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Venus's Overall SSBB Thread (Warning: Lots of Pics!)

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Yeah, I was stumped on what a Down B attack could be for Ike so I went with that idea.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
1. Yay! Sheik! <3 Although the Final Smash was a little bland in my opinion. But if it helps nerf Sheik and make her more likable then I have no problem with that.

2. I've never really played a Fire Emblem game so I'm just going to go ahead and say Good Job!

3. Bowser Jr., Bowser Jr., Bowser Jr. How I really don't care for him at all. If he was added, I wouldn't mind too much. I'd like to see how [if at all] the transformation would work. But other then that, I'll go with "meh."

4. Ouendan seems a little iffy. I know they were on Sakurai's poll and all but it doesn't really matter to me. It seems a little complicated so I think, if added, I would just try to avoid them and all.

5. Lip has always been a character that I really... don't care about. Her chances aren't THAT bad and she is another compatible female character but she's one that I just kinda ignore.

6. The stage seems to be kinda like a Mute City where you get attack by little alien beings. I think it would fit in nicely and seeing how the other Metroid stages weren't exactly... awesome, your idea would be kinda like an upgrade.

Would you ever consider adding Gardevoir or Micaiah to your list? I know they're kinda like dream characters but I thought I'd at least ask.

I will throw this out but I have had Micaiah in the list and completed for a while now. I think she would a pretty awesome character. She will most likely appear in the next update.
Yay :D

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I will throw this out but I have had Micaiah in the list and completed for a while now. I think she would a pretty awesome character. She will most likely appear in the next update.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 23, 2007
Stamford, CT
I'm a fan after reading through this thread. Though you may not have all the best movesets, you have very solid selections and I'm having a good time reading through all the new character possibilities. Some of these could actually work and yet be very different than anything we've seen already. You've pretty much converted me on Takamaru and Baby Bowser (before I thought they'd be a just a typical Marth-like swordsman/Bowser clone respectively), and though I'm not sold on Lip, the idea isn't bad.

Keep up the good work.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I know it's ALLLLOOOOT to read and my apologies. I appreciate the time you take to read everything though.

I just think throwing out characters is dull so I decided to include everything. Movesets, kirby hats, victory poses, levels, and how the character will be played. I also wanted to make my opwn veteran final smashes. I also do ALOT of research on the characters using pre-existing movesets in the respective characters thread, movies on youtube, wikipedia articles, and game fansites.

But it's alot of fun. I do appreciate feedback or suggestions to make this list better.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Expect one as early as tommorow. This was a very busy week with having wisdom teeth pulled, school and exams, and my best friend and his wife having thier first baby so it's been rather hectic haha. I had problems coming up with a decent Wario moveset so I may not include that in the next update.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
Hey, I don't even like Wario as it is so I don't mind his update not being there.

Take your time with your personal affairs.

As long as I get your updates, I will be fine.

You're updates are second-best, only to Sakurai's (In my Opinion)

BTW, I love your signature. It's so entertaining. O_O

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
10/10 - Update #7

I had to alter my list because of the inclusion of Sonic today. I was on the fense post regarding his inclusion so that's one to many that I orginally thought. Anyways, I couldn't come up with a good enough Wario moveset that made him REALLY unique in such a short time so you may see his update later. So I replaced him with Jigglypuff.

EDIT: A altered Zants and Dark Samus profiles. Instead of Link facing Zant and Samus facing Dark Samus, I switched so a different Nintendo character fights them.


The brother of Mario is back which his Poltergust 3000 to suck up the competition. Though his moves mirrored Mario's, they had thier unique Luigi air to them.

Personal Thoughts: I think adding the Poltergust 3000 to Luigi makes him a very intresting character. I wouldn't change much about him.

Stage: Luigi's Mansion

Down B = Poltergust 3000
Luigi pulls out his vaccum and sucks in an opponent. While it doesn't do any damage, it had a very good reach and can hold people in place for a small duration of time.


hipsterkid said:
I think it'd work like Mr.G&W's Down B.
When some kind of projectile is fired at Luigi and you press down-b, he pulls out the Poltergust for a second and will suck it into the vacuum. After you collect so many projectiles, preferably 3, it will become full and when you press down-b again it can send out (randomly):

Fireballs: Causes burn that lasts about 3 seconds (dealing 10 damage/ second with low knockback).
Iceballs: Has high chance of freezing opponent (deals 20 damage on contact with mild knockback).
Waterballs: Makes your character slippery (deals 10 damage on contact with high knockback).


Some kind of ghost that flies foward and hits the opponent with mild power and high knockback. It then disappears.
Final Smash: Luigi Cyclone = Similar to his orginal down B attack, Luigi throws a opponent up and spins around so fast it creates a towring green tornado t hat throws the opponent around and then upwards. While it does have an area effect, the person caught in the middle recieves the most damage. Anyone who touches the cyclone gets thrown back.

Ahh Jigglypuff. The cute, adorable, and puffy pokemon we all love and hate. She has been able to earn her right in the Brawl roster since her introduction in SSB64. She remains reletively unchanged.

Personal Thoughts: We just need Jigglypuff. I don't see much change.

Stage: None

Final Smash: Lullaby - Jigglypuff grabs a microphone and belts out a massive Sing attack that puts everybody on the stage to sleep. From there, you have free reign to control her as you see fit.

Captain Olimar
The space captain himself. From the innovative game Pikmin, Captain Olimar descends with his tribe of pikmin to brawl with the finest. Utilizing a unique fighting style that incorporates pikmin, Olimar has the potential to take the lead. Many of his attacks are elemental in nature and long ranged. He has superb jumping abilities but he has average speed and weight. However, his long range attacks do pack some power so learn to use them for your advantage. As well, his pikmin-style attacks are more powerful then his own melee attacks.

