his tail so he can fly. Zipping around the stage, he grabs a enemy and hoists them in the air allowing that enemy to be damaged. He then drops them and vanishes.

Amy Rose
Game: Sonic the Hedgehog
Amy Rose appears and pulls out her Piko-Piko Hammer (Squeaky Hammer). She hoists it high above her head and then slams it down cause a large tornado to shoot upwards from her hammer. This carries anyone hit by the hammer upwards.

Game: Metal Gear Solid
Raiden appears in a dash and quickly cuts down the enemy. However, that does not stop there. Hen then jumps backwards, off that enemies back, and performs another deadly strike to that opponent. He is very fast and quickl thus hard to hit.

Meryl Silverburgh
Game: Metal Gear Solid
Meryl comes and says "Let's do this!". She then kneels on the ground and uses her pistol to pick off opponents. While she is still a rookie, her aim isn't the best but her bullets pack quite alot of firepower.

Game: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Found in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, the watermelon is a force to behold. Grab hold off it, stick it in your mouth, and spew out a steady stream of watermelon seeds. These VERY fast and small projectiles can suppress and pin down any opponent they hit.
This handy-dandy device allows a shield to aways be on, even when you're attacking. Using the same effects of the shield, it blocks any attacks that are thrown at you. However, it cannot shatter or break. As well, you are free to move and attack an opponent. It may seem to much of a good thing but if you are hit with a Final Smash, it is able to shatter.

Gangplank Galleon
Game: Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest
Type of Level: Knock-Off, Moving, Hazards
Size: Medium

Avast ye landlubbers! Brawl on this rickety pirates ship full of dangers abound! You first start out of the mast of the ship. Be careful not to be knocked off! It is just a single beam of wood. However, if you knock the mast enough, it will break sending you down to the deck of the ship. Your brawling as caused it to sink so try your best to not drown. You fight on the deck of the shift with boxes and such. However, water will sometimes seep up till it's over your heads. Be careful because their are piranha-type monsters called Lockjaws prowling the area! They will bite you, latch on, and continue biting unless you get on dry land. This stage does not loop though so if you do not want to brave the waters down below, try not to hurt the mast of ship.
Twilight Palace
Game: Legend of Zelda; Twilight Princess
Type of Level: Multi-Platformed, Knock-Off, Hazards
Size: Medium

Brave the twilight as you fight your opponents on the high walls of the Twilight Palace. Complete with a sense of dread, eerie lighting, and dark particles floating around. The stage is set high on the walls of the palace. On occasion, a platform will appear and hover over the stage. However, it will then vanish shortly after. As well, Shadow Kargoroc's will attack you and try and throw you off the stage.
Subspace Bosses

Eggplant Wizard
Game: Kid Icarus

Yoshi is shown running through a forest, hoping over branches and hills. Jumping off a cliff, he lands on a hill and goes sliding down. Stopping at the bottom, he listens for a second and then takes off. Yoshi continues running as if in search for something when all of a sudden, he is captured in a force field resembling an eggplant. From a portal pops out Eggplant Wizard. He starts laughing but Yoshi breaks from the force field. Scared, Eggplant Wizard flies high into the air and the battle begins. Eggplant Wizard can summon eggplant minions and such to assail the dinosaur. As well, he can summon a large eggplant that crashes down on top of Yoshi. Finally, we can cast spell which can momentarily turn Yoshi into a defenseless eggplant. After being beaten down for a bit, Eggplant Wizard to stumble around and vanish in a puff of smoke. Yoshi will continue along searching.

Game: Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken

Shortly after Link, Zelda, Ike, and Micaiah end up meeting - they are separated and teleported elsewhere. Link and Zelda end up in a dark castle. Out of the darkness steps the dark king Nergal who wants to rule Subspace. Targeting Link and Zelda for their triforces, he attacks with spell attacks. However, he is immune to melee attacks. If you try to attack him, he will disappear and appear elsewhere. In order to actually hurt him, projectiles can hurt him as well as reflecting his magic back at him. This can be down using Link's Up B spin or Zelda's neutral B attack. Nergal casts dark, fire, wind, and ice attacks. Some of these are dark and fire energy balls, chunks of earth, spiraling wind blades, and ice crystals springing up from the ground. Finally, he opens the Dragon Portal and releases a fire dragon. You must attack him and defeat the Fire dragon. Nergal starts to panic and attempts to flee when Ganondorf appears and subdues him. He then gives some valuable to Link and Zelda concerning Subspace and then leaves with Nergal.

