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Utrick'd3 Mafia! Light at the end of the tunnel!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Soup's reasoning is so awful that I refuse to believe that if he had any scummates with which to communicate with they would allow him to continue posting like that.. I just the vote on Orbo after chastising the wagon is so ridiculously anti-town and non-committal.. I just ..

Regardless if you're honestly going to play anti-town that we don't need you around come Lylo. Your play afterwards is weirder and weirder, what with trying to get the new player to swing over to you immediately after you had started generating a lot of hate. The play just reeks.

Vote Soup
What are you even saying here?

Red Ryu said:
I like Orbo's responses a bit, it's his honesty with situations without appealing that makes me think he isn't on todays list of needs to go.

Vote: Soup

Orbo, Zen come aboard.
Mad Scummy said:
Not interested.

Vote: Zen

Joey/Soup get on this please, a little pressure would be great.
Glad to know we're going to play this game in teniments and people are just going to try and side with people instead of working together, that's what I really enjoy in mafia. I want a solid explanation to this honestly, this buddying up bull**** is gonna stop because i've seen it happen enough already to make me want to gag.

Kary, I don't understand your play here, and the reason I voted your hydra is because you're asking me something trying to say that I am going to just be willing to do it. I liked one response from you and that's it.

Red Ryu, Your play is ****ing terrible this game, I cannot even stress how hard you tried to put forth content in RVS and then after RVS you go quiet and decide that you're only worth voting the person who gave you chase in the first place, not the mention all your godawful excuses that you've made for your whole play. I wanted to believe you were possibly being dumbtown but I cannot fathom that you would suddenly get a change of heart and vote me back just as i'm getting pressure. Why did you wait? What about Uguu? Why are the only people besides Joey and Orbo that give you **** scum?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Mad scummy:

Swiss, you scum?
Is he? Can I get an actual answer to this or am I the only person to be fighting this uphill battle of a game? I haven't that great of a day either so excuse my attitude, I am trying to play this game however and I am a bit pissed at how it's going

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I don't really care for Vinyl. that much to be honest, he comes around sometimes when he's prodded enough but hasn't done anything substantial, maybe he could change my mind if he threw a vote somewhere and didn't play wishy-washy with all his stances.

Vinyl drop me a comprehensive read list when you can thanks

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm angry and I've had a bad day so i'm gonna rant about my reads

Joey is the only player i like this game, he's given effort to do things and I liked his chase on Swiss a lot, while he still hasn't done anything huge his attitude is towny.

Zen keeps random voting and is probably looking for reactions of some sort, either that or he's playing hard to his meta as scum hoping that nobody notices, I would say it depends on how he responds to things but saying 'he probably has a restriction' isn't going to change anything; he's honestly probably scum if he keeps this up

Karthik had one good post about inactivity and that's it, this jump on me i could care less but the fact he hasn't been pushing inactives like he said or made that preach about them and has inactive himself is awful, I know the side has KevMo and I don't expect 100% activity but to come out and just vote me with half-***** reasoning such me being a problem or being anti-town or whatever crap he said doesn't fly; null-scum

Already talked about RR.

Uguu needs to come in here and do something more also, he made a hard stance on Red Ryu then sat back like nothing, he needs to come in here and speak more relevant; null

Mad Scummy/Kary is a slot I want to like but if they keep doing things like I pointed out then I won't have a problem with them gone, I believe they will town-tell on their own or Kary will hide behind inane questioning like his job as scum; null-town depending on response

Orbo is town, and honestly another player i like here, he's genuine and he isn't trying hard to fit in, while he might not be a fantastic player i think he would be easy to work with; town

I hate Swiss this game, I don't know if it's his hydra but I generally find his play bull**** and would love to tear him apart, frankly I cannot do that as he's gonna play as hurr unreadable all goddamn game; null (unwillingly)

Talked about Vinyl. already in last post

Inactives are Bardull, Ryker/J who haven't even made a single post yet. I'd throw Uguu as inactive also but what the **** can you do

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Soup's reasoning is so awful that I refuse to believe that if he had any scummates with which to communicate with they would allow him to continue posting like that.. I just the vote on Orbo after chastising the wagon is so ridiculously anti-town and non-committal.. I just ..