Stage: The Forest of Hope

A, A, A = Punch, Punch, Pikmin
Delivers two small punches followed by a quick attack by a pikmin from the ground.
Side A = Pikmin Charge
Much like the last A combo but much stronger.
Down A = Moon Sweep
Olimar uses his legs to do a ground sweep.
Up A = Uppercut
Does a weak uppercut.
Air A = Space Cadet
Olimar punches downwards.
Air Side A = Lunar Knuckle
Winds back and delivers a powerful punch.
Air Down A = Foot Plant
Thrusts his foot downwards.
Air Up A = Air Thrust
Thrusts both hands into the air.
Running A = Flying Pikmin
Olimar runs forward and chucks a pikmin at high speeds.
Side Smash = Pikmin Pound
Reels back and two pikmin delivers a powerful punch attack.
Down Smash = Pikin Quake
Reels back and a pikmin delivers a powerful quake attack.
Up Smash = Astro Blast
Reels back and uses his jet back to smash upwards.

B = Pikmin Blast
Olimar will throw a random pikmin. A red one will cause more damage. A yellow one does less but is faster. Blue does water damage. The purple one has a high knockback. The white one has a sap-type effect on the opponent. This is random and has no set pattern.
Side B = March
Olimar directs a crowd of Pikmin. This will push characters along as the march. It slowly does damage as opponents are being pushed along. Press Side B again to change thier direction and speed. One press you cause they to return. The second will increase thier rate of marching. Third will decrease thier rate of marching. Finally, a fourth causes then to return back to foward marching. If Olimar does a command other then Foward B or is attacked, the Pikmin dissapear.
Down B = Surprise!
Olimar will whistle and a pikmin wil come up from the ground underneath the closest person jumping up and knocking the opponent up.
Up B = Anti-gravity
Captain Olimar will activate his zero gravity and cause him to float up suddenly. While it does no damage to himself, it is very fast. As well, anyone who gets near Olimar recieves the effects of the anti-gravity and tumbles int he air for a second.

Grab =
A = Punch (Punches his opponent)
Front Throw = Picks them up and drop kicks them foward.
Back Throw = Throws the opponent backwards and a pikmin, at high speeds, shoots at them.
Up Throw = Delivers three punching combos that knocks the opponent up.
Down Throw = Throws the opponent down and a pikmin delivers a small earthquake attack.

Final Smash: Pikmin Party: Captain Olimar calls a red, yellow, blue, purple, and white pikmin to the stage. They then do a unizon attack. The red delivers a powerful rush attack, followed by electrical attack by the yellow pikmin. The blue one will cause geysers to erupt from the field. The purple pikmin will then appear from the sky and smash down on the opponent. Any opponent not thrown off the stage will then have a sap type effect after the FS from the White Pikmin.

Kirby Hat: Olimars space helmet
Stage Entrance: Flies down in his spaceship, jumps off, and the spaceship leaves.
Taunt: Does a wierd type dance.
Victory Pose: (1) Jumps up and gives a thumbs up.
(2) Stars to command pikmin as they scatter around.
(3) Olimar appears fromt he side, marching across the stage, as a whole crowd of Pikmin follow.
Alternate Costumes: Blue spacesuit and white backpack, boots, and gloves. Light green spacesuit and blue backpack, boots, and gloves. Yellow spacesuit and orange backpack, gloves, and boots.

Macaiah is fromt he upcoming Wii game Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn. She is soley a magical user but also incoporates the help of her bird, Yune. She uses mostly light magik for both offensive and defensive purposes. She is al ight weight but her spells are powerful. As well, her shields are one of the strongest in the game. Her speed is average though. Her true strength lies in her casting abilities. Yune also follows her around.

Stage: N/A (Ideas would be great)


A, A, A = Light Punch, Magic Attack
Performs a light punch followed by a magical attack that blows the opponent away.
Side A = Magik Kick
Round-house kicks the opponent while her leg in enveloped in magic.
Down A = Light Star
Touches the ground and causes a small light ray to shoot up in front of her.
Up A = Barrier
Spins her hand above her head, forming a small barrier which can cause small damage opponents and protect her.
Air A = Magik Boost
Stops for a second, shoots magic from her body to knock opponents back.
Air Side A = Magik Push
Thrusts her arms forward and produces a high knock-back magik spell.
Air Down A = Leg Barrier
Thrusts her feet downwards and envelopes her legs in a barrier for added damage.
Air Up A = Rainbow Light
Makes a arc with her arm which leaves a magical rainbow-like trail.
Running A = Barrier Tackle
Runs at the opponent with a barrier in front of her, knocking any opponent out.
Side Smash = Light Fist
Reels back and thrusts her fist into the opponent; causing them to shoot away from magical knockback.
Down Smash = Sunny Ray
Reels back and performs a stronger Light Star which, depending on how you hold, it causes 1-3 rays.
Up Smash = Ray Kick
Reels back flips backwards causing a large lighting strike from her feet.

B = Light Diamond
Fires a very fast and powerful light spell which causes three beams to split apart and travel across the stage, crisscrossing eachother.
Side B = Yune
Micaiah ges into a trance and you are given control of the bird, Yune. You can do the following attacks: B= Pierce, Side B= Divebomb, Up B= Flight, and Down B= Grapple.
Down B = Holy Crystal
Surrounds herself in a crystal of light. Any attacks bounce of her and can cause damage. She can then release her crystal which explodes and damages anyone around her. The longer it takes damage, the stronger the final attack.
Up B= Hope
She surrounds herself in light and, with great speed, jumps extremely higher.

Grab =
A = Magik Zap (zaps the opponent with magic)
Front Throw = Shoots the opponent forward with a blast of magic.
Back Throw = Uses magic to hold the opponent and then throws it behind her.
Up Throw = Punches the opponent, flips back and kicks them upward.
Down Throw = Flies up using magic, and then using magic around her legs, kicks them back down to the ground.