Thanks for reading and have a good Turkey day![/color]


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
I love the way that your subspace roles come out.
Especially the one with Zelda.
But that's just because I love Zelda.

I want to know, what your thoughts on the Pokemon's role in Subspace emissary? I have not really seen anyone explained how Pikachu, PT, JigglyPuff, and Mewtwo (Considering JigglyPuff and Mewtwo are in) are going to fit in.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I was brainstorming ideas and one idea I came up with is that Pokemon Trainer gets involved with Kirby or Yoshi. I was thinking Snake but....haha that's kinda funny. Maybe he might end up fighting Wario after he zaps a lot of pokemon with his cannon.

I envision Mewtwo first fighting against you (with could be way to start of PKMN trainers story with a fight with Mewtwo) but ultimately, fighting against Sub Space.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
I was brainstorming ideas and one idea I came up with is that Pokemon Trainer gets involved with Kirby or Yoshi. I was thinking Snake but....haha that's kinda funny. Maybe he might end up fighting Wario after he zaps a lot of pokemon with his cannon.

I envision Mewtwo first fighting against you (with could be way to start of PKMN trainers story with a fight with Mewtwo) but ultimately, fighting against Sub Space.
Very interesting. I could see Mewtwo and PT being involved with Rayquaza after Fox deals with him. But your idea seems way more legit than mine would ever be. Think that Pikachu and PT ever team up?

The Qu

Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2007
Nice thread! One thing, tho. The Eggplant Wizard has nothing to do with the Ice Climbers. Unless you mean eggplants, period.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Ok, for some odd reason I thought I read somewhere he was in the Ice Climbers game. I must be getting senile in my old age.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
I really like the concept of Nergal as a boss, although he might be overshadowed by other villians. The Sonic Team ATs worked out very well.

Very nice thread, by the way. It isn't spammy and disgusting like all the other threads here. Amazingly thorough, too. Great job! :)

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I have yet to decide. Once I do more research I will.

I am sorry for the lack of updates. It's exams coming up as well as lots of papers due to I am rather busy so I apologize.

This isn't so much as an update but just for my own reference really. So I know what I have up and what I don't, this is a list of what I do. I am now making working on things as I go prior to having everything finished months before so that's why it is taking a while.

- Veterans
-Donkey Kong
-Captain Falcon
-Ice Climbers
-Mr. Game and Watch

- Newcomers
-Pokemon Trainer
-King Dedede
-Diddy Kong
-Black Knight
-Animal Crossing Human
-Bowser Jr.
-Wolf O'Donnel
-WW Link

-Delfino Plaza
-Eldin Bridge
-Battleship Halberd
-Yoshi's Island
-Lylat Cruise
-Rumble Falls
-Castle Siege
-Pokemon Stadium 2
-Shadow Moses Island
-New Pork City
-Picto Chat
-The Summit
-Windfall Island
-Rainbow Resort
-Bowser's Castle
-Luigi's mansion
-Peach's Cruise
-Port City
-Duck Hunt
-Green Zone
-Pokemon Gym
-War Zone
-Murasame Castle
-Mario Galaxy
-Hyrule Temple
-Saffron City
-Fountain of Dreams
-Peach's Castle
-Metal World
-Gangplank Galleon
-Twilight Palace

-Gooey Bomb
-Cracker Launcher
-Banana Peel
-Smoke Ball
-Franklin Badge
-Superspicy Curry
-Golden Hammer
-Smart Bomb
-Beam Sword
-Fire Flower
-Heart Container
-Maxim Tomato
-Mr. Saturn
-Screw Attack
-Lip's Stick
-Star Rod
-Motion Sensor Bomb
-Deku Nut (?)
-Super Scope
-Home-Run Bat
-Party Ball
-Super Mushroom
-Dominion Rod
-Angel Feather
-Blue Shell
-Fighter Band
-Animal Crossing Furniture
-Gravity Gun
-Chaff Grenade
-Lightning Bolt
-Winged Cap
-Zombie Pill
-Oil Slick
-Combat Boost
-Video Camera
-Body Armor

Assist Trophies
-Samurai Goroh
-Dr. Wright
-Knuckle Joe
-Mr. Resetti
-Excite Bike
-Little Mac
-Gray Fox
-Saki Amamiya
-Hammer Bros.
-Advanced Wars
-Skull Kid
-Captain Syrup
-Wave Racers
-Team Rocket
-General Scales
-Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright
-Meryl Silverburgh


Subspace Enemies and Bosses
-Shadow Assassin
-Nit Picker
-Petey Piranha
-Rayquaza (maybe?)
-Dark Samus
-Black Shadow
-Eggplant Wizard

Various Other Game Modes
-CPU Customization
Thanks for Gimpy's F for All thread for Dojo-Uncomfirmed ATs, Pokemon, and Items.

