He's probably going to flip what he says, it's just another dead townie, unless you are still set on him being scum, which this being very, very low at this point.
And yeah, i'll take that burden of proof, Brosuke certainly has and there's a shimmer that this latest beatdown will motivate him to do better the next day; did i mention his obv townieness yet?
and that's solidy understandable, i see your argument fairly and it's all become a trust factor on the willingness of inferno, i agree he's not very helpful and we had to drag oh so much out of him and yet we still don't have anything solid. that i understand. i've been in these moments myself.
I honestly want Inferno to use this time to prove to me why he should live, i'm willing to have that burden if he convinces me, but if he doesn't i won't touch a thing.