Final Smash: Galdr of Release – Macaiah sings the song and transforms Yune into a giant bird of light. She jumps on top and they both perform a powerful light beam attack on the entire arena.

Kirby Hat: Her long lavender hair and blue ribbon.
Stage Entrance: She appears in a flash of light.
Taunt: Places he rhands on her heart, closes her eyes, breathes in and says "You can do this, Macaiah" and returns back to normal.
Victory Pose: (1) She bows and "I am very sorry".
(2) She raises her finger and Yune perches on top. She says "We made it, Right, Yune?"
(3) Macaiah begins to glow with a white light and she begins to sing a song.
Alternate Costumes: Dark green top, white leggings, purple ribbons/scarf, and a light green Yune. Purple top, yellow ribbons/scarf, beige leggings, and a pink Yune. White top, sky blue ribbons/scarf, white leggings, and a red Yune.
Bosses Profiles

Game: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Ike and Micaiah team up after finding themselves somehow transported to Hyrule Castle. Zant then appears and challenges Ike and Micaiah to a fight. He will transport you to several stages such as Lylat Cruise, Bowser’s Castle, Battleship Halberd, Twilight Palace, and then a Subspace-Only level. In each level, he will use the respective villains moveset and abilities in his own fashion much like in TP. In Lylat Cruise, he will use Wolf-type attacks such as firing magical rockets and land mines. In Bowser’s Castle he can cast fire-type spells and use his talons to grab enemies. In Battleship Halberd he can use lighting quick sword attacks and cloak himself. In Twilight Palace, he uses dark magical attacks and can alternate his sword. Finally, the last battle allows him to teleport around the stage, use his wrist swords, and fire dark energy blasts. Once you defeat Zant, he will explode. Ike and Micaiah transport out via dark magic and run into Midna who explains Ganondorf is behind this.

Dark Samus

Game: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Later on, Fox and Samus teams up and goes off to do battle with Ridley. However, during thier journey their ships are attacked by two figures: Dark Samus and Ridley! Ridley captures Samus and Fox's Arwing is flung down to the surface of a strange planet.
As Fox crash lands, the entire area is overwhelmed by darkness and Dark Samus appears. It begins attacking you. It is able to fire Phazon energy, uses a beam to wrap you in Phazon energy, deflect projectiles, teleport, and use extremely fast dashes to dodge attacks. Dark Samus is very fast and agile because of the Phazon. Pretty soon, Dark Samus will take to much damage and the dark world will slip. Attack her a couple more times and the dark barrier falls apart. Dark Samus does one last desperate attempt to attack but it countered by a flash of red, yellow, and blue. Out of the forest steps a little man in a spacesuit with small multi-colored creatures. Captain Olimar comes to the rescue!

Expect more soon!


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
Yay! Micaiah!
I loved her moveset :D
She, aside from Zelda, would totally be my main. :]]]]

I've never really liked Olimar but your moveset was pretty good so I will stay neutral on him from now on.

As for Jiggly Puff and Luigi... perfect!
For Luigi's down-b though, I had a different Idea.
I posted it in the Luigi forum and I'll fetch that for you...

Okay, I know I posted a potential special moveset here earlier that included using the Poltergust 3000. Here's how I think it'd work.

I think it'd work like Mr.G&W's Down B.
When some kind of projectile is fired at Luigi and you press down-b, he pulls out the Poltergust for a second and will suck it into the vacuum. After you collect so many projectiles, preferably 3, it will become full and when you press down-b again it can send out (randomly):

Fireballs: Causes burn that lasts about 3 seconds (dealing 10 damage/ second with low knockback).
Iceballs: Has high chance of freezing opponent (deals 20 damage on contact with mild knockback).
Waterballs: Makes your character slippery (deals 10 damage on contact with high knockback).


Some kind of ghost that flies foward and hits the opponent with mild power and high knockback. It then disappears.


and you had very good Boss Updates today!

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I liked the idea for your down B....do you mind me adding that to his moveset along with the orginal?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 23, 2007
Stamford, CT
Nice idea Hip, that would help separate him from his brother, which im guessing Sakurai is attempting to do further than in melee.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
Venus: Of course you could! I would be honored :p

BlackKnight: Thanks. I think he is trying to separate him more too.

BTW, what are you alls perspective on the TBD change made for the U.S.?
and what are you opinions on Sonic?

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
For Sonic, I am super stoked. From watching the video, he will be a kick-*** character to play as. As well, he's a nice addition to the roster. He's a very unique character. I can see him being VERY fast but hard to control like Mewtwo. However, his attacks would be some what slower.

As for the TPD, I think we might see a later December date. I believe that Smash may come out in America before Japan. Why? The Wii come out during the Christmas season last year. Obviously, Christmas is a much more bigger holiday here in the states then in Japan. Therefore, Nintendo knowing this will sell Brawl during the Christmas season to maximize profits. I am not exactly sure but one guess for the later Japanese date could be a Christmas-esque shopping time. I am not well versed in holidays in Japan but I will ask my Japanese language professor on Friday about holidays during that time.

Hipster, I was wondering what you thought of my treatment of Macaiah. Would you agree or disagree on how I portrayed her? I basically went from nothing save for example movesets and youtube videos.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 23, 2007
Stamford, CT
From the early looks of Sonic, something screams top of the tier list. Not only is he seemingly way faster than sheik/fox, but his moves seem very versatile. The charged spin-dash looks like a non-suicidal jigglypuff B, plus his jumping looks good early on. I was originally gonna go with a (hopefully) Ganondorf main with a little Link and possibly Ike play time, but if Sonic is as good as the video makes him look, i might have to switch. I have an affinity for pure speed.