Regardless if you're honestly going to play anti-town that we don't need you around come Lylo. Your play afterwards is weirder and weirder, what with trying to get the new player to swing over to you immediately after you had started generating a lot of hate. The play just reeks.

Vote Soup
Cooled down a slight bit so I owe you a legitimate response. I explained this, and I'm not even on the freaking guy anymore. Why is this such an issue? Excuse me pointing the finger but what the hell about everyone else that was on Orbo at that interval? I am not going to go through this same crap because I am going to give you the same response I gave to everyone else.

blah blah anti-town crap shove it

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Vote: Soup
Zen, play the ****ing game. I'm not doing this, I didn't accept it the first time and I'm not accepting it now, I will shoot you in the goddamn face if you don't give me a legitimate response, and yes, I have a gun.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Also your votes are completely random and have no basis besides the fact you might have ulterior motives that you wish to keep hidden because you're looking for a certain reaction, that's the only guess I have otherwise you're bull****ting and don't have anything


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Soup - Already Gave it out. Not as scummy, but someone to look onto.

Leading Man - Nothing from him. Null.

Uguu - Hasn't done much but has gave out his suspicion on RR, so nulltown.

Kary - Hardcore on things, but a little too direct. A weird feel, actually. Null.

>mfw this hydra - I can't even tell. Null.

RR - Already gave it out, scummy play.

Swords_R - Hasn't done much. Null.

Bardull - Hasn't done much. Null.

Orbo - He's been doing pretty good so far, He responds and gives out question. Still, he should probably be doing a little better than that. Town.

Zen - Random voting without reason is just something I mind a little. Not sure why he's doing this. Null/scum lean.

Gova - Not doing much. Null.

Joey - Town as he gives out some good questions and suspicion. He's the only one that communicated with me mostly with questions. He's pretty focused on this, lol.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
And then Zen completely ignored what I had to say.

Vote: Zen

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'm down for an inactive lynch day one, Uguu or Bardull if they choose to ignore the thread.

Surprised J hasn't posted on that hydra.


>mfw this hydra

Swiss|Dark Horse
Jul 23, 2012
Civil Piss War
Well, they aren't good details, lol.

Fom the past pages, It looks like RR has made some mess-ups and tries to correct you guys to understand.

Soup has only made a sheeping, as some of you said so. I already asked him if he voted orbo by being inactive and responds that he voted for the sake of voting. He already unvotes orbo because he finds him okay for today.

I feel as if RR is more faulty than soup is right now.
You're really useful.

I don't really care for Vinyl. that much to be honest, he comes around sometimes when he's prodded enough but hasn't done anything substantial, maybe he could change my mind if he threw a vote somewhere and didn't play wishy-washy with all his stances.

Vinyl drop me a comprehensive read list when you can thanks
> Asking X1 to have a read on Swiss 3 pages into the game.

GJ Get vigged.

Cooled down a slight bit so I owe you a legitimate response. I explained this, and I'm not even on the freaking guy anymore. Why is this such an issue? Excuse me pointing the finger but what the hell about everyone else that was on Orbo at that interval? I am not going to go through this same crap because I am going to give you the same response I gave to everyone else.

blah blah anti-town crap shove it
>Makes a scummy vote/play
>"wtf guys why still mad at me i unvoted"

Let's put this in a different context.

>Runs over child
>Reverses car
>"wtf guys i reversed get over it"


Zen, play the ****ing game. I'm not doing this, I didn't accept it the first time and I'm not accepting it now, I will shoot you in the goddamn face if you don't give me a legitimate response, and yes, I have a gun.
Please, stake the moral high ground more.