Magically Enhanced Hobo

Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2007
I come from the land of the ice and snow..
Wow, how did I miss out on this thread for so long? I gotta say Venus, I really like it. It's not just a straight prediction thread, it's got a life of its own. Little backstories and whatnot. Really unique. I haven't read all of it though, but I'll get around to it.

With that said, I want to suggest Isaac as a playable character. I know it doesn't affect his chances one way or the other, but seeing him on prediction threads makes me happy lol. Have you ever played Golden Sun? Everyone I know that has is convinced he should be playable.

Anyways, keep it up!

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Wow, how did I miss out on this thread for so long? I gotta say Venus, I really like it. It's not just a straight prediction thread, it's got a life of its own. Little backstories and whatnot. Really unique. I haven't read all of it though, but I'll get around to it.

With that said, I want to suggest Isaac as a playable character. I know it doesn't affect his chances one way or the other, but seeing him on prediction threads makes me happy lol. Have you ever played Golden Sun? Everyone I know that has is convinced he should be playable.

Anyways, keep it up!
I would really love to see Issac playable. It pained me not to add him to this list. I do admit that my prediction list is a bit biased in some areas but whoose isn't? For instance, while I love Issac, I would prefer to see Lip in more though.

I think Issac would make for a awesome character though.

Thanks for commenting on my thread and making time to read it. I know there is a lot to read haha.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Update #16

I apologize for the extreme lack of updates. I had several hard exams and papers to work on and right after my last exam Thursday, I have had work non-stop. This is actually my only day-off this week haha. Anyways, because of this. I havn't had any time to prepare anything so this will be kinda short. I apologize for this as well.

As well, I added damager percentages and stats to Wolf, Geno, and Takamaru.


Mario's rival appears in the Brawl. Sonic surprised everyone by being revealed as a playable character. Apparently, he is very, very, very fast. Almost to fast. However, his jumping speed isn't that great. Alot his attacks focuses on spins, dashes, and, of course, speed.

Level: Green Zone

Final Smash: Super Sonic: Sonic collects all the Golden Rings and transforms into his Super Sonic form. This allows him to fly across the screen, battering anyone who is in his way. It is very fast and hard to control but does heavy amounts of damage.
Flat Zone R
Game: Mr. Game and Watch
Type of Stage: Moving, Walk-Off, Hazards
Size: Small

This stage resembles Flat Zone from melee however, it appears that someone or something is controlling it! The stage shakes and moves as a off-screen person plays the game! On occasion, a hand will appear in front of the screen blocking the view or pressing a button. During the course of the stage, the Mr. Game and Watch handheld game will be set down causing the stage to go further from the camera. When this happens, the viewpoint is distorted because the camera is far away. Therefore, you must play on a whole new perspective. This does not last long as the player will pick up the game again and the stage will reset back into the loop. The stage is set up a lot like battlefield with two platforms suspended in the air. However, the stage will change with a third platform above the two and also the two platforms gone with the third still there. As well, on occasion, walls will black the sides of the stage so the only way to be ko’ed is upwards. Rain will on occasion fall which hinders movement. Random items like safes, anvils, pumpkins, and yoshi eggs will fall down. This game does not lose battery power though.

Star Road
Game: None
Type of Stage: Knock-Off, Hazards
Size: Medium

Star Road…isn’t really a road at all. At least where you play on. Positioned high above Star Road lies four star like platforms that rotate. However, besides that - there is nothing else. You must battle on these rotating platforms. However on occasion, one of the starts may start glowing and suddenly take off. That is your cue to jump to another star. There will always be three starts on the stage though. The start that left will then go flying across the stage at varied speeds. You can jump on this one to possibly save yourself or to get somewhere else faster. One possible stage music could be the Rainbow Road theme from Super Mario Kart 64 but slightly altered.
Assist Trophies

Game: Donkey Kong Country

This burly and strong rhinoceros appears! He lowers his horns, begins stamping the ground, and charges forward. He must be given a fair amount of distance to charge because if you summon him on a small platform, he will fall right off. A long leveled platform though will allow him to turn around before running of it for another charge back.