As for the TBD, if it makes Smash better, why not. Japan's date was announced for January 24th (if im correct off the top of my head), so it can't be much later than that, and if at all it will probably be maybe a week or two later than originally planned. 14 more dojo updates, that's all.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We have about 20 actual confirmed characters (which is alot actually for fighting game standards haha). Given what Sakurai said, we have anywhere from 15-20 more characters to be revealed.

What I would give to see the actual update list that Sora Ltd. has. Haha.

Anyways, I may nor may not complete a Sonic moveset for next update. It all dpeends if I have time.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
For Sonic, I am super stoked. From watching the video, he will be a kick-*** character to play as. As well, he's a nice addition to the roster. He's a very unique character. I can see him being VERY fast but hard to control like Mewtwo. However, his attacks would be some what slower.

As for the TPD, I think we might see a later December date. I believe that Smash may come out in America before Japan. Why? The Wii come out during the Christmas season last year. Obviously, Christmas is a much more bigger holiday here in the states then in Japan. Therefore, Nintendo knowing this will sell Brawl during the Christmas season to maximize profits. I am not exactly sure but one guess for the later Japanese date could be a Christmas-esque shopping time. I am not well versed in holidays in Japan but I will ask my Japanese language professor on Friday about holidays during that time.

Hipster, I was wondering what you thought of my treatment of Macaiah. Would you agree or disagree on how I portrayed her? I basically went from nothing save for example movesets and youtube videos.
Yeah, I thought Sonic was going to be pretty awesome too. I'd like to try him a few times, only after Zelda, PT, and Pit.

Anyways, my guess for the TBD was that it was either going to be somewhere in the range of November 3 to January 20. I know November third is a little irrational but you never know. And I would agree with you that it would only make sense for better sales. Besides, what is going to compete with PS3's and XBox's Christmas sales for the year?

As for Micaiah, I have never really played a Fire Emblem game in my life but I have seen Micaiah in videos. I'm kinda on the same boat as you there but I know your moveset is very right in the sense that it's using light magic (that's basically what she runs on.) However I do have a suggestion. Maybe quote that part of the update and post it in the Micaiah forum and see what comments you get there.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
10/16 Update #8

Sorry no character updates today. I know I said the next update will consist of two of them however I wanted to make a change to my roster and add some items/pokemon.

Ok to business. I took out Ness. Reasons being I am now convinced that Ness will not return for SSBB. By looking how Lucas will play, I believe Lucas will take Ness's place as the Earthbound roster. As much as I would love to see Ness return as his high tier SSB64 version, Lucas looks like to take his place. Therefore I removed Ness from the list,

Secondly, I removed the Oendan character. As much as I would love to see them in the game, I realized how complicated it would be to include them. As well, I just wanted to try creating a moveset and I truly don't believe they will make it into Brawl. They were basically a wishlist character. I will proably add them later with various other wishlist characters in much later updates.

I will be including 5 new items and 4 new pokemon in this update.


Blue Shell
Game: Mario Kart 64
Description: When thrown, this shell will hone into the character that is currently in the lead for points. It will then detonate causing a large blue blast.
Fighter Band
Game: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Description: Any opponent wearing this iron band increases their attacks by two percent. The band would have would be made of iron with gems set inside and worn on the hand.

Game: Animal Crossing
Description: Ever wanted to throw a chair or a painting? These items appear randomly from the Animal Crossing world. They are different furniture that you can receive in the games. Some examples are Kiddie Dresser, Modern Lamp, Lovely Chair, Spooky Clock, Chalk Board, Red Vase, Fan Palm, and Famous Painting.
Gravity Gun
Game: Custom Robo
Description: A fairly large gun that can be used to keep opponents grounded on the ground. Firing at them while in the air will cause they to come crashing to the ground. If they are on the level, they wont be able to jump and movement is heavily restricted.
Chaff Grenade
Game: Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
Description: This is used for any projectile. By throwing it, it will scatter instrument jamming particles in the air and deter any projectile used or thrown at you. In some cases, electronically projectiles (missiles, rockets, etc) will be redirected at the user.

Psyduck <---He looks like demon psyduck haha.
Attacks: Psychic – Pysduck takes many hits until he releases a devastating psychic attack. The more damage he takes, the stronger the attack.
Fury Swipes – Psyduck charges a opponent while unleashing many swipe attacks.

Attacks: Thunder Fang – Charges up, and then shoots off across the stage in blinding speed electrocuting anything in the way.
Spark – Sits in one places and releases a massive amount of electrical energy.

Attacks: Ominous Wind – Puffs up and then releases wind. Anyone on either side will be pushed far back to the side.
Silver Wind – Comes to the ground, puffs up, and anyone above it will be shot upwards with a gust of wind.

Attacks: Extremespeed – Roars upwards and then appears on the side of the screen and rushes forward across the stage.
Outrage: Flies down to an area of the stage and starts thrashing around causing widespread damage.
The next update will be what is on the first page.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
I liked your Pokemon/Item updates today.

I've always thought that the Blue TurtleShell was a good item for Brawl. The other items were great as well.

I liked your Pokemon ideas. I could see everyone of those Pokemon make it as Pokeballs.
Although for Rayquaza, I would prefer some kind of Outrage where he centers himself in the center of the stage and starts traveling around in circular motions with electricity flooding through him.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Thanks. I am starting to draw a close to the actual characters so I wanted to do a non-character update.

That is a intresting idea for Outrage.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
Well this update was definitely a peculiar one yet a spectacular one at that.

No disappointment here.

About the outrage...
it just seemed right for the moment.
If it's totally odd, then I have no problem with you saying so. :p

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I am glad to see that the non-character update was so well recieved. I was thinking that it wouldn't because it doesn't have any new characters.