You claim to have a gun. I'd shoot it sooner rather than later since I fully intend to see you dead.

The night is dark and full of terrors.

Soup and Vinyl can die. Joey needs to grow a ****in' brain. Orb, RR town.

J I know you're active, why so scared to post in thread without Ryker? Ah, because you're scum.

Sure am glad I have a hydra partner to help me out here. Would suck if I only hydra'd with someone because they asked and then they didn't do ****.

Mad Scummy

Aug 24, 2010
Actually its Kary | X1
Not interested.

Vote: Zen

Joey/Soup get on this please, a little pressure would be great.

Vig should shoot Bardull.
^This? fishing for responses. Mostly from Vinyl, but ehh

What about Bardull makes him vigworthy Mad scummy?
^ Town
Thought Bardull more likely to respond than other inactives
And, being inactive, among other things

Vote: Mad Scummy
^ Town
But really, it's a bit late in the Day for reaction/random votes.

Soup's reasoning is so awful that I refuse to believe that if he had any scummates...

Vote Soup
^ Don't like this. Why is Soup a better lynch than say, Zen or an inactive?

Kary, I don't understand your play here, and the reason I voted your hydra is because you're asking me something trying to say that I am going to just be willing to do it. I liked one response from you and that's it.
As I said, fishing for responses. I thought a Zen waggon would be worth starting to see how it went. I'm not expecting you to just do it, but I'd hoped you'd join me to help move the game along.

Mad Scummy

Aug 24, 2010
Actually its Kary | X1
Hi Swiss. How so confuse Vinyl and X1? Weird.

You'd rather Soup/Vinyl before an inactive Y/N?

@ninja; smells like townSoup; incentive for scumSoup vote on us?
clarification soon

Mad Scummy

Aug 24, 2010
Actually its Kary | X1
also, Orbo vote + leap on RR smells like townSoup

and @Soup: Swiss read by tomorrow I imagine. Right now not very scummy so don't see the need for his lynch.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Clarify first line of #461

Y. Inactive lynch so far is useless. If someone stays inactive we kill them.

@ ninja - Fair, I see none, but the play is so far removed his (decent) town play. Illogical.

Mad Scummy

Aug 24, 2010
Actually its Kary | X1
@SRKK: Why is it that your opening post in the game about 4 days ago you spent talking about scrutinising inactives yet since the only thing you have done is make one post arguing that you want to lynch one of the more active players for being dumbtown

@Soup: In your #380 you say you have enough reason to "bury" RR, you then switch to voting us with no given reasoning despite the fact you've been attacking Zen most of the game for giving no reasoning with his votes. Your later given reasoning doesn't even make sense as a sentence but what I try and salvage from it is that because we asked you to vote zen? Explain please

I'm not sold on Soup scum tbh. I really really really don't like SRKK from their most recent post though

Mad Scummy

Aug 24, 2010
Actually its Kary | X1

first line #461 at second quote #458

IMO Soup tends to play impulse > logic; e.g. Orbo vote.

Readlist/pushes seem genuine and don't see why scumSoup be getting himself so much attention. Your vote on him earlier for pressure Y/N?

Mad Scummy

Aug 24, 2010
Actually its Kary | X1
Isn't SrKK voting someone he doesn't think is scum, though?

:ohwell: maybe that is a town-tell
Terrible reason to be on a lynch which we shouldn't really excuse at all. Because if he's town he's playing horrendously and if he's scum then he's got an easy excuse to be on a wagon with no actual reasoning


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Not no reason, unless you're talking about Zen.
Zen is voting randomly with no explanations of himself whatsoever. Does not sit well with me.

Mad Scummy

Aug 24, 2010
Actually its Kary | X1
Zen has not been voting randomly.
He has been voting without any explanation, but look at who he's voted and the timing of the votes, you can't say it's just random.

Obviously it's difficult to get a read on him with so little info, but do you think we're better lynching him than say an inactive?
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