Game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Link's trusty horse and companion, Epona, makes her entrance on Brawl. When you summon her, Epona's song will start playing. She will begin running around the stage. Sometimes, she will rear up and kick a opponent with her front legs. On rare occasions, she will do a backwards kick. However, if she gets hit multiple times, she will freak out and run away.

Attack: Dragon Rage - Dragonite goes soaring across the stage, smashing into opponents. It then stops, hovers in the air, roars, and a explosive shockwave comes forth from Dragonite. Though it is slow, one touch from it will render you immobile.

Attack: Sand Tomb - Garchomp starts stomping on the ground and a circle forms around it. The ground quickly turns to quicksand and envelopes anything - fighters, assist trophies, pokemon, and items into this tomb of quicksand. Once swallowed up, the fighter racks up large amounts of damage before being spit out.

Attack: Psycho Shift - This move is useless unless some status effect is in use. Cresselia appears in the sky hovering around and emitting a brilliant light. If your character is affected with a negative status affect like poison mushroom, lip's stick, sleep, shield stun, etc the effect will automatically be given to a random opponent. However, if a opponent has a status affect like invisibility, star power, mushroom, etc that is given to the one who threw the pokeball.

Attack: Aqua Tail - Milotic envelopes itself in a water-type shield and goes flying across the stage, hitting opponents. It will then rear up, start singing, and whack a opponent with it's Aqua Tail. The opponent goes flying by being pushed with a strong jet of water.
Again, sorry for the small amount of updates.

Magmar's Wrath

Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2007
In a house.
Gee, I really like all the new ideas you have! You got stages and items and all kinds of other neat stuff. But... absolutely no new Pokémon PCs besides the Trainer? :(


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
Glad to see you finally got the chance to come back and put some more updates on.

I like all the Pokemon that you put up. They all seem pretty original. I like that you included Dragonite. He'sone of my favorites. I like Garchomp and Milotic evenly but I still like them both a lot.

I just had a question that popped up into my head and I thought you'd be the best person to ask. Now considering that Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard have become playable, what do you think will become of Venasaur, Blastoise, and Charizard's Pokeballs. It's likely that Charizards will be dropped but what do you think will becomeof Blastoise and Venusaur.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Why isn't Cressy using Lunar Dance, her signature move?
I tried thinking of a idea for it. I thought it would be cool if the entire background showed a large moon but I am not to knowledgeable with the realm of Diamond and Pear l save for the Pokemon and the story line. If you have a idea, I would greatly appreciate it!

Magmar's Wrath said:
Gee, I really like all the new ideas you have! You got stages and items and all kinds of other neat stuff. But... absolutely no new Pokémon PCs besides the Trainer?
This is where my biased opinion becomes evident. I love the Pokemon franchise, but I am not a big Lucario fan. I see Lucario being the only possible new pokemon rep. I do see him playable and I may decide to add him later. I am at 40 characters right now and I believe that is a good solid number.

Hipsterkid said:
I just had a question that popped up into my head and I thought you'd be the best person to ask. Now considering that Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard have become playable, what do you think will become of Venasaur, Blastoise, and Charizard's Pokeballs. It's likely that Charizards will be dropped but what do you think will becomeof Blastoise and Venusaur.
Personally, while I love Blastoise and Venusaur...I would prefer evolution forms of Gold and Silver present instead. That's my own opinion though.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2007
Orlando, FL / Pittsburgh, PA
For Lunar Dance, Cressy could summon the moon in the background, emit a bright glow and then disappear.

1 second later, the person who brought out Cressy will have their damage dropped down to zero

@ Pokemon Newcomers...this


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2007
The Hot Pink Gopher
Darkrai would be an awesome PC, but he isn't known as well as Lucario. And if my knowledge is correct, he hasn't even been released in the US yet on D/P. (He might've been released in California @ an event)

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Supposedly, Darkrai's shadow has been floating around Pokemon.com since Dec. 14. So his revealing in America may be near at hand.
Though it's not like Pokemon fans do not know who he is. Save for the 6 year old kids whose moms believe the internet is of the devil. They don't count.
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