I am still working on the design but I am starting to make plans to create a section for my SSBB ideas on my website. It will proably be around next month.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
10/18/07 - Updated #9

Here we go. The next update. I really did enjoy getting together the last update so I hope you enjoy this one as well.

EDIT: Updated King Dedede's picture.


Mr. Game and Watch
Ahh, Mr. Game and Watch. The obscure smash character we most likely had no idea who, what he was when he first heard of him. But he introduced a new unique style of gameplay. With his quirky attacks and intresting moveset, Mr. G and W is still indeed a awesome character.

Personal Thoughts: I personally think Mr. G and W should be in the starting roster. He seems like starting material to me. Other then that, the same old guy.

Stage: Flatzone

Final Smash: OCTOPUS!!!: Mr. Game and Watch summons a giant octopus that crushes up from upwards from the ground. It then uses it's tenticles to smash the heck out of all the players. The movements of the tenticles are very random and hard to predict.

King Dedede
King Dedede, while is a one of the larger characters, is suprisingly light. Maybe because he's a penguin....or a duck. Anyways, King Dedede hails from the land of Kirby and is his main archnemisis. He can inflate like Kirby, swallow, and utilizes a giant hammer as an attack. His close range attack ratings tend to lean toward the weaker ratings however his highest point of attack if when the momentum of his attacks is at it's peak because he puts his weight into it.

Stage: None

A, A = Slap, Slap
Slaps with one hand, turns and slaps with the other.
Side A = Hammer Time
Takes a small swing with his hammer.
Down A = Low Belly
Pushes forward his belly as an attack.
Up A = Sky Headbutt
Jumps up slightly, thrusting his head upwards.
Air A = Air Hammer
Takes out his hammer and whacks forward.
Air Side A = Somersault Crash
Flips forward crashing into the enemy.
Air Down A = Drill Kick
Extends his two feet downwards and spins like a drill.
Air Up A = Hammer Thrust
Thrusts his hammer up into the air.
Running A =Penguin Slide
Jumps onto the ground and slides forward; knocking over any opponent.
Side Smash = Super Hammer
Reels back and swings the hammer on it’s side for a high knock back.
Down Smash = Belly Spin
Reels back and lies on his belly; spinning around.
Up Smash = Bicycle Kick
Reels back and flips backwards kicking the opponent.

B = Swallow
Sucks in the opponent and then shoots them back out. Dedede’s sucking ability is much extended then Kirby’s however cannot hold them as well as Kirby. However, he can shoot farther then Kirby and causes more damage.
Side B = Hammer Squash
This attack is chargeable. King Dedede hoists his hammer and slams it down on the ground causing the opponent to be squashed on the ground.
Down B = Back Breaker
King Dedede will jump high in the air and then come crashing down, landing on his stomach thus squashing any characters underneath. However, he lays therefore a while so be careful.
Up B= Inflate
King Dedede inflates himself even more and floats upwards. He then can move around or even rotate himself. When he deflates, a gust of wind propels him in that direction. It can also be used to blow opponents away or off ledges.

Grab =
A = Peck (Pecks the opponent)
Front Throw = Throws the opponent forward and then jumps on top of them.
Back Throw = Grabs the opponent, puts them on his back, and jumps backwards; landing on them.
Up Throw = Turns the opponent upside down and puts them between his legs. He then jumps up and then comes down landing on them. Piledriver.
Down Throw = Throws them down, sits on them, and pulls their leg backwards which causes a lot of damage.

Final Smash: Royal Crush – King Dedede slaps his knees like a sumo wrestler and tackles one opponent. He grabs his opponent and performs a Kirby-esque pile-driver and slams the opponent down on the ground. King Dedede then jumps up, floats a bit up in the air, and then comes spinning down, butt first on to the opponent.

Kirby Hat: King Dedede's hat and beak.
Stage Entrance: NOTE: I would appreciate any ideas for this. I know little of King Dedede.
Taunt: Srands up his hammer, leans on it, and gives a laugh.
Victory Pose: (1) Jabs twice at the screen and the puts his hands on his hips while laughing.
(2) Starts to frantically pound the ground.
(3) Squats down like a sumo wrestler, tilts to one side, then the other.
Alternate Costumes: Black coat with red linings and black hat with white lining. Green coat with blue linings and blue hat with red lining. Blue coat with yellow linings and blue hat with green lining.

Masked Man (Claus)
The Masked Man is one of the main antagonist in the game Mother 3. He is a tragic and emotional character who fights with extreme brutality and emotionless attitude. He wields his sword and blasts away his arm cannon with unmerciless fighting ability. Masked Man is a medium weight characters with lighting fast sword abilities. His non-sword abilities however are not as fast. As well, he flinches less then other characters and has a strong shield.

Stage: Possibly Old Pork Town.

A, A = Punch, Beam Saber
Does a punch followed by a slash from his beam saber.
Side A = Cannon Smash
Swings his arm cannon horizontally.
Down A = Low Kick
Kicks low to the ground.
Up A = Spinning Cannon
Does a spinning uppercut but with his arm cannon.
Air A = Light Saber
Swings his beam saber forward.
Air Side A = Flipping Heel
Flips forward and smashes his heel downwards.
Air Down A = PSI Knee
Envelopes his knee with PSI energy and smashes it downwards.
Air Up A = Flying Thrust
Thrusts his beam saber upwards.
Running A = Crimson Slash
Hoists his beam saber and swings it really fats in front of him.
Side Smash = Mega Cannon
Reels back and then thrusts his arm cannon in front. As soon as it reaches it’s farthest point, he lets out an explosive.
Down Smash = Downward Spiral
Reels back and spins downwards with his beam saber extended.
Up Smash = Triple Slash
Reels back and slashes his sword three times above his head.

B = Beam Cannon
Fires a long and slow beam from his arm cannon. However, it will not disappear when it hits an opponent. It will continue to travel pushing back the opponent until it finally disappears.
Side B = Zero Strike
Claus will jump forward with his beam saber raised. He brings his sword down. If it connects, the opponent will be slightly stunned. Press forward B again to execute a quick horizontal slash which allow for another combo. Press forward B again for Claus to deliver a upwards slanted sword strike. Press forward B again for Calus to strike downwards again. Finally, press forward B to cause Claus to thrust his beam saber forward and causes a high knockback. After each hit, the opponent is stunned. However, Claus to has a bit of a one second lag lag after each strike however, if don’t correctly, it can cause up to 6 attacks.
Down B = PSI Thunder
Claus will cause a PSI Thunder to erupt around around him. Lighting shoots up from the ground into to the sky.
Up B= Metallic Wings
Claus uses his metallic wings to fly upwards. If he comes into contact with anyone, he pushes them downwards and slashes them with his sword.

Grab =
A = Cannon (Uses his cannon to hit the opponent)
Front Throw = Throws the opponent down in front of him and delivers 3 quick sword strikes.
Back Throw = Throws the opponent up, jumps up, knees, them and kicks them backwards.
Up Throw = Throws them up, they land on his arm cannon, and he shoots off a beam.
Down Throw = Slams the opponent down and delivers a strike from his sword.

Final Smash: Army of Pigs: Claus summons are huge army of of explosive pigs. They rush towards the closest opponent and upon impact, set off a huge explosion causing massive damage to the blast area and lesser damage farther away.

Kirby Hat: Masked Man's helmet.
Stage Entrance: Comes flying down on his metallic wings, lands, and stand sup straight brandishing his beam saber
Taunt: Swings his beam sabre diagonally, says "hmmph" and goes back to fighting stance.
Victory Pose: (1) De-activates his beam saber, turns away and folds his arms.
(2) Swings his beam saber a couple of times and then de-activates it.
(3) Activates his metallic wings, envelopes himself with them, and flies off.
Alternate Costumes: Dark blue coat, black helmet, and dark green pants. Dark red coat, white helmet, and black pants. White coat, gold helmet, and dark purple pants.

Game: Mario Kart 64
When this item is activated, it causes the screen to flash and lighting strikes the stage. Every person besides the item user is turned small for an duration of time.

Winged Cap
Game: Super Mario 64
Once the cap is put on, it allows other characters without gliding abilities the ability to glide through the air. However, after a duration of time – the cap will disappear and the character will fall to the stage.

Nun chucks
Game: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Arm yourself with this fast and agile weapon. Perform fast and quick combos as you whack your opponent in submission.

Luigi’s Mansion
Game: Luigi’s Mansion
Type of Stage: Stationary, Multi-Level, No Walk-Offs, Hazards
Size: Medium

Straight from the game Luigi’s Mansion comes a level of freaky proportions. Try and stay alive in this creepy old mansion as you dodge boos and other ghosts and the electricity on occasion going out. There is the center round platform with stairs leading to a balcony in the background. On either side of the center platform are two smaller ones. One juts out from the balcony while other is below and slightly to the side away from the center platform. However, these platforms slide in and out of the background wall. Directly above the center platform is a large chandelier with two smaller chandeliers on either side. On occasion boos will come and attack you. Also, various other ghosts from the game will make their appearances and harm you. As well, a lighting strike will hit the mansion thus cutting off the lights. Luckily, there are still candles burning so that will be your only light until the electricity kicks back on.
More to come!

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Thanks! I always wanted Luigi's Mansion for Melee. I have a feeling it will be in SSBB though.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
Nice ideas on the movesets for Dedede and Claus!
I'm not the biggest fan of Game and Watch but if he returns, I will not be saddened.

About the items...
I liked the Mario Kart/ Mario 64 ones. Both cleverly thought out and original.
The nun chucks were totally random and they made me laugh. I liked them :p

I've never really played Luigi's mansion for more than like 3 minutes but I did see that area and it is a good idea!

Great post as usual.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 18, 2006
Middletown, CT
You sir are cool!

Also, I think Ness will be back....just because Sakurai mentions him, if he didnt plan on including him....I dont think he would have bothered to mention his name.

Also: For Dededes entrance, he would most likely float onto the stage, then release the air in his stomach and land on the ground. Basic yes, but it works.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Also: For Dededes entrance, he would most likely float onto the stage, then release the air in his stomach and land on the ground. Basic yes, but it works.
I was thinking something along those lines as well.

The Qu

Smash Apprentice
Oct 2, 2007
Great ideas! I especially like the G&W set. BTW, the lightning is confirmed as per a few videos from E for All.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
10/24/07 - Update #10

Sadly, my laptop recently died. However, I was able to salvbage the harddrive and plan on converting it into a external harddrive. So as of rigtt now, all my data is not avaliable. Therefore, this is all wirtten out on the spot. As well, I tried this last night but my web browser became frozen.

Assist Trophies
Team Rocket
Game: Pokemon Red and Blue
Description: Two team rocket members appear and throw out two pokeballs. One is Zubat who fires off a single Supersonic attack which confuses the player. Your movements are inversed for a bit. The other pokemon is Arbok who does Poison Sting. It fires off multiple needles half way across the stage which may sap strength for a short duration of time.

Game: Mother 3
Kumatora appears and casts PK Starstorm which causes 3-6 stars to fall from the sky. The amount of damage is enormous at the center of the strike zone however it must be in the center for it to get the damage. She then leaves.

Game: Machrider
Machrider comes blasting around the area, running over people. He will on occassion shoot at the players with his gun. If you are hit by his ride, there is a extreme knockback (think a lesser version of Super Sonic).
Peach's Cruise
Game: B/A
Type of Level: Moving, Multi-Platform, Walkoff, Hazards

Description: What can be better then a beautiful sunset, happy dolphins, danceable carribean music, and the salty air? A fun filled Brawl on the main deck. Battle your friends out on the deck of Peach's Cruise. In the background, dolphins (from Super Mariop World) will appear. The background is set on a set rotation. First, it will be morning and you pass by Delfino Plaza. Then you pass by Donkey Kong Island (Donkey Kong Country), Onset Island (Wind Waker), Rainbow Resort (Kirby), and S.S. Anne (Pokemon). Finally, the cruise will go to open seas and night sets in. A storm appraoches for a duration of time until it breaks and you arrive back in morning at Delfino Plaza. The ship as multiple layers on it. The first is thew largest and it's the main deck. There is a canopy with food underneath that players can jump on top of. To the left is a large smoke stack (from Mario Kart Double Dash) however it will honk on occassion knocking off players. In the middle of the pipie is a landing deck. To the right of the canopy are three boxes. On occasion, when the boat tips foward, the boxes will move foward and then bgackwards when the ship tips backwards. When the storm hits, water will surge over the deck possibly sweeping players off the stage.

Port City
Game: F-Zero
Type of Level: Moving, Multi-Platform, Hazards, Knock-Off

Description: The stage first starts off a moving ship much like the big ship from Big Blue. It finally stops, hovers, and the ship drops it's cargo. The players then fall down to a smaller cricle platform (much like Final Destination but smaller). Lights pour onto the stage as opponents fight it out. On occasion, camera-droids will shoot upwards and players can grab hold of or stand on. However, they will stop going upwards or starting going back downwards slowly. Finally. the platform gives up and the players drop even farther down onto a metal-grated stage for the rtest of the match. Below them are the racers but, on occassion,t he racers will be catapulted over the level so make sure your ducking or on the main platform. Above the main platform are two smaller platforms and then another small platform above them. Again, camera droids will come and tape you fight which you can see on one of the big screens in the background.

Duck Hunt
Game: Duck Hunt
Type of Level: Knock Off, Hazards, Simple

Description: This stage is fairly simple save for one BIG hazard. You fight on a island with tall grass and a tree in the middle. You can be knocked off the stage or you can swim to safety. On occasion, you will see ducks fly upwards. That's when you best look out. The hunter will start shooting at the ducks but, on occasion, will shoot you. In takes automatically 50% on your damage meter. If you see a crosshair (much like the one from Goldeneye), make a really quick move or you will be shot. Afterwards, the laughing dog will appear but only if one of the players is shot.

Zombie Pill
What is scarier then a zombie? A zombie Pikachu, Kirby, or Peach, that's what! This intresting new item basically transform your character - into a blood-sucking evil zombie! While toned down graphically then it's other video game counterparts, it leaves your oppnent with a pale face, white eyes, and torn version of thier outfit. This effect lasts about 50 seconds. Press the regular item button to allow your character to grab hold a nearby victi....errr...player and drain the life out of them. Watch as thier damage meter rises and yours falls! However, avoid taking heatlh items such as Heart Containers or Maxim Tomatoes as they cause damage for you. Once you activate FS mode, the zombie mode is nullified and won't appear afterwards. The zombie pill looks like a roundish object with a cartoony zombie face in the middle. Once it is picked up, the player eats and thus transforms.
I had this idea a few days ago of a revamped training mode that allows you to test your skills. You can customize the CPU you are battling with in two different ways:

CPU Personality

CPU Intellegence

The CPU Personality allows you to adjust the aggressiveness of the CPU player. The choices are:
Dummy - Will just stand there and move around; usually away from you.
Pacifist - Obviously, the opponent will not attack much.
Less Passive - The opponent will use more damaging attacks.
Normal - A regular player.
Less Aggressive - The opponent will use more damaging attacks then normal.
Aggressive - The opponet will seek you out and use advantages for a kill.
Warmonger - This opponent is blood thirsty. Be careful.

Then you combine these with CPU Intellegence. This allows you to adjust the ability level of the opponent. For these we have:
Trainee - The lowest of low. He uses mostly standard attacks. May not even use a recovery attack sometimes.
Rookie - A level up and undderstands how to play at a basic level.
Below Average - A bit below Average. Understands the basics of the game mechanics.
Average - Plans on the level of a average player.
Above Averahe - Plays on a level above the nromal SSBB player.
Experienced - These opponents know how to play the game good. They use advanced tactics as well.
Pros - These are best of the best. They use every move int he book perfectly.

You can combine these two create your own stylized CPU character for example a Pro Dummy or a Trainee Warmonger. Best part is you then use this template for your own cutsomized CPU in Vs mode when you don't have any friends to play with or don't feel like playing online.

However, for a added feature in Training mode comes a Brawl exsclusive character. In SSBM, we had the Sandbag to hit around in the Home Run Contest. Now, with a revamped Training mode, we have a new battler on the field. In order to unlock him, you must complete 50 hours worth of training sessions with any character. As well, you recieve his trophy, a theme song, and a themed training stage. This new enemy is...

Teddy Bear

While many may scoff at this idea, who cannot resist on beating up a helpless Teddy Beat? Well, for one this teddy isn't helpless. It would be slightly bigger then bosser with fairly good speed but amazing attacking range. However, it's rather slow nbut that's ok, it's training. As well, this is not the official design. I will draw it's picture and post it up as soon as I can. Who knows, maybe he might get his spotlight in the next Smash game?
Expect either the next ACTUAL update sometime next week or two; depending when I get my new computer. I may add one more surprise update in between then.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
Sorry it took so long to respond, but I really liked some of your ideas.

The Team Rocket one was really cool.
I'd really like to see it be Jessi and James but that's anime so we'll just leave that out. :p
Nonetheless, I would like to see them with stronger Pokemon. Maybe a Persian that randomly jumps at a character and claws at them vigorously? and a Rhydon that creates an earthquake/shockwave that deals massive damage along with the Pitfall effect? Just ideas.

Anyways, Kumatora's idea was good but I really didn't care much for the Machrider. He's just dead to me so who cares? I loved the Zombie Pill. That was one heck of an original idea. I give that in particular 2 thumbs up, 5 stars, etc. Stages rocked! Teddy bear would be cool but I don't see how they would be able to implement such a cute and harmless little being. :p

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I drew a picture of Teddy Bear and he looks pretty freakin mean.

As for the Zombie idea, I thought that would be intresting a while ago but I capitalized it more since I started playing the BGSU Humans V. Zombies Game.....it's basically a university-wide two week long survival-hunt fest with nerf guns on th euniversity grounds.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
Greenville, SC
Venus, I really like your thread! It's cool because you're just putting what you like and are coming up with some really cool ideas, so way to go.

Just to comment on some of your character ideas...
1. WWLink -- The uniqueness of his moveset is great, and the level idea is nice, too, but I think a better level would be to travel among the islands of that game for more variety, or to travel around the areas of the same island in a circle.
2. Black Knight -- The, uh, I think "shatter" or "shredder" move was an awesome idea, where he drags the sword on the ground and then hits someone with it... way cool.
3. Ganondorf -- I like the idea of switching between sword and magic hand, but I think it would be cooler to just have his smash attacks be sword and special moves be magical.
4. Geno -- Oh, one thing I was thinking about is, when he does rocket punch, do his arms shoot out with strings attached, and then retract? Or do they just go out and his arms reappear? I woul think they should go out with strings and come back, so that an attack on the arms would cancel the move and/or do some damage to him. That and I think his level should be the forest where he first appears in SMRPG wiht that music.
5. Cluas -- I don't really know anything about Mother 3, but after looking at the moveset, this guy should totally be in.

In general, I think your movesets need to be more unique, because I beleive that's the direction this game is headed in. But otherwise, cool.

This thread is great, I'm looking forward to checking your updates!

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Yeah, I understand about making more movesets more unique. Just because a character uses a sword does not mean they have a moveset alike to Link or Ike.

As for Geno, I didn't mention this but his hands would proably return. I will make a note to add that in when I update next.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Update #11

This was a very impromptu update haha. I have some time before work so I wanted to do some things before hand. First off, I added damages percent for Diddy Kong and WW Link. Expect more from that in other profiles.

I was also lacking a solid roster lineup so people can go and see whoose on my list without scrolling through 6 pages so on the first three posts of mine, I put pictures of the roster shown thus far. The only one I am missing in Claus's but that's because I lacked one when I made them a few weeks ago. I will put one up after I get my new computer and everything back to normal.

Also to add some substance to this update, I added profiles of Wario, Metaknight, Snake, and Pit.


As stated in the Dojo, Wario will be a very unique and intresting character. From waht I have seen in screenshots and videos, his attacks seem very bizzare and different. He though proably be a heavyweight character. However, his slowness which comes with being heavyweight will not affect his down B attack. Plus he gains some speed using his foward B attack.

Stage: Wario Ware

Final Smash: Bio-Hazard Wario: From what we saw in the first trailer, this is a much bigger and badder version of his Wario Wraft. Wario eats a really greasy and spicy dish and his belly starts to grow. He bends over and a light shines aorund his butt. Finally, a blinding light envelopes the stage and the entire stage is engulfed in a plume of smoke and gas. As well, the screen shakes during this part. The smoke finally clears and Wario has a hole in his pants for the rest of the game. This has a huge knokckback both backwards and upwards. It is very very damaging however, the catch is that Wario can take a certain amounts of hits as he charges up his attack. If he gets caught in a combo, he can not perform his Final Smash.

This echoes what everyone else has said about this caped menance that he has excellent combo abilities but no killing attacks. This seems, to me at least, fairly balanced. Metakniight seemed to powerful in this regards. This does not take away the coolness that is this character.

Stage: Halberd

Final Smash: Cape of Darkness: Metaknight envelopes his black cape around a character turning the screen black. In a instant, he slices his opponent with a one hit KO. The catch is Metaknight must be next to an opponent in order to do this.

Snake? SNAAAAKKKE!!!! I had tot hat haha. From the videos we have seen, Snake seems alike a slow but powerful character. I also like how it sounds like explosions every single time Snake attacks.

Stage: Shadow Moses Island

Final Smash: Air Strike: Snake chucks a multi-colored smoke signal at the opponent. Pulling out a small laser, he radios in a air strike. Fairly soon, the opponent is bombardened with laser-guides missiles. Anyone caught in this blast is also subject to damage but it is mostly a Final Smash that focuses on one character. Afterwards, Snake smiles and says "Was that enough for you, huh?"

This character seemed to be the most inresting character in SSBB early on. However, I have heard alot of dissapointing rumors about him so I hoipe he ends up being a pretty good character to use. I like the idea of gliding.

Stage: Skyworld

Final Smash: Palutena’s Army: Palutena, Pit's "boss", summons a army of centurions which fly and attack the opponents. From what I have heard, this attack is sporadic but very powerful. I wwould of liked to thought that the centurions actually used strategy to attack. Like leading a opponent and then having another flank them and attack or a spearhead type manuever. But I don't believe that is gonna happen.

Sorry if this update was lame but I wanted to do that roster and the percentages since I had some time before work. I promise the next update will be better. Expect a new character update some time next week or the week after that.


Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2007
El Paso! :D
Glad you finally got around to adding on this group of manly men.
Just a question, but have you added the Pokemon Trainer yet? I don't recall him being added to you roster but then again I could've forgotten.